Linear Algebra for machine learning and Data science.
Linear Algebra for machine learning and Data science., available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.79, with 80 lectures, based on 7 reviews, and has 75 subscribers.
You will learn about Classification of matrices Matrix algebra like addition, subtraction and multiplication Trace of matrix,transpose of matrix symmetric and skew symmetric matrix Real and complex matrices Orthogonal matrix Determinant of Matrix: Minors, Cofactors of matrix Invertible and non Invertible matrix Inverse of matrix: adjoint of matrix Finding the Rank of matrices Row Echlon form Relation between Rank and vectors of matrix Linearly independant and dependant vectors Vector space: Dimension, Basis, Span and Nullity Solving simultaneous system of linear Equations Homogeneous and non homogeneous system of equation Eigen values and their carrosponding Eigen vectors Properties of eigen values and eigen vector cayley hamilton theorem This course is ideal for individuals who are Students enrolled or planning to enroll in Linear Algebra class, and who want to excel in it or Anyone who needs Linear Algebra as a prerequisite for Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Programming, Computer Graphics and Animation, Data Analysis, etc. or Engineers, Scientists and Mathematicians who want to work with Linear Systems and Vector Spaces or Professionals who need a refresher in Math, especially Algebra and Linear Algebra It is particularly useful for Students enrolled or planning to enroll in Linear Algebra class, and who want to excel in it or Anyone who needs Linear Algebra as a prerequisite for Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Programming, Computer Graphics and Animation, Data Analysis, etc. or Engineers, Scientists and Mathematicians who want to work with Linear Systems and Vector Spaces or Professionals who need a refresher in Math, especially Algebra and Linear Algebra.
Enroll now: Linear Algebra for machine learning and Data science.
Title: Linear Algebra for machine learning and Data science.
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.79
Number of Lectures: 80
Number of Published Lectures: 80
Number of Curriculum Items: 80
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 80
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Classification of matrices
- Matrix algebra like addition, subtraction and multiplication
- Trace of matrix,transpose of matrix
- symmetric and skew symmetric matrix
- Real and complex matrices
- Orthogonal matrix
- Determinant of Matrix: Minors, Cofactors of matrix
- Invertible and non Invertible matrix
- Inverse of matrix: adjoint of matrix
- Finding the Rank of matrices
- Row Echlon form
- Relation between Rank and vectors of matrix
- Linearly independant and dependant vectors
- Vector space: Dimension, Basis, Span and Nullity
- Solving simultaneous system of linear Equations
- Homogeneous and non homogeneous system of equation
- Eigen values and their carrosponding Eigen vectors
- Properties of eigen values and eigen vector
- cayley hamilton theorem
Who Should Attend
- Students enrolled or planning to enroll in Linear Algebra class, and who want to excel in it
- Anyone who needs Linear Algebra as a prerequisite for Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Programming, Computer Graphics and Animation, Data Analysis, etc.
- Engineers, Scientists and Mathematicians who want to work with Linear Systems and Vector Spaces
- Professionals who need a refresher in Math, especially Algebra and Linear Algebra
Target Audiences
- Students enrolled or planning to enroll in Linear Algebra class, and who want to excel in it
- Anyone who needs Linear Algebra as a prerequisite for Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Programming, Computer Graphics and Animation, Data Analysis, etc.
- Engineers, Scientists and Mathematicians who want to work with Linear Systems and Vector Spaces
- Professionals who need a refresher in Math, especially Algebra and Linear Algebra
Why study linear algebra?
Linear algebra is vital in multiple areas of science in general. Because linear equations are so easy to solve, practically every area of modern science contains models where equations are approximated by linear equations (using Taylor expansion arguments) and solving for the system helps the theory develop. Beginning to make a list wouldn’t even be relevant ; you and I have no idea how people abuse of the power of linear algebra to approximate solutions to equations. Since in most cases, solving equations is a synonym of solving a practical problem, this can be VERY useful. Just for this reason, linear algebra has a reason to exist, and it is enough reason for any scientific to know linear algebra.
More specifically, in mathematics, linear algebra has, of course, its use in abstract algebra ; vector spaces arise in many different areas of algebra such as group theory, ring theory, module theory, representation theory, Galois theory, and much more. Understanding the tools of linear algebra gives one the ability to understand those theories better, and some theorems of linear algebra require also an understanding of those theories ; they are linked in many different intrinsic ways.
Outside of algebra, a big part of analysis, called functional analysis, is actually the infinite-dimensional version of linear algebra. In infinite dimension, most of the finite-dimension theorems break down in a very interesting way ; some of our intuition is preserved, but most of it breaks down. Of course, none of the algebraic intuition goes away, but most of the analytic part does ; closed balls are never compact, norms are not always equivalent, and the structure of the space changes a lot depending on the norm you use. Hence even for someone studying analysis, understanding linear algebra is vital.
In linear algebra, we will learn, Classification of matrices, Matrix algebra like addition,subtraction and multiplication, transpose of matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric matrix, Real and complex matrices, Determinant of Matrix: Minors, Cofactors of matrix, Inverse of matrix: adjoint of matrix, Finding the Rank of matrices, Row Echlon form, Relation between Rank and vectors of matrix, Linearly independant and dependant vectors, Vector space: Dimension, Basis, Span and Nullity, Solving system of linear Equations, Homogeneous and non homogeneous system of equation, Eigenvalues and their carrosponding Eigenvectors, Properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, cayley hamilton theorem.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Linear algebra and matrices
Chapter 2: Classification of Matrices
Lecture 1: Classification of Matrices (part 1)
Lecture 2: Classification of Matrices (part 2)
Lecture 3: Classification of Matrices (part 3)
Chapter 3: Matrix algebra and various operation on Matrix
Lecture 1: Addition and Subtaction of Matrices
Lecture 2: Matrix multiplication and its properties
Lecture 3: Example 1 on matrix multiplication
Lecture 4: Example 2 on matrix multiplication
Lecture 5: Trace of matrix
Lecture 6: Transpose of a Matrix
Lecture 7: Transposed conjugate
Chapter 4: Classification of Real and Complex matrix
Lecture 1: Symmetric and skew symmetric matrix and orthogonal matrix
Lecture 2: Hermitian and skew hermitian matrix and Unitary marix
Chapter 5: Determinant and Inverse of Matrices
Lecture 1: Minors of matrix
Lecture 2: Cofactors and Determinant of matrices
Lecture 3: Determinant example 1
Lecture 4: Determinant example 2
Lecture 5: Properties of Determinants
Lecture 6: Determinant example 3
Lecture 7: determinant example 4
Lecture 8: determinant example 5
Lecture 9: determinant example 6
Lecture 10: determinant example 7
Lecture 11: Adjoint and Inverse of matrix
Lecture 12: Example 1 on inverse of matrix
Lecture 13: Example 2 on inverse of matrix
Lecture 14: Example 3 on inverse of matrix
Lecture 15: Eaxample 4 on orthogonal and inverse of matrix
Lecture 16: Example 5 on Inverse
Lecture 17: Determinant of adjoint
Chapter 6: Rank and Vector space
Lecture 1: Rank of Matrices
Lecture 2: example 1 on Rank of matrix
Lecture 3: Row echelon form
Lecture 4: Example 2 Rank of matrix
Lecture 5: Example 3 rank of matrix
Lecture 6: Example 4 on rank of adjoint of matrix
Lecture 7: Linearly independent and Linearly dependent vectors
Lecture 8: Relation between Rank and Vectors of matrix
Lecture 9: Example 1 on linearly independent vector
Lecture 10: Example 2 linearly independent vector
Lecture 11: Example 3 on invertible and non invertible matrix
Lecture 12: Orthogonal vector
Lecture 13: Vector space, dimension, basis and span
Lecture 14: Cheack span
Lecture 15: Nullity of matrix
Chapter 7: Solving simultaneous equations using matrices
Lecture 1: what is considered consistent and inconsistent system of equation?
Lecture 2: Example 1 nature of solution
Lecture 3: Non homogeneous system of equations
Lecture 4: non homogeneous system of linear equations example 1
Lecture 5: Example 2 nature of solution
Lecture 6: Example 3 nature of solution
Lecture 7: example 4 nature of solution
Lecture 8: cramer's rule
Lecture 9: Homogeneous system of linear equation
Lecture 10: homogenous equation example 1
Lecture 11: homogenous equation example 2
Lecture 12: homogenous equation example 3
Lecture 13: homogenous equation example 4
Chapter 8: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Lecture 1: Eigenvalues
Lecture 2: Eigenvalues example 1
Lecture 3: Eigenvectors
Lecture 4: Repeated Eigenvalues and carrosponding Eigenvectors
Lecture 5: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 2
Lecture 6: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 3
Lecture 7: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 4
Lecture 8: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 5
Lecture 9: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 6
Lecture 10: Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Lecture 11: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 7
Lecture 12: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 8
Lecture 13: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 9
Lecture 14: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 10
Lecture 15: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 11
Lecture 16: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 12
Lecture 17: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 13
Lecture 18: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors example 14
Chapter 9: cayley hamilton theorem
Lecture 1: cayley hamilton theorem
Lecture 2: cayley hamilton theorem example 1
Lecture 3: cayley hamilton theorem example 2
Lecture 4: cayley hamilton theorem example 3
Vishwesh Singh
Electrical and Electronics engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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