Mainframe: Code DB2 on COBOL Programs for Absolute Beginners
Mainframe: Code DB2 on COBOL Programs for Absolute Beginners, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.53, with 46 lectures, based on 3194 reviews, and has 10510 subscribers.
You will learn about Create and Execute COBOL DB2 Programs with Ease Master the concepts of Cursor Develop and Design their own tables using DDL operations on Mainframe Students will be able to perform all DML operations like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT on table. Maximize the knowledge on SQL operations Students will be trained to create Indexes and Keys This course is ideal for individuals who are Mainframe programmer who knows basics of TSO/ISPF, JCL and Cobol or Anyone who wants to learn DB2 on COBOL. This course is not for DB2 DBA but for Mainframe programmers. or The SQL commands learned using DB2 will work similarly on other tools like Oracle, MySql, Ms Sql server, postgresql, sqlite, etc. Of course, logic will be same but few exceptions can be there It is particularly useful for Mainframe programmer who knows basics of TSO/ISPF, JCL and Cobol or Anyone who wants to learn DB2 on COBOL. This course is not for DB2 DBA but for Mainframe programmers. or The SQL commands learned using DB2 will work similarly on other tools like Oracle, MySql, Ms Sql server, postgresql, sqlite, etc. Of course, logic will be same but few exceptions can be there.
Enroll now: Mainframe: Code DB2 on COBOL Programs for Absolute Beginners
Title: Mainframe: Code DB2 on COBOL Programs for Absolute Beginners
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.53
Number of Lectures: 46
Number of Published Lectures: 46
Number of Curriculum Items: 46
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Original Price: $159.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create and Execute COBOL DB2 Programs with Ease
- Master the concepts of Cursor
- Develop and Design their own tables using DDL operations on Mainframe
- Students will be able to perform all DML operations like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT on table.
- Maximize the knowledge on SQL operations
- Students will be trained to create Indexes and Keys
Who Should Attend
- Mainframe programmer who knows basics of TSO/ISPF, JCL and Cobol
- Anyone who wants to learn DB2 on COBOL. This course is not for DB2 DBA but for Mainframe programmers.
- The SQL commands learned using DB2 will work similarly on other tools like Oracle, MySql, Ms Sql server, postgresql, sqlite, etc. Of course, logic will be same but few exceptions can be there
Target Audiences
- Mainframe programmer who knows basics of TSO/ISPF, JCL and Cobol
- Anyone who wants to learn DB2 on COBOL. This course is not for DB2 DBA but for Mainframe programmers.
- The SQL commands learned using DB2 will work similarly on other tools like Oracle, MySql, Ms Sql server, postgresql, sqlite, etc. Of course, logic will be same but few exceptions can be there
This Course is NOT a DB2 DBA COURSE and is not related to Database Administration
Why should I Learn DB2 on Mainframe?
Most of the projects on IBM Mainframe require DB2 Knowledge.
Most of the Projects use COBOL DB2 Programs.
If you know DB2, it adds value to your career and resume.
Is this Course for DB2 DBA?
No, this Course is for Developers who work on IBM Mainframe. This Course covers primary DDL operations from the developers’ point of view(not DBA’s), DML Operations, Keys, Index, and executing COBOL DB2 Programs.
Does this course cover any CICS?
Currently, this course does not cover any topic related to CICS.
What makes this Course unique and a Best Seller?
Well, the course has everything you need to get started with DB2 on COBOL. If you want to build a career in Mainframe, DB2 is a ‘MUST HAVE’ skill and this is the starting point of Mainframe.
There’s no risk involved in taking this Course!
This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure that this is the best course on JCL and you can compare the content which is provided in this course against any DB2 Course I guarantee you that you will not get such good structured content anywhere. Still, if you are not completely satisfied with the course, please let us know and we will provide a refund without asking any questions.
What if you are stuck?
I personally answer all the questions which are asked here. If you are stuck anywhere, ask a question or you can message me directly and I will answer all your doubts.
Are you getting updated content?
Yes, I keep updating the content always to make sure, i provide all the information to my students.
Which topics are covered in this Course?
This Course Covers DB2 operations on COBOL programs for Mainframe Developers.
Students will get trained on how to execute a COBOL DB2 Program.
The concept of DB2 cursors is covered in detail.
Major DDL and DML operations are illustrated with lots of examples.
The concept of Keys and Indexes are covered with examples.
To understand the complete Mainframe, a professional must have DB2 skills on the Mainframe server. Most of the Mainframe projects will have DB2 in them.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to DB2
Lecture 2: Important information about this Course
Lecture 3: About Mainframe id
Lecture 4: Types of SQL Operations in DB2
Lecture 5: Hierarchy of DB2
Lecture 6: Data Types in DB2
Chapter 2: DDL Operations
Lecture 1: Create a Table
Lecture 2: Create Views
Lecture 3: Alter Table
Lecture 4: Drop a Table
Chapter 3: DML Operations
Lecture 1: Insert records in Table
Lecture 2: Select Records from Table – Part 1
Lecture 3: Select Records from Table – Part 2
Lecture 4: Select Records from Table – Part 3
Lecture 5: Select Records from Table – Part 4
Lecture 6: Select Records from Table – Part 5
Lecture 7: Update a Table
Lecture 8: Delete Records from table
Chapter 4: Keys and Index
Lecture 1: Unique Key
Lecture 2: Unique Index
Lecture 3: Primary Key
Lecture 4: What is NULL, NOT NULL and DEFAULT
Lecture 5: Referential Integrity
Lecture 6: Lets code an example to understand Referential Integrity
Chapter 5: Code COBOL DB2 Program to Perform DB2 operations in COBOL
Lecture 1: Steps to Create COBOL DB2 Program – Part 1
Lecture 2: Steps to Create COBOL DB2 Program – Part 2
Lecture 3: Another JCL To Precompile, Compile & Link Edit
Lecture 4: JCLS used to execute the COBOL DB2 Program in this course
Lecture 5: Various Parameters used in Bind Process
Lecture 6: Structure of COBOL DB2 Programs
Lecture 7: Lets code a COBOL DB2 Program to perform DB2 operations
Lecture 8: Code Program 1 for DML operation
Lecture 9: Code Program 2 for DML operation
Lecture 10: Code Program 3 for DML operation – Part 1
Lecture 11: Code Program 3 for DML operation – Part 2
Chapter 6: Lets do a project on COBOL DB2 Program
Lecture 1: Description of the Project
Lecture 2: Prepare before coding COBOL DB2 Program
Lecture 3: Structure of the COBOL DB2 Program for the Project
Lecture 4: Execute the Program for the Project
Chapter 7: Handling an unknown missing value in COBOL DB2
Lecture 1: Lets understand what is unknown missing value in DB2
Lecture 2: Let us Code an Indicator to show the missing unknown value
Lecture 3: Let us master how to process the unknown value
Chapter 8: How to process multiple Records in DB2
Lecture 1: Problem analysis – How to process multiple records from a Table
Lecture 2: Let us process multiple records in the table through COBOL DB2 Program
Lecture 3: How to update the current record after the fetching of the records
Lecture 4: Bonus Lesson : Let us stay connected
Sandeep Kumar
Founder of a Training company. IT Consultant, Coach, Mentor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 19 votes
- 2 stars: 52 votes
- 3 stars: 392 votes
- 4 stars: 1328 votes
- 5 stars: 1403 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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