Learning MongoDB
Learning MongoDB, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 40 lectures, based on 85 reviews, and has 1052 subscribers.
You will learn about Install MongoDB on Linux and Windows, both manually and using packages Configure MongoDB to autostart and access your data using the command line and GUI clients Learn how to manage databases, including creation, pruning, backup, and recovery to fulfil your big data needs Master how to create map and reduce functions using step-by-step diagrams and examples Understand replica sets, failover verification, responsiveness, and load balancing for large scale applications Discover how redundancy and filesystem choices impact security Delve into advanced topics such as monitoring, automated deployment, sharding, and caching to boost your application This course is ideal for individuals who are If you wish to control the analysis and manipulation of ever-increasing numbers of data streams, then this course is for you. MongoDB does this on an enterprise-ready level in a way that traditional data store solutions cannot. It is particularly useful for If you wish to control the analysis and manipulation of ever-increasing numbers of data streams, then this course is for you. MongoDB does this on an enterprise-ready level in a way that traditional data store solutions cannot.
Enroll now: Learning MongoDB
Title: Learning MongoDB
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 40
Number of Published Lectures: 40
Number of Curriculum Items: 40
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 40
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Install MongoDB on Linux and Windows, both manually and using packages
- Configure MongoDB to autostart and access your data using the command line and GUI clients
- Learn how to manage databases, including creation, pruning, backup, and recovery to fulfil your big data needs
- Master how to create map and reduce functions using step-by-step diagrams and examples
- Understand replica sets, failover verification, responsiveness, and load balancing for large scale applications
- Discover how redundancy and filesystem choices impact security
- Delve into advanced topics such as monitoring, automated deployment, sharding, and caching to boost your application
Who Should Attend
- If you wish to control the analysis and manipulation of ever-increasing numbers of data streams, then this course is for you. MongoDB does this on an enterprise-ready level in a way that traditional data store solutions cannot.
Target Audiences
- If you wish to control the analysis and manipulation of ever-increasing numbers of data streams, then this course is for you. MongoDB does this on an enterprise-ready level in a way that traditional data store solutions cannot.
Businesses now have access to more data than ever before, and a key challenge is how to ensure that data can be easily accessed and used efficiently. MongoDB makes it possible to store and process large sets of data in ways that drive up business value. The flexibility of unstructured storage, combined with robust querying and post processing functionality, make MongoDB a compelling solution for enterprise big data needs.
Learning MongoDB will show you how to install, configure, and secure MongoDB to meet the demands of modern enterprise data systems. You will quickly master data management, queries, post processing, and essential enterprise redundancy requirements to achieve high availability and fast response times.
The course begins with installation instructions and moves on to the essential features, covering advanced data manipulation and high availability. Then, topics such as backup and recovery are covered. Advanced data analysis is demonstrated using both MapReduce and the MongoDB aggregation framework with clear diagrams and examples.
As we move to the end of the course, we delve into SSL security and programmatic access using various languages. You'll also learn about MongoDB's built-in redundancy and scale features, replica sets, and sharding.
This video course will take you on a journey from all the downright basics of MongoDB to the deployment of a reliable, secure, and enterprise-ready big data solution.
About the Author
Daniel Watrous is a 15-year veteran of designing web-enabled software. His focus on data store technologies spans relational databases, caching systems, and contemporary NoSQL stores. For the last six years, he has designed and deployed enterprise-scale MongoDB solutions in semiconductor manufacturing and information technology companies. He holds a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Utah, focusing on semiconductor physics and optoelectronics. He also completed an MBA from the Northwest Nazarene University. In his current position as senior cloud architect with Hewlett Packard, he focuses on highly scalable cloud-native software systems. He also owns a small software company and actively documents much of his work on his site.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Downloading and Installing Linux
Lecture 2: Downloading and Installing Windows
Lecture 3: Configuring Startup with a System (Service Integration)
Lecture 4: Using the Command-line Tool
Lecture 5: Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)
Chapter 2: JSON and Data Operations
Lecture 1: An Overview of JSON
Lecture 2: Schemaless but Structured
Lecture 3: Adding Data to MongoDB
Lecture 4: Querying Data in MongoDB
Lecture 5: Advanced Queries, Regex, Projection, and Fields
Chapter 3: Working with Databases
Lecture 1: Pruning Data from MongoDB
Lecture 2: Backing Up a Database
Lecture 3: Restoring a Database
Lecture 4: Other Redundancy Mechanisms
Lecture 5: Security
Chapter 4: MapReduce
Lecture 1: MapReduce Overview and Background
Lecture 2: Creating a Map Function
Lecture 3: Creating a Reduce Function
Lecture 4: Advanced MapReduce Functionality
Lecture 5: When to Use MapReduce
Chapter 5: The Aggregation Framework
Lecture 1: An Overview of the Aggregation Framework
Lecture 2: Single Purpose Aggregation
Lecture 3: Pipeline Components
Lecture 4: Example Usage
Lecture 5: Expression Operators
Chapter 6: SSL Security and Programmatic Access
Lecture 1: SCons and Memory Requirements Used to Build MongoDB
Lecture 2: Verifying and Distributing the Build
Lecture 3: Authentication and Authorization
Lecture 4: Accessing MongoDB Using PHP
Lecture 5: Accessing MongoDB Using Python
Chapter 7: Replica Sets and Scaling
Lecture 1: Types of Nodes
Lecture 2: Building a Replica Set
Lecture 3: Verifying Failovers
Lecture 4: Write Concern
Lecture 5: ReadPreference and Load Balancing
Chapter 8: Advanced Topics and Hosting
Lecture 1: Sharding and Ultrascale
Lecture 2: Sharding Example
Lecture 3: MMS Setup
Lecture 4: Reviewing the MMS Feature
Lecture 5: Caching MongoDB
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 34 votes
- 5 stars: 31 votes
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