Learn to Create a Metroidvania Game using Unity & C#
Learn to Create a Metroidvania Game using Unity & C#, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.38, with 79 lectures, based on 823 reviews, and has 5663 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn C#, a modern versatile programming language Understand the capabilities of 2D development in Unity Develop strong and transferrable problem solving skills Gain an understanding of the game development process Learn how object oriented programming works in practice This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to make their own action metroidvania games or People who want to create and publish their own games or Complete beginners with an interest in learning game development or Developers who want to re-skill across to game development or People interested in working in the game design industry or Competent and confident with using a computer It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to make their own action metroidvania games or People who want to create and publish their own games or Complete beginners with an interest in learning game development or Developers who want to re-skill across to game development or People interested in working in the game design industry or Competent and confident with using a computer.
Enroll now: Learn to Create a Metroidvania Game using Unity & C#
Title: Learn to Create a Metroidvania Game using Unity & C#
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.38
Number of Lectures: 79
Number of Published Lectures: 79
Number of Curriculum Items: 79
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 79
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn C#, a modern versatile programming language
- Understand the capabilities of 2D development in Unity
- Develop strong and transferrable problem solving skills
- Gain an understanding of the game development process
- Learn how object oriented programming works in practice
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to make their own action metroidvania games
- People who want to create and publish their own games
- Complete beginners with an interest in learning game development
- Developers who want to re-skill across to game development
- People interested in working in the game design industry
- Competent and confident with using a computer
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to make their own action metroidvania games
- People who want to create and publish their own games
- Complete beginners with an interest in learning game development
- Developers who want to re-skill across to game development
- People interested in working in the game design industry
- Competent and confident with using a computer
NEW UPDATE! A complete map system has now been added to the course for inclusion in your projects!
Learn how to create and program your very own metroidvania game using Unity, an industry-standard game development program used by large gaming studios and indie developers across the world.
In this course you won’t just be learning programming concepts, but tying these concepts to real game development uses. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss the topics covered in the course as well as the next steps to take once the course is complete.
This course has been designed to be easily understandable to everyone, so whether you’re a complete beginner, an artist looking to expand their game development range or a programmer interested in understanding game design, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of development.
At the end of this course you will have developed the ability to understand such game elements as:
Special Abilites including Double Jumps, Dashing, Turning Into a ball and more
Unlocking & Collecting Abilities
Walking & Flying Enemies
Game Progression & Storing Your Progress
Complete Boss Battle
Audio systems
Interactive Menus
A full map system, including fullscreen & mini-maps
and much more…
The course also includes a complete version of the project to use for your own reference to ensure everything in your game works as it should!
Start learning today and let me help you become a game developer!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Assets For Use In This Course
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Project Setup
Lecture 2: Laying Out A Tilemap
Chapter 3: The Player
Lecture 1: Setting Up The Player
Lecture 2: Moving The Player
Lecture 3: Jumping
Lecture 4: Creating Animations
Lecture 5: Controlling Animations
Lecture 6: Flipping The Character
Chapter 4: Camera Control
Lecture 1: Camera Following Player
Lecture 2: Clamping The Camera
Chapter 5: Firing
Lecture 1: Creating A Bullet
Lecture 2: Firing Shots
Lecture 3: Adding Impact
Lecture 4: Shooting Animation
Lecture 5: Removing Unneccesary Packages
Chapter 6: Extra Abilities
Lecture 1: Adding Double Jump
Lecture 2: Dashing
Lecture 3: Dashing After-Images
Lecture 4: Dash Limiting
Lecture 5: Becoming A Ball
Lecture 6: Animating The Ball
Lecture 7: Dropping Bombs
Lecture 8: Fixing Player Passing Through Walls
Lecture 9: Blowing Up Destructible Objects
Chapter 7: Unlocking Abilities
Lecture 1: Controlling Ability Unlocks
Lecture 2: Ability Unlock Pickup
Lecture 3: Pickup Effect & Text
Chapter 8: Enemies
Lecture 1: Setting Up Our First Enemy
Lecture 2: Making The Enemy Patrol
Lecture 3: Finishing Patrolling Enemy
Lecture 4: Damaging Enemies
Lecture 5: Damaging The Player
Lecture 6: Setting Up A Flying Enemy
Lecture 7: Making The Flyer Move
Chapter 9: Player Health System
Lecture 1: Displaying Health
Lecture 2: Making The Enemy Explode
Lecture 3: Invincibility & Flashing
Lecture 4: Respawning
Lecture 5: Keeping Active Between Scenes
Lecture 6: Checkpoints
Lecture 7: Player Death Effect
Lecture 8: Health Pickup
Chapter 10: Moving Between Levels
Lecture 1: Setting Up A Doorway
Lecture 2: Making The Door Work
Lecture 3: Fading Between Scenes
Chapter 11: Making Levels
Lecture 1: Creating Levels & Moving Between Them
Lecture 2: Level Layout Example
Lecture 3: Fixing Missing Player
Chapter 12: Boss Battle
Lecture 1: Activating The Boss
Lecture 2: Moving The Camera To Position
Lecture 3: Setting Up Boss Health UI
Lecture 4: Damaging The Boss
Lecture 5: Animating The Boss
Lecture 6: The First Phase
Lecture 7: The Second Phase
Lecture 8: Creating The Boss Shot
Lecture 9: Shooting & Third Phase
Lecture 10: Ending The Battle
Chapter 13: Menus
Lecture 1: Laying Out The Main Menu
Lecture 2: Making The Main Menu Work
Lecture 3: Creating A Pause Menu
Lecture 4: CATCHUP: Damaging Enemies With Bombs
Chapter 14: Sound System
Lecture 1: Setting Up Audio
Lecture 2: Playing Music
Lecture 3: Playing Sound Effects
Lecture 4: Auto-spawning the Audio System
Chapter 15: Saving Progress
Lecture 1: Continuing The Game
Lecture 2: Storing Ability Unlocks & Boss Progress
Chapter 16: Extra: Making Maps
Lecture 1: Creating A Minimap
Lecture 2: Making It Look Different
Lecture 3: Activating New Maps
Lecture 4: Keeping Maps Active
Lecture 5: Fullscreen Map
Lecture 6: Controlling Fullscreen Map
Chapter 17: Finishing The Game
Lecture 1: Building The Game
Lecture 2: Course Completed!
Chapter 18: Complete Project Files
Lecture 1: Complete Project Files
James Doyle
Teaching The Basics of Making Games
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 37 votes
- 4 stars: 226 votes
- 5 stars: 543 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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