Machine Learning & Data Science A-Z: Hands-on Python 2024
Machine Learning & Data Science A-Z: Hands-on Python 2024, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.21, with 76 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 1196 reviews, and has 69061 subscribers.
You will learn about Understanding the basic concepts Complete tutorial about basic packages like Numpy and Pandas Data Visualization Data Preprocessing Understanding the concept behind the algorithms Developing different kinds of Machine Learning models Knowing how to optimize your models' hyperparameters Learn how to develop models based on the requirement of your future business This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone with any background that interested in Data Science and Machine Learning with at least high school knowledge in mathematic or Beginners, intermediate and even advanced students in the field of artificial intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning or Students in college that looking for securing their future jobs or Employees that look forward to excel their job level by learning machine learning or Anyone who afraid of coding in Python but interested in Machine Learning Concepts or Any one who wants to create a new business using machine learning or Graduate students and researchers that want to apply machine learning models in their thesis and projects It is particularly useful for Anyone with any background that interested in Data Science and Machine Learning with at least high school knowledge in mathematic or Beginners, intermediate and even advanced students in the field of artificial intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning or Students in college that looking for securing their future jobs or Employees that look forward to excel their job level by learning machine learning or Anyone who afraid of coding in Python but interested in Machine Learning Concepts or Any one who wants to create a new business using machine learning or Graduate students and researchers that want to apply machine learning models in their thesis and projects.
Enroll now: Machine Learning & Data Science A-Z: Hands-on Python 2024
Title: Machine Learning & Data Science A-Z: Hands-on Python 2024
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.21
Number of Lectures: 76
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 76
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 82
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 82
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understanding the basic concepts
- Complete tutorial about basic packages like Numpy and Pandas
- Data Visualization
- Data Preprocessing
- Understanding the concept behind the algorithms
- Developing different kinds of Machine Learning models
- Knowing how to optimize your models' hyperparameters
- Learn how to develop models based on the requirement of your future business
Who Should Attend
- Anyone with any background that interested in Data Science and Machine Learning with at least high school knowledge in mathematic
- Beginners, intermediate and even advanced students in the field of artificial intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning
- Students in college that looking for securing their future jobs
- Employees that look forward to excel their job level by learning machine learning
- Anyone who afraid of coding in Python but interested in Machine Learning Concepts
- Any one who wants to create a new business using machine learning
- Graduate students and researchers that want to apply machine learning models in their thesis and projects
Target Audiences
- Anyone with any background that interested in Data Science and Machine Learning with at least high school knowledge in mathematic
- Beginners, intermediate and even advanced students in the field of artificial intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning
- Students in college that looking for securing their future jobs
- Employees that look forward to excel their job level by learning machine learning
- Anyone who afraid of coding in Python but interested in Machine Learning Concepts
- Any one who wants to create a new business using machine learning
- Graduate students and researchers that want to apply machine learning models in their thesis and projects
Are you interested in data science and machine learning, but you don’t have any background, and you find the concepts confusing?
Are you interested in programming in Python, but you always afraid of coding?
I think this course is for you!
Even if you are familiar with machine learning, this course can help you to review all the techniques and understand the concept behind each term.
This course is completely categorized, and we don’t start from the middle! We actually start from the concept of every term, and then we try to implement it in Python step by step. The structure of the course is as follows:
Chapter1: Introduction and all required installations
Chapter2: Useful Machine Learning libraries (NumPy, Pandas & Matplotlib)
Chapter3: Preprocessing
Chapter4: Machine Learning Types
Chapter5: Supervised Learning: Classification
Chapter6: Supervised Learning: Regression
Chapter7: Unsupervised Learning: Clustering
Chapter8: Model Tuning
Furthermore, you learn how to work with different real datasets and use them for developing your models. All the Python code templates that we write during the course together are available, and you can download them with the resource button of each section.
Remember! That this course is created for you with any background as all the concepts will be explained from the basics! Also, the programming in Python will be explained from the basic coding, and you just need to know the syntax of Python.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Content
Lecture 2: What is Machine Learning? Some Basic Terms
Lecture 3: Python Installation
Lecture 4: Python IDE
Lecture 5: IDE Installation
Lecture 6: Installation of Required Libraries
Lecture 7: Spyder Interface
Chapter 2: Machine Learning Useful Packages (Libraries)
Lecture 1: Python Source Codes
Lecture 2: NumPy1
Lecture 3: NumPy2
Lecture 4: NumPy3
Lecture 5: NumPy4
Lecture 6: NumPy5
Lecture 7: NumPy6
Lecture 8: Pandas1
Lecture 9: Pandas2
Lecture 10: Pandas3
Lecture 11: Pandas4
Lecture 12: Visualization with Matplotlib1
Lecture 13: Visualization with Matplotlib2
Lecture 14: Visualization with Matplotlib3
Lecture 15: Visualization with Matplotlib4
Lecture 16: Visualization with Matplotlib5
Chapter 3: Data Preprocessing
Lecture 1: Reading and Modifying a Dataset
Lecture 2: Statistics1
Lecture 3: Statistics2
Lecture 4: Statistics3 – Covariance
Lecture 5: Missing Values1
Lecture 6: Missing Values2
Lecture 7: Outlier Detection1
Lecture 8: Outlier Detection2
Lecture 9: Outlier Detection3
Lecture 10: Concatenation
Lecture 11: Dummy Variable
Lecture 12: Normalization
Chapter 4: Machine Learning Introduction
Lecture 1: Learning Types
Chapter 5: Supervised Learning – Classification
Lecture 1: Supervised Learning Models – Introduction and Understanding the Data
Lecture 2: k-NN Concepts
Lecture 3: k-NN Model Development
Lecture 4: k-NN Training-Set and Test-Set Creation
Lecture 5: Decision Tree Concepts
Lecture 6: Decision Tree Model Development
Lecture 7: Decision Tree – Cross Validation
Lecture 8: Naive Bayes Concepts
Lecture 9: Naive Bayes Model Development
Lecture 10: Logistic Regression Concepts
Lecture 11: Logistic Regression Model Development
Lecture 12: Model Evaluation Concepts
Lecture 13: Model Evaluation – Calculating with Python
Chapter 6: Supervised Learning – Regression
Lecture 1: Note!
Lecture 2: Simple and Multiple Linear Regression Concepts
Lecture 3: Multiple Linear Regression – Model Development
Lecture 4: Evaluation Metrics – Concepts
Lecture 5: Evaluation Metrics – Implementation
Lecture 6: Polynomial Linear Regression Concepts
Lecture 7: Polynomial Linear Regression Model Development
Lecture 8: Random Forest Concepts
Lecture 9: Random Forest Model Development
Lecture 10: Support Vector Regression Concepts
Lecture 11: Support Vector Regression Model Development
Chapter 7: Unsupervised Learning – Clustering Techniques
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: K-means Concepts1
Lecture 3: K-means Concepts2
Lecture 4: K-means Model Development1
Lecture 5: K-means Model Development2
Lecture 6: K-means – Model Evaluation
Lecture 7: DBSCAN Concepts
Lecture 8: DBSCAN Model Development
Lecture 9: Hierarchical Clustering Concepts
Lecture 10: Hierarchical Clustering Model Development
Chapter 8: Hyper Parameter Optimization (Model Tuning)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Support Vector Regression – Model Tuning
Lecture 3: K-Means – Model Tuning
Lecture 4: k-NN – Model Tuning
Lecture 5: Overfitting and Underfitting
Chapter 9: Bonus
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Navid Shirzadi, Ph.D.
Data Science & Optimization Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 24 votes
- 3 stars: 115 votes
- 4 stars: 416 votes
- 5 stars: 630 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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