Machine Learning and AI: Support Vector Machines in Python
Machine Learning and AI: Support Vector Machines in Python, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.64, with 74 lectures, based on 1742 reviews, and has 27947 subscribers.
You will learn about Apply SVMs to practical applications: image recognition, spam detection, medical diagnosis, and regression analysis Understand the theory behind SVMs from scratch (basic geometry) Use Lagrangian Duality to derive the Kernel SVM Understand how Quadratic Programming is applied to SVM Support Vector Regression Polynomial Kernel, Gaussian Kernel, and Sigmoid Kernel Build your own RBF Network and other Neural Networks based on SVM This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who want to know how to use the SVM for practical problems or Experts who want to know all the theory behind the SVM or Professionals who want to know how to effectively tune the SVM for their application It is particularly useful for Beginners who want to know how to use the SVM for practical problems or Experts who want to know all the theory behind the SVM or Professionals who want to know how to effectively tune the SVM for their application.
Enroll now: Machine Learning and AI: Support Vector Machines in Python
Title: Machine Learning and AI: Support Vector Machines in Python
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.64
Number of Lectures: 74
Number of Published Lectures: 74
Number of Curriculum Items: 74
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 74
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Apply SVMs to practical applications: image recognition, spam detection, medical diagnosis, and regression analysis
- Understand the theory behind SVMs from scratch (basic geometry)
- Use Lagrangian Duality to derive the Kernel SVM
- Understand how Quadratic Programming is applied to SVM
- Support Vector Regression
- Polynomial Kernel, Gaussian Kernel, and Sigmoid Kernel
- Build your own RBF Network and other Neural Networks based on SVM
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who want to know how to use the SVM for practical problems
- Experts who want to know all the theory behind the SVM
- Professionals who want to know how to effectively tune the SVM for their application
Target Audiences
- Beginners who want to know how to use the SVM for practical problems
- Experts who want to know all the theory behind the SVM
- Professionals who want to know how to effectively tune the SVM for their application
Support Vector Machines (SVM) are one of the most powerful machine learning models around, and this topic has been one that students have requested ever since I started making courses.
These days, everyone seems to be talking about deep learning, but in fact there was a time when support vector machines were seen as superior to neural networks. One of the things you’ll learn about in this course is that a support vector machine actually is a neural network, and they essentially look identical if you were to draw a diagram.
The toughest obstacle to overcome when you’re learning about support vector machines is that they are very theoretical. This theory very easily scares a lot of people away, and it might feel like learning about support vector machines is beyond your ability. Not so!
In this course, we take a very methodical, step-by-step approach to build up all the theory you need to understand how the SVM really works. We are going to use Logistic Regression as our starting point, which is one of the very first things you learn about as a student of machine learning. So if you want to understand this course, just have a good intuition about Logistic Regression, and by extension have a good understanding of the geometry of lines, planes, and hyperplanes.
This course will cover the critical theory behind SVMs:
Linear SVM derivation
Hinge loss (and its relation to the Cross-Entropy loss)
Quadratic programming (and Linear programming review)
Slack variables
Lagrangian Duality
Kernel SVM (nonlinear SVM)
Polynomial Kernels, Gaussian Kernels, Sigmoid Kernels, and String Kernels
Learn how to achieve an infinite-dimensional feature expansion
Projected Gradient Descent
SMO (Sequential Minimal Optimization)
RBF Networks (Radial Basis Function Neural Networks)
Support Vector Regression (SVR)
Multiclass Classification
For those of you who are thinking, “theory is not for me“, there’s lots of material in this course for you too!
In this course, there will be not just one, but two full sections devoted to just the practical aspects of how to make effective use of the SVM.
We’ll do end-to-end examples of real, practical machine learning applications, such as:
Image recognition
Spam detection
Medical diagnosis
Regression analysis
For more advanced students, there are also plenty of coding exercises where you will get to try different approaches to implementing SVMs.
These are implementations that you won’t find anywhere else in any other course.
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in class!
“If you can’t implement it, you don’t understand it”
Or as the great physicist Richard Feynman said: “What I cannot create, I do not understand”.
My courses are the ONLY courses where you will learn how to implement machine learning algorithms from scratch
Other courses will teach you how to plug in your data into a library, but do you really need help with 3 lines of code?
After doing the same thing with 10 datasets, you realize you didn’t learn 10 things. You learned 1 thing, and just repeated the same 3 lines of code 10 times…
Suggested Prerequisites:
Matrix Arithmetic / Geometry
Basic Probability
Logistic Regression
Python coding: if/else, loops, lists, dicts, sets
Numpy coding: matrix and vector operations, loading a CSV file
Check out the lecture “Machine Learning and AI Prerequisite Roadmap” (available in the FAQ of any of my courses, including the free Numpy course)
Every line of code explained in detail – email me any time if you disagree
No wasted time “typing” on the keyboard like other courses – let’s be honest, nobody can really write code worth learning about in just 20 minutes from scratch
Not afraid of university-level math – get important details about algorithms that other courses leave out
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Objectives
Lecture 3: Course Outline
Lecture 4: Where to get the code and data
Chapter 2: Beginner's Corner
Lecture 1: Beginner's Corner: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Image Classification with SVMs
Lecture 3: Spam Detection with SVMs
Lecture 4: Medical Diagnosis with SVMs
Lecture 5: Regression with SVMs
Lecture 6: Cross-Validation
Lecture 7: How do you get the data? How do you process the data?
Lecture 8: Suggestion Box
Chapter 3: Review of Linear Classifiers
Lecture 1: Basic Geometry
Lecture 2: Normal Vectors
Lecture 3: Logistic Regression Review
Lecture 4: Loss Function and Regularization
Lecture 5: Prediction Confidence
Lecture 6: Nonlinear Problems
Lecture 7: Linear Classifiers Section Conclusion
Chapter 4: Linear SVM
Lecture 1: Linear SVM Section Introduction and Outline
Lecture 2: Linear SVM Problem Setup and Definitions
Lecture 3: Margins
Lecture 4: Linear SVM Objective
Lecture 5: Linear and Quadratic Programming
Lecture 6: Slack Variables
Lecture 7: Hinge Loss (and its Relationship to Logistic Regression)
Lecture 8: Linear SVM with Gradient Descent
Lecture 9: Linear SVM with Gradient Descent (Code)
Lecture 10: Linear SVM Section Summary
Chapter 5: Duality
Lecture 1: Duality Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Duality and Lagrangians (part 1)
Lecture 3: Lagrangian Duality (part 2)
Lecture 4: Relationship to Linear Programming
Lecture 5: Predictions and Support Vectors
Lecture 6: Why Transform Primal to Dual?
Lecture 7: Duality Section Conclusion
Chapter 6: Kernel Methods
Lecture 1: Kernel Methods Section Introduction
Lecture 2: The Kernel Trick
Lecture 3: Polynomial Kernel
Lecture 4: Gaussian Kernel
Lecture 5: Using the Gaussian Kernel
Lecture 6: Why does the Gaussian Kernel correspond to infinite-dimensional features?
Lecture 7: Other Kernels
Lecture 8: Mercer's Condition
Lecture 9: Kernel Methods Section Summary
Chapter 7: Implementations and Extensions
Lecture 1: Dual with Slack Variables
Lecture 2: Simple Approaches to Implementation
Lecture 3: SVM with Projected Gradient Descent Code
Lecture 4: Kernel SVM Gradient Descent with Primal (Theory)
Lecture 5: Kernel SVM Gradient Descent with Primal (Code)
Lecture 6: SMO (Sequential Minimal Optimization)
Lecture 7: Support Vector Regression
Lecture 8: Multiclass Classification
Chapter 8: Neural Networks (Beginner's Corner 2)
Lecture 1: Neural Networks Section Introduction
Lecture 2: RBF Networks
Lecture 3: RBF Approximations
Lecture 4: What Happened to Infinite Dimensionality?
Lecture 5: Build Your Own RBF Network
Lecture 6: Relationship to Deep Learning Neural Networks
Lecture 7: Neural Network-SVM Mashup
Lecture 8: Neural Networks Section Conclusion
Chapter 9: Setting Up Your Environment (FAQ by Student Request)
Lecture 1: Pre-Installation Check
Lecture 2: Anaconda Environment Setup
Lecture 3: How to install Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, IPython, Theano, and TensorFlow
Chapter 10: Extra Help With Python Coding for Beginners (FAQ by Student Request)
Lecture 1: How to Code by Yourself (part 1)
Lecture 2: How to Code by Yourself (part 2)
Lecture 3: Proof that using Jupyter Notebook is the same as not using it
Lecture 4: Python 2 vs Python 3
Chapter 11: Effective Learning Strategies for Machine Learning (FAQ by Student Request)
Lecture 1: How to Succeed in this Course (Long Version)
Lecture 2: Is this for Beginners or Experts? Academic or Practical? Fast or slow-paced?
Lecture 3: Machine Learning and AI Prerequisite Roadmap (pt 1)
Lecture 4: Machine Learning and AI Prerequisite Roadmap (pt 2)
Chapter 12: Appendix / FAQ Finale
Lecture 1: What is the Appendix?
Lecture 2: BONUS
Lazy Programmer Inc.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 35 votes
- 4 stars: 789 votes
- 5 stars: 901 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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