Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass in Python and R
Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass in Python and R, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 204 lectures, 19 quizzes, based on 66 reviews, and has 723 subscribers.
You will learn about Create machine learning applications in Python as well as R Apply Machine Learning to own data You will learn Machine Learning clearly and concisely Learn with real data: Many practical examples (spam filter, is fungus edible or poisonous etc. …) No dry mathematics – everything explained vividly Use popular tools like Sklearn, and Caret You will know when to use which machine learning model This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers interested in Machine Learning It is particularly useful for Developers interested in Machine Learning.
Enroll now: Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass in Python and R
Title: Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass in Python and R
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 204
Number of Quizzes: 19
Number of Published Lectures: 204
Number of Published Quizzes: 19
Number of Curriculum Items: 223
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 223
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create machine learning applications in Python as well as R
- Apply Machine Learning to own data
- You will learn Machine Learning clearly and concisely
- Learn with real data: Many practical examples (spam filter, is fungus edible or poisonous etc. …)
- No dry mathematics – everything explained vividly
- Use popular tools like Sklearn, and Caret
- You will know when to use which machine learning model
Who Should Attend
- Developers interested in Machine Learning
Target Audiences
- Developers interested in Machine Learning
This course contains over 200 lessons, quizzes, practical examples, … – the easiest way if you want to learn Machine Learning.
Step by step I teach you machine learning. In each section you will learn a new topic – first the idea / intuition behind it, and then the code in both Python and R.
Machine Learning is only really fun when you evaluate real data. That’s why you analyze a lot of practical examples in this course:
Estimate the value of used cars
Write a spam filter
Diagnose breast cancer
All code examples are shown in both programming languages – so you can choose whether you want to see the course in Python, R, or in both languages!
After the course you can apply Machine Learning to your own data and make informed decisions:
You know when which models might come into question and how to compare them. You can analyze which columns are needed, whether additional data is needed, and know which data needs to be prepared in advance.
This course covers the important topics:
On all these topics you will learn about different algorithms. The ideas behind them are simply explained – not dry mathematical formulas, but vivid graphical explanations.
We use common tools (Sklearn, NLTK, caret, data.table, …), which are also used for real machine learning projects.
What do you learn?
Linear Regression
Polynomial Regression
Logistic Regression
Naive Bayes
Decision trees
Random Forest
You will also learn how to use Machine Learning:
Read in data and prepare it for your model
With complete practical example, explained step by step
Find the best hyper parameters for your model
“Parameter Tuning”
Compare models with each other:
How the accuracy value of a model can mislead you and what you can do about it
K-Fold Cross Validation
Coefficient of determination
My goal with this course is to offer you the ideal entry into the world of machine learning.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Why Machine Learning?
Lecture 2: Who am I? How Is The Course Structured?
Lecture 3: Udemy Reviews Update
Lecture 4: Python Or R?
Lecture 5: Download Required Materials
Lecture 6: Get the most from Tutorials.EU
Chapter 2: Setting Up The Python Environment
Lecture 1: Installing Required Tools
Lecture 2: Crash Course: Our Jupyter-Environment
Lecture 3: How To Find The Right File In The Course Materials
Chapter 3: Setting Up The R Environment
Lecture 1: Installing R And RStudio
Lecture 2: Crash Course: R and RStudio
Lecture 3: How To Find The Right File In The Course Materials
Lecture 4: Note About The Next Lectures
Lecture 5: Intro: Vectores in R
Lecture 6: Intro: data.table In R
Chapter 4: Basics Machine-Learning
Lecture 1: What's A Model?
Lecture 2: Which Problems Is Machine Learning Used For
Chapter 5: Linear Regression
Lecture 1: Intuiton: Linear Regression (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Intuition: Linear Regression (Part 2)
Lecture 3: Intuition Comprehend With Geogebra
Lecture 4: Python: Read Data And Draw Graphic
Lecture 5: Note: Excel
Lecture 6: Python: Linear Regression (Part 1)
Lecture 7: Python: Linear Regression (Part 2)
Lecture 8: R: Linear Regression (Part 1)
Lecture 9: R: Linear Regression (Part 2)
Lecture 10: R: Linear Regression (Part 3)
Lecture 11: R: Linear Regression (Part 4)
Lecture 12: Excursus (optional): Why Do We Use The Quadratic Error?
Chapter 6: Project: Linear Regression
Lecture 1: Intro: Project Linear Regression (Used Car Sales)
Lecture 2: Python: Sample Solution
Lecture 3: R: Sample Solution
Chapter 7: Train/Test
Lecture 1: Intuition: Train / Test
Lecture 2: Python: Train / Test (Part 1)
Lecture 3: Python: Train / Test (Part 2)
Lecture 4: Python: Train / Test – Challenge
Lecture 5: R: Train / Test (Part 1)
Lecture 6: R: Train / Test (Part 2)
Lecture 7: R: Train / Test – Challenge
Chapter 8: Linear Regression With Multiple Variables
Lecture 1: Intuition: Linear regression with multiple variables (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Intuition: Linear regression with multiple variables (Part 2)
Lecture 3: Python: Linear regression with multiple variables (Part 1)
Lecture 4: Python: Linear regression with multiple variables (Part 2)
Lecture 5: R: Linear regression with multiple variables (Part 1 + 2)
Chapter 9: Compare models: coefficient of determination
Lecture 1: Intuition: R² – The coefficient of determination (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Intuition: R² – The coefficient of determination (Part 2)
Lecture 3: Python: Calculate R²
Lecture 4: Python: Compare models by R²
Lecture 5: R: Calculate R²
Lecture 6: R: Compare models by R²
Chapter 10: Practical project: Coefficient of Determination
Lecture 1: Introduction: Practical project: coefficient of determination
Lecture 2: Note: Where can you find the project?
Lecture 3: Python, practical project: Calculate coefficient of determination
Lecture 4: R, Praxisprojekt: Bestimmtheitsmaß berechnen
Chapter 11: Concept: Types of data and how to process them
Lecture 1: Intuition: Data Types (Part 1) – What Types Are There?
Lecture 2: Intuition: Data Types (Part 2) – Metric & Nominal Data
Lecture 3: Intuition: Data Types (Part 3) – Ordinal Data
Lecture 4: Python: Processing Nominal Data (Part 1, Preparing Data)
Lecture 5: Python: Processing Nominal Data (Part 2)
Lecture 6: R: Process nominal data (Part 1 + 2)
Lecture 7: Optional excursus: Why were we allowed to remove a column?
Chapter 12: Polynomial Regression
Lecture 1: Intuition: Polynomial Regression (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Intuition: Polynomial Regression (Part 2)
Lecture 3: Python: Polynomial Regression (Part 1)
Lecture 4: Python: Polynomial Regression (Part 2)
Lecture 5: R: Polynomial Regression (Part 1)
Lecture 6: R: Polynomial Regression (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Practice Project: Polynomial Regression
Lecture 1: Presentation: Practice Project Polynomial Regression
Lecture 2: Python: Sample Solution: Project Polynomial Regression
Lecture 3: R: Sample Solution: Project Polynomial Regression
Chapter 14: Excursus R: Vectorize calculations in R (matrices, …)
Lecture 1: R: Vectors and matrices
Lecture 2: R: Access elements in vectors
Lecture 3: R: Naming of elements
Lecture 4: R: Matrices
Lecture 5: R: Name matrices
Lecture 6: R: DataTables
Chapter 15: Excursus Python: Vectorize Calculations (Numpy)
Lecture 1: Excursus Python: Why Numpy? (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Excursus Python: Why Numpy? (Part 2)
Lecture 3: Excursus Python: Numpy (Arrays)
Denis Panjuta
Teaches over 400,000 students to code
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 26 votes
- 5 stars: 29 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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