LeetCode in Java: Algorithms Coding Interview Questions
LeetCode in Java: Algorithms Coding Interview Questions, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.76, with 178 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 1310 reviews, and has 96522 subscribers.
You will learn about Solve Easy to Hard Difficulty Problems using Different Data structures and algorithms (DSA) Solve Easy to Hard Difficulty Problems How to solve some of the classical coding interview questions How to breaking down the coding interview problems in a decomposition manner Strengthen your problem solving skills This course is ideal for individuals who are Who want to succeed the technical coding interview at companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. or People who want to developed their problem solving skill or Who want to ace their technical coding interview or Students getting ready for their internship It is particularly useful for Who want to succeed the technical coding interview at companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. or People who want to developed their problem solving skill or Who want to ace their technical coding interview or Students getting ready for their internship.
Enroll now: LeetCode in Java: Algorithms Coding Interview Questions
Title: LeetCode in Java: Algorithms Coding Interview Questions
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.76
Number of Lectures: 178
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 131
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 187
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 140
Original Price: $119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Solve Easy to Hard Difficulty Problems using Different Data structures and algorithms (DSA)
- Solve Easy to Hard Difficulty Problems
- How to solve some of the classical coding interview questions
- How to breaking down the coding interview problems in a decomposition manner
- Strengthen your problem solving skills
Who Should Attend
- Who want to succeed the technical coding interview at companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.
- People who want to developed their problem solving skill
- Who want to ace their technical coding interview
- Students getting ready for their internship
Target Audiences
- Who want to succeed the technical coding interview at companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.
- People who want to developed their problem solving skill
- Who want to ace their technical coding interview
- Students getting ready for their internship
Welcome to “LeetCode in Java: Algorithms Coding Interview Questions” course!
In this course, you’ll have a detailed, step by step explanation of classical hand-picked LeetCode Problemswhere you’ll learn about the optimum ways to solve technical coding interview question. This is the course I wish I had when I was preparing myself for the interviews.This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So nothing to lose!
What is LeetCode?
LeetCode is a huge repository of real interview questions asked by the most popular tech industries( Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Quora, LinkedIn,Bloomberg, Uber, Goldman Sachs, Twitter and more ).
Interviewers from the most popular companies(like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Uber, Twitter etc.) often directly ask questions they find on LeetCode. It’s hard to navigate through the large amount of problems(around 1500) to most important questions, this is what this course stand for.
I spent countless hours on LeetCode. From my experience, I’m telling you that you don’t have to do the all problem and still be able to get a job at a big tech industry.
By the time you’re finished with the course, you will be prepared for common technical coding interview questions.
See you inside the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Intergers
Lecture 1: FizzBuzz (LeetCode 412) [Asked by LinkedIn]
Lecture 2: Single Number (LeetCode 136) [Asked by Amazon]
Lecture 3: Palindrome Number (LeetCode 9) [Asked by Facebook/Bloomberg]
Lecture 4: Factorial Trailing Zeroes (LeetCode 172) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 5: Reverse Integer (LeetCode 7) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 6: Pow(x, n) (LeetCode 50) [Asked by Facebook/Amazon/LinkedIn]
Lecture 7: Roman to Integer (LeetCode #13) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 8: Integer to Roman (LeetCode #12) [Asked by Amazon]
Chapter 3: Strings
Lecture 1: Reverse String (LeetCode 344) [Asked by MicroSoft/Uber]
Lecture 2: Longest Common Prefix (LeetCode 14) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 3: Repeated DNA Sequences (LeetCode 187) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 4: Valid Anagram (LeetCode 242) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 5: Longest Palindromic Substring (LeetCode 5) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 6: Longest Substring without Repeating Characters (LeetCode 3) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 7: Reverse Words in a String (LeetCode 151) [Asked by Facebook/Amazon]
Lecture 8: Integer to English Words (LeetCode 273) [Facebook, Microsoft]
Chapter 4: Binary Search
Lecture 1: Binary Search (LeetCode 704) [Asked by Infosys,Oracle]
Lecture 2: Search in Rotated Sorted Array (LeetCode 33) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 3: Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array (LeetCode 153) [Asked by Facebook]
Chapter 5: Arrays
Lecture 1: Two Sum (LeetCode 1) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 2: Move Zeroes (LeetCode 283) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 3: Best Time to Buy And Sell Stock(LeetCode 121) [Asked by Facebook/Microsoft]
Lecture 4: Ransom Note (LeetCode 383) [Asked by Amazon]
Lecture 5: Contains Duplicate (LeetCode 217) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 6: Length of Last Word (LeetCode 58) [Asked by Amazon]
Lecture 7: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II (LeetCode 122) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 8: Rotate Array (LeetCode 189) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 9: Jump Game (LeetCode 55) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 10: Product of Array Except Self (LeetCode 238) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 11: Sequential Digits (LeetCode 1291) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 12: Find All Disappeared Numbers in an Array (LeetCode 448) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 13: Find All Duplicates Numbers in an Array (Leetcode 442) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 14: First Missing Positive (LeetCode 41) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 15: Next Permutation (LeetCode 31) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 16: Largest Subarray With 0 Sum [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 17: Subarray Product Less than K (LeetCode 713) [Asked by Goldman Sachs]
Lecture 18: K-Diff Pairs in an Array (LeetCode 532) [Asked by Amazon]
Chapter 6: Two Pointers
Lecture 1: Two Sum II – Input Array Is Sorted (LeetCode 167) [Asked by Amazon]
Lecture 2: Is Subsequence (LeetCode 392) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 3: Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (LeetCode 26) [Asked by Facebook/Microsoft]
Lecture 4: Sort Colors (LeetCode 75) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 5: Valid Palindrome (LeetCode 125) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 6: Merge Sorted Array (LeetCode 88) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 7: 3 Sum (LeetCode 15) [Asked by Facebook]
Chapter 7: Stacks and Queues
Lecture 1: Valid Parentheses (LeetCode 20) [Facebook]
Lecture 2: Asteroid Collisions (LeetCode 735) [Asked by Lyft]
Lecture 3: Longest Valid Parentheses (LeetCode 32) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 4: Decode String (LeetCode 394) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 5: Largest Rectangle in Histogram (LeetCode 84) [Asked by Google]
Chapter 8: Famous Algorithm
Lecture 1: Kaden's Algorithm (Maximum Subarray :: LeetCode 53) [Asked by Google]
Lecture 2: Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm (Majority Element- LeetCode 169) [Asked by Amazon]
Chapter 9: Sorting Algorithms
Lecture 1: Merge Sort Algorithm [Asked by Amazon, Microsoft]
Lecture 2: Count Inversions — Using Merge Sort [Asked by Amazon, Microsoft]
Lecture 3: Quick Sort Algorithm [Asked by Amazon, Microsoft]
Lecture 4: Kth Largest/Smallest — Quick Select (LeetCode 215) [Asked by Google, Microsoft]
Lecture 5: [OLD] Quick Sort ::Sort an Array (LeetCode 912)
Chapter 10: 2D Arrays / Matrix
Lecture 1: Set Matrix Zeroes (LeetCode 73) [Asked by Facebook]
Lecture 2: Range Sum Query 2D – Immutable (LeetCode 304) [Asked by Amazon]
Lecture 3: Where Will the Ball Fall (LeetCode 1706) [Asked by Amzon]
Lecture 4: Rotate Image (LeetCode 48) [Asked by Microsoft]
Chapter 11: Linked List
Lecture 1: Middle of the Linked List (LeetCode 876) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 2: Delete Node in a Linked List (LeetCode 237) [Asked by Amazon,Microsoft]
Lecture 3: Merge Two Sorted Lists (LeetCode 21) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 4: Reverse Linked List ::4 Ways:: (LeetCode 206) [Asked by Google, Facebook]
Lecture 5: Reverse Nodes in k-group (LeetCode 25) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 6: Remove Duplicates from Sorted List ::O(N):: (LeetCode 83) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 7: Remove Duplicates from Sorted List ::O(1):: (LeetCode 83) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 8: Rotate List (LeetCode 61) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 9: Reorder List (LeetCode 143) [Asked by Amazon,LinkedIn,Microsoft]
Lecture 10: Palindrome Linked List (LeetCode 234) [Asked by Microsoft]
Chapter 12: Binary Tree
Lecture 1: Code (Resource)
Lecture 2: Tree Traversal Techniques (Level Order, Zigzag, Preorder, Inorder, Postorder)
Lecture 3: Level Order Traversal Binary Tree (LeetCode 102) [Asked by Amazon, Microsoft]
Lecture 4: Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal (LeetCode 103) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 5: Binary Tree Preorder Traversal (LeetCode 144) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 6: Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (LeetCode 94) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 7: Binary Tree Post Order Traversal (LeetCode 145) [Asked by Microsoft]
Lecture 8: [Morris Traversal] Preorder Traversal (LeetCode 144) [Asked by Microsoft]
Md. A. Barik
Software Engineer | Udemy Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 40 votes
- 2 stars: 37 votes
- 3 stars: 120 votes
- 4 stars: 356 votes
- 5 stars: 757 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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