Linode: Deploy Scalable React Web Apps on the Cloud
Linode: Deploy Scalable React Web Apps on the Cloud, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 148 lectures, based on 70 reviews, and has 27186 subscribers.
You will learn about Introduction to Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) Cloud Server Deployment and Configuration (TFA, SSH) Linux Foundations (File System, Commands, User Accounts) Web Server Foundations (NGINX vs Apache, SQL vs NoSQL, Key Terms) LAMP Stack Installation and Configuration (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) Server Security (Software & Hardware Firewall Configuration) Server Scaling (Vertical vs Horizontal Scaling, IP Swaps, Load Balancers) React Foundations (Setup) Building a Calculator in React (Code Pen, JSX, Components, Props, Events, State Hook) Building a Connect-4 Clone in React (Passing Arguments, Styling, Callbacks, Key Property) Building an E-Commerce Site in React (JSON Server, Fetch API, Refactoring) This course is ideal for individuals who are Students interested in Cloud Computing or Students interested in Remote Server Deployment, Configuration and Administration or Students interested in Web Server and Database Server Foundations or Students interested in Building Interactive Web Apps using ReactJS It is particularly useful for Students interested in Cloud Computing or Students interested in Remote Server Deployment, Configuration and Administration or Students interested in Web Server and Database Server Foundations or Students interested in Building Interactive Web Apps using ReactJS.
Enroll now: Linode: Deploy Scalable React Web Apps on the Cloud
Title: Linode: Deploy Scalable React Web Apps on the Cloud
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 148
Number of Published Lectures: 148
Number of Curriculum Items: 148
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 148
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
- Cloud Server Deployment and Configuration (TFA, SSH)
- Linux Foundations (File System, Commands, User Accounts)
- Web Server Foundations (NGINX vs Apache, SQL vs NoSQL, Key Terms)
- LAMP Stack Installation and Configuration (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP)
- Server Security (Software & Hardware Firewall Configuration)
- Server Scaling (Vertical vs Horizontal Scaling, IP Swaps, Load Balancers)
- React Foundations (Setup)
- Building a Calculator in React (Code Pen, JSX, Components, Props, Events, State Hook)
- Building a Connect-4 Clone in React (Passing Arguments, Styling, Callbacks, Key Property)
- Building an E-Commerce Site in React (JSON Server, Fetch API, Refactoring)
Who Should Attend
- Students interested in Cloud Computing
- Students interested in Remote Server Deployment, Configuration and Administration
- Students interested in Web Server and Database Server Foundations
- Students interested in Building Interactive Web Apps using ReactJS
Target Audiences
- Students interested in Cloud Computing
- Students interested in Remote Server Deployment, Configuration and Administration
- Students interested in Web Server and Database Server Foundations
- Students interested in Building Interactive Web Apps using ReactJS
Welcome to our latest course, where you will have the opportunity to build customizable and highly scalable React Web Apps on Linode. In this course, you will learn the skills necessary to set up and deploy a remote instance on Linode, as well as the foundational knowledge of Linux and Ubuntu, web servers, and databases. By the end of the course, you will have built and deployed a fully functional E-Commerce site on a remote cloud server.
In the first section of the course, we will introduce you to the basics of cloud computing and the different service models available, including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. You will learn about the advantages of using cloud computing and how it can benefit your projects.
Next, we will guide you through the process of setting up a Linode account and deploying a remote instance on the platform. This will include configuring your instance, setting up networking, and securing your instance with firewalls.
In the third section, we will delve into the foundations of Linux and Ubuntu. You will learn the basics of the command line interface, file system navigation, and basic Linux commands. This will be essential for managing your remote instance on Linode.
We will then cover the basics of web servers and databases, including LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, and PHP). You will learn how to install and configure LAMP stack, as well as how to use it to serve your web applications.
In the fifth section, we will focus on server security, including network and software firewalls. You will learn how to secure your server and protect it from potential threats using popular utilities like UFW, and custom Port configurations.
From there, we demonstrate how to scale servers vertically and horizontally using application load balancers. This will include using web servers like Apache and Nginx to distribute traffic and ensure high availability for your web applications.
Finally, we will delve into the world of React.JS. You will learn how to build a calculator, a connect-4 game, and an e-commerce site using React. You will learn about the basics of React components, state, and props, and how to use them to build dynamic, interactive web applications.
By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Linode to set up and deploy remote instances, as well as the foundational knowledge of Linux, web servers, and databases. You will also have the skills to build dynamic and interactive web applications using React.JS.
This course is designed for developers who are new to cloud computing and want to learn how to use Linode to build web applications. Some basic knowledge of web development and programming concepts is recommended but not required.
If you’re ready to take your cloud computing and web development skills to the next level, this course is the perfect place to start! Sign up now to get started.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Cloud Computing
Lecture 1: History of Linode
Lecture 2: Intro to Cloud Computing
Lecture 3: Benefits of Cloud Computing
Lecture 4: Cloud Computing Service Models
Chapter 2: Cloud Computing Service Models
Lecture 1: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Lecture 2: Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Lecture 3: Software as a Service (SaaS)
Lecture 4: IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS
Chapter 3: Cloud Server Deployment on Linode
Lecture 1: Linode Account Setup
Lecture 2: Exploring the Linode Cloud Manager
Lecture 3: Enabling TFA on Linode
Lecture 4: Deploying a Linode Virtual Instance
Lecture 5: Exploring the Linode Instance Dashboard
Lecture 6: Remote Server Admin via SSH
Lecture 7: Password vs SSH Key Authentication
Lecture 8: SSH Key Pair Authentication on Windows
Lecture 9: SSH Key Pair Authentication on MacOS
Lecture 10: Connecting with LISH
Lecture 11: Adding SSH Public Keys to Linode
Chapter 4: Linux Foundations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Linux
Lecture 2: The Linux Filesystem
Lecture 3: Linux Maintenance Commands
Lecture 4: Linux Directory Commands [Part 1]
Lecture 5: Linux Directory Commands [Part 2]
Lecture 6: Ubuntu Basic Server Configuration
Lecture 7: Introduction to User Accounts
Lecture 8: Creating a Non-Root Account
Lecture 9: Securing the New User Account
Lecture 10: Disabling Root User Access and Password Authentication
Chapter 5: Web Server & Database Foundations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Web Servers
Lecture 2: Self Hosting vs Hosting Provider
Lecture 3: Web Server Software (NGINX vs Apache)
Lecture 4: Introduction to Databases
Lecture 5: SQL vs NoSQL Databases
Lecture 6: Database Transaction Standards (ACID vs CAP)
Lecture 7: CAP Theorem for NoSQL Databases
Lecture 8: Characteristics of SQL vs NoSQL DBMSes
Lecture 9: Key Terms: Stacks, Frameworks, & Languages [Part 1]
Lecture 10: Key Terms: Stacks, Frameworks, & Languages [Part 2]
Lecture 11: Key Terms: Stacks, Frameworks, & Languages [Part 3]
Chapter 6: LAMP Stack Installation and Configuration
Lecture 1: Installing LAMP Stack on Ubuntu via Command Line
Lecture 2: Installing LAMP Stack using Linode Marketplace
Lecture 3: Testing PHP on Apache
Lecture 4: Testing MariaDB Connection from PHP [Part 1]
Lecture 5: Testing MariaDB Connection from PHP [Part 2]
Lecture 6: Remote Server Administration using Linode GLISH
Chapter 7: Foundations of Server Security
Lecture 1: Introduction to Server Security
Lecture 2: Introduction to Firewalls
Lecture 3: Network Firewalls
Lecture 4: Securing SSH with a Network Firewall
Lecture 5: Strict Network Firewall Policy
Lecture 6: Hosted Software Firewalls UFW
Chapter 8: Server Scaling
Lecture 1: Introduction to Scaling
Lecture 2: Vertical Scaling
Lecture 3: Horizontal Scaling with Auto Load Balancers (NodeBalancer)
Lecture 4: Instance IP Swaps
Chapter 9: Server Images and Backups
Lecture 1: Introduction to Images and Backups
Lecture 2: Creating a Custom Image
Lecture 3: Linode Backup Service
Chapter 10: Account Clean-Up and Segment Overview
Lecture 1: Linode Account Clean-Up
Lecture 2: Segment Overview
Chapter 11: Introduction to React
Lecture 1: Skills Required
Lecture 2: What is React?
Chapter 12: Project 1: Build a Calculator in React
Lecture 1: Project Overview
Lecture 2: Hello React
Lecture 3: Tools Needed
Lecture 4: Code Pen
Lecture 5: Intro to JSX
Lecture 6: Functional Components in React
Lecture 7: Why Components?
Lecture 8: Intro to Props in React
Lecture 9: React Components, Pops, and Callbacks
Lecture 10: Building the Calculator Visuals
Lecture 11: OnClick Events in React
Lecture 12: Passing Parameters in Callback Functions
Lecture 13: Using React State Hook
Lecture 14: Implementing the calculator – Display
Lecture 15: Implementing the Calculator – Operators
Lecture 16: Debugging in React
Lecture 17: Project Summary
Chapter 13: Project 2: Build a Connect-4 Clone in React
Lecture 1: Project Introduction – What We Will Build
Lecture 2: Tools Needed
Lecture 3: Creating the Game Board
Lecture 4: Game Circle – OnClickEvent
Lecture 5: Passing Props – Destructing – React Children
Lecture 6: Passing Arguments to Click Events
Lecture 7: Inline Styling
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 28 votes
- 5 stars: 35 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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