Machine Learning for Flutter – The Complete Flutter ML Guide
Machine Learning for Flutter – The Complete Flutter ML Guide, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.09, with 230 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 143 reviews, and has 1308 subscribers.
You will learn about Train Custom Machine Learning Models for Flutter Use of Machine learning models with images from gallery and camera in Flutter Use of Machine Learning models with live camera footage in Flutter Use of Tensorflow lite models in Flutter App Development Train Custom Machine Learning Models for Image Classification in Flutter Train Custom Machine Learning Models for Object Detection in Flutter Training Machine Learning models for Flutter Applications How to integrate Google ML Kit in Flutter Applications Image classification in Flutter With Images & Videos Pose Estimation in Flutter With Images & Videos Image labeling in Flutter With Images & Videos Object Detection in Flutter With Images & Videos Barcode Scanning in Flutter With Images & Videos Face Detection in Flutter With Images & Videos Text Recognition in Flutter With Images & Videos Text Translation and Language identification in Flutter Building Machine learning based Realtime Flutter Applications Machine Learning models use in Flutter to build Smart Android and IOS Applications Recognize Handwritten Text in Flutter OCR in Flutter to scan images of documents Smart Reply Suggestions Flutter Application This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Flutter Developer curious about Machine learning and computer vision use in Flutter or Experienced Professional want to add Machine Learning models in their Flutter Applications or Intermediate Flutter developers looking to enhance their skillset or App developer want to learn use of Machine learning in their Flutter Applications It is particularly useful for Beginner Flutter Developer curious about Machine learning and computer vision use in Flutter or Experienced Professional want to add Machine Learning models in their Flutter Applications or Intermediate Flutter developers looking to enhance their skillset or App developer want to learn use of Machine learning in their Flutter Applications.
Enroll now: Machine Learning for Flutter – The Complete Flutter ML Guide
Title: Machine Learning for Flutter – The Complete Flutter ML Guide
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.09
Number of Lectures: 230
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 181
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 232
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 183
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Train Custom Machine Learning Models for Flutter
- Use of Machine learning models with images from gallery and camera in Flutter
- Use of Machine Learning models with live camera footage in Flutter
- Use of Tensorflow lite models in Flutter App Development
- Train Custom Machine Learning Models for Image Classification in Flutter
- Train Custom Machine Learning Models for Object Detection in Flutter
- Training Machine Learning models for Flutter Applications
- How to integrate Google ML Kit in Flutter Applications
- Image classification in Flutter With Images & Videos
- Pose Estimation in Flutter With Images & Videos
- Image labeling in Flutter With Images & Videos
- Object Detection in Flutter With Images & Videos
- Barcode Scanning in Flutter With Images & Videos
- Face Detection in Flutter With Images & Videos
- Text Recognition in Flutter With Images & Videos
- Text Translation and Language identification in Flutter
- Building Machine learning based Realtime Flutter Applications
- Machine Learning models use in Flutter to build Smart Android and IOS Applications
- Recognize Handwritten Text in Flutter
- OCR in Flutter to scan images of documents
- Smart Reply Suggestions Flutter Application
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Flutter Developer curious about Machine learning and computer vision use in Flutter
- Experienced Professional want to add Machine Learning models in their Flutter Applications
- Intermediate Flutter developers looking to enhance their skillset
- App developer want to learn use of Machine learning in their Flutter Applications
Target Audiences
- Beginner Flutter Developer curious about Machine learning and computer vision use in Flutter
- Experienced Professional want to add Machine Learning models in their Flutter Applications
- Intermediate Flutter developers looking to enhance their skillset
- App developer want to learn use of Machine learning in their Flutter Applications
Note: Lectures and Resources are updated in April 2024
Welcome to the Machine Learning for Flutter – The Complete Flutter ML Guide
Covering all the fundamental concepts of using ML models inside Flutter applications, this is the most comprehensive Google Flutter ML course available online.
The important thing is you don’t need to have background working knowledge of Machine learning and computer vision to use ML models inside Flutter and train your custom machine learning models.
Starting from a very simple example course will teach you to use advanced ML models in your Flutter ( Android & IOS ) applications. So after completing this course, you will be able to use both simple and advanced Tensorflow lite models along with a Firebase ML Kit in your Flutter ( Android & IOS ) applications.
What we will cover in this course?
Learning the use of existing machine learning models in Flutter (Android and IOS) applications
Learn to train your own custom machine-learning models and build Flutter applications
Train Machine Learning models on Custom datasets for Image Classification and object Detection
Choosing images from the gallery and capturing images using the camera in Flutter
Displaying live camera footage and fetching frames of live camera footage in Flutter
Image classification with images and live camera footage in Flutter (Android and IOS)
Object Detection with Images and Live Camera footage in Flutter (Android and IOS)
Image Segmentation to make images transparent in Flutter (Android and IOS)
Barcode Scanning in Flutter to scan barcodes and QR codes
Pose Estimation in Flutter to detect human body joints
Text Recognition in Flutter to recognize text in images
Text Translation in Flutter to translate between different languages
Face Detection in Flutter to detect faces, facial landmarks, and facial expressions
Smart Reply in Flutter
Digital Ink Recognition in Flutter
Language Identification in Flutter
Training image classification models for Flutter (Android and IOS) applications
Training object detection models for Flutter (Android and IOS) applications
Retraining existing machine learning models with transfer learning for Flutter (Android and IOS) applications
Using our custom machine learning models in Flutter (Android and IOS) applications
Course structure
We will start by learning about two important libraries
Image Picker: to choose images from the gallery or capture images using the camera in Flutter
Camera: to get live footage from the camera frame by frame in Flutter
So later we can use a computer vision model with both images and live camera footage in Flutter
Then we will learn about the Firebase ML kit and the features it provides. We will explore the features of the Firebase ML Kit and build two flutter applications using each feature.
The flutter applications we will build in that section are
Image labeling Flutter application using images of gallery and camera
Image labeling Flutter application using live footage from the camera
Barcode Scanning Flutter application using images of gallery and camera
Barcode Scanning Flutter application using live footage from the camera
Text Recognition Flutter application using images of gallery and camera
Text Recognition Flutter application using live footage from the camera
Face Detection Flutter application using images of gallery and camera
Face Detection Flutter application using live footage from the camera
Object Detection Flutter application using images of gallery and camera
Object Detection Flutter application using live footage from the camera
Smart Reply Flutter Application to generate smart reply suggestions in chat applications
Digital Ink Recognition Application to Recognize handwritten text
Entity Extraction Flutter Application to extract different entities from text
Pose Detection Flutter application using images of gallery and camera
Pose Detection Flutter application using live footage from the camera
Text Translation Flutter Application to translate between any two language
Language Identification Flutter Application to identify the language of text
After learning the use of Firebase ML Kit inside Google Flutter (Android& IOS) applications we will learn the use of popular pre-trained TensorFlow lite models inside Google Flutter applications. So we explore some popular machine learning models and build the following Google Flutter applications in this section
Image classification Flutter application using images of gallery and camera
Image classification Flutter application using live footage from the camera
Object detection Flutter application using images of gallery and camera
Object detection Flutter application using live footage from the camera
After learning the use of pre-trained machine learning models using Firebase ML Kit and Tensorflow lite models inside Flutter ( Dart ) we will learn to train our own Image classification models without having any background knowledge of Machine Learning. So we will learn to
Gather and arrange the data set for the machine learning model training
Training Machine learning on some platforms with just a few clicks
So in that section, we will
Train a dog breed classification model for Flutter
Build a Flutter( Android & IOS ) application to recognize different breeds of dogs
Train Fruit recognition model using Transfer learning
Building a Flutter( Android & IOS ) application to recognize different fruits
So the course is mainly divided into three major sections
Firebase ML Kitfor Flutter
Pretrained TensorFlow lite modelsfor Flutter
Training image classification modelsfor Flutter
In the first section, we will learn the use of Firebase ML Kit inside the Flutter dart applications for common use cases like
Image Labeling in Flutter with Images and live camera footage
Barcode Scanning in Flutter with Images and live camera footage
Text Recognition in Flutter with Images and live camera footage
Face Detection in Flutter with Images and live camera footage
Text Recognition Flutter with Images and live camera footage
Object Detection Flutter application with Images and live camera footage
Smart Reply Flutter Application to generate smart reply suggestions in chat based flutter applications
Digital Ink Recognition Application to Recognize handwritten text
Entity Extraction Flutter Application to extract different entities from text
Pose Detection Flutter application with Images and live camera footage
Text Translation Flutter Application to translate between any two language
Language Identification Flutter Application to identify the language of text
So we will explore these features one by one and build Flutter applications. For each of the features of the Firebase ML Kit, we will build two applications. In the first application, we are gonna use the images taken from the gallery or camera, and in the second application, we are gonna use the live camera footage with the Firebase ML model. So apart from simple ML-based applications, you will also be able to build real-time face detection and image labeling applications in Google Flutter Dart using the live camera footage. After completing this section you will have a complete grip on Google Firebase ML Kit and also you will be able to use upcoming features of Firebase ML Kit for Google Flutter ( Dart ).
After covering the Google Firebase ML Kit, In the second section of this course, you will learn about using Tensorflow lite models inside Google Flutter ( Dart ). Tensorflow Lite is a standard format for running ML models on mobile devices. So in this section, you will learn the use of pre-trained powered ML models inside Google Flutter Dart for building
Image Classification Flutter
Object Detection Flutter
applications. So not only you will learn to use these models with images but you will also learn to use them with frames of camera footage to build real-time flutter applications
So after learning the use of Machine Learning models inside Flutter Dart using two different approaches in the third section of this course, you will learn to train your Machine Learning models without any background knowledge of machine learning. So in that section, we will explore some platforms that enable us to train machine learning models for mobile devices with just a few clicks. So in the third section, you will learn to
Collect and arrange the dataset for model training
Training the Machine Learning models from scratch using Teachable-Machine
Retraining existing models using Transfer Learning
Using those trained models inside Google Flutter Dart Applications
So we will train the models to recognize different breeds of dogs and recognize different fruits and then build Google Flutter Applications using those models for Android and IOS
By the end of this course, you will be able
Use Firebase ML kit inside Google Flutter dart applications for Android and IOS
Use pre-trained Tensorflow lite models inside Android & IOS applications using Google Flutter dart
Train your own Image classification models and build Flutter applications
You’ll also have a portfolio of over 20 Flutter apps that you can show off to any potential employer
Sign up today, and look forwards to:
HD 1080p video content, everything you’ll ever need to succeed as a Google Flutter Machine Learning developer
Building over 20fully-fledged flutter applications including ones that use Objet detection, Text Recognition, Pose estimation models, and much much more
All the knowledge you need to start building the Machine Learning-based Flutter (Android or IOS) application you want
$2000+ Source codes of 15 Applications
REMEMBER… I’m so confident that you’ll love this course that we’re offering a FULL money-back guarantee for 30 days! So it’s a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risks and EVERYTHING to gain
So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world’s best Google Flutter ( Dart ) Machine Learning course.
Who this course is for:
Beginner Flutter ( Dart ) developer with very little knowledge of mobile app development in Google Flutter
Intermediate Flutter ( Dart ) developer wanted to build a powerful Machine Learning-based application in Google Flutter
Experienced Flutter ( Dart ) developers wanted to use Machine Learning models inside their applications.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: Setup for MacOS
Lecture 1: Install the Flutter SDK
Lecture 2: Install Android Studio
Lecture 3: Install and Setup XCode
Lecture 4: Creating A Flutter Project and Installing in IOS Simulator
Lecture 5: Install the Android Emulator
Chapter 3: Setup for Windows
Lecture 1: Installing Flutter on Windows
Lecture 2: Installing Android Studio
Lecture 3: Creating Android Virtual Device
Chapter 4: Choose Images from Gallery or capture Images using Camera in Flutter
Lecture 1: Setting Up a new Flutter Project and Creating Application GUI
Lecture 2: Adding the Library and setting configurations for Android & IOS
Lecture 3: Choosing Images From Gallery In Flutter
Lecture 4: Capturing Images using Camera in Flutter
Lecture 5: Overivew
Chapter 5: Displaying Live Camera Footage in Flutter
Lecture 1: Creating new Flutter project and Adding library
Lecture 2: Displaying Live Camera Footage in Flutter
Lecture 3: Getting Frames of Camera Footage One by One in Flutter
Lecture 4: Camera Package Overview
Chapter 6: Image Labeling / Classification in Flutter for Android & IOS
Lecture 1: Flutter Image Labeling Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Setting up the Image Labeling With Images Flutter Project
Lecture 3: Adding Library in Flutter and Setup for Android and IOS
Lecture 4: Performing Image Labeling in Flutter With Images
Lecture 5: Showing ML models results on Screen to the User in Flutter
Lecture 6: Image Labeling with Images in Flutter Overview
Lecture 7: Building GUI of Image Labeling with Images Flutter Application
Lecture 8: Making Image Labeling Results Look better in Flutter
Lecture 9: Flutter Image labeling live feed application testing
Chapter 7: Realtime Image Labeling in Flutter
Lecture 1: Setting up Real Time Image Labeling Project in Flutter
Lecture 2: Setting up Image Labeling Library for Android & IOS in Flutter
Lecture 3: Converting Camera Frames and Processing them one by one in Flutter
Lecture 4: Passing Frames on Image Classification model and Getting Results in Flutter
Lecture 5: Building GUI of Realtime Image Classification Flutter Application
Lecture 6: Showing Frame Image on Camera Footage in Flutter
Chapter 8: Barcode Scanning in Flutter for Android & IOS
Lecture 1: Flutter Barcode Scanning Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Setting up Barcode Scanner Flutter Application
Lecture 3: Adding the library in flutter and creating barcode scanner
Lecture 4: Flutter Barcode Scanning code
Lecture 5: Barcode Scanning with Images in flutter overview
Lecture 6: Setting up Realtime Barcode Scanning Flutter Application Project
Lecture 7: Performing Barcode Scanning with frames of live camera footage in flutter
Lecture 8: Flutter Barcode Scanning Live feed flutter Application Testing
Lecture 9: Barcode Scanning Live Feed Flutter App Overview
Chapter 9: Text Recognition in Flutter for Android & IOS
Lecture 1: Flutter Text Recognition Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Importing Starter code for Flutter Text Recognition
Lecture 3: Performing Text Recognition With Images in Flutter
Lecture 4: Exploring Structure Of Recognized Text in Flutter
Lecture 5: Text Recognition In Flutter With Images Overview
Lecture 6: Setting Up Realtime Text Recognition Application In Flutter
Lecture 7: Performing Text Recognition With Frames Of Live Camera Footage In Flutter
Lecture 8: Drawing Rectangles And Recognized Text On Screen in Flutter
Lecture 9: Testing Realtime Text Recognition Flutter Application
Lecture 10: Drawing Rectangles Around Each Line Of Detected Text in Flutter
Lecture 11: Testing Realtime Text Recognition Flutter Application
Lecture 12: Realtime Text Recognition Flutter Application Overview
Chapter 10: Face Detection in Flutter for Android & IOS
Lecture 1: Flutter Face Detection Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Setting Up Face Detection With Images Flutter Project
Lecture 3: Adding the Library and Creating face detector in flutter
Lecture 4: Performing Face Detection In Flutter With Images
Lecture 5: Drawing Rectangles Around Detected Faces in Flutter
Lecture 6: Drawing Facial Contours On Detected Faces in flutter
Lecture 7: Drawing Facial Landmarks in Flutter
Lecture 8: Face Classification In Flutter With Images
Lecture 9: Face Detection In Flutter With Images Overview
Lecture 10: Setting Up Realtime Face Detection Flutter Project
Lecture 11: What we have done so far in flutter
Lecture 12: Creating Face Detector in flutter for realtime face detection
Lecture 13: Drawing Rectangles Around Detected Faces in flutter In Realtime
Lecture 14: Face Detector Painter class in flutter
Lecture 15: RealTime Face Detection flutter application testing
Lecture 16: Drawing Facial Contours in flutter In Realtime
Lecture 17: RealTime Facial Contours Detection Testing in flutter
Lecture 18: RealTime Face Detection In Flutter Overview
Chapter 11: Object Detection in Flutter for Android & IOS
Lecture 1: Object Detection Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Setting Up Object Detection With Images flutter Project
Lecture 3: Performing Object Detection With Images In Flutter
Lecture 4: Drawing Rectangles Around Detected Object In Flutter
Lecture 5: Object Classification With Images in flutter
Lecture 6: Setting Up Real Time Object Detection flutter Application Project
Lecture 7: Performing Object Detection With Frames of Live Camera Footage in Flutter
Lecture 8: Drawing Rectangles Around Detected Objects in flutter In Realtime
Lecture 9: Realtime Object Detection Flutter Application Testing
Lecture 10: RealTime Object Classification in Flutter
Lecture 11: Realtime Object Detection Testing Drawing Names of Detected Classes in Flutter
Lecture 12: Live Feed Flutter Object Detection Overview
Chapter 12: Text Translation and Language Identification in Flutter for Android & IOS
Lecture 1: Text Translation in Flutter section introduction
Lecture 2: Setting Up Flutter Project
Lecture 3: What we have done so far in flutter
Mobile ML Academy by Hamza Asif
ML & AI based Flutter, Android, IOS & React Native Courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 48 votes
- 5 stars: 67 votes
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