Machine Learning & Self-Driving Cars: Bootcamp with Python
Machine Learning & Self-Driving Cars: Bootcamp with Python, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 78 lectures, 12 quizzes, based on 305 reviews, and has 39941 subscribers.
You will learn about Master Machine Learning and Python Learn how to apply Machine Learning algorithms to develop a Self-Driving Car from scratch Understand why Deep Learning is such a revolution and use it to make the car drive like a human (Behavioural Cloning) Simulate a Self-Driving car in a realistic environment using multiple techniques (Computer Vision, Convolution Neural Networks, …) Create strong added value to your business Gentle introduction to Machine Learning where all the key concepts are presented in an intuitive way Code Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Keras (the most popular library) Learn to apply Computer Vision and Deep Learning techniques to build automotive related algorithms Understand how Self Driving Cars work (sensors, actuators, speed control, …) Learn to code in Python starting from the very beginning Python libraires: NumPy, Sklearn (Scikit-Learn), Keras, OpenCV, Matplotlib This course is ideal for individuals who are All-levels, every section is separated with three levels: Introduction, Hands-On, Deep Dive or Any student who wants to transition into the field of artificial intelligence or Entrepreneurs with an interest in working on some of the most cutting edge technologies or To upgrade or get a job in the Automotive / Data Science domain or Any people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Machine Learning tools It is particularly useful for All-levels, every section is separated with three levels: Introduction, Hands-On, Deep Dive or Any student who wants to transition into the field of artificial intelligence or Entrepreneurs with an interest in working on some of the most cutting edge technologies or To upgrade or get a job in the Automotive / Data Science domain or Any people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Machine Learning tools.
Enroll now: Machine Learning & Self-Driving Cars: Bootcamp with Python
Title: Machine Learning & Self-Driving Cars: Bootcamp with Python
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Quizzes: 12
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Published Quizzes: 12
Number of Curriculum Items: 90
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master Machine Learning and Python
- Learn how to apply Machine Learning algorithms to develop a Self-Driving Car from scratch
- Understand why Deep Learning is such a revolution and use it to make the car drive like a human (Behavioural Cloning)
- Simulate a Self-Driving car in a realistic environment using multiple techniques (Computer Vision, Convolution Neural Networks, …)
- Create strong added value to your business
- Gentle introduction to Machine Learning where all the key concepts are presented in an intuitive way
- Code Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Keras (the most popular library)
- Learn to apply Computer Vision and Deep Learning techniques to build automotive related algorithms
- Understand how Self Driving Cars work (sensors, actuators, speed control, …)
- Learn to code in Python starting from the very beginning
- Python libraires: NumPy, Sklearn (Scikit-Learn), Keras, OpenCV, Matplotlib
Who Should Attend
- All-levels, every section is separated with three levels: Introduction, Hands-On, Deep Dive
- Any student who wants to transition into the field of artificial intelligence
- Entrepreneurs with an interest in working on some of the most cutting edge technologies
- To upgrade or get a job in the Automotive / Data Science domain
- Any people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Machine Learning tools
Target Audiences
- All-levels, every section is separated with three levels: Introduction, Hands-On, Deep Dive
- Any student who wants to transition into the field of artificial intelligence
- Entrepreneurs with an interest in working on some of the most cutting edge technologies
- To upgrade or get a job in the Automotive / Data Science domain
- Any people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Machine Learning tools
Interested in Machine Learning or Self-Driving Cars (i.e. Tesla)? Then this course is for you!
This course has been designed by a professional Data Scientist, expert in Autonomous Vehicles, with the goal of sharing my knowledge and help you understand how Self-Driving Cars work in a simple way.
Each topic is presented at three levels:
Introduction [Beginner]: the topic will be presented, initial intuition about it
Hands-On [Intermediate]: practical lectures where we will learn by doing
Deep dive [Expert/Optional]: going deep into the maths to fully understand the topic
What tools will we use in the course?
Python: probably the most versatile programming language in the world, from websites to Deep Neural Networks, all can be done in Python
Python libraries: matplotlib, OpenCV, numpy, scikit-learn, keras, … (those libraries make the possibilities of Python limitless)
Webots: a very powerful simulator, which free and open source but can provide a wide range of simulation scenarios (Self-Driving Cars, drones, quadrupeds, robotic arms, production lines, …)
Who this course is for?
All-levels: there is no previous knowledge required, there is a section that will teach you how to program in Python
Maths/logic: High-school level is enough to understand everything!
[Optional] Python sections: How to program in python, and how to use essential libraries
Computer Vision: teaches a computer how to see, and introduces key concepts for Neural Networks
Machine Learning: introduction, key concepts, and road sign classification
Collision Avoidance: so far we have used cameras, in this section we understand how radar and lidar sensors are used for self-driving cars, use them for collision avoidance, path planning
Help us understand the difference between Tesla and other car manufacturers, because Tesla doesn’t use radar sensors
Deep learning: we will use all the concepts that we have seen before in CV, in ML and CA, neural networks introduction, Behavioural Cloning
Control Theory: control systems is the glue that stitches all engineering fields together
If you are mainly interested in ML, you can only listen to the introduction for this section, but you should know that the initial Neural Networks were heavily influenced by CT
Who am I, and why am I qualified to talk about Self-driving cars?
Worked in self-driving motorbikes, boats and cars
Some of the biggest companies in the world
Over 8 years experience in the industry and a master in Robotic & CV
Always been interested in efficient learning, and used all the techniques that I’ve learned in this course
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Why This Course?
Lecture 2: How to Approach This Course?
Lecture 3: Make it Engaging
Chapter 2: Python [Optional]
Lecture 1: Installation
Lecture 2: Types in Python
Lecture 3: List & Map
Lecture 4: Operations
Lecture 5: Statements
Lecture 6: Functions
Lecture 7: Classes
Lecture 8: Object Oriented Programming
Lecture 9: Libraries / Modules
Chapter 3: Python's Essential Libraries [Optional]
Lecture 1: Introduction to Python Libraries
Lecture 2: Numpy
Lecture 3: Matplotlib
Lecture 4: OpenCV
Lecture 5: Other Libraries
Chapter 4: Computer Vision
Lecture 1: Introduction to Computer Vision
Lecture 2: How Computers "See" Images?
Lecture 3: Kernel & Convolution
Lecture 4: Image Processing with Kernels
Lecture 5: Thresholding
Lecture 6: Road Segmentation
Lecture 7: Why Webots?
Lecture 8: How to Install Webots in Windows? [Complete Video]
Lecture 9: How to Install Webots in Linux?
Lecture 10: Get The Code!
Lecture 11: Webots too slow?
Lecture 12: Webots Code: Explained
Lecture 13: [Exercise]: Your Line Following Algorithm!
Lecture 14: [Advanced] How to Read a Paper?
Lecture 15: [Advanced] Paper: SIFT
Lecture 16: [Advanced] Read Paper Example
Chapter 5: Machine Learning
Lecture 1: What's Machine Learning?
Lecture 2: Train, Predict & Evaluate
Lecture 3: Types of Machine Learning
Lecture 4: ML for Self-Driving Cars
Chapter 6: Machine Learning Hands-On
Lecture 1: Machine Learning Hands-On: Introduction
Lecture 2: Feature Engineering
Lecture 3: HOG
Lecture 4: SVM
Lecture 5: Performance Metrics
Lecture 6: Download the Dataset
Lecture 7: Code Explanation
Lecture 8: [Exercise]: Modify the code
Lecture 9: Useful ML Models
Lecture 10: Bias Vs Variance
Lecture 11: [Advanced] Paper: SVM
Chapter 7: Collision Avoidance
Lecture 1: Collision Avoidance: Introduction
Lecture 2: Ranging Sensors
Lecture 3: Cameras
Lecture 4: Simulation
Lecture 5: My Solution
Lecture 6: [Exercise]: Your Solution
Lecture 7: Path Planning
Lecture 8: [Advanced] RRT Code
Chapter 8: Deep Learning
Lecture 1: Deep Learning: Introduction
Lecture 2: How do Neural Networks Work?
Lecture 3: How does a Neural Network Learn?
Lecture 4: Convolutional Neural Networks
Lecture 5: Code Example
Chapter 9: Deep Learning: Hands-On
Lecture 1: Deep Learning Hands-On: Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating a Dataset
Lecture 3: Training
Lecture 4: See it drive!
Lecture 5: [Exercise]: Train it yourself!
Lecture 6: [Advanced] AlexNet
Chapter 10: Control Theory
Lecture 1: Why Learn Control Theory
Lecture 2: Control Systems Map
Lecture 3: Stability – Introduction
Lecture 4: Stability – Missing in Machine Learning
Lecture 5: Open and Closed Loop Control
Lecture 6: Closed Loop Control – Cruise Control
Lecture 7: PID – Introduction
Lecture 8: PID Controller – Deep Dive
Lecture 9: PID Controller – How to Tune it?
Lecture 10: PID Controller – Why is it use SO much?
Lecture 11: [Advanced] Paper: PID Controller Design
Iu Ayala
Data Scientist & Robotics Engineer, CEO of Gradient Insight
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 31 votes
- 4 stars: 68 votes
- 5 stars: 202 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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