Learn SQL for Beginners – How To Learn SQL The Easy Way
Learn SQL for Beginners – How To Learn SQL The Easy Way, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 203 lectures, based on 589 reviews, and has 28822 subscribers.
You will learn about The ultimate comprehensive course From beginning to advanced concepts Acquire the skills necessary to work with SQL and to work as a SQL developer Learn the fundamentals of databases, database architecture, and relationships Master the nuances of SQL commands including multiple table joins Gain the ability to use SQL at the terminal and in code editors Taught by a university professor Exclusive access to valuable code base Hands-on exercises with solutions Over 2.65 Million students taught Lifetime course access Learn at your own pace 100% satisfaction guaranteed Never expires – lifetime access – forever! This course is tried, tested, and proven Mobile friendly This course is ideal for individuals who are This is a first semester university level SQL database course. or This course is ideal for beginners wanting to learn databases & SQL programming. It is particularly useful for This is a first semester university level SQL database course. or This course is ideal for beginners wanting to learn databases & SQL programming.
Enroll now: Learn SQL for Beginners – How To Learn SQL The Easy Way
Title: Learn SQL for Beginners – How To Learn SQL The Easy Way
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 203
Number of Published Lectures: 203
Number of Curriculum Items: 203
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 203
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The ultimate comprehensive course
- From beginning to advanced concepts
- Acquire the skills necessary to work with SQL and to work as a SQL developer
- Learn the fundamentals of databases, database architecture, and relationships
- Master the nuances of SQL commands including multiple table joins
- Gain the ability to use SQL at the terminal and in code editors
- Taught by a university professor
- Exclusive access to valuable code base
- Hands-on exercises with solutions
- Over 2.65 Million students taught
- Lifetime course access
- Learn at your own pace
- 100% satisfaction guaranteed
- Never expires – lifetime access – forever!
- This course is tried, tested, and proven
- Mobile friendly
Who Should Attend
- This is a first semester university level SQL database course.
- This course is ideal for beginners wanting to learn databases & SQL programming.
Target Audiences
- This is a first semester university level SQL database course.
- This course is ideal for beginners wanting to learn databases & SQL programming.
Understanding relational databases is an essential skill for all developers.
Learning databases and database theory can be easy if you have the right teacher.
This university level course will give you a solid understanding of how databases work and how to use them. In the course, we will be using PostgreSQL which is one of the top two databases most demanded in industry.
This course will advance your skills as a developer.
This course is very practical and applicable. It focuses on teaching you skills you can use.
Presented with high-quality video lectures, this course will visually show you many great things about relational databases and PostgreSQL. This course is taught by two teachers. One of your teachers is a tenured professor in California. Your other teacher is a Professional Developer. Both of these teachers will be on screen, sharing their wisdom and knowledge with you.
This is just some of what you will learn in this course:
Learn to succeed as a student
Master database fundamentals
Build a database for tracking movie rentals
Understand schema, data hierarchy, and normalization
Learn validation, data integrity, and ACID transactions
Master using key fields and ensuring referential integrity
Learn how to do SQL commands at the terminal and in code editors
Solidify concepts with abundant hands on exercises which also have video solutions provided
Acquire the ability to read PostgreSQL database documentation
Learn how to install PostgreSQL on Windows, Linux, and Mac
Master building databases, tables, and relationships between tables
Master creating, reading, updating, inserting, and deleting records
Gain the ability to do subqueries and aggregate functions
Master using grouping, having, limit, fetch, and offset
Learn how to use JSON inside SQL using PostgreSQL
Master joins to query multiple sets
Master filtering records in queries
This is an amazing course!This course will change your life. Being skilled at using relational databases and SQL will serve you and your career well. This course will increase your proficiency, productivity, and power as a programmer. You are going to love this course and it will forever change your life.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed with this course.
Join us now and enroll!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting started
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Course outline
Chapter 2: Relational databases
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: A puzzle
Lecture 3: Implications
Lecture 4: Discussing schema
Chapter 3: Building a database
Lecture 1: Customers table
Lecture 2: Movies table
Lecture 3: Rentals table
Chapter 4: Ninja level 1
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercise #1
Lecture 2: Hands-on exercise #2
Lecture 3: Hands-on exercise #3
Lecture 4: Hands-on exercise #4
Chapter 5: Principles
Lecture 1: Schema
Lecture 2: Data hierarchy
Lecture 3: Normalization
Lecture 4: Validation
Lecture 5: Data integrity
Lecture 6: Key field
Lecture 7: Referential integrity
Lecture 8: ACID transactions
Lecture 9: Queries
Chapter 6: Ninja level 2
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercise #1
Lecture 2: Hands-on exercise #2
Lecture 3: Hands-on exercise #3
Chapter 7: Coding fundamentals
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The terminal
Lecture 3: Bash on windows
Chapter 8: Bash fundamentals
Lecture 1: Working with directories
Lecture 2: Viewing directory details
Lecture 3: Working with files
Lecture 4: Removing items
Lecture 5: Working with permissions
Chapter 9: Environment variables
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Setting environment variables – mac, linux
Lecture 3: Setting environment variables – windows
Chapter 10: Ninja level 3
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercise #1
Lecture 2: Hands-on exercise #2
Lecture 3: Hands-on exercise #3
Lecture 4: Hands-on exercise #4
Lecture 5: Hands-on exercise #5
Chapter 11: Postgres
Lecture 1: Documentation
Lecture 2: Installing mac
Lecture 3: Installing windows
Lecture 4: Installing linux
Lecture 5: Installing digital ocean
Lecture 6: AWS discussion
Chapter 12: Database and tables
Lecture 1: All commands
Lecture 2: Creating a database
Lecture 3: Working with a database
Lecture 4: Creating a table
Lecture 5: Exploring data types
Lecture 6: Drop a table
Chapter 13: Ninja level 4
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercise #1
Lecture 2: Hands-on exercise #2
Lecture 3: Hands-on exercise #3
Chapter 14: Working with records
Lecture 1: Review
Lecture 2: Inserting records
Lecture 3: Examples of inserting records
Lecture 4: Constraints
Lecture 5: Common constraints
Chapter 15: Working with records II
Lecture 1: Primary key, not null
Lecture 2: Unique, references
Lecture 3: Check
Lecture 4: Dropping constraints
Chapter 16: Working with records III
Lecture 1: Transaction tables
Lecture 2: Simple queries
Chapter 17: Ninja level 5
Lecture 1: Hands-on exercise #1
Lecture 2: Hands-on exercise #2
Lecture 3: Hands-on exercise #3
Lecture 4: Hands-on exercise #4
Lecture 5: Hands-on exercise #5
Chapter 18: Postgres & editors
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: VS Code – selecting the plugin
Lecture 3: VS Code – using the plugin
Lecture 4: Tracking code with github
Lecture 5: Sublime – selecting the plugin
Lecture 6: Sublime – using the plugin
Lecture 7: Collaborating with github
Chapter 19: Creating a database
Lecture 1: Schema
Lecture 2: Database and tables
Todd McLeod
Top-Rated Instructor, Tenured College Professor -
Daniel Hoffmann
CTO at Greater Commons
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 19 votes
- 3 stars: 57 votes
- 4 stars: 162 votes
- 5 stars: 342 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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