Make a YouTube Clone from Scratch: JavaScript PHP and MySQL
Make a YouTube Clone from Scratch: JavaScript PHP and MySQL, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 197 lectures, based on 711 reviews, and has 4694 subscribers.
You will learn about Program with an object oriented approach Handle data submissions using PHP and insert into MySQL databases This course is ideal for individuals who are People who are interested in front end programming or Anyone who wants to make a YouTube clone! It is particularly useful for People who are interested in front end programming or Anyone who wants to make a YouTube clone!.
Enroll now: Make a YouTube Clone from Scratch: JavaScript PHP and MySQL
Title: Make a YouTube Clone from Scratch: JavaScript PHP and MySQL
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 197
Number of Published Lectures: 196
Number of Curriculum Items: 197
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 196
Original Price: £44.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Program with an object oriented approach
- Handle data submissions using PHP and insert into MySQL databases
Who Should Attend
- People who are interested in front end programming
- Anyone who wants to make a YouTube clone!
Target Audiences
- People who are interested in front end programming
- Anyone who wants to make a YouTube clone!
Do you want to become an expert in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL?
Do you want to build a real video upload site just like YouTube?
If so, you’re in the right place! This course will guide you step by step in creating your own YouTube clone COMPLETELYfrom scratch.
We’re talking the kind of website that will amazeanybody that sees it. The kind of website that will get you hiredin no time!
Why let me teach you?
I work as a Software Engineer at Microsoft where I build products used by millions of people all over the world! I want to take the skills I’ve gained through years of working with some of the best developers in the world and transfer them directly to you!
I’ve taught thousands of students here on Udemy and created some of the most popular development courses on Udemy!
Okay so what’s the course about?
I will personally guide you, step by step, in creating your ownvideo upload site just like YouTube complete with:
video upload
video thumbnail generation
server side video conversion
full video player
likes + dislikes on videos
full comment system with likes/dislikes, replies etc.
video details editing
account creation
and much more!
Whether you are a complete beginner* or an experienced programmer, this course will be massively beneficial to you.
Why should I take the course?
In the programming world, the “big 4” often consists of Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon. To get a job at any of these companies, you absolutely MUSTknow the essentials: HTML, CSS, PHP, JQuery, JavaScript and MySQL.
If you take this course, you will have nothing to worry about because we use allof these skills extensively!
By enrolling in this course, you will have the COMPLETE support of a Microsoft Software Engineer (me). I’m always ready to answer any question you may have. Programming issues, errors, feature requests, general programming advice – it doesn’t matter, I’m always happy to help! I always aim to respond to questions within a few hours and it’s also worth noting that I’ve answered EVERY SINGLE question asked so far.
Future course discounts:
By enrolling in this course, you will get access to ALLof my current and future courses for the lowest possible discount we as instructors are capable of offering on Udemy – FOREVER.
Project portfolio:
The site you create in this course will be the highlight of your project portfolio! Any potential employer who see’s this project on your resume will want to hear all about it. The reason? They know that a project like this means you’re familiar with the wide range of technical skills they need their employees to know.
Finally, this project is a lot of fun and I know you’ll have a great time implementing your own unique ideas as well as the ones we implement together. What are you waiting for?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Site demo (as seen on course home page)
Lecture 2: Installing Xampp – Mac / Linux
Lecture 3: Installing Xampp – Windows
Lecture 4: Installing a text editor
Lecture 5: Creating our index page
Lecture 6: Adding real content to our index page
Chapter 2: Navigation bars
Lecture 1: Styling the top navigation bar
Lecture 2: Styling the side navigation bar
Lecture 3: Styling the main container
Lecture 4: Creating our JavaScript file
Lecture 5: Showing and hiding the left nav bar
Lecture 6: Menu icon – How to get 70,000+ FREE icons
Lecture 7: Site logo
Lecture 8: Creating the search bar
Lecture 9: Styling the search bar
Lecture 10: Upload and profile buttons
Lecture 11: Moving the nav bar code to another file
Chapter 3: Video upload form
Lecture 1: Creating the column element
Lecture 2: Creating the file input
Lecture 3: Creating the title and description inputs
Lecture 4: Creating the privacy input
Lecture 5: Creating the categories MySQL table
Lecture 6: Connecting to our database with PHP
Lecture 7: Retrieving the categories from the table
Lecture 8: Class constructors
Lecture 9: Creating the categories dropdown
Lecture 10: Creating the upload button
Chapter 4: Uploading videos
Lecture 1: Creating the processing page
Lecture 2: Video upload data class
Lecture 3: Calling the upload function
Lecture 4: Temporary file path for the video
Lecture 5: Checking the size of the uploaded video
Lecture 6: Checking the file type of the uploaded video
Lecture 7: Moving the video to a temporary location
Lecture 8: Creating the final file path
Lecture 9: Inserting the video data into the table
Lecture 10: Installing FFmpeg
Lecture 11: FFmpeg demo (just watch)
Lecture 12: Converting the video to MP4 server side
Lecture 13: Restart Xampp after changing php.ini
Lecture 14: Trying out the video conversion + BUG FIX FOR MACS
Lecture 15: Deleting the original video file
Lecture 16: Creating the video thumbnails table
Lecture 17: Getting the video duration
Lecture 18: Formatting the video duration string
Lecture 19: Inserting the formatted duration to the table
Lecture 20: Generating the thumbnail images
Lecture 21: Showing a loading spinner on upload
Chapter 5: User sign up
Lecture 1: Creating the sign up page structure
Lecture 2: Styling the page foundation
Lecture 3: Styling the form header
Lecture 4: Adding our form inputs
Lecture 5: Styling the form inputs
Lecture 6: Styling the sign in message
Lecture 7: Creating the sign in form
Lecture 8: Testing the form submission
Lecture 9: Into to sanitizing form data
Lecture 10: Form sanitizer class
Lecture 11: Finishing the sanitizing functions
Lecture 12: Creating the Account class
Lecture 13: Starting our validation functions
Lecture 14: Outputting error messages
Lecture 15: Validating the last name
Lecture 16: Validating the username
Lecture 17: Creating the users table
Lecture 18: Validating the email address
Lecture 19: Validating the password
Lecture 20: What to do when data is valid
Lecture 21: Remembering last entered values
Lecture 22: Password hashing
Lecture 23: Inserting the user's data into the table
Lecture 24: Setting the session variable
Lecture 25: Remembering the entered username
Lecture 26: Checking if the login form was submitted
Lecture 27: Logging in
Chapter 6: Video player
Lecture 1: Creating the User class
Lecture 2: Creating the User class functions
Lecture 3: Adding username to upload
Lecture 4: Taking the video ID from the url
Lecture 5: Creating the Video class
Lecture 6: Creating the Video class functions
Lecture 7: Increasing the view count for the video
Lecture 8: Outputting the video player
Lecture 9: Setting the size of the video player
Chapter 7: Liking and disliking videos
Lecture 1: Video info section class
Lecture 2: Styling the video info section
Lecture 3: Creating the video info controls class
Lecture 4: Creating the button provider class
Lecture 5: Like button provider values
Lecture 6: Creating the likes table
Lecture 7: Video player actions JS file
Lecture 8: Introduction to ajax calls
Lecture 9: Passing data in the ajax request
Reece Kenney
Software Engineer at Microsoft
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 141 votes
- 5 stars: 536 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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