Master Drools Programming – Learn How to Write Drools Rules
Master Drools Programming – Learn How to Write Drools Rules, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.37, with 98 lectures, based on 1762 reviews, and has 9023 subscribers.
You will learn about Program rules in Drools 7 domain specific language Learn Drools language constructs like insert, modify, exists, forall, insertLogical, salience, agenda-group etc Create spreadsheet decision tables and spreadsheet templates What is Complex Event Processing and how Drools handles it How to use rule templates (DRT or Freemarker) and run dynamically defined DRL Understand different Drools running modes (active/passive, cloud/stream, sequential) How Drools works internally and what to keep in mind for writing faster performing rules This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers and system architects who need to understand what a rule engine is and which type of problems can be solved with it or Anyone who needs to write rules in Drools DSL programming language or Developers and system architects needing more info about adding Drools rule engine to their project or Anyone who is considering using Drools for writing rules or processing stream of events It is particularly useful for Developers and system architects who need to understand what a rule engine is and which type of problems can be solved with it or Anyone who needs to write rules in Drools DSL programming language or Developers and system architects needing more info about adding Drools rule engine to their project or Anyone who is considering using Drools for writing rules or processing stream of events.
Enroll now: Master Drools Programming – Learn How to Write Drools Rules
Title: Master Drools Programming – Learn How to Write Drools Rules
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.37
Number of Lectures: 98
Number of Published Lectures: 97
Number of Curriculum Items: 98
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 97
Original Price: €24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Program rules in Drools 7 domain specific language
- Learn Drools language constructs like insert, modify, exists, forall, insertLogical, salience, agenda-group etc
- Create spreadsheet decision tables and spreadsheet templates
- What is Complex Event Processing and how Drools handles it
- How to use rule templates (DRT or Freemarker) and run dynamically defined DRL
- Understand different Drools running modes (active/passive, cloud/stream, sequential)
- How Drools works internally and what to keep in mind for writing faster performing rules
Who Should Attend
- Developers and system architects who need to understand what a rule engine is and which type of problems can be solved with it
- Anyone who needs to write rules in Drools DSL programming language
- Developers and system architects needing more info about adding Drools rule engine to their project
- Anyone who is considering using Drools for writing rules or processing stream of events
Target Audiences
- Developers and system architects who need to understand what a rule engine is and which type of problems can be solved with it
- Anyone who needs to write rules in Drools DSL programming language
- Developers and system architects needing more info about adding Drools rule engine to their project
- Anyone who is considering using Drools for writing rules or processing stream of events
We learn Drools DSL (Drools programming language) and go over the most common DSL constructs. We move in small steps and gradually introduce new concepts so it is easier to follow even for a beginner.
This way we cover the most common Drools topics like:
what is a rule engine
what is the difference between a method and a rule
why one would use a rule engine instead of writing regular Java code
understanding of the when/then clauses
understanding in which order the rules fire and when the order is not known
how to control the execution using activation groups, agenda groups and salience
declaring variables in DRL
difference between stateless and stateful sessions
inserting facts and modifying existing objects in the session
cross products (similar to SQL join)
exists, forall and collect
using spreadsheet decision tables to create Drools rules
using templates for creating rules and feeding data into them from spreadsheets and other tabular data sources
complex event processing (CEP) in Drools
difference between fact and event
declaring facts and events in Java and inside DRL code
different rule execution modes (active/passive, cloud/stream, sequential)
time and length based sliding windows
global variables
how Drools internal algorithm Phreak works
This course comes with two Java projects that have all the code we work with during this course. You are encouraged to check out and run the code yourself to get a better understanding and experiment yourself with making changes to it. There are instructions on how to get the code running in IntelliJ, Eclipse, and VS Code.
After completing this course you have a better understanding of which kinds of problems could be solved with Drools and how to write the most common business rules in Drools DSL.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: 1. Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 2: What is a Rule Engine?
Lecture 3: How to Design Rules and When (not) to Use Drools
Lecture 4: Introduction to Drools Language Syntax
Chapter 2: 2. Example Code and Running it Locally
Lecture 1: Structure of Example Code
Lecture 2: Get example code running with IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
Lecture 3: Get example code running with Eclipse
Lecture 4: Get example code running with Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
Chapter 3: 3. Stateless Sessions
Lecture 1: Stateless use cases
Lecture 2: Step1: First two rules to validate passports
Lecture 3: Step2: Split a rule
Lecture 4: Step3: Bind a variable
Lecture 5: Step4: Using the bound variable
Lecture 6: Steps 5 and 6: Avoid repetitions
Lecture 7: Stateless Sessions Summary
Chapter 4: 4. Stateful Sessions
Lecture 1: Introduction to Stateful Sessions
Lecture 2: Step1: Modify the Object in the Middle of Session
Lecture 3: Step2: Inference
Lecture 4: Stateful Sessions Summary
Chapter 5: 5. Cross Products – Drools Version of SQL JOIN
Lecture 1: Introduction to Cross Products
Lecture 2: Step1: Join Visa Application to a Passport
Lecture 3: Fixed a bug in the upcoming lecture
Lecture 4: Step2: Is the Passport Valid 6 Months After Trip?
Lecture 5: Step3: Check that the property is not already with the given value
Lecture 6: Pattern Matching and Cross Products Summary
Chapter 6: Insert new facts and determine the execution order
Lecture 1: Intro to Adding New Facts & Setting Execution Order
Lecture 2: Rule Dialect Change
Lecture 3: Note about upcoming Step
Lecture 4: Step1: Create a New Fact and Insert it into the Session
Lecture 5: Step2: Control execution order with salience
Lecture 6: Step3: Control execution order with agenda groups
Lecture 7: Step4: Use agenda groups with salience
Lecture 8: Step5: Run a single rule from an activation group
Lecture 9: Bonus Step! Step 6. Set Focus to Agenda Group In Drools Rule.
Lecture 10: Summary of Adding Facts and Setting Execution Order
Chapter 7: Insert a fact logically and check that the fact does not exist
Lecture 1: Introduction to Logical Insertion of Facts and Checking the Fact Does Not Exist
Lecture 2: Step1: Add Fact Using insertLogical()
Lecture 3: Using the optional "this" keyword on the left-hand-side of MVEL rules
Lecture 4: Step2: Create fact objects and check that fact does not exist
Lecture 5: Step3: Replace Changing of the Objects with Fact Objects
Lecture 6: Step4: Reduce the Number of Rules Needed by Eliminating Positive Cases
Lecture 7: Section Summary
Chapter 8: 8. Exists and Forall Conditional Elements
Lecture 1: Intro to working with groups of objects
Lecture 2: Step1: Rewrite visa application logic to support FamilyVisaApplications
Lecture 3: Step2: Exists keyword introduced
Lecture 4: Step3: Use forall to match a group of objects
Lecture 5: Step4: Use forall to extract objects from a group based on min/max value
Lecture 6: Step5: Forall with only one expression
Lecture 7: Summary of Working with Groups of Facts
Chapter 9: 9. Spreadsheet Decision Tables
Lecture 1: Spreadsheet decision tables intro
Lecture 2: A new GitHub repository for code examples
Lecture 3: Basic layout of a spreadsheet decision table
Lecture 4: Defining multiple action columns in a spreadsheet
Lecture 5: Using formulas in a spreadsheet decision table
Lecture 6: Set a custom DRL rule name and add a comment
Lecture 7: How to place several rule tables in one spreadsheet
Lecture 8: Multiple rule tables in one spreadsheet. Several parameters in a single cell.
Lecture 9: Join multiple fact objects in a spreadsheet decision table
Lecture 10: Using forall construct as a condition in spreadsheet decision tables
Lecture 11: Condition without a pattern in a spreadsheet decision table
Lecture 12: Set rule priority in a spreadsheet decision table
Lecture 13: Sequential attribute in RuleSet
Lecture 14: Using activation groups in spreadsheet decision tables
Lecture 15: Drools sequential mode
Lecture 16: Using custom labels in spreadsheet decision tables
Lecture 17: Recap Spreadsheet Decision Tables
Chapter 10: Rule templates and creating rules dynamically
Lecture 1: Rule templates intro
Lecture 2: Using Drools Rule Templates (DRT) for creating rules
Lecture 3: Fetching template placeholder values from a tabular data source
Lecture 4: Use Freemarker templates instead of deprecated Drools Rule Templates (DRT)
Lecture 5: Declare intermediate types in DRL
Lecture 6: How to declare enumerations in and read back objects of type declared in DRL
Lecture 7: Create and insert objects into the session that have type declared in DRL
Lecture 8: Rule templates recap
Chapter 11: 11. Introduction to Complex Event Processing (CEP) with Drools
Lecture 1: Complex Event Processing intro
Lecture 2: Risks of using external services to pull data that the rules depend on
Lecture 3: Using forall to find a suitable call that has waited the longest
Lecture 4: Active and passive rule execution modes
Lecture 5: Running rules repeatedly in passive mode. Using global variables.
Lecture 6: Compose a list of events with collect keyword and apply filtering to the results
Lecture 7: Calling halt(). Mixing active and passive rule execution modes.
Lecture 8: Adding different timers to a rule
Lecture 9: Stream event processing mode using a time-based sliding window
Lecture 10: Declaring fact as an event and using a length-based sliding window
Lecture 11: Using entry-point streams
Lecture 12: Recap complex event processing
Chapter 12: 12. What you need to know to write better Drools rules
Lecture 1: Drools internals intro
Lecture 2: Basic components of Drools rule engine
Juhan Aasaru
Java Developer / Solution Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 28 votes
- 2 stars: 46 votes
- 3 stars: 302 votes
- 4 stars: 741 votes
- 5 stars: 645 votes
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