Learn SQL Skills Using PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server
Learn SQL Skills Using PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4, with 128 lectures, based on 65 reviews, and has 15042 subscribers.
You will learn about Install PostgreSQL Install SQL Server Create a database Create a table Create a view Write a subquery Perform basic CRUD operations Create a stored procedure Create a trigger Use operators Use aggregate functions Use analytic functions Implement table joins This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners to SQL or Beginners to PostgreSQL and SQL Server It is particularly useful for Beginners to SQL or Beginners to PostgreSQL and SQL Server.
Enroll now: Learn SQL Skills Using PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server
Title: Learn SQL Skills Using PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 128
Number of Published Lectures: 128
Number of Curriculum Items: 128
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 128
Original Price: $139.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Install PostgreSQL
- Install SQL Server
- Create a database
- Create a table
- Create a view
- Write a subquery
- Perform basic CRUD operations
- Create a stored procedure
- Create a trigger
- Use operators
- Use aggregate functions
- Use analytic functions
- Implement table joins
Who Should Attend
- Beginners to SQL
- Beginners to PostgreSQL and SQL Server
Target Audiences
- Beginners to SQL
- Beginners to PostgreSQL and SQL Server
SQL stands for structural query language. It is the language used to communicate and interrogate databases.
In this course we will be using SQL on PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server.
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system. (RDBMS)
supports a wide variety of transaction processing.
Supports business intelligence.
Supports analytics applications in corporate IT environments.
It’s one of the three market-leading database technologies.
SQL server is used in a lot of countries and companies.
PostgreSQL is commonly known as Postgres and it is also open source database.
There is an increasing need for data scientists and analysts to understand relational data stores. Organizations have long used SQL databases to store transactional data as well as business intelligence related data. If you need to work with SQL databases, this course is designed to help you learn how to perform common relational database and data science tasks, including writing advanced queries,data analysis , finding, exploration, and extraction within relational databases.
What you will learn includes:
- Installing PostgreSQL
- Installing SQL Server
- Database Concepts
- Introduction to Updatable Views
- Creating Updatable Views
- Introduction to Materialized Views
- Creating Materialized Views
- Introduction to Stored Procedures
- Row Number Functions
- Using various types of Operators
- Installing PostgreSQL
- Postgresql INNER JOIN
- Postgres LIKE Operator
- Postgresql OR Operator
- Retrieving all Data from Table
- Loading sample database
- SQL Server Rank functions
- PostgreSQL combining AND | OR Operator
- PostgreSQL AND Operator
- PostgreSQL NATURAL JOIN Operator
- PostgreSQL Left Join
- PostgreSQL IN Operator
- How to create database
- How to create a table
- How to create a view
- Table joins
- Operators
- Aggregate functions
- Analytic functions
- Stored procedures
- Triggers
CRUD operations
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is SQL
Lecture 3: What is PostgreSQL
Lecture 4: Who is using PostgreSQL
Lecture 5: What is SQL Server
Lecture 6: What is T-SQL
Lecture 7: Basic database concepts
Lecture 8: PostgreSQL installation requirements
Lecture 9: Downloading PostgreSQL
Lecture 10: Installing PostgreSQL on Windows
Lecture 11: Verifying the installation
Lecture 12: Installing PostgreSQL on Mac
Lecture 13: Connecting to PostgreSQL database
Lecture 14: Load a sample database
Lecture 15: Create a table
Lecture 16: Populate the table
Lecture 17: Query the table
Chapter 2: Some PostgreSQL concepts
Lecture 1: Server Service
Lecture 2: Schema
Lecture 3: Tablespace
Lecture 4: Functions
Lecture 5: Extensions
Lecture 6: Sequence
Chapter 3: PostgreSQL: Table Joins
Lecture 1: What are joins
Lecture 2: Inner Joins
Lecture 3: Left Joins
Lecture 4: Full Outer Joins
Lecture 5: Cross Joins
Lecture 6: Natural Joins
Chapter 4: PostgreSQL Triggers
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating a trigger -part1
Lecture 3: Creating a trigger -part2
Lecture 4: Creating a trigger -part3
Lecture 5: Managing triggers
Chapter 5: PostgreSQL Views
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Benefits of using views
Lecture 3: Creating a view
Lecture 4: Modifying and removing views
Lecture 5: What are updatable views
Lecture 6: Creating updatable views
Lecture 7: What are materialized views
Lecture 8: Creating a materialized view
Chapter 6: PostgreSQL CRUD Operations
Lecture 1: What are crud operations
Lecture 2: Creating a database using PG4ADMIN Tool
Lecture 3: Creating a Table using PG4ADMIN
Lecture 4: Using a CREATE Table statement
Lecture 5: Using a SELECT statement
Lecture 6: What is a Subquery
Lecture 7: Using UPDATE statement
Lecture 8: Using DELETE statement
Lecture 9: Using INSERT statement
Lecture 10: Filtering data
Lecture 11: Sorting data
Lecture 12: Removing duplicate records
Lecture 13: Ordering data
Lecture 14: Using Group By
Lecture 15: Using Having
Lecture 16: Truncate and Drop statement
Chapter 7: Using some PostgreSQL Operators
Lecture 1: Comparison Operator
Lecture 2: Between operator
Lecture 3: NOT between operator
Lecture 4: NOT operator
Lecture 5: LIKE operator
Lecture 6: OR operator
Lecture 7: AND operator
Lecture 8: Combining OR and AND operators
Lecture 9: IN operator
Chapter 8: PostgreSQL Aggregate Functions
Lecture 1: What are aggregate functions
Lecture 2: AVG
Lecture 3: COUNT
Lecture 4: MAX
Lecture 5: MIN
Lecture 6: SUM
Chapter 9: PostgreSQL Analytic Functions
Lecture 1: What are analytic functions
Lecture 2: Create sample Tables
Lecture 3: Using AVG as a window function
Lecture 4: Row number function
Lecture 5: Rank function
Lecture 6: Dense Rank function
Lecture 7: First value function
Lecture 8: Last function
Lecture 9: LAG function
Lecture 10: LEAD Function
Chapter 10: Installing Microsoft SQL Server
Lecture 1: SQL Server Express installation
Lecture 2: Download sample database
Lecture 3: Attaching sample database
Lecture 4: SQL Server Utilities Statements
Lecture 5: Transact-SQL Comments
Chapter 11: Using some SQL Server Functions
Lecture 1: CAST Function
Bluelime Learning Solutions
Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 28 votes
- 5 stars: 25 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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