Lodash 4 – The Master Guide
Lodash 4 – The Master Guide, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 278 lectures, 20 quizzes, based on 25 reviews, and has 280 subscribers.
You will learn about Gain an understanding of all the functions of Lodash and when to use them Get an example of EVERY (over 300!) Lodash function, to use as a reference when you need to use it Become familiar with one of the most popular Javascript libraries Learn how to use the functions, and how they can help your project Test your knowledge as you go – Lots of quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding of what you have learnt Gain another skill to put on your Resume / Curriculum Vitae! Learn how to manipulate strings, arrays, collections, objects and even functions! Implicit and Explicit Chaining and Sequencing Wrapping / Unwrapping with intro to Functional Programming with Lodash Mixins Templates Transform Partialing Currying Memorizing Debouncing Throttling Bind Defer Extend and Assign Cloning Flattening And SO MUCH MORE! This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers with some prior knowledge of Javascript who are new to Lodash or Developers with some familiarity of Lodash but want to learn more about it It is particularly useful for Developers with some prior knowledge of Javascript who are new to Lodash or Developers with some familiarity of Lodash but want to learn more about it.
Enroll now: Lodash 4 – The Master Guide
Title: Lodash 4 – The Master Guide
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 278
Number of Quizzes: 20
Number of Published Lectures: 278
Number of Published Quizzes: 20
Number of Curriculum Items: 298
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 298
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: £44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Gain an understanding of all the functions of Lodash and when to use them
- Get an example of EVERY (over 300!) Lodash function, to use as a reference when you need to use it
- Become familiar with one of the most popular Javascript libraries
- Learn how to use the functions, and how they can help your project
- Test your knowledge as you go – Lots of quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding of what you have learnt
- Gain another skill to put on your Resume / Curriculum Vitae!
- Learn how to manipulate strings, arrays, collections, objects and even functions!
- Implicit and Explicit Chaining and Sequencing
- Wrapping / Unwrapping with intro to Functional Programming with Lodash
- Mixins
- Templates
- Transform
- Partialing
- Currying
- Memorizing
- Debouncing
- Throttling
- Bind
- Defer
- Extend and Assign
- Cloning
- Flattening
Who Should Attend
- Developers with some prior knowledge of Javascript who are new to Lodash
- Developers with some familiarity of Lodash but want to learn more about it
Target Audiences
- Developers with some prior knowledge of Javascript who are new to Lodash
- Developers with some familiarity of Lodash but want to learn more about it
Why is this course for you?
This course is the most complete course on Lodash.JS with over 11 hours of video content! And probably the most complete course about Lodash available anywhere! Lodash is a huge library, and so is this course!
This course will teach you all you need to do to become a master with Lodash.JS, one of the most popular Javascript libraries on the web. It will provide an example of every available function in Lodash, that’s over 300+ examples!, in a step by step, function by function method.
This course will start at the most basic functions all the way up to the more complex functions. At regular intervals, there will be a Knowledge Check quiz for you to check your knowledge of each of the functions that you have learnt to far. At the end of the course there is a timed Practice Test, so you can test yourself in near exam conditions to really put your knowledge to the test!
I’ve spent days creating this course for you, and hours researching examples. There are not many examples on Lodash.JS out there, so I’ve put in all the effort so that you don’t need to!
It’s a one time investment. The course will be updated with more examples and lectures over time!
How is this course different?
Other Lodash courses on Udemy claim to be “comprehensive” or “complete”, but ask yourself, how can they be complete when the course only covers a few functions and is just a couple of hours long? Only this course, Lodash 4 – The Master Guide, will do justice to the whole of the Lodash library by providing examples of ALL 300+ functions. This huge course is over 11 hours long! This course also covers Lodash 4, the up-to-date, latest version of Lodash. Other courses use an old, out of date version of Lodash.
Note that by “comprehensive” I will provide at least one example on every function. Some functions have more than one example. However, it’s impossible to provide an example on every single use case of a function as I’m sure you’ll appreciate, as the Lodash is a vast library. The student is expected to research further on some functions.
NB This course contains all the material in my Lodash 4 – The Beginner’s Guide course PLUS 6 hours extra content
This course has been built in a modular way, so you can either learn the functions one by one, or just the ones that you wish to learn more about. You can still become an expert in Lodash, even by following a few modules.
By the end of the course, you will become very sufficient with using Lodash. Don’t forget, if you are not entirely happy with the course, you have the 30 day Money-Back-Guarantee.
Use this course in several ways:
Reference Guide– if you need help on a particular function and need an example and explanation how to use it. Just jump straight to the relevant video.
Revision Guide – if you want to test your knowledge of Lodash, have an school assignment, and need to check your understanding – use the Knowledge Check quizzes and Practice Tests
Knowledge Builder – learn module by module, following each example and then trying it out for yourself, building up your confidence and knowledge
Course Modules
Manipulating Strings in Lodash
Manipulating Arrays in Lodash
Manipulating Collections in Lodash
Math & Number Functions in Lodash
Language Functions in Lodash
Utils & Date Functions in Lodash
Manipulating Functions in Lodash
Sequencing and Chaining in Lodash
Just a small selection of some of the things you will learn in this jam-packed course
Array and object transformations
Grouping and sorting
Composing functions
Working with string and arrays
Cloning and assigning properties
Working with objects
MapKeys, MapValues, Assign, Extend
Checking the types
Debounce, Throttle, Memorize, Unary
Currying, Partial, Wrap, Bind,Flow
Extending lodash with own functions Mixin
Implict and Explicit Chaining
Functional programming (intro) with unwrapping
And much more…
What’s Included in this Course Package?
Up-to-date HD-Quality videos with the latest version of Lodash 4
An example and explanation of all 300+ Lodash functions!
Free support in the Q&A
Knowledge Checks at regular intervals for you to check your knowledge
Practice Tests at the end of the course to verify your understanding of Lodash
This course is for you if…
You are a Javascript developer looking to learn how to use Lodash in your everyday coding
You already know about Lodash but struggling to understand some of the more complex functions
You want to test your existing knowledge of Lodash
You want to gain another skill for your Resume or CV
If you’re serious about becoming an expert at Lodash, then start your journey and master Lodash with this course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome!
Lecture 2: Community and Help
Lecture 3: Is this course for you?
Lecture 4: Why Lodash?
Lecture 5: How to navigate this course
Lecture 6: Installing Lodash
Lecture 7: Changes to Replit
Lecture 8: Know these terms
Lecture 9: You know it already!
Lecture 10: Test arrays that can be used
Chapter 2: Manipulating Strings
Lecture 1: Module Introduction
Lecture 2: ToUpper and ToLower
Lecture 3: UpperCase and LowerCase
Lecture 4: UpperFirst and LowerFirst
Lecture 5: Capitalize
Lecture 6: StartCase
Lecture 7: Pad, PadStart and PadEnd
Lecture 8: Trim, TrimStart and TrimEnd
Lecture 9: CamelCase, SnakeCase, KebabCase
Lecture 10: Deburr
Lecture 11: Escape
Lecture 12: Unescape
Lecture 13: EscapeRegExp
Lecture 14: ParseInt
Lecture 15: Repeat
Lecture 16: Replace
Lecture 17: Split
Lecture 18: StartsWith and EndsWith
Lecture 19: Truncate
Lecture 20: Words
Lecture 21: Template (Part 1)
Lecture 22: Template (Part 2)
Lecture 23: Template (Part 3)
Chapter 3: Manipulating Arrays in Lodash
Lecture 1: Module Introduction
Lecture 2: FindIndex
Lecture 3: FindLastIndex
Lecture 4: IndexOf and LastIndexOf
Lecture 5: SortedIndex and SortedLastIndex
Lecture 6: SortedIndexBy and SortedLastIndexBy
Lecture 7: SortedIndexOf and SortedLastIndexOf
Lecture 8: Concat
Lecture 9: Join
Lecture 10: Drop and DropRight
Lecture 11: DropWhile and DropRightWhile
Lecture 12: Fill
Lecture 13: Intersection
Lecture 14: IntersectionBy
Lecture 15: IntersectionWith
Lecture 16: Pull and PullAll
Lecture 17: PullAllBy
Lecture 18: PullAllWith
Lecture 19: PullAt
Lecture 20: Uniq and UniqBy
Lecture 21: UniqWith
Lecture 22: Union
Lecture 23: UnionBy
Lecture 24: UnionWith
Lecture 25: First/Head and Last and Nth
Lecture 26: Reverse
Lecture 27: Initial and Tail
Lecture 28: Take and TakeRight
Lecture 29: TakeWhile and TakeRightWhile
Lecture 30: Slice
Lecture 31: Zip and Unzip
Lecture 32: Chunk
Lecture 33: Compact
Lecture 34: Remove
Lecture 35: SortedUniq and SortedUniqBy
Lecture 36: Xor
Lecture 37: XorBy and XorWith
Lecture 38: Without
Lecture 39: Difference
Lecture 40: DifferenceBy
Lecture 41: DifferenceWith
Lecture 42: Flatten, FlattenDeep, FlattenDepth
Lecture 43: FromPairs
Lecture 44: ZipObject
Lecture 45: ZipObjectDeep
Lecture 46: ZipWith
Lecture 47: UnzipWith
Chapter 4: Manipulating Collections in Lodash
Lecture 1: Module Introduction
Lecture 2: Each/ForEach
Lecture 3: EachRight/ForEachRight
Lecture 4: Challenge Yourself – ForEach
Tim MacLachlan
Senior Developer 20+ years experience
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 18 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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