Learn SQL +Security(pen) testing from Scratch
Learn SQL +Security(pen) testing from Scratch, available at $159.99, has an average rating of 4.68, with 126 lectures, based on 3144 reviews, and has 19672 subscribers.
You will learn about You will gain the ability to design any complex SQL to query a database- (SQL) Indepth understanding of GROUP BY,Subqueries,aggregate functions, SQL Server functions,HAVING clauses -(SQL) Understand the difference between the INNER JOIN, LEFT/RIGHT OUTER JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN- (SQL) You will understand the Importance of Session Hijacking Mechanisim and their confidential data use -(Security Testing) You can investigate application behavior with Parameter Tampering and Brute force attacks-(Security Testing) You will get the knowledge of all basics with Http that might cause attacking malicious inputs-(Security Testing) Create or interact with existing databases and test the Database for schema validations – (SQL) Detect Request forgery Designs if present any in Web applications –(Security Testing) You can Clear any Interview on SQL with the Interview questions covered – (SQL) This course is ideal for individuals who are Any IT professional no matter in what field they are into or QA Testers who want to enhance their skill on Data base Testing and Security testing or Freshers/Graduates who want to learn computer science foundations It is particularly useful for Any IT professional no matter in what field they are into or QA Testers who want to enhance their skill on Data base Testing and Security testing or Freshers/Graduates who want to learn computer science foundations.
Enroll now: Learn SQL +Security(pen) testing from Scratch
Title: Learn SQL +Security(pen) testing from Scratch
Price: $159.99
Average Rating: 4.68
Number of Lectures: 126
Number of Published Lectures: 117
Number of Curriculum Items: 126
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 117
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will gain the ability to design any complex SQL to query a database- (SQL)
- Indepth understanding of GROUP BY,Subqueries,aggregate functions, SQL Server functions,HAVING clauses -(SQL)
- Understand the difference between the INNER JOIN, LEFT/RIGHT OUTER JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN- (SQL)
- You will understand the Importance of Session Hijacking Mechanisim and their confidential data use -(Security Testing)
- You can investigate application behavior with Parameter Tampering and Brute force attacks-(Security Testing)
- You will get the knowledge of all basics with Http that might cause attacking malicious inputs-(Security Testing)
- Create or interact with existing databases and test the Database for schema validations – (SQL)
- Detect Request forgery Designs if present any in Web applications –(Security Testing)
- You can Clear any Interview on SQL with the Interview questions covered – (SQL)
Who Should Attend
- Any IT professional no matter in what field they are into
- QA Testers who want to enhance their skill on Data base Testing and Security testing
- Freshers/Graduates who want to learn computer science foundations
Target Audiences
- Any IT professional no matter in what field they are into
- QA Testers who want to enhance their skill on Data base Testing and Security testing
- Freshers/Graduates who want to learn computer science foundations
SQL and Security Testing are Additional skills which every software Engineer need to have irrespective of their role in Project. And this course fulfills the gap by teaching both these topics and also gives you an edge compared to other Engineers at your work .And of course these are one of the common skills which are tested in every Software Engineer Interview.
What make this course special for beginners?
“No more Boring slides or Definitions. I will write every SQL query before you in lecture and teach every topic needed to master in SQL with Practical examples -
And also This Tutorial will give all the weapons you needed to investigate and unlock the Security Holes in the Web application with powerful Penetration testing approach
Course lectures are conceptually driven with root level explanations and bring you to the level where you can write any kind of SQL query and detect any kind of security bugs in the application
This course covers :
Introduction to SQL — MySQLOverview — Start up commands to Setup Database andTables — Database testing to validate Schema — Altering Table Schema operations — Queries to retrieve Data Logical operators on Queries — Wild cards usage in Queries — SQL Functions with real time scenarios — Importance of Group By in SQL — Advanced SQL Concepts — SubQueries syntax and usage — SQL Joins usage and its advantages — Importance of views in Database — SQL String functions — Dataconstraints with DataBase Testing perspective — Practise Exercises for Interviews with Solutions — SQL glossary on discussed topics
Security Testing:
Course Contents: Basics of Security Testing Terminologies involved in Security Domain Top OWASP principles Cross site Scrpiting Xss examples Cookies Importance Danger with stealing of cookies Session Hijacking Cross site forgery Attacks Parameter Tampering Methods to Intercept requests Account Management Password security guidelines Brute force mechanism Importance of Client side validations
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course FAQ's
Lecture 1: Why to learn SQL and Security Testing? and how this course is designed
Lecture 2: Please Note
Chapter 2: Introduction to SQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to DataBase
Lecture 2: Introduction to SQL and MySQL
Lecture 3: Downloading MySQL server with workbench
Lecture 4: Overview of SQL Editor with basic features
Lecture 5: SQL basic Material for reference
Chapter 3: CRUD operations on Database with Practical examples
Lecture 1: creating Database and pointing to it
Lecture 2: Creating Tables in database
Lecture 3: Inserting records into Table
Lecture 4: Retrieving records from the Table
Lecture 5: SQL commands glossary on discussed Topics
Chapter 4: Altering Table Schema operations
Lecture 1: Adding and modifying records in a table
Lecture 2: Deleting records and droping database
Lecture 3: Updating rows in a table
Lecture 4: Modifying operations example
Lecture 5: SQL Glossary on discussed topics
Chapter 5: SQL Logical operators to retrieve Data
Lecture 1: Select Distinct keyword in queris
Lecture 2: SQL WHERE command usage
Lecture 3: Logical operators on Queries AND OR – 1
Lecture 4: Logical operators 'In' 'Between'- 2
Chapter 6: Regular expressions in writing Smart SQL Queries
Lecture 1: Regular expressions Introduction
Lecture 2: Wild cards usage in Qeuries -1
Lecture 3: SORT by usage in Queries
Lecture 4: SQL glossary on discussed topics
Chapter 7: Deeper Understanding on GroupBy, Aggregate functions with practical examples
Lecture 1: Importance of Group By in SQL
Lecture 2: Combination of GroupBy and SQL functions(Min,Max,Avg)
Lecture 3: Usage of Having keyword with GroupBy and Aggregate functions
Lecture 4: Difference between Having and Where keyword and when to use them
Lecture 5: Practise Exercises on GroupBy,Having,Where and Aggregate functions keyword -1
Lecture 6: Practise Exercises on GroupBy,Having,Where and Aggregate functions keyword- 2
Lecture 7: SQL glossary on discussed topics
Chapter 8: Building SQL Sub queries with examples
Lecture 1: SubQueries syntax and usage
Lecture 2: SubQueries Example
Chapter 9: SQL Joins, Inner Joins, Outer joins, Left&Right joins with Interview questions
Lecture 1: SQL Joins usage and its advantages
Lecture 2: SQL Joins Example
Lecture 3: Relation on subqueries and Joins
Lecture 4: Practical examples on Joins and subqueries
Lecture 5: Left and Right joins importance in SQL
Lecture 6: Practical example on Inner joins, Left join, Right Join
Chapter 10: Understand SQL String functions and Views with examples
Lecture 1: Importance of views in Database
Lecture 2: views example on Database
Lecture 3: String functions – 1
Lecture 4: String functions – 2
Lecture 5: String functions -3
Lecture 6: SQL glossary on discussed topics
Chapter 11: Miscelleanous SQL keywords(Union,Intersect,Exist, Case,UnionAll) and their usage
Lecture 1: Importance of Union and Union All SQL Keyword
Lecture 2: Query to intersect records from two tables
Lecture 3: Exists keyword usage in SQL
Lecture 4: CASE Statement in SQL with example
Lecture 5: SQL GLossary
Chapter 12: Importance of Data constraints for Database Validations
Lecture 1: NOT NUll constraint -1
Lecture 2: Not Null Constraint Validations and Testing – 2
Lecture 3: Default Constraint Validations and Testing – 3
Lecture 4: Unique Constraint Validations and Testing – 4
Lecture 5: Primary Key Constraint validaton and Testing -5
Lecture 6: SQL glossary on discussed topics
Chapter 13: Importance of Foreign Key and Primary key with real time examples
Lecture 1: Importance of Foreign Key constraint in SQL
Lecture 2: Understand Foreign key rules and constraints with examples
Lecture 3: On DELETE CASCADE Keyword to force rules on Foreign key deletion
Lecture 4: SQL Glossary
Chapter 14: Practise Exercises for Interviews with Solutions
Lecture 1: Practise Practise Practise !!!
Lecture 2: Practise Exercise/Interview Questions- 1
Lecture 3: Practise Exercise/Interview Questions- 2
Lecture 4: Solutions for Exercise – 1
Lecture 5: Solutions for Exercise -2
Chapter 15: JDBC Connectivity for Integration with Selenium (Basic Automation knowledge req
Lecture 1: Jdbc odbc programming-Creating Project
Lecture 2: Creating Database Tables and connecting to Jdbc java code
Lecture 3: Retrieving data from Database with Java code
Lecture 4: jdbc code download
Chapter 16: SQL Injection
Lecture 1: What is SQL Injecting
Lecture 2: How to identify SQL loop holes in web application
Lecture 3: Exposing Security loop holes with malcious SQL syntax
Lecture 4: List of urls Pattern which can cause attack with SQL
Lecture 5: Material for reference
Chapter 17: Complete Unix Material
Lecture 1: Unix for Beginners- 2
Chapter 18: Important Note
Lecture 1: Important Note
Chapter 19: Introduction to Security Testing – Phase 2
Lecture 1: Why security Testing gaining Importance day by day!
Chapter 20: Security Testing Basic Terminologies
Lecture 1: What is Http and Https?
Lecture 2: How can we avoid Man in middle attacks?
Rahul Shetty
Teacher over 900K+ QA Students|Founder of RahulShettyAcademy -
QA Click Academy
Corporate Trainings from Professionals -
Venugopal Rao
Senior QA Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 47 votes
- 2 stars: 63 votes
- 3 stars: 297 votes
- 4 stars: 996 votes
- 5 stars: 1743 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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