Lumen Microservices: Create Services and APIs with Lumen
Lumen Microservices: Create Services and APIs with Lumen, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 62 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 956 reviews, and has 3587 subscribers.
You will learn about Build multiple different microservices using Lumen de Laravel Create a service-oriented architecture from scratch using the Lumen microframework Implements a complete security system to control access to internal and external architectural services Feel confident to create and implement service-oriented architectures using Lumen de Laravel Master the best practices of construction and implementation of a complete architecture oriented to services This course is ideal for individuals who are Who wants to start in the world of service-oriented architectures (SOA) or Who seeks to implement fast and light services using the Lumen microframework or Whoever wants to increase the scalability and maintainability of their projects with microservices or Whoever seeks to learn to create and use microservices in a complete architecture or Who seeks to dominate Lumen to implement microservices or Whoever wants to learn how to use Lumen to build complete service-oriented architectures It is particularly useful for Who wants to start in the world of service-oriented architectures (SOA) or Who seeks to implement fast and light services using the Lumen microframework or Whoever wants to increase the scalability and maintainability of their projects with microservices or Whoever seeks to learn to create and use microservices in a complete architecture or Who seeks to dominate Lumen to implement microservices or Whoever wants to learn how to use Lumen to build complete service-oriented architectures.
Enroll now: Lumen Microservices: Create Services and APIs with Lumen
Title: Lumen Microservices: Create Services and APIs with Lumen
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 62
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 62
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 64
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 64
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build multiple different microservices using Lumen de Laravel
- Create a service-oriented architecture from scratch using the Lumen microframework
- Implements a complete security system to control access to internal and external architectural services
- Feel confident to create and implement service-oriented architectures using Lumen de Laravel
- Master the best practices of construction and implementation of a complete architecture oriented to services
Who Should Attend
- Who wants to start in the world of service-oriented architectures (SOA)
- Who seeks to implement fast and light services using the Lumen microframework
- Whoever wants to increase the scalability and maintainability of their projects with microservices
- Whoever seeks to learn to create and use microservices in a complete architecture
- Who seeks to dominate Lumen to implement microservices
- Whoever wants to learn how to use Lumen to build complete service-oriented architectures
Target Audiences
- Who wants to start in the world of service-oriented architectures (SOA)
- Who seeks to implement fast and light services using the Lumen microframework
- Whoever wants to increase the scalability and maintainability of their projects with microservices
- Whoever seeks to learn to create and use microservices in a complete architecture
- Who seeks to dominate Lumen to implement microservices
- Whoever wants to learn how to use Lumen to build complete service-oriented architectures
Implement from scratch a complete service-oriented architecture with PHP, using Lumen by Laravel.
Lumenis a PHP microframeworkbased on Laravel (a PHP framework), which makes it ideal to implement microservicesalong with rapid and light systems.
During this course, I will show you the whole process to implement a service-oriented architecturewith PHP and using Lumen; implementing a set of microservices and its interactions. Build the entire security and interaction systems between each microservice. All of that using PHP with Lumen.
So, do not wait any more, and enroll now 🙂
Why should you take this course?
Because it gives you a detailed view, as in no other course, of a service-oriented architecture that is fully functional and secured using PHP and Lumen.
Because you will be able and confident enough to implement your microservices and architectures using Lumen and PHP.
Because it not only shows you the benefits of microservices and their architectures but also shows you how to solve the challenges that microservices represents
Because it shows you how to secure all the microservices in the architecture and control the access to them
What will you be able to do at the end of the course?
In general, you will be able to implement any microservices architecture you need using PHP and Lumen. You will have a clear idea of how to implement each microservice with Lumen, as well as how the interaction between each of these microservices should be structured, how to build a complete security layer that protects and restricts access to each microservice in the architecture using OAuth2 with Lumen/Laravel Passport along with authenticate users and use different grant types of OAuth2.
You will feel confident to take your path and carry out your projects with all the microservices and components you want with PHP and Lumen.
What will you learn exactly?
Create projects in Lumenby Laravel
Configure and use Lumen easily in your system without complex processes
Use Lumen properly for its ideal purpose: the microservices
Build a fully functional service-oriented architecture from scratch
Use OAuth2to protect access to your architecture, through Lumen/Laravel Passport
Install and adapt Laravel Passport to Lumen projects
Create access tokens associated with users to handle users data and authorization flows
Authenticate users credentials and restrict access to only valid users if needed
Authorize and use different kinds of access tokens to restrict the action over your resources
Create a complete system of interaction between microservices through HTTPrequests with GuzzleHTTPfrom Lumen
Build fully functional and adequate services with Lumen
Returns and builds standardized JSONresponses with Lumen
Separate the components of a service-oriented architecture appropriately
Handle errors and exceptions appropriately to ensure the consistencyof the entire architecture
Build and implement, correctly, an API Gateway for your architecture
Centralize the consumption of your service-oriented architecture through an API Gateway with Lumen
And a lot much more. You will have access for life to each class that makes up the course and those that will come later. You also have direct access to me, so you can ask me questions and solve all your doubts.
Do not wait any longer, cheer up and join the course and give free rein to all the possibilities that Lumen offers with a service-oriented architecture.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: About the instructor and the course
Lecture 2: About the microservices architecture and Lumen
Lecture 3: How to Ask Questions
Lecture 4: About the development environment to use in the course
Chapter 2: Creating a first microservice for authors with Lumen
Lecture 1: Obtaining the Lumen structure for the authors' service
Lecture 2: The source code of the course
Lecture 3: Preparing the service for its correct operation
Lecture 4: Building the authors table with a migration of Lumen
Lecture 5: Creating the authors' model
Lecture 6: Creating a factory for authors and building test values
Lecture 7: Creating the controller for authors
Lecture 8: Creating the routes for CRUD operations on the authors
Lecture 9: Normalizing the authors' microservice responses
Chapter 3: Implementing the functions of the authors' microservice in Lumen
Lecture 1: Showing the list of authors from the Lumen controller
Lecture 2: Allowing creating author instances from the controller
Lecture 3: Allowing showing an author with a given id with Lumen
Lecture 4: Allowing editing an existing author
Lecture 5: Allowing deleting an existing author
Lecture 6: Handling important errors and exceptions with Lumen
Chapter 4: Creating the book microservice with Lumen
Lecture 1: Getting the structure of Lumen for the book microservice
Lecture 2: Preparing the books microservice
Lecture 3: Creating the table for books with migrations
Lecture 4: Creating the model for books
Lecture 5: Creating a factory for books and generating random values
Lecture 6: Creating the Lumen controller for books
Lecture 7: Creating the Lumen routes for CRUD operations on books
Lecture 8: Standardizing the responses across the services
Chapter 5: Implementing the microservice functions for books in Lumen
Lecture 1: Showing the complete list of books
Lecture 2: Allowing creating new instances of books
Lecture 3: Allowing showing a specific book
Lecture 4: Allowing updating an existing book
Lecture 5: Allowing removing an existing book
Lecture 6: Handling relevant errors and exceptions with Lumen
Chapter 6: Creating and preparing the API Gateway with Lumen
Lecture 1: Creating the Lumen project for the API Gateway using Composer
Lecture 2: Preparing Lumen for the API Gateway
Lecture 3: Creating the controllers for the authors and books Lumen microservices
Lecture 4: Unifying Lumen responses for the API Gateway
Lecture 5: Registering routes for microservices in Lumen from the Gateway
Lecture 6: Preparing the Gateway in Lumen to consume services
Lecture 7: Preparing the Lumen components to consume the internal services
Chapter 7: Implementing the functions of the Gateway with Lumen
Lecture 1: Obtaining the list of authors from the authors' Lumen microservice
Lecture 2: Creating an author instance with the authors' service
Lecture 3: Showing an author instance using the authors' Lumen microservice
Lecture 4: Editing author instances using the authors' service
Lecture 5: Deleting author instances using the authors' Lumen service
Lecture 6: Implementing operations for books based on the authors ones
Lecture 7: Checking the existence of the author before creating a book
Lecture 8: Controlling errors obtained from services
Chapter 8: Implementing the security layer of the microservices architecture with Lumen
Lecture 1: Installing and enabling Lumen Passport components
Lecture 2: Preparing and configuring Lumen to use Passport
Lecture 3: Protecting the Gateway routes with Lumen Passport
Lecture 4: Obtaining and using access tokens for the Lumen API Gateway
Lecture 5: Preparing the API Gateway to authenticate its requests
Lecture 6: Authenticating direct access to the Lumen authors microservice
Lecture 7: Authenticating direct access to the microservice of books
Chapter 9: Authenticating user access with access tokens
Lecture 1: Creating the migration for the users table in Lumen
Lecture 2: Creating the controller and the routes to manage users in Lumen
Lecture 3: Fixing some details related to user operations
Lecture 4: Creating users and creating access tokens associated with users
Lecture 5: Identifying an authenticated user through access token
Chapter 10: Conclusions and recommendations
Lecture 1: Considerations to keep in mind with your microservices
Lecture 2: Thanks for getting here
JuanD MeGon
Online Instructor | Senior Software Engineer -
ProgramarYa By JuanDMeGon
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 17 votes
- 3 stars: 119 votes
- 4 stars: 337 votes
- 5 stars: 470 votes
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