Master Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Master Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, available at $22.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 62 lectures, based on 16 reviews, and has 56 subscribers.
You will learn about Advance Data Structure and Algorithms in Python : arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs Building a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals for efficient problem-solving Analyzing time and space complexity of algorithms for efficiency Algorithm design techniques: divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms Using algorithmic paradigms such as brute force, backtracking, and heuristics to solve problems efficiently. This course is ideal for individuals who are Essential for computer science candidate to gain in-depth knowledge about data structures and algorithms or Useful for software developers to improve skills in data storage, retrieval, and processing or Beneficial for IT professionals to learn new skills or update their knowledge about data structures and algorithms or Suitable for anyone with an interest in computer science and problem-solving or Intended for individuals who want to develop a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals. It is particularly useful for Essential for computer science candidate to gain in-depth knowledge about data structures and algorithms or Useful for software developers to improve skills in data storage, retrieval, and processing or Beneficial for IT professionals to learn new skills or update their knowledge about data structures and algorithms or Suitable for anyone with an interest in computer science and problem-solving or Intended for individuals who want to develop a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals.
Enroll now: Master Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Title: Master Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Price: $22.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 62
Number of Published Lectures: 62
Number of Curriculum Items: 62
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 62
Original Price: ₹999
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Advance Data Structure and Algorithms in Python : arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs
- Building a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals for efficient problem-solving
- Analyzing time and space complexity of algorithms for efficiency
- Algorithm design techniques: divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms
- Using algorithmic paradigms such as brute force, backtracking, and heuristics to solve problems efficiently.
Who Should Attend
- Essential for computer science candidate to gain in-depth knowledge about data structures and algorithms
- Useful for software developers to improve skills in data storage, retrieval, and processing
- Beneficial for IT professionals to learn new skills or update their knowledge about data structures and algorithms
- Suitable for anyone with an interest in computer science and problem-solving
- Intended for individuals who want to develop a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals.
Target Audiences
- Essential for computer science candidate to gain in-depth knowledge about data structures and algorithms
- Useful for software developers to improve skills in data storage, retrieval, and processing
- Beneficial for IT professionals to learn new skills or update their knowledge about data structures and algorithms
- Suitable for anyone with an interest in computer science and problem-solving
- Intended for individuals who want to develop a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals.
Python is a powerful and versatile programming language, known for its simplicity and readability. This course will cover the fundamental concepts and techniques for organizing, storing, and manipulating data efficiently using Python.
The course will start with an introduction to basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues, andthen move on to more complex data structures such as trees and graphs.We will explore how to implement these data structures in Python, as well as how to use them to solve real-world problems.
The course will also cover various algorithms such as sorting, searching, and graph traversal, and we will analyze the time and space complexity of these algorithms to determine their efficiency. We will explore algorithm design techniques such as divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms, and we will apply these techniques to solve real-world problems.
In addition to the core data structures and algorithms, we will also cover topics such as data abstraction, complexity theory, and algorithmic paradigms such as brute force, backtracking, and heuristics.We will explore how to choose the appropriate paradigm for a given problem and how to use it to solve problems efficiently.
How data structure and algorithm course help to get placed in top tech companies?
A strong foundation in data structures and algorithms is essential for success in top tech companies, as they form the building blocks for software development. Here are some ways in which a data structure and algorithm course can help individuals get placed in top tech companies:
Problem-Solving Skills: Data structure and algorithm courses teach problem-solving skills that are essential for success in top tech companies. They provide a framework for approaching complex problems and breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks.
Efficiency: Top tech companies are always looking for ways to improve the efficiency of their software. Knowledge of data structures and algorithms helps individuals develop efficient programs that can handle large amounts of data quickly and reliably.
Competitive Edge:Many top tech companies look for candidates who have a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals. A data structure and algorithm course can provide individuals with a competitive edge when applying for jobs at these companies.
Technical Interviews: Technical interviews at top tech companies often focus on data structures and algorithms. A data structure and algorithm course can help individuals prepare for these interviews by giving them the necessary knowledge and practice to succeed.
Industry-Relevant Skills:A data structure and algorithm course can provide individuals with industry-relevant skills that are in high demand in top tech companies. These skills can be leveraged to stand out from other candidates and secure a position at a top tech company.
Overall, a data structure and algorithm course can help individuals develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in top tech companies. It provides a strong foundation in computer science fundamentals and teaches problem-solving skills that are essential for success in the industry.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Array problems solving techniques with examples
Lecture 1: Time Complexity and Space Complexity Introduction
Lecture 2: Searching Algorithms Introduction & Implementation
Lecture 3: Segregation logic to Sort an array of 0's, 1's and 2's
Lecture 4: Merge Sort Implementation
Lecture 5: Maximum Value in an array of Increasing and Decreasing using Binary Search
Lecture 6: Digit rearrangement method to find next greater number with same set of digits
Lecture 7: Greedy Techniques to find minimum number of platforms
Lecture 8: Techniques to print matrix in spiral order without any extra space
Lecture 9: Count frequencies of array elements in O(n) time complexity
Lecture 10: Linear time approach to solve Stock Buy Sell Problem
Lecture 11: Merge sort method to Count inversion in an array
Lecture 12: Binary search method to find Median of two sorted Array
Lecture 13: Minimum Window Substring
Lecture 14: Search an element in a sorted and rotated array
Lecture 15: Segregation logic to Sort an array of 0's, 1's and 2's (Assigment)
Lecture 16: Techniques to print matrix in spiral order without any extra space (Assignment)
Lecture 17: Count frequencies of array elements in O(n) time complexity (Assignment)
Lecture 18: Remove Duplicate From String (Assignment)
Chapter 2: Binary Tree
Lecture 1: Binary Tree Traversal Implementation
Lecture 2: Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List Conversion
Lecture 3: Print all the boundary nodes of Binary Tree
Lecture 4: Diameter of Binary tree
Lecture 5: Print nodes at k distance from root
Lecture 6: Find All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree
Lecture 7: Bottom View of Binary Tree
Lecture 8: Construct Tree from PostOrder
Lecture 9: Spiral Order of Binary Tree
Lecture 10: Print Left View of Binary Tree
Lecture 11: Binary Tree Reverse Level Order Traversal
Lecture 12: Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
Chapter 3: Linked List
Lecture 1: Add Number to Linked List
Lecture 2: Linked List Even and Odd List
Lecture 3: Flattering of LinkedList
Lecture 4: Linked List Palindrome
Lecture 5: Merge Sort for Linked Lists
Lecture 6: Rearrange Linked List
Lecture 7: Reverse K Linked List
Chapter 4: Heap Sort/Hashing
Lecture 1: Min/Max Heap Implementation
Lecture 2: Heapify operation implementation
Lecture 3: Four Sum Problem
Lecture 4: Median of running data streams problem
Lecture 5: Group Anagrams Together
Lecture 6: Design and implement LRU
Chapter 5: Recursion & Backtracking Concept and Implementation with Multiple Example
Lecture 1: Knight Walk Problem
Lecture 2: N Queen Problem
Lecture 3: Print all Permutations of a given String
Lecture 4: Print all possible words from phone digits
Lecture 5: Recursion & Backtracking Concept and Implementation with Multiple Example
Lecture 6: Implement pow(x, n)
Lecture 7: Rat Maze Problem
Lecture 8: Sudoku solving Problem – 2
Chapter 6: Graph
Lecture 1: Alien Dictionary
Lecture 2: Cycle Graph
Lecture 3: Package Dependency Problem Using Topological Sorting
Lecture 4: Breadth first search algorithm to find Number of IsLand in matrix
Lecture 5: Breadth first search algorithm to solve Rotten Orange Problem
Lecture 6: Breadth first search algorithm to solve snake ladder problem
Lecture 7: All Paths From Source to Target
Lecture 8: Topological sorting concepts and implementation
Lecture 9: Trie data Structure implementation
Lecture 10: Trie data Structure implementation
Lecture 1: Learn More and Crack top product based companies interview (BONUS LECTURE)
Ravi Singh
Engineer at WalmartLabs
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 14 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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