Learn Spring 5, Boot 2, JPA, AOP, Web MVC, REST
Learn Spring 5, Boot 2, JPA, AOP, Web MVC, REST, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 71 lectures, based on 1571 reviews, and has 8370 subscribers.
You will learn about BUILD a REAL-WORLD INDUSTRY STANDARD full-stack Spring web application with Production Deployment MASTER Industry Relevant practices for development in Spring 5 LEARN Thymeleaf and how to involve Spring data with Javascript CODE along with me to PRACTICE and IMPLEMENT everything you learn in real-time LEARN to use Spring MVC & Spring Data CRUD Repositories, Hibernate using a real database like PostgreSQL, as well as H2 PRACTICE Production Deployment in AWS, as well as Containerizing your Spring apps using Docker LEARN Property File Configurations for Integration Testing vs Live App TRANSITION from a beginner to a SKILLED Spring Developer NOT WASTE TIME building 20 Twitter or Todo list app clones, but build something more SIGNIFICANT and dive deeper as you learn and build an INDUSTRY GRADE app OBTAIN and DEMONSTRATE your skills with the Spring Framework to LAND A JOB as a Spring Developer This course is ideal for individuals who are Students that want real-world experience in enterprise software development or Beginner level Java developers or Students that are sick of learning from building 20 little Twitter clones or todo list apps and want to actually master something at a deeper level! It is particularly useful for Students that want real-world experience in enterprise software development or Beginner level Java developers or Students that are sick of learning from building 20 little Twitter clones or todo list apps and want to actually master something at a deeper level!.
Enroll now: Learn Spring 5, Boot 2, JPA, AOP, Web MVC, REST
Title: Learn Spring 5, Boot 2, JPA, AOP, Web MVC, REST
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 71
Number of Published Lectures: 71
Number of Curriculum Items: 71
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- BUILD a REAL-WORLD INDUSTRY STANDARD full-stack Spring web application with Production Deployment
- MASTER Industry Relevant practices for development in Spring 5
- LEARN Thymeleaf and how to involve Spring data with Javascript
- CODE along with me to PRACTICE and IMPLEMENT everything you learn in real-time
- LEARN to use Spring MVC & Spring Data CRUD Repositories, Hibernate using a real database like PostgreSQL, as well as H2
- PRACTICE Production Deployment in AWS, as well as Containerizing your Spring apps using Docker
- LEARN Property File Configurations for Integration Testing vs Live App
- TRANSITION from a beginner to a SKILLED Spring Developer
- NOT WASTE TIME building 20 Twitter or Todo list app clones, but build something more SIGNIFICANT and dive deeper as you learn and build an INDUSTRY GRADE app
- OBTAIN and DEMONSTRATE your skills with the Spring Framework to LAND A JOB as a Spring Developer
Who Should Attend
- Students that want real-world experience in enterprise software development
- Beginner level Java developers
- Students that are sick of learning from building 20 little Twitter clones or todo list apps and want to actually master something at a deeper level!
Target Audiences
- Students that want real-world experience in enterprise software development
- Beginner level Java developers
- Students that are sick of learning from building 20 little Twitter clones or todo list apps and want to actually master something at a deeper level!
LAST UPDATED: November 2023
Why Spring?
Spring is, by far, the most popular framework for application development in the Java ecosystem. Nothing else even comes close. Why? Because it makes software development so much easier in Java. You can build webapps, mobile apps, desktop apps, batch and big data apps and servicesin a record time using Spring. Spring does a lot of things right, and it’s getting better and better with each release. There aren’t a lot of technologies with the kind of wide reach, stability and maturity of Spring, that still move fast and innovate. That’s a really tough balance to hit, and Spring has been a leader in that space for over a decade.
Today, Spring, along with Boot, is a polished, modern and highly expressive framework that makes building apps like twitter almost trivial(easily passes the twitter test). So, the popularity of the Spring ecosystem is well deserved. If you’re working in Java, you’re very likely doing work with Spring because 90% of all Java projects use Spring!
This course will prepare you to become an expert on the Spring Framework. Together, we will build an industry standard Spring Web Application which will transition you from a beginner to an experienced and employable Spring Developer. We will build a real world application in which we will cover topics and practices that are used throughout the industry. You will type every line of code along with me, as I explain, to ensure that you fully comprehend the subject matter. I will be available to answer any questions that you may have, so you will never be stuck on a section, or have confused on any topic.
Don’t just take it from me, take it from other students that have taken this course.
★★★★★ Here’s reviews from real students that took this course ★★★★★
★★★★★ Can’t thank enough for this course! It’s helping me a ton at my job! Great instructor!
★★★★★ The course material is very organized and to the point. Imtiaz is a very good instructor and he makes complex ideas very easy to grasp with to-the-point examples. Really liking the course so far.
★★★★★ Worth it, covers so many topics, beginner or expert you will learn new things or a new vision!
★★★★★ Simple and precise. Best course for Spring beyond Udemy and Yt if you want to see how to develop real time application, not just some surfaced examples. Teacher is thorough, slowly shows every step very clearly. Very professional. Bravo.
★★★★★ Absolutely has to be the best Spring web development course on Udemy!
★★★★★ Excellent course so far! The instructor does a fantastic job introducing small pieces at a time, and then slowly building upon the previous piece. At each step, we get to see the effects of the code we are writing.
★★★★★ First thing first, can I just say how captivating your voice is? Your voice is like music to human ears and the way you explain things is just captivating/soothing? Your style seems to be thorough, to the point and patient. I have just finished section 1 and so far the content has also been really good. I have not forgotten anything you’ve said so far and whatever code you’ve shown so far, I can write from the scratch without looking it up. So I have to say, I rate this course 5 out of 5.
★★★★★ The instructor tries his best to explain each action he is doing while coding. He tries his best to focus on what is important. His voice is very clear. He repeats the important points to set the focus on what you need to remember. He doesn’t make you lose time with non essential concepts which is good because you can see where you need to spend your learning time.
Topics covered in this course include:
Spring Framework 5
Spring Boot 2
Spring MVC
Spring Data CRUD Repositories
Spring Annotations
Using the Command Line to run Spring Boot Apps
Core Spring Concepts
Property Configurations
PostgreSQL Database
Integration Testing
Deploying our Spring Application to the AWS EC2 Server
Containerization using Docker
Spring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
Spring Security
RESTFul Web Services API
Enroll today to learn how to build modern applications using the Spring Framework!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: IMPORTANT: Source Code and Files [Watch Entire Video First]
Lecture 2: IMPORTANT: Code Repository Link
Lecture 3: What and Why of Spring
Lecture 4: Setting up the Development Environment
Lecture 5: Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine
Lecture 6: Dedicated TA Support
Lecture 7: Join our Online Community (Discord)
Lecture 8: Understanding Post Form, Query Params and Path Variables
Lecture 9: How to Proceed in This Course
Lecture 10: Path Variables and Request Params Continued
Lecture 11: Overview of Spring MVC
Lecture 12: Form Submission in Views
Lecture 13: Redirects and Data
Chapter 2: Real-world Project + Thymeleaf, Spring Data JPA, and Entity Relationships
Lecture 1: Setting Up a New Project (The PMA Web App)
Lecture 2: Turn a Class into an Entity
Lecture 3: Bind Java Objects to Forms in Thymeleaf
Lecture 4: Create Crud Repository for Project Entity
Lecture 5: Create Crud Repository for Employee Entity
Lecture 6: Using Crud Repositories
Lecture 7: Organize Thymeleaf Views
Lecture 8: HW for Thymeleaf Views and Navigation
Chapter 3: Entity Relationship Annotations
Lecture 1: @OneToMany and @ManyToOne Annotations for Relating Entities
Lecture 2: @OneToMany Annotation with Thymeleaf Form Binding
Lecture 3: @ManyToMany Annotation
Chapter 4: Seeding Databases using CommandLineRunner and SQL Files
Lecture 1: Seeding the Database with CommandLineRunner
Lecture 2: Seeding the Database Using SQL Files
Chapter 5: Javascript with Crud Repositories in Thymeleaf Webpages
Lecture 1: Including Javascript and CSS Files in Your Project
Lecture 2: Improving the Homepage
Lecture 3: Custom Queries in Spring Data Repositories
Lecture 4: Custom Query Continued: Project Status Query
Lecture 5: Using Model Attributes with JavaScript in Spring and Thymeleaf
Chapter 6: Diving Deeper into Core Spring Concepts
Lecture 1: Spring Dependency Injection
Lecture 2: Component Scanning @Service, @Component and @Repository Annotations
Lecture 3: Constructor Injection, Field Injection and Setter Injection
Lecture 4: @Primary and @Qualifier Annotations
Chapter 7: Spring Properties Configuration Files and Environment Variables
Lecture 1: Property Configurations and Reading Values
Lecture 2: Reading Environment Variables in Property Configuration Files
Chapter 8: PostgreSQL Database Integration in a Spring Application
Lecture 1: Installing the PostgreSQL Database and Driver
Lecture 2: Configure Properties for Postgres Database
Chapter 9: Spring Integration Testing Separating Real Database vs. In-memory H2 Database
Lecture 1: Setting Up Configurations for Integration Testing
Lecture 2: Using @SpringBootTest Annotation Correctly
Lecture 3: Integration Tests for Controllers/Views
Chapter 10: Production Deployment on AWS EC2 + Containerizing using Docker + AWS RDS
Lecture 1: Deploy a Spring Application to AWS EC2 Server
Lecture 2: Working with Docker to Containerize Your Apps
Lecture 3: Building a Docker Image for a Spring Boot App and Running it in a Container
Lecture 4: Setting up an AWS Cloud Hosted Postgres Database
Lecture 5: Making a Production Ready Docker Image for Your Spring Boot App
Chapter 11: Spring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) + Logging the right way
Lecture 1: Decoupling Repositories from Controllers
Lecture 2: Working with Spring Profiles
Lecture 3: Spring AOP Part 1: Pointcut and Advice (@Before and @After)
Lecture 4: Spring AOP Part 2: JoinPoint and ProceedingJoinPoint with @Around
Lecture 5: Best Practices for Logging
Chapter 12: Spring Security
Lecture 1: Spring Security Part 1: Basic In-Memory Authentication
Lecture 2: Spring Security Part 2: Authorization in Memory
Lecture 3: Spring Security Part 3: JDBC Backed Security
Lecture 4: Spring Security Part 4: Postgres Database with JDBC Authorization/Authentication
Lecture 5: Spring Security Part 5: User Registration and Password Encryption
Lecture 6: Spring Security Part 6: Customize White Label Error Pages
Chapter 13: RESTFul Web Services API in Spring
Lecture 1: The Anatomy of a REST API
Lecture 2: CRUD REST Endpoints for Entities and HTTP Verbs
Lecture 3: Setting Validation Rules for a REST API
Lecture 4: Form Validation Example Document
Lecture 5: Custom Clientside Validation Involving Data Repositories
Lecture 6: Pagination in REST API
Lecture 7: Spring Data REST
Chapter 14: Improving the Application + Final Project
Lecture 1: Update and Delete Entities
Lecture 2: Improving Forms and Validations
Lecture 3: Timelines Project – Part 1
Lecture 4: Timelines Project – Part 2
Lecture 5: Timelines Project – Part 3
Chapter 15: Course Extras!
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Job Ready Programmer
Senior Software Engineers and Trainers
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 15 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 98 votes
- 4 stars: 498 votes
- 5 stars: 945 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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