Machine Learning using Python Programming
Machine Learning using Python Programming, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 66 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 390 reviews, and has 34830 subscribers.
You will learn about Machine Learning Algorithms & Terminologies Artificial Intelligence Python Libraries – Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Python developers It is particularly useful for Beginner Python developers.
Enroll now: Machine Learning using Python Programming
Title: Machine Learning using Python Programming
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 66
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Curriculum Items: 67
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 66
Original Price: ₹1,199
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Machine Learning Algorithms & Terminologies
- Artificial Intelligence
- Python Libraries – Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Python developers
Target Audiences
- Beginner Python developers
‘Machine Learning is all about how a machine with an artificial intelligence learns like a human being’
Welcome to the course on Machine Learning and Implementing it using Python 3. As the title says, this course recommends to have a basic knowledge in Python 3 to grasp the implementation part easily but it is not compulsory.
This course has strong content on the core concepts of ML such as it’s features, the steps involved in building a ML Model – Data Preprocessing, Finetuning the Model, Overfitting, Underfitting, Bias, Variance, Confusion Matrix and performance measures of a ML Model. We’ll understand the importance of many preprocessing techniques such as Binarization, MinMaxScaler, Standard Scaler
We can implement many ML Algorithms in Python using scikit-learn library in a few lines. Can’t we? Yet, that won’t help us to understand the algorithms. Hence, in this course, we’ll first look into understanding the mathematics and concepts behind the algorithms and then, we’ll implement the same in Python. We’ll also visualize the algorithms in order to make it more interesting. The algorithms that we’ll be discussing in this course are:
1. Linear Regression
2. Logistic Regression
3. Support Vector Machines
4. KNN Classifier
5. KNN Regressor
6. Decision Tree
7. Random Forest Classifier
8. Naive Bayes’ Classifier
9. Clustering
And so on. We’ll be comparing the results of all the algorithms and making a good analytical approach. What are you waiting for?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
Lecture 2: 2. Features of Machine Learning
Lecture 3: 3. Traditional Programming vs Machine Learning
Chapter 2: Types of Machine Learning
Lecture 1: 4. Difference between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Lecture 2: 5. Algorithms in Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Chapter 3: The Machine Learning Pipeline
Lecture 1: 6. The Machine Learning Pipeline – Data Collection
Lecture 2: 7. Importance of Data Prepocessing
Lecture 3: 8. Importance of Feature Selection and Feature Engineering
Lecture 4: 9. The Machine Learning Terminologies
Lecture 5: 10. Introduction to iPython Environment
Lecture 6: Important Libraries in Python
Chapter 4: Numpy Library
Lecture 1: 11.Creating a numpy array
Lecture 2: 12. Processing the numpy arrays
Lecture 3: 13. Accessing Columns from Numpy Matrices
Lecture 4: 14. Statistical methods in Numpy
Lecture 5: 15. Matrix Operations in Numpy
Lecture 6: 16. Iterating through the numpy array
Chapter 5: Pandas Library
Lecture 1: 17. An Intuition on Pandas Dataframe and Series
Lecture 2: 18. Using numpy arrays to create Pandas Series
Lecture 3: 19. Using dictionary to create Pandas Series
Lecture 4: 20. Using a scalar to create Pandas Series
Lecture 5: 21. Series Processing
Lecture 6: 22. Creating Pandas Dataframe from series
Lecture 7: 23. Using lists of data to create a Pandas Dataframe
Lecture 8: 24. Another approach to create Dataframes
Lecture 9: 25. Directly creating a pandas dataframe from numpy arrays
Chapter 6: Analysis of Datasets using Pandas and Matplotlib Library
Lecture 1: 26. Loading the dataset (Important)
Lecture 2: 27. Analysis of Datasets – I
Lecture 3: 28. Analysis of Datasets by Plotting – II
Chapter 7: The Scikit-learn Library and Preprocessing Techniques
Lecture 1: 29. Working with Iris Dataset from sklearn
Lecture 2: 30. Binarization
Lecture 3: 31. Feature Scaling
Chapter 8: Supervised Learning – Linear Regression
Lecture 1: 32. Analysis of Linear Regression
Lecture 2: Use of Gradient Descent Optimizer
Lecture 3: The Gradient Descent Optimizer Algorithm
Lecture 4: 33. Demand vs Price Problem to understand Linear Regression
Lecture 5: 34. Implementation of Linear Regression – I
Lecture 6: 35. Implementation of Linear Regression – II
Lecture 7: 36. Visualizing the LBF using matplotlib
Chapter 9: Logistic Regression for Classification Problems
Lecture 1: 37. Why does Linear Regression fail for a classification problem?
Lecture 2: 38. The Sigmoid function in Logistic Regression
Lecture 3: 39. The Confusion Matrix
Lecture 4: 40. Implementation of Logistic Regression – I
Lecture 5: 41. Creating an heatmap of the confusion matrix
Chapter 10: Support Vector Machines
Lecture 1: 42. Understanding Support Vector Machines and Hyperplanes
Lecture 2: 43. Understanding the Kernels of SVM
Lecture 3: 44. Implementing Support Vector Classifiers in Python
Chapter 11: K – Nearest Neighbors for Classification and Regression
Lecture 1: 45. Drawing the classification diagrams
Lecture 2: 46. Introduction to K-Nearest Neighbors
Lecture 3: 47. Steps in KNN Classification and KNN Regression
Lecture 4: 48. Implementing KNN Classification using sklearn
Lecture 5: 49. Implementing KNN Regression Algorithm in Python – I
Lecture 6: 50. Implementing KNN Regression Algorithm in Python – II
Chapter 12: Decision Tree Classifier Algorithm
Lecture 1: 51. Introduction to Decision Trees
Lecture 2: 52. Basic Tree Terminologies
Lecture 3: 53. Example 1 for Decision Tree
Lecture 4: 53.1 Example 2 for Decision Tree
Lecture 5: 54. Implementation of Decision Tree Algorithm – I
Lecture 6: 55. Implementation of Decision Tree Algorithm – II
Chapter 13: Random Forest Classifier Algorithm
Lecture 1: 56. Ensemble Techniques – Random Forest Classifier
Lecture 2: 57 . Implementing Random Classifier in Python
Chapter 14: Naive Bayes' Algorithm
Lecture 1: 59. Naive Bayes' Classifier
Lecture 2: 60. Implementing Naive Bayes' Classifier for wine dataset
Chapter 15: Resources
Lecture 1: Download all the notebooks and datasets here!
Chapter 16: K-Means Clustering
Lecture 1: The complete flow of K-Means Clustering
Lecture 2: The concept of Overfitting and Underfitting
Sujithkumar MA
Engineer | Course Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 52 votes
- 4 stars: 159 votes
- 5 stars: 167 votes
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