Learn website development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP
Learn website development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 233 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 441 reviews, and has 8556 subscribers.
You will learn about HTML and HTML 5 for Basic Website Structure CSS for styling a Website JavaScript for interacting with user while they are on your website jQuery for adding animations to a Wesbite Bootstrap for Mobile Optimized/Responsive Web Design PHP for interacting with user (like form handling, file upload, etc) Databases PHP and MySQL for storing users information on a web server Login and Logout functionalities using PHP SESSIONS FINAL PROJECT: A dynamic website with login system for admin and authors only. WordPress for building low budget websites in minutes eCommerce integration to WordPress site There will be some more Projects and Assignments in the course (for eg: Even Odd Checker, A simple web based calculator, Your Own HTML editor, etc…) This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who want to learn something that is highly needed in the market or Graduates who are seeking for job in an IT Company or Anyone who wants to code or Anyone who wants to build websites or Anyone who wants to start his own company or do freelance or This course is perfect for complete beginners and has ZERO experience or This course is also good for you if you do have some experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript or If you are an expert in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and can develop dynamic websites, then this course may NOT be for you It is particularly useful for Students who want to learn something that is highly needed in the market or Graduates who are seeking for job in an IT Company or Anyone who wants to code or Anyone who wants to build websites or Anyone who wants to start his own company or do freelance or This course is perfect for complete beginners and has ZERO experience or This course is also good for you if you do have some experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript or If you are an expert in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and can develop dynamic websites, then this course may NOT be for you.
Enroll now: Learn website development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP
Title: Learn website development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 233
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 233
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 244
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 244
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- HTML and HTML 5 for Basic Website Structure
- CSS for styling a Website
- JavaScript for interacting with user while they are on your website
- jQuery for adding animations to a Wesbite
- Bootstrap for Mobile Optimized/Responsive Web Design
- PHP for interacting with user (like form handling, file upload, etc)
- Databases
- PHP and MySQL for storing users information on a web server
- Login and Logout functionalities using PHP SESSIONS
- FINAL PROJECT: A dynamic website with login system for admin and authors only.
- WordPress for building low budget websites in minutes
- eCommerce integration to WordPress site
- There will be some more Projects and Assignments in the course (for eg: Even Odd Checker, A simple web based calculator, Your Own HTML editor, etc…)
Who Should Attend
- Students who want to learn something that is highly needed in the market
- Graduates who are seeking for job in an IT Company
- Anyone who wants to code
- Anyone who wants to build websites
- Anyone who wants to start his own company or do freelance
- This course is perfect for complete beginners and has ZERO experience
- This course is also good for you if you do have some experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- If you are an expert in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and can develop dynamic websites, then this course may NOT be for you
Target Audiences
- Students who want to learn something that is highly needed in the market
- Graduates who are seeking for job in an IT Company
- Anyone who wants to code
- Anyone who wants to build websites
- Anyone who wants to start his own company or do freelance
- This course is perfect for complete beginners and has ZERO experience
- This course is also good for you if you do have some experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- If you are an expert in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and can develop dynamic websites, then this course may NOT be for you
You are here because you want to Become a cash Earning Web Developer?
This Complete Web Developer Course was created for you!
The Complete Web development course will take you from an absolute beginner to a Full Stack Web Developerin just 6 Weeks.
Throughout the course, We Cover Tons of tools and Languages Including:
HTML5 (For building the skeleton of a Website)
CSS3 (For Designing the skeleton made with HTML)
JavaScript (For interacting with the user in a website)
Bootstrap4(For Building Mobile Responsive websites)
jQuery (For doing some animations)
PHP (For performing operations on our server i.e file uploading, etc)
PhpMyAdmin (For storing our users’ information in our database)
MySQL (For connecting databases to our Website)
WordPress (For building introductory Websites, beautifully)
If you complete an Approximate 1 hour of lecture every day, it is possible that you will complete this full course in 6 Weeks (Or choose your own pace – Whatever suits you).
This Course Also includes exercises and assignments that will pump you up every time even if you don’t practice while watching lectures.
According to PayScale, the average full-stack web developer’s salary is $74,958 per year. By the end of this Course, you will be able to work on any web project, do Freelance, or start your own Web Development Company!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Lets Get Started!
Lecture 1: How to go with this Course
Lecture 2: What are the requirements
Lecture 3: Windows Users: Installing and using Code Editor
Lecture 4: FOR MAC USERS: Installing and Using Code Editor
Chapter 2: HTML
Lecture 1: Windows Users: Basics Of HTML
Lecture 2: FOR MAC USERS: HTML Basics
Lecture 3: Headings and paragraphs in html
Lecture 4: HTML Structure
Lecture 5: Formatting Tags in HTML
Lecture 6: TIP: How to know the HTML code of a Website
Lecture 7: Line break horizontal line and comments in html
Lecture 8: Font color and assignment 1
Lecture 9: How to add an image with different attributes
Lecture 10: How to add links in html
Lecture 11: background color ordered and unordered lists
Lecture 12: background image and interlinking pages
Lecture 13: how to create a basic menu in html
Lecture 14: Basic HTML Tags
Chapter 3: CSS
Lecture 1: Inline CSS
Lecture 2: Ids and Classes in CSS
Lecture 3: Universal and Group selectors in CSS
Lecture 4: Some CSS Properties
Lecture 5: Border in CSS
Lecture 6: Margins and Padding
Lecture 7: How to create and associate an external stylesheet
Lecture 8: Common CSS Properties You must know
Chapter 4: HTML CSS Layouts
Lecture 1: Div and Span
Lecture 2: Layout 1: Header, Navigation Menu, Content Area, Footer
Lecture 3: Layout 2: Sidebar
Lecture 4: Layout 3: Logo and Slogan
Lecture 5: Setting up logo in header
Lecture 6: Setting up slogan
Lecture 7: Designing the Navigation bar
Lecture 8: Setting up the content area
Lecture 9: Designing the sidebar
Lecture 10: Designing the footer
Lecture 11: Creating Home and About page
Lecture 12: Creating Services page
Lecture 13: Contact Form part 1
Lecture 14: Contact Form part 2
Lecture 15: Styling Contact Form
Lecture 16: Making the logo clickable
Lecture 17: HTML Tables
Lecture 18: Styling Tables
Lecture 19: Uploading our project to the online server
Lecture 20: HTML 5
Chapter 5: JavaScript
Lecture 1: Introduction to JavaScript (Its not Java)
Lecture 2: What things can JavaScript do
Lecture 3: Where to put a JavaScript Code
Lecture 4: JavaScript Outputs
Lecture 5: How to write the Inside stuff in JavaScript
Lecture 6: Variables in JavaScript
Lecture 7: Comments in JavaScript
Lecture 8: Javascript functions
Lecture 9: How to take input in JavaScript
Lecture 10: Taking input from HTML form and processing it with JavaScript
Lecture 11: Conditions in JavaScript
Lecture 12: Building a calculator with JavaScript
Lecture 13: Nested if in JavaScript
Lecture 14: AND and OR
Lecture 15: Vowel checker in JavaScript
Lecture 16: Check if a number is even or odd in JavaScript
Lecture 17: Functions (with and without parameters)
Lecture 18: Function with return
Lecture 19: Events in JavaScript
Lecture 20: JavaScript Strings
Lecture 21: Objects in JavaScript
Lecture 22: Arrays in JavaScript
Lecture 23: Loops or Iterations in JavaScript
Lecture 24: Looping an array in JavaScript
Lecture 25: For Loop in JavaScript
Lecture 26: Looping assignment 1: Sum of all natural numbers till the input
Lecture 27: Looping assignment 2: Multiply all numbers till the input
Lecture 28: How calculator type numeric buttons work in JavaScript
Lecture 29: Some JavaScript techniques you must know
Lecture 30: BONUS VIDEO
Lecture 31: external javascript
Lecture 32: last assignment Part 1
Lecture 33: last assignment part 2
Chapter 6: jQuery
Lecture 1: Introduction to jQuery
Lecture 2: Our First hello world with jQuery
Lecture 3: Selector in jQuery
Lecture 4: Some more Selectors in jQuery
Lecture 5: jQuery Events
Lecture 6: jQuery Effects or Actions
Lecture 7: Building a toggle box with jQuery
Tanzeel Ur Rehman
Full stack Web Developer and SEO Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 15 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 43 votes
- 4 stars: 140 votes
- 5 stars: 232 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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