Learn Web Application Development with Machine Learning
Learn Web Application Development with Machine Learning, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 90 lectures, based on 14 reviews, and has 1179 subscribers.
You will learn about Master Machine Learning on Python Learn about Regression, Classification tasks Learn about neural networks Learn about Deep neural networks with projects Create web applications using flask Simple Model building with Scikit-Learn , TensorFlow and Keras Creating REST API for Machine Learning models Learn about Exploratory Data Analysis Implement linear, logistic regression Implement convolution neural network Learn about Postman to test API endpoints This course is ideal for individuals who are Programmer who wants to learn machine learning by creating web applications or Data Scientists who want to know how to test & monitor their models beyond or Beginner Python programmer or Machine Learning engineer who wants to create fun projects using their basic skills It is particularly useful for Programmer who wants to learn machine learning by creating web applications or Data Scientists who want to know how to test & monitor their models beyond or Beginner Python programmer or Machine Learning engineer who wants to create fun projects using their basic skills.
Enroll now: Learn Web Application Development with Machine Learning
Title: Learn Web Application Development with Machine Learning
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 90
Number of Published Lectures: 90
Number of Curriculum Items: 90
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Original Price: $109.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master Machine Learning on Python
- Learn about Regression, Classification tasks
- Learn about neural networks
- Learn about Deep neural networks with projects
- Create web applications using flask
- Simple Model building with Scikit-Learn , TensorFlow and Keras
- Creating REST API for Machine Learning models
- Learn about Exploratory Data Analysis
- Implement linear, logistic regression
- Implement convolution neural network
- Learn about Postman to test API endpoints
Who Should Attend
- Programmer who wants to learn machine learning by creating web applications
- Data Scientists who want to know how to test & monitor their models beyond
- Beginner Python programmer
- Machine Learning engineer who wants to create fun projects using their basic skills
Target Audiences
- Programmer who wants to learn machine learning by creating web applications
- Data Scientists who want to know how to test & monitor their models beyond
- Beginner Python programmer
- Machine Learning engineer who wants to create fun projects using their basic skills
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) focused on building applications that learn from data and improve their accuracy over time without being programmed to do so.
In data science, an algorithm is a sequence of statistical processing steps. In machine learning, algorithms are ‘trained’ to find patterns and features in massive amounts of data in order to make decisions and predictions based on new data. The better the algorithm, the more accurate the decisions and predictions will become as it processes more data.
Machine learning has led to some amazing results, like being able to analyze medical images and predict diseases on-par with human experts.
Google’s AlphaGo program was able to beat a world champion in the strategy game go using deep reinforcement learning.
Machine learning is even being used to program self driving cars, which is going to change the automotive industry forever. Imagine a world with drastically reduced car accidents, simply by removing the element of human error.
Topics covered in this course:
1. Warm-up with Machine learning Libraries: numpy, pandas
2. Implement Machine Learning algorithms: Linear, Logistic Regression
3. Implement Neural Network from scratch
4. Introduction to Tensorflow and Keras
5. Start with simple “Hello World” flask application
6. Create flask application to implement linear regression and test the API’s endpoints
7. Implement transfer learning and built an app to implement image classification
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Setup and Creating Environment
Lecture 1: Install anaconda on your machine
Chapter 3: Introduction to Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners
Lecture 1: Types of Data in Machine Learning
Lecture 2: Introduction to numpy
Lecture 3: Introduction to pandas
Lecture 4: Train and Test split of data
Lecture 5: Miscellaneous Concept of Machine Learning
Chapter 4: Linear Regression in detail
Lecture 1: Lecture: Intro to Linear Regression
Lecture 2: Lecture: Learn about OLS [Ordinary Least Squares] algorithm
Lecture 3: Lecture: Introduction to working of Linear Regression
Lecture 4: Lecture: Introduction to MSE, MAE, RMSE
Lecture 5: Lecture: Introduction to R squared
Lecture 6: Tutorial: Implement Simple linear regression numerical [calculate best fit line]
Lecture 7: Workshop: Implement Simple Linear Regression
Lecture 8: Lecture: Difference between Simple and Multiple Regression
Lecture 9: Workshop: Implement Multiple Linear Regression
Lecture 10: Workshop: Implement Multiple Linear Regression
Chapter 5: Logistic Regression [optional]
Lecture 1: Lecture: Learn about Logistic Regression
Lecture 2: Lecture: Learn about hypothetical function [sigmoid/logit function]
Lecture 3: Lecture: Logistic Math Overview
Lecture 4: Lecture: Learn about decision boundary
Lecture 5: Lecture: Learn about Cost function of Logistic Regression
Lecture 6: Lecture: Learn about Gradient Descent
Lecture 7: Workshop: Implement Logistic Regression
Lecture 8: Workshop final: Implement Logistic Regression
Chapter 6: Neural Network in detail
Lecture 1: Introduction to Neural Networks
Lecture 2: Example of neural network
Lecture 3: Updating the weights [partial differentiation]
Lecture 4: Introduction to partial differentiation
Lecture 5: Introduction to the Activation Function
Lecture 6: Why do we need bias in the program
Lecture 7: Why we use regularization in the Neural Network
Lecture 8: Introduction to the gradient descent [review]
Lecture 9: Introduction to Stochastic Gradient Descent and Adam Optimizer
Lecture 10: Introduction to mini-batch SGD
Chapter 7: Coding Neural Network from Scratch [optional]
Lecture 1: Setting up environment and coding single neuron
Lecture 2: Coding neuron layer
Lecture 3: Using dot product to code neuron layer
Lecture 4: Coding dense layer [must know Object Oriented Programming]
Lecture 5: Introduction to Activation Function
Chapter 8: Activation Functions
Lecture 1: Implementation of activation function [step and sigmoid]
Lecture 2: Implementation of activation function [tanh and ReLu]
Chapter 9: Introduction to Tensorflow and Keras
Lecture 1: Introduction to Deep Learning
Lecture 2: Tensor Ranks in Tensorflow
Lecture 3: Program Elements in Tensorflow
Lecture 4: Coding in Tensorflow
Lecture 5: Introduction to Keras
Lecture 6: Keras Model [Most Important Video]
Lecture 7: Implementing neural network with Keras
Chapter 10: Creating Simple Flask Application ("Hello World")
Lecture 1: Flask: Display Hello World
Chapter 11: Web App: Implementing Regression using Keras
Lecture 1: Introduction to the dataset
Lecture 2: Project structure
Lecture 3: Load the data
Lecture 4: Handle Missing values
Lecture 5: Dependent and Independent variable
Lecture 6: Train Test split of data
Lecture 7: Building the model
Lecture 8: Make predictions
Lecture 9: Save the model
Lecture 10: Load model and make predictions
Lecture 11: Finding range: min and max value of each attributes
Lecture 12: Making range as dictionary
Lecture 13: Creating an Flask App to test API endpoint
Lecture 14: Testing the model
Lecture 15: Restrictions for Input to the model
Lecture 16: Using POSTMAN to test API endpoint
Chapter 12: Basics of Convolution Neural Network
Lecture 1: Introduction to Convolution Neural Network
Lecture 2: Kernel or filter
Lecture 3: Example of Kernel
Lecture 4: Stride
Lecture 5: Padding
Lecture 6: Pooling
Lecture 7: Flatten
Lecture 8: Layers of CNN
Chapter 13: Introduction to Transfer Learning
Lecture 1: What is Transfer Learning
Lecture 2: Traditional ML vs Transfer Learning
Lecture 3: How to use Transfer Learning
Lecture 4: MobileNet
Lecture 5: Architecture of MobileNet
Chapter 14: Web App: Implementing CNN (Mobile Net)
Lecture 1: Introducing Project
Lecture 2: Creating function to check allowed files
Lecture 3: Creating basic route
Lecture 4: Loading all libraries for the model
Lecture 5: Instantiating the model
Lecture 6: The "upload_image" function
Lecture 7: Checking if image is uploaded
Sachin Kafle
Founder of CSAMIN & Bit4Stack Tech Inc. [[Author, Teacher]]
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 8 votes
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