Little Adventurer: Learn to make a 3D action game with Unity
Little Adventurer: Learn to make a 3D action game with Unity, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.61, with 100 lectures, based on 260 reviews, and has 2455 subscribers.
You will learn about How to create a complete 3D action game from scratch with high-quality game assets Install, and setup Unity & Visual Studio Code Code basic character movement, attack, shoot and dodge abilities Create a simple combo system Control animations with animator controller, override animator controller, and animation event Control VFX via script Create AI with NavMesh system to control enemy behaviors Use a basic state pattern to control the character's status Create basic health & damage system Create basic health & damage system Create pickups & bullets Game logic control & enemy spawn How to use Gizmo to debug Basic level design Create main menu and game menu with Unity UI system This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to make their own 3D action game with good looking or Beginners with some basic C# and Unity experience or Anyone who wants to get into game development careers It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to make their own 3D action game with good looking or Beginners with some basic C# and Unity experience or Anyone who wants to get into game development careers.
Enroll now: Little Adventurer: Learn to make a 3D action game with Unity
Title: Little Adventurer: Learn to make a 3D action game with Unity
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.61
Number of Lectures: 100
Number of Published Lectures: 99
Number of Curriculum Items: 100
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 99
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to create a complete 3D action game from scratch with high-quality game assets
- Install, and setup Unity & Visual Studio Code
- Code basic character movement, attack, shoot and dodge abilities
- Create a simple combo system
- Control animations with animator controller, override animator controller, and animation event
- Control VFX via script
- Create AI with NavMesh system to control enemy behaviors
- Use a basic state pattern to control the character's status
- Create basic health & damage system
- Create basic health & damage system
- Create pickups & bullets
- Game logic control & enemy spawn
- How to use Gizmo to debug
- Basic level design
- Create main menu and game menu with Unity UI system
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to make their own 3D action game with good looking
- Beginners with some basic C# and Unity experience
- Anyone who wants to get into game development careers
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to make their own 3D action game with good looking
- Beginners with some basic C# and Unity experience
- Anyone who wants to get into game development careers
Before I became a programmer, I had been working as a digital artist for a really long time, how games look really matters to me. So when I started creating this tutorial, I really wanted to make the whole experience enjoyable, not only mentally, but also visually. I want you to see a product-level video game building up in your hands while you go through this tutorial, and I believe that will make the how learning experience more immersive.
This course comes with a production-level game asset package, including high-quality models with 4K textures, animations, environment models, a pre-constructed level prefab, and VFX prefabs.
In this course, we will build a basic 3D action game from scratch with high-quality game assets. I will provide you with all the character models, animations, environment, VFX, and Post-Process settings (sound & music not included so far) to make you feel like you are building a professional game from the beginning.
I will try to focus on every detail, but at the same time, it’s better that you have some basic experience in Unity & C#, such as how to navigate the scene, move and rotate GameObjects, and understand how variables and functions work.
At the end of this course, you will be able to create game elements such as:
Install, and setup Unity & Visual Studio Code
Code basic character movement, attack, shoot and dodge abilities
Create a simple combo system
Control animations with animator controller, override animator controller, and animation event
Control VFX via script
Create AI with NavMesh system to control enemy behaviors
Use a basic state pattern to control the character’s status
Create basic health & damage system
Create pickups & bullets
Game logic control & enemy spawn
Basic level design
How to use gizmo to debug
Create main menu and game menu with Unity UI system
Please NOTE that this course DOES NOT contain any sound and music assets so far.
*All of the assets (meshes, animations, VFX, etc.) provided in this course are only for educational purposes, please do not use them in any commercial projects.
By the end of this course, you will have a 3D action game that you can show off to your friends and experiment with your unique ideas.
Please enroll today, I’m looking forward to seeing you in the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Setup
Lecture 1: Learn to create a 3D action game with high-quality game asset
Lecture 2: Installing Unity Hub and Unity (version 2021)
Lecture 3: Installing Visual Studio Code & .Net SDKCode
Lecture 4: Creating Our New Unity project
Lecture 5: Setting up Visual Studio Code
Lecture 6: Game Asset
Lecture 7: Importing Game Asset Package
Lecture 8: Installing Unity Packages & Setting up The Render Pipeline
Chapter 2: Setting up the Game Scene
Lecture 1: Setting up the Game Scene
Chapter 3: Setting Up The Player Gameobject
Lecture 1: Setting Up The Player Gameobject
Lecture 2: Setting The Virtual Camera
Chapter 4: Handling The Player's Basic Movement
Lecture 1: Adding Character Controller Component
Lecture 2: Creating The Scripts
Lecture 3: Writing Player Input Script
Lecture 4: Basic Movement 01
Lecture 5: Basic Movement 02
Chapter 5: Handling The Player's Animations
Lecture 1: Creating The Animator Controller
Lecture 2: Attaching The Swords To The Player
Lecture 3: Running Animation & Script
Lecture 4: Falling Animation & Script
Chapter 6: Creating The Player Footstep VFX
Lecture 1: Setting Up Footstep VFX
Lecture 2: Writing PlayerVFXManager Script
Lecture 3: Writing Player_Run behaviors Script
Chapter 7: Creating The Enemy
Lecture 1: Creating The Enemy GameObject
Lecture 2: Creating Animator Override Controller
Chapter 8: Handling Enemy AI Using NavMesh
Lecture 1: Baking NavMesh
Lecture 2: Adding Nav Mesh Agent Component
Lecture 3: Writing Enemy Movement Code
Chapter 9: Creating The Enemy Movement VFX
Lecture 1: Enemy Movement VFX
Chapter 10: Implementing states for the player
Lecture 1: Introduction To A Simple State pattern
Lecture 2: Updating Player Input script
Lecture 3: Creating State Enum and SwitchToState()
Lecture 4: Updating Character Script
Chapter 11: The Player Attack Animaiton & VFX
Lecture 1: Creating Attack Animation
Lecture 2: Creating Sword Blade VFX
Lecture 3: Writing Player Sliding Code
Chapter 12: Handling Enemy Attack Animation & VFX
Lecture 1: Setting Up Enemy Attack Animation
Lecture 2: Setting Up Enemy Attack VFX
Chapter 13: The Player Health & The Damaging Process
Lecture 1: Health Script
Lecture 2: Setting Up Damage Caster Collider
Lecture 3: Updating Character Script
Lecture 4: Damage Caster Script
Lecture 5: Adding Animation Events & Updating Character Controller Script
Chapter 14: Creating The Attack VFX
Lecture 1: Player Blade Slash VFX
Lecture 2: Enemy BeingHit VFX
Lecture 3: Enemy Splash VFX
Lecture 4: Enemy & Player Blink VFX
Chapter 15: Handling Enemy Death
Lecture 1: Enemy Death Script & Animation
Lecture 2: Enemy Death Material Dissolve Effect
Lecture 3: Creating A Simple Item (Heal Orb)
Lecture 4: Drop The Item Script
Chapter 16: Finishing The Damaging Process
Lecture 1: Setting Up Enemy DamageCaster & Player Health
Lecture 2: Player Weapons Drop
Lecture 3: BeingHit State
Lecture 4: Hit Impact On The Player
Lecture 5: Player Becomes Invincible After Being Hit
Chapter 17: Creating The Heal Orb
Lecture 1: Setting Up the Heal Orb
Lecture 2: Collect Health Orb VFX
Chapter 18: Blade Slash VFX & Combo
Lecture 1: Setting Up The Player Animator
Lecture 2: Player Blade Slash VFX
Lecture 3: Player Combo Script
Chapter 19: Handling The Dash Ability
Lecture 1: Setting Up The Dash Animation
Lecture 2: Updating PlayerInput Script
Lecture 3: Dash(Slide) Script
Chapter 20: Creating Enemy-02
Lecture 1: Setting Up The Enemy02 GameObject
Lecture 2: Setting Up The Animator
Lecture 3: Setting Up The Damage Orb
Lecture 4: Damage Orb Script
Lecture 5: Shoot The Damage Orb Script
Lecture 6: Tweaking Enemy02’s Shooting Script
Chapter 21: Spawn The Enemies
Lecture 1: Setting Up The Spawner Group
Lecture 2: SpawnPoint & Spawner Script
Lecture 3: Finishing The Spawner Group
Lecture 4: Adding SpawnState to Enemies
Lecture 5: Spawn Material VFX
Chapter 22: Creating The Gate
Lecture 1: Setting Up The Gate
Lecture 2: The Gate Script
Lecture 3: Unlock Gate From Spawner
Single-minded Ryan
An indie game developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 59 votes
- 5 stars: 169 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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