Make a Unity® Platform Game & Low Poly Characters in Blender
Make a Unity® Platform Game & Low Poly Characters in Blender, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 159 lectures, based on 37 reviews, and has 500 subscribers.
You will learn about Code in Unity®. Know the foundations of 3D model-making in Blender. Unwrap UV's and perform simple texturing of 3D art assets. Build a simple game that is easy to expand on. Navigate Blender. Create 5 3D models of different types of characters. Put the art you make in this course into your portfolio. This course is ideal for individuals who are Even if you have never coded before, you can use these lessons to get a headstart in the game-making realm! This course is targeted towards beginners to immediate. or Beginners who want to learn 3D modelling. or Beginners who want to learn how to use Blender. or Game developers who need art assets for a game. It is particularly useful for Even if you have never coded before, you can use these lessons to get a headstart in the game-making realm! This course is targeted towards beginners to immediate. or Beginners who want to learn 3D modelling. or Beginners who want to learn how to use Blender. or Game developers who need art assets for a game.
Enroll now: Make a Unity® Platform Game & Low Poly Characters in Blender
Title: Make a Unity® Platform Game & Low Poly Characters in Blender
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 159
Number of Published Lectures: 158
Number of Curriculum Items: 159
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 158
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Code in Unity®.
- Know the foundations of 3D model-making in Blender.
- Unwrap UV's and perform simple texturing of 3D art assets.
- Build a simple game that is easy to expand on.
- Navigate Blender.
- Create 5 3D models of different types of characters.
- Put the art you make in this course into your portfolio.
Who Should Attend
- Even if you have never coded before, you can use these lessons to get a headstart in the game-making realm! This course is targeted towards beginners to immediate.
- Beginners who want to learn 3D modelling.
- Beginners who want to learn how to use Blender.
- Game developers who need art assets for a game.
Target Audiences
- Even if you have never coded before, you can use these lessons to get a headstart in the game-making realm! This course is targeted towards beginners to immediate.
- Beginners who want to learn 3D modelling.
- Beginners who want to learn how to use Blender.
- Game developers who need art assets for a game.
Learn to make games and 3D art! In this course, you build a 2D platform game from scratch and learn how to make 5 different game characters. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Sign up now to learn a skill no one can take away from you
This course does not assume any prior knowledge and is perfect for beginners. In fact, we begin with an introduction to Unity® for those who have never used it before.
Our course is unique because you will learn how to make your own 3D art, models, and textures in Blender. We will show you how to integrate the art into Unity®.
Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. Please note that we reuse this content in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses:
Make a Unity Platform Game & Low Poly Characters in Blender
Make a Fully Featured Game: Code in C#, Make Low Poly Models
Make Games and Web Apps: Unity, React and Redux Masterclass
Build and model a Super MARLO runner clone in Unity
Build 43 Models & a 3D Runner Game in Unity® with C# Code
Ultimate Guide to Blender & Unity: Game Design & Development
Create Low Poly Game Characters in Blender3D
Everything You Need To Make Your Own Games
We take you through all the steps to designing a game from start to finish. This course covers topics including:
Speed blocks and enemies
Power-ups and finish lines
Background and interface
Level design
Enroll now to join the Mammoth community
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Gameplay from the Marlo Game
Chapter 2: Introduction to Unity
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Unity Editor
Lecture 3: Hello world!
Lecture 4: Variables
Lecture 5: Methods
Lecture 6: Loops
Lecture 7: Movement
Chapter 3: Movement for a Super Marlo Runner Game (Unity Project)
Lecture 1: Movement
Lecture 2: Acceleration
Lecture 3: Camera follow
Lecture 4: Jumping
Lecture 5: Jump higher
Lecture 6: Jumping Area
Lecture 7: Multiple Jumps
Lecture 8: Wall Jumping
Lecture 9: Materials
Lecture 10: Sticking to the wall
Chapter 4: Blocks (Unity Project)
Lecture 1: Coins
Lecture 2: Score
Lecture 3: User interface
Lecture 4: Bricks
Lecture 5: Coin brick
Lecture 6: Pause block
Chapter 5: Speed blocks and enemies (Unity Project)
Lecture 1: Arrow design
Lecture 2: Prefabbing the speed area
Lecture 3: Speed area collision
Lecture 4: Changing the player's movement speed
Lecture 5: Property attributes
Lecture 6: Long jump block
Lecture 7: Simple enemy
Lecture 8: Killing the player
Lecture 9: Restarting the game
Chapter 6: More enemies (Unity Project)
Lecture 1: Killing enemies
Lecture 2: Designing the shell enemy
Lecture 3: Shell
Lecture 4: Shell movement
Lecture 5: Designing the plant enemy
Lecture 6: Plant movement
Chapter 7: Power up and Finish line (Unity Project)
Lecture 1: Adjusting shell collision
Lecture 2: Designing a powerup
Lecture 3: Powerup collection effect
Lecture 4: Invincibility
Lecture 5: Blinking effect
Lecture 6: Different player models
Lecture 7: Finish line
Chapter 8: Background and interface (Unity Project)
Lecture 1: Background elements
Lecture 2: Building the parallax logic
Lecture 3: Mountain parallax
Lecture 4: Cloud layer
Lecture 5: Moving backgrounds
Lecture 6: *We adjust the jumping area in the following lecture.
Lecture 7: Jumping area adjustment
Lecture 8: Main menu
Lecture 9: UI Anchors
Lecture 10: Game instructions
Chapter 9: Fine Tuning (Unity Project)
Lecture 1: Smoothing box collisions
Lecture 2: Changing the gravity
Lecture 3: Wall jumping speed
Lecture 4: Brick jumping
Lecture 5: Shell collisions
Lecture 6: Destroying the shell
Lecture 7: Enemy jumping speed
Lecture 8: Shell physics
Lecture 9: Shell gravity
Lecture 10: Horizontal shell adjustment
Lecture 11: Horizontal shell adjustment continued
Chapter 10: Level Design (Unity Project)
Lecture 1: Singleton
Lecture 2: Saving current level
Lecture 3: Level progression
Lecture 4: Object consistency
Lecture 5: Level 1-1
Lecture 6: Level 1-2
Lecture 7: Level 1-3
Lecture 8: Maximum level
Chapter 11: Overview of Blender
Lecture 1: Introduction and Setting Changes
Lecture 2: Camera Controls
Lecture 3: Emulated Numbpad Camera
Lecture 4: Basic Object Manipulation
Lecture 5: Frequently Used Tools
Lecture 6: Mirror Modifier
Chapter 12: Making Game Art (Blender Projects)
Lecture 1: Cube Block Unwrapping
Lecture 2: Texture Brick Block
Lecture 3: Textures Coin Block
Lecture 4: Textures Direction Blocks
Lecture 5: Grass Block
Lecture 6: Coin
Lecture 7: Pipe
Mammoth Interactive
Top-Rated Instructor, 3.3 Million+ Students -
John Bura
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 22 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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