Learn SQL databases in a weekend
Learn SQL databases in a weekend, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 154 lectures, 35 quizzes, based on 70 reviews, and has 297 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand what SQL databases are and how to work with them Be able to jump in a project requiring SQL knowledge Create your own SQL database with multiple tables Write simple SQL queries to fetch the data you need Have a stable basis for further exploration of more advanced SQL topics Find community help and documentation for SQL Use SQL databases in Python, Java and other programming languages This course is ideal for individuals who are Programmers and enthusiasts eager to learn SQL databases or University students who have hard time understanding "that database course" or Data analysts who need basic understanding of data in SQL format It is particularly useful for Programmers and enthusiasts eager to learn SQL databases or University students who have hard time understanding "that database course" or Data analysts who need basic understanding of data in SQL format.
Enroll now: Learn SQL databases in a weekend
Title: Learn SQL databases in a weekend
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 154
Number of Quizzes: 35
Number of Published Lectures: 154
Number of Published Quizzes: 35
Number of Curriculum Items: 190
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 190
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand what SQL databases are and how to work with them
- Be able to jump in a project requiring SQL knowledge
- Create your own SQL database with multiple tables
- Write simple SQL queries to fetch the data you need
- Have a stable basis for further exploration of more advanced SQL topics
- Find community help and documentation for SQL
- Use SQL databases in Python, Java and other programming languages
Who Should Attend
- Programmers and enthusiasts eager to learn SQL databases
- University students who have hard time understanding "that database course"
- Data analysts who need basic understanding of data in SQL format
Target Audiences
- Programmers and enthusiasts eager to learn SQL databases
- University students who have hard time understanding "that database course"
- Data analysts who need basic understanding of data in SQL format
This is an intensive crash-course of SQL databases, the absolute essence. It contains everything you need to know to jump into real SQL database projects. And you can do it in a single weekend!
You will learn:
What SQL databases are and how they are structured
How to set up the necessary tools to get started
How to CREATE TABLEs and modify their structure later
How to export the data and table structure to a backup-file, and restore a database from a backup
How to INSERT data
How to write queries to SELECT the necessary data, including WHERE conditions, ORDERing, aggregation and GROUP BY, conditions * and functions.
What the mysterious NULL values are and why they behave so weirdly
How to DELETE data
How to UPDATE data
How to link together tables and select data from multiple tables using JOINs
The course contains a great deal of practical exercises:
Short quizzes to test your understanding along the way
Exercises in every section, including an extensive set of exercises using multi-table SELECTs with JOIN
A course project in Python and Java where you will read data from an SQL databases in your program
We will use the MySQL database engine – one of the most popular choices of SQL, a free and open-source solution.
Check out the free videos and see you in the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The WHY: Introduction and motivation
Lecture 1: Why learn SQL?
Lecture 2: What jobs can I get?
Lecture 3: What is SQL?
Lecture 4: Why learn SQL when we have ORM (Object-relational-mapping)?
Lecture 5: Conclusion – SQL is a long-term skill
Chapter 2: Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Content overview
Lecture 2: Architecture
Lecture 3: Steps to access an SQL database
Lecture 4: Data, facts and information
Lecture 5: Data in databases
Lecture 6: Tables
Lecture 7: Relations between tables
Lecture 8: Database access – establishing a connection
Lecture 9: Connection examples in Java, Python, PHP
Lecture 10: Can I access SQL in websites (Javascript)?
Lecture 11: Sending queries and statements
Lecture 12: Statement and query examples
Lecture 13: Summary
Lecture 14: Note on plural and singular table names
Chapter 3: Getting started
Lecture 1: How to choose an SQL engine?
Lecture 2: Why MySQL?
Lecture 3: How to install MySQL?
Lecture 4: Installing MySQL on Windows
Lecture 5: Installing MySQL on macOS and Linux
Lecture 6: Database administration and exploration tools
Lecture 7: Installing DBeaver
Lecture 8: Installing DBeaver on Mac
Lecture 9: First look at DBeaver
Lecture 10: Opening our MySQL database
Lecture 11: Typical way of fixing weird errors
Lecture 12: Running queries in DBeaver
Chapter 4: Creating tables
Lecture 1: Creating a database
Lecture 2: Column types
Lecture 3: Side note – storing pictures
Lecture 4: Primary key (unique identifier)
Lecture 5: Business case introduction
Lecture 6: CREATE TABLE syntax
Lecture 7: Enclosing names in `backticks`
Lecture 8: CREATE TABLE example
Lecture 9: Exercise – CREATE TABLE
Lecture 10: Exercise solution – CREATE TABLE
Chapter 5: Altering and dropping tables
Lecture 1: ALTER TABLE
Lecture 2: Exercise – ALTER TABLE
Lecture 3: Exercise solution – ALTER TABLE
Lecture 4: DROP TABLE
Chapter 6: Database export and import
Lecture 1: Exporting and importing
Lecture 2: Creating a database dump (exporting)
Lecture 3: Exercise – Import a DB dump
Lecture 4: Exercise solution – importing a DB dump
Chapter 7: Inserting data
Lecture 1: Inserting data into tables
Lecture 2: INSERT statement
Lecture 3: Example: INSERT a store
Lecture 4: Exercise – INSERT employees
Lecture 5: Exercise solution
Lecture 6: DEFAULT values
Lecture 7: Create product table
Lecture 8: Examples: INSERTs with default values
Lecture 9: Expressions and functions as default values
Lecture 10: Exercise – extend product table, INSERT data
Lecture 11: Exercise solution
Chapter 8: SELECT queries
Lecture 1: Selecting data, SELECT statement
Lecture 2: Selecting all data with *
Lecture 3: Selecting specific fields
Lecture 4: Using expressions in SELECT
Lecture 5: Renaming result columns with aliases
Lecture 6: Using functions
Lecture 7: Let's insert more data!
Lecture 8: Conditions with WHERE clause
Lecture 9: Combining conditions with logical operators
Lecture 10: Operator precedence
Lecture 11: Substring search
Lecture 12: Ordering with ORDER BY
Lecture 13: LIMIT the number of returned rows
Girts Strazdins
Programmer, teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 19 votes
- 5 stars: 50 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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