Machine Learning Bootcam: Hand-On Python in Data Science
Machine Learning Bootcam: Hand-On Python in Data Science, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.5, with 86 lectures, based on 21 reviews, and has 2937 subscribers.
You will learn about Basics of Python (Introduction to Spyder & Jupyter Notebook) Numpy (•Introduction to the Library •Nd-array Object •Data Types •Array Attributes •Indexing and Slicing •Array Manipulation) Pandas (Introduction to the Library •Series Data Structures •Pandas Data Frame •Pandas Basic Functionality •Crash Course – Data Visualization & ScikitLearn) Tensorflow (•Introduction to the Library •Basic Syntax •Tensorflow Graphs •Variable Place Holders •Neural Network •Tensorboard) Seaborn (•Distribution Plots •Categorical Plots •Regression Plots •Style and Color) Plotly and Cufflinks Regression (• Simple Linear Regression •Multiple Linear Regression •Polynomial Regression •Support Vector Regression • Decision Tree & Forest Regression Classification (•Logistic Regression •K-Nearest Neighbors • Support Vector Machine •Kernel SVM •Naïve Bayes •Decision Tree Classification •Random Forest) Deep Learning (•Artificial Neural Networks •Convolutional Neural Networks •Recurrent Neural Networks) This course is ideal for individuals who are Those who are interested in AI and Machine Learning or Those who have basic knowledge of any programming language or Those who want to be create awesome Machine Learning and AI modules or And those who want to earn some handsome amount of money from Machine Learning Field in Future It is particularly useful for Those who are interested in AI and Machine Learning or Those who have basic knowledge of any programming language or Those who want to be create awesome Machine Learning and AI modules or And those who want to earn some handsome amount of money from Machine Learning Field in Future.
Enroll now: Machine Learning Bootcam: Hand-On Python in Data Science
Title: Machine Learning Bootcam: Hand-On Python in Data Science
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Lectures: 86
Number of Published Lectures: 86
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Basics of Python (Introduction to Spyder & Jupyter Notebook)
- Numpy (•Introduction to the Library •Nd-array Object •Data Types •Array Attributes •Indexing and Slicing •Array Manipulation)
- Pandas (Introduction to the Library •Series Data Structures •Pandas Data Frame •Pandas Basic Functionality •Crash Course – Data Visualization & ScikitLearn)
- Tensorflow (•Introduction to the Library •Basic Syntax •Tensorflow Graphs •Variable Place Holders •Neural Network •Tensorboard)
- Seaborn (•Distribution Plots •Categorical Plots •Regression Plots •Style and Color)
- Plotly and Cufflinks
- Regression (• Simple Linear Regression •Multiple Linear Regression •Polynomial Regression •Support Vector Regression • Decision Tree & Forest Regression
- Classification (•Logistic Regression •K-Nearest Neighbors • Support Vector Machine •Kernel SVM •Naïve Bayes •Decision Tree Classification •Random Forest)
- Deep Learning (•Artificial Neural Networks •Convolutional Neural Networks •Recurrent Neural Networks)
Who Should Attend
- Those who are interested in AI and Machine Learning
- Those who have basic knowledge of any programming language
- Those who want to be create awesome Machine Learning and AI modules
- And those who want to earn some handsome amount of money from Machine Learning Field in Future
Target Audiences
- Those who are interested in AI and Machine Learning
- Those who have basic knowledge of any programming language
- Those who want to be create awesome Machine Learning and AI modules
- And those who want to earn some handsome amount of money from Machine Learning Field in Future
This comprehensive course delves into the essential realm of Supervised Learning in Python, a pivotal branch of Machine Learning. Whether you are a Python novice or an experienced programmer, fear not, as the initial lectures devoted to Python and its integral libraries, including Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn, Scikit-Learn, and Tensorflow, are designed to equip you with the necessary skills and familiarity with the programming language.
The course is thoughtfully structured into two distinct sections. The first section focuses on Python basics and fundamental libraries, providing a solid foundation crucial for delving into the intricacies of Supervised Machine Learning. It serves as a preparatory phase, ensuring participants are well-versed in the tools required for effective engagement with the subsequent material.
The second section delves into the core of Supervised Learning, spanning three main chapters: Regression, Classification, and Deep Learning. Each chapter is meticulously dissected, offering a dual approach of theoretical understanding and hands-on experimentation. This method not only enhances conceptual comprehension but also ensures practical proficiency in implementing algorithms.
Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on the practical application of various machine learning algorithms. Participants will learn to harness these algorithms to construct impressive modules of Machine Learning. By the course’s culmination, you will have acquired the expertise to independently develop Recognition Systems, Prediction Models, and various other applications.
Embark on this learning journey, and by the course’s conclusion, you will be well-equipped to tackle real-world challenges using Supervised Learning techniques in Python. Let’s get started on this exciting exploration of the world of machine learning!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The General Concept of Data Science
Lecture 3: Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning
Lecture 4: Basics of Python
Chapter 2: Environment Set up
Lecture 1: 00-Environmental Setup
Lecture 2: 01-Spyder and Jupyter Overview
Chapter 3: Numpy
Lecture 1: Introduction to Numpy
Lecture 2: Ndarray Object
Lecture 3: Data Types
Lecture 4: Array Attributes
Lecture 5: Array from Numerical Ranges
Lecture 6: Indexing & Slicing
Lecture 7: Array Manipulation part(a)
Lecture 8: Array Manipulation part(b)
Lecture 9: Array Manipulation part(c)
Lecture 10: Array Manipulation part(d)
Lecture 11: Array Manipulation part(e)
Lecture 12: Array Manipulation part(f)
Chapter 4: Pandas
Lecture 1: Introduction to Pandas
Lecture 2: Series Data Structures (part a)
Lecture 3: Series Data Structures (part b)
Lecture 4: Pandas DataFrame
Lecture 5: Pandas Basic Functionality
Chapter 5: Data Visualization & ScikitLearn (Crash Course)
Lecture 1: Data Visualization (Crash Course)
Lecture 2: ScikitLearn (Crash Course)
Chapter 6: Tensorflow
Lecture 1: Introduction to Tensorflow
Lecture 2: Tensorflow_Basic Syntax
Lecture 3: Tensorflow_Graphs
Lecture 4: Tensorflow_VariablesPlaceholders
Lecture 5: Tensorflow_NeuralNetwork1
Lecture 6: Tensorflow_NeuralNetwork2
Lecture 7: Tensorflow_NeuralNetwork3
Lecture 8: Tensorflow_Saving,Restoring Models
Lecture 9: Tensorflow_Tensorboard-1
Lecture 10: Tensorflow_Tensorboard-2
Chapter 7: Seaborn
Lecture 1: Seaborn_Distribution_Plots
Lecture 2: Seaborn_Categorical_Plots
Lecture 3: Seaborn_Categorical_Plots2
Lecture 4: Seaborn_Regression_Plots
Lecture 5: Seaborn_Style_Color
Chapter 8: Plotly and Cufflinks
Lecture 1: Covering the Plotly and cufflinks ML libraries
Chapter 9: Supervised Machine Learning (Why Machine Learning?)
Lecture 1: The Primary Concept
Lecture 2: Algorithms of Supervised Learning
Chapter 10: Regression – Simple Linear Regression
Lecture 1: Simple_Linear_Regression_Part1
Lecture 2: Simple_Linear_Regression_Part2
Lecture 3: Simple_Linear_Regression_Part3
Lecture 4: Simple_Linear_Regression_Part4
Chapter 11: Regression – Multiple Linear Regression
Lecture 1: Multiple Linear Regression_Part1
Lecture 2: Multiple Linear Regression_Part2
Lecture 3: Multiple Linear Regression_Part3
Chapter 12: Regression – Polynomial Regression
Lecture 1: Polynomial Regression_Part1
Lecture 2: Polynomial Regression_Part2
Lecture 3: Polynomial Regression_Part3a
Lecture 4: Polynomial Regression_Part3b
Lecture 5: Polynomial Regression_Part4
Chapter 13: Artificial Neural Network
Lecture 1: Plan of Attack
Lecture 2: What is Neuron?
Lecture 3: The Activation Function
Lecture 4: Working of Neural Networks?
Lecture 5: Learning of Neural Networks
Lecture 6: Gradient Descent
Lecture 7: 06-Stochastic Gradient Descent
Lecture 8: 07-Backpropagation
Lecture 9: The Problem Statement
Lecture 10: Importance of Balanced Dataset
Lecture 11: Preprocessing (1)
Lecture 12: Preprocessing (2)
Lecture 13: Preprocessing (3)
Lecture 14: Defining the Model
Lecture 15: Training the Model
Lecture 16: Evaluating the Model
Lecture 17: Homework for ANN’s
Lecture 18: Solution for ANN’s
Chapter 14: Convolutional Neural Networks
Lecture 1: Plan of Attack
Lecture 2: Building_CNN_introduction
Lecture 3: Building_CNN_Parameters
Lecture 4: Building_CNN_Convolution 2D
Lecture 5: Building_CNN_PoolActFlat
Lecture 6: Building_CNN_FcLayer
Lecture 7: Building_CNN_BuildModelCNN
Lecture 8: Building_CNN_CostFn and Optimizer
Lecture 9: Building_CNN_Tensorflow Session
Lecture 10: Building_CNN_Prediction
Chapter 15: Recurrent Neural Networks
Lecture 1: Building_RNN_Initializatino
Lecture 2: Building_RNN_Model
Apex Education
Quality Training & Resources – A Step Ahead
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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