Learning Path: Python: Programming for Python Users
Learning Path: Python: Programming for Python Users, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 133 lectures, based on 21 reviews, and has 248 subscribers.
You will learn about See the intricate details of the Python syntax and how to use it to your advantage Get acquainted with advanced programming techniques in Python Integrate application software using Python Synchronize multiple threads and processes to manage parallel tasks Implement message passing communication between processes to build parallel applications Apply parallel programming techniques that can lead to performance improvements Send HTML formatted emails Automate your tasks by using scheduling mechanisms This course is ideal for individuals who are This Learning Path is for Python users wanting to learn Python’s programming principles to develop projects. It is particularly useful for This Learning Path is for Python users wanting to learn Python’s programming principles to develop projects.
Enroll now: Learning Path: Python: Programming for Python Users
Title: Learning Path: Python: Programming for Python Users
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 133
Number of Published Lectures: 133
Number of Curriculum Items: 133
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 133
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- See the intricate details of the Python syntax and how to use it to your advantage
- Get acquainted with advanced programming techniques in Python
- Integrate application software using Python
- Synchronize multiple threads and processes to manage parallel tasks
- Implement message passing communication between processes to build parallel applications
- Apply parallel programming techniques that can lead to performance improvements
- Send HTML formatted emails
- Automate your tasks by using scheduling mechanisms
Who Should Attend
- This Learning Path is for Python users wanting to learn Python’s programming principles to develop projects.
Target Audiences
- This Learning Path is for Python users wanting to learn Python’s programming principles to develop projects.
As a Python user, have you felt the need to use the programming features of this powerful language? You definitely would want to do more than just using Python commands and use its code to make your work easy. If this is the case, this Learning Path is for you.
It’s no NEWS that Python is the market-standard tool for data science. However, it’s worth mentioning that Python has made a huge impact in the programming world. Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language.
Python: Programming for Python Users is Packt’s Video Learning Path that is a series of individual video products put together in a logical and stepwise manner such that each video builds on the skills learned in the video before it.
This Learning Path first introduces the Unity engine. It shows how to use the interface and how to build levels, and culminates in the creation of a simple game. The core features and fundamentals are explored in a fun and practical way, encouraging the development of real-world projects while establishing a solid understanding of game development principles.
This Learning Path starts with the essentials of Python programming. This will touch upon all the necessary Python concepts related to data structures, OOP, functional programming, as well as statistical programming. You will get acquainted with the nuances of Python syntax and how to effectively use the advantages that it offers.
Then, you’ll be introduced to the world of parallel computing. Explore thread-based parallelism model using the Python threading module by synchronizing threads and using locks, mutex, semaphores queues, GIL, and the thread pool. Moving on, you’ll get to grips with the asynchronous parallel programming model using the Python asyncio module, and will see how to handle exceptions. You will discover distributed computing with Python, and learn how to install a broker, use Celery Python Module, and create a worker.
The course focuses on building 4 fun projects from scratch with easy-to-understand explanations and practical applications. You’ll learn how to create a well-designed architecture and increase performance of the current applications. You will learn how to build enterprise ready applications with the Python language.
The goal of this course is to make you proficient at Python programming, able to make projects from scratch.
About the Authors:
This Learning Path is authored by some of the best in the field.
Steven F. Lott has been programming since the 70s, when computers were large, expensive, and rare. As a contract software developer and architect, he has worked on hundreds of projects, from very small to very large. He’s been using Python to solve business problems for over 10 years.
Giancarlo Zaccone has more than 10 years of experience in managing research projects, both in the scientific and industrial domains. He worked as a researcher at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), where he was involved in a few parallel numerical computing and scientific visualization projects.
Burkhard A. Meier has more than 15 years of professional experience working in the software industry as a software tester and developer, specializing in software test automation development, execution, and analysis.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Modern Python Solutions Part 1
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Creating Meaningful Names and Using Variables
Lecture 3: Working with Large and Small Integers
Lecture 4: Choosing between Float, Decimal, and Fraction
Lecture 5: Choosing between True Division and Floor Division
Lecture 6: Rewriting an Immutable String
Lecture 7: String Parsing with Regular Expressions
Lecture 8: Building Complex Strings with “template”.format()
Lecture 9: Building Complex Strings from Lists of Characters
Lecture 10: Using the Unicode Characters that aren't on Our Keyboards
Lecture 11: Encoding Strings-Creating ASCII and UTF8 Bytes
Lecture 12: Decoding Bytes, How to Get Proper Characters from Some Bytes
Lecture 13: Using Tuples of Items
Lecture 14: Writing Python Script and Module Files
Lecture 15: Writing Long Lines of Code
Lecture 16: Including Descriptions and Documentation
Lecture 17: Writing Better RST Markup in docstring
Lecture 18: Designing Complex if…elif Chains
Lecture 19: Designing a While Statement that Terminates Properly
Lecture 20: Avoiding a Potential Problem with Break Statements
Lecture 21: Leveraging the Exception Matching Rules
Lecture 22: Avoiding a Potential Problem With an Except:Clause
Lecture 23: Chaining Exceptions with the Raise from Statement
Lecture 24: Managing a Context Using the With Statement
Lecture 25: Designing Functions with Optional Parameters
Lecture 26: Using Super Flexible Keyword Parameter
Lecture 27: Forcing Keyword-only Argument with the * Separator
Lecture 28: Writing Explicit Types on Function Parameters
Lecture 29: Picking an Order for Parameters Based on Partial Functions
Lecture 30: Writing Clear Documentation Strings
Lecture 31: Designing Recursive Functions Around Python’s Stack Limit
Lecture 32: Writing Reusable Script with the Script Library Switch
Lecture 33: Choosing a Data Structure
Lecture 34: Building Lists – Literals, Appending, and Comprehensions
Lecture 35: Slicing and Dicing a Lsit
Lecture 36: Deleting From a List
Lecture 37: Reversing a Copy of a List
Lecture 38: Using Set Methods and Operators
Lecture 39: Removing Items from a Set
Lecture 40: Creating Dictionaries
Lecture 41: Removing from Dictionaries
Lecture 42: Controlling the Order of the Dict Keys
Lecture 43: Handling Dictionaries and Sets in doctest Examples
Lecture 44: Understanding Variables, References, and Assignment
Lecture 45: Making Shallow and Deep Copies of Objects
Lecture 46: Avoiding Mutable Default Values for Function Parameters
Lecture 47: Using Features of the print() Functions
Lecture 48: Using input() and getpass() for User Input
Lecture 49: Debugging with “Format”.Format_Map(Vars())
Lecture 50: Using Argparse to Get Command-line Input
Lecture 51: Using CMD for Creating Command-line Applications
Lecture 52: Using the OS Environment Settings
Chapter 2: Python Parallel Programming Solutions
Lecture 1: The Parallel Computing Memory Architecture
Lecture 2: Memory Organization
Lecture 3: Memory Organization (Continued)
Lecture 4: Parallel Programming Models
Lecture 5: Designing a Parallel Program
Lecture 6: Evaluating the Performance of a Parallel Program
Lecture 7: Introducing Python
Lecture 8: Working with Processes in Python
Lecture 9: Working with Threads in Python
Lecture 10: Defining a Thread
Lecture 11: Determining the Current Thread
Lecture 12: Using a Thread in a Subclass
Lecture 13: Thread Synchronization with Lock
Lecture 14: Thread Synchronization with RLock
Lecture 15: Thread Synchronization with Semaphores
Lecture 16: Thread Synchronization with a Condition
Lecture 17: Thread Synchronization with an Event
Lecture 18: Using the 'with' Statement
Lecture 19: Thread Communication Using a Queue
Lecture 20: Evaluating the Performance of Multithread Applications
Lecture 21: Spawning a Process
Lecture 22: Naming a Process
Lecture 23: Running a Process in the Background
Lecture 24: Killing a Process
Lecture 25: Using a Process in a Subclass
Lecture 26: Exchanging Objects between Processes
Lecture 27: Synchronizing Processes
Lecture 28: Managing a State between Processes
Lecture 29: Using a Process Pool
Lecture 30: Using the mpi4py Python Module
Lecture 31: Point-to-Point Communication
Lecture 32: Avoiding Deadlock Problems
Lecture 33: Using Broadcast for Collective Communication
Lecture 34: Using Scatter for Collective Communication
Lecture 35: Using Gather for Collective Communication
Lecture 36: Using Alltoall for Collective Communication
Lecture 37: The Reduction Operation
Lecture 38: Optimizing the Communication
Lecture 39: Using the concurrent.futures Python Modules
Lecture 40: Event Loop Management with Asyncio
Lecture 41: Handling Coroutines with Asyncio
Lecture 42: Manipulating a Task with Asyncio
Lecture 43: Dealing with Asyncio and Futures
Lecture 44: Using Celery to Distribute Tasks
Lecture 45: Creating a Task with Celery
Lecture 46: Scientific Computing with SCOOP
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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