Master Ethereum & Solidity Programming From Scratch in 2024
Master Ethereum & Solidity Programming From Scratch in 2024, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 129 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 3117 reviews, and has 21768 subscribers.
You will learn about Fully updated for 2023 and the latest version of Solidity and Ethereum. Understand the Ethereum Blockchain Platform (accounts, addresses, ether, gas, opcodes, transactions, blocks, mining, etc). Have a very good understanding of Solidity Contract Programming Language (syntax and concepts like state variables, storage, functions, visibility, mappings). Understand concepts like Events, Function Modifiers, Contract Inheritance, Abstract Contracts & Interfaces, etc. Design, create and deploy a fully-compliant ERC20 Token and launch an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Design, develop and deploy a smart contract for a decentralized Lottery. Design, develop and deploy a smart contract for a decentralized Auction Platform. Understand good practices for developing Ethereum Smart Contracts and see real-world examples to comprehend what are the advantages of Blockchain Technologies. Design, develop and deploy a smart contract for a decentralized Fund Raising Platform. Understand what InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is and how it works. Installing and running an IPFS Node on Linux and Windows. This course is ideal for individuals who are Engineers who want to understand the Ethereum Blockchain Platform and how to build DApps with it. or Programmers who want a good understanding of the Solidity Programming Language. or Anyone with a little bit of software development experience interested in cutting-edge technologies. It is particularly useful for Engineers who want to understand the Ethereum Blockchain Platform and how to build DApps with it. or Programmers who want a good understanding of the Solidity Programming Language. or Anyone with a little bit of software development experience interested in cutting-edge technologies.
Enroll now: Master Ethereum & Solidity Programming From Scratch in 2024
Title: Master Ethereum & Solidity Programming From Scratch in 2024
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 129
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 123
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 137
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 131
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Fully updated for 2023 and the latest version of Solidity and Ethereum.
- Understand the Ethereum Blockchain Platform (accounts, addresses, ether, gas, opcodes, transactions, blocks, mining, etc).
- Have a very good understanding of Solidity Contract Programming Language (syntax and concepts like state variables, storage, functions, visibility, mappings).
- Understand concepts like Events, Function Modifiers, Contract Inheritance, Abstract Contracts & Interfaces, etc.
- Design, create and deploy a fully-compliant ERC20 Token and launch an Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
- Design, develop and deploy a smart contract for a decentralized Lottery.
- Design, develop and deploy a smart contract for a decentralized Auction Platform.
- Understand good practices for developing Ethereum Smart Contracts and see real-world examples to comprehend what are the advantages of Blockchain Technologies.
- Design, develop and deploy a smart contract for a decentralized Fund Raising Platform.
- Understand what InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is and how it works. Installing and running an IPFS Node on Linux and Windows.
Who Should Attend
- Engineers who want to understand the Ethereum Blockchain Platform and how to build DApps with it.
- Programmers who want a good understanding of the Solidity Programming Language.
- Anyone with a little bit of software development experience interested in cutting-edge technologies.
Target Audiences
- Engineers who want to understand the Ethereum Blockchain Platform and how to build DApps with it.
- Programmers who want a good understanding of the Solidity Programming Language.
- Anyone with a little bit of software development experience interested in cutting-edge technologies.
This course covers every core conceptof Ethereum, Solidity and Blockchain Technology with 5 Hands-On Projects.
This Ethereum and Solidity Programming course covers every major topic of Ethereum and Solidity, including Smart Contracts Compilation and Deployment on the Blockchain, ABI, Bytecode, Transactions and Calls, Gas, State Variables, Solidity Global Variables, Getter and Setter Functions, Receive, Fallback and Payable Functions, all Solidity Data Types, Events, Accessing and Protecting the Contract’s Balance, Visibility Specifiers and many more!
This Course is NOT FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERS in Programming.
I’m constantly updating the course to be the most comprehensive, yet straightforward, Ethereum, Solidity & Blockchain Programming course on the market!
This course IS NOT like any other Ethereum and Solidity Programming course you can take online. At the end of this Hands-On Course, you will MASTER all the key concepts of the Ethereum Blockchain and Solidity and you will become an effective Ethereum Blockchain Developer for the future that comes.
Just starting with Blockchain, Technology Smart Contracts Development and Solidity Programming? Perfect, I’ve got you covered! This course starts out assuming you’re new to these technologies.
Or maybe you’ve already tried to learn Ethereum Blockchain Development and Solidity Programming by yourself and now you want to put all the pieces together? I’m here to help you, this course has everything you need to know about Ethereum Blockchain Development and Solidity Programming Language.
You’ll have lifetime access and you can return and look for a specific Ethereum feature or Solidity syntax anytime you want.
All presentations and Ethereum Smart Contracts used in this course are available for download.
Many Ethereum Smart Contracts such as the ERC20 Token, the ICO are ready to be used with no or very few changes.
There are many courses on Ethereum Blockchain Development and Solidity Programming. Why should you learn from me?
I’m a Practitioner and a Blockchain Enthusiast. Welcome to the real world!I have almost 20 years of experience as a Software Engineer. Since I started with Ethereum and Blockchain Development, I’ve been using or studying technology almost on a daily basis.
I’m an Educator and I know how to make a syllabus. For the last 10 years, I’ve trained thousands of people on Linux, Networking, Security, or Programming.
This course doesn’t cover JavaScript Frameworks, Front-Ends, or details about Web3 interaction with the Ethereum Blockchain. It’s focused on Back-End Smart Contracts Development. Basic knowledge of any programming language (C, C++, JavaScript) is required!
“Very detailed and well explained. Andrei completely broke down the barriers to understanding Solidity and Blockchain programming, so many basics that are fundamental to understanding this tech were clearly explained. Very Impressive!” by Peter Olisa
“Highly recommended course. Goes directly to the point, explaining many examples of real-life smart contracts. Instead of a lot of JavaScript front-end programming, as in other courses, it goes directly to dApp development. Very useful indeed.”by Jose Ferdandez
“The course is well structured and really in-depth. The instructor does a really good job explaining the concepts, with examples. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in the subject.” by Andrei Buiu
The topics covered in this course are:
What is the Ethereum Blockchain Platform
Ethereum Accounts, Addresses, Transactions & Blocks, Gas, Opcodes, and Mining
Tools used for Ethereum Development
Ethereum Smart Contract Compilation, ABI, Bytecode, and Deployment to different Ethereum Blockchains
Solidity Syntax
In-depth details about Solidity State Variables and Functions
Solidity Fixed-Size Arrays, Dynamic Arrays, Structs, Enums, Mappings, Global Variables, etc
Contract Address and Balance: Sending Ether to a Contract, Payable & Fallback Functions
Accessing the Contract Balance
Variables and Functions Visibility: Private, Public, Internal, External
Contract Inheritance, Abstract Contracts & Interfaces
Real-World examples of how to create secure Smart Contracts for a decentralized unstoppable Lottery, Auction or CrowdFunding Platform, ERC20 Token, and ICO
What is the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and how IPFS works? IPFS Examples.
Installing and Running an IPFS Node on Linux
Installing and Running an IPFS Node on Windows
Every topic includes many live examples. This course will show you the best design patterns for developing production-ready smart contracts with Ethereum Blockchain and Solidity.
After taking this course, you’ll be able to:
Have an in-depth understanding of the Ethereum Blockchain and Solidity Programming Language;
Understand what are the components of the Ethereum Blockchain Platform;
Understand why Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technologies are revolutionary technologies;
Create different Smart Contracts to solve real-world problems;
Plan, design and develop a Smart Contract for a decentralized Auction Platform;
Plan, design and develop a Smart Contract for a decentralized CrowdFunding Platform;
Plan, design, develop and deploy your own Fully-Compliant ERC20 Token;
Plan, design, develop and deploy your own Initial Coin Offering (ICO);
Install and use the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) on Linux or Windows;
The skills you’ll learn in this Ethereum and Solidity course will boost your career and make you more valuable in the job market. This course could change your life!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Ethereum Blockchain Platform
Lecture 1: Introduction to Ethereum
Lecture 2: Join Our Online Community!
Lecture 3: Ethereum Nodes
Lecture 4: Ethereum Accounts and Ethereum Addresses
Lecture 5: Creating an Ethereum Account Using MetaMask
Lecture 6: Creating an Ethereum Account Using MyEtherWallet (MEW)
Lecture 7: Ether (ETH)
Lecture 8: Testnets (Sepolia vs. Goerli vs. Rinkeby)
Lecture 9: Testnets and Faucets (Goerli)
Lecture 10: How to Transfer ETH
Lecture 11: Gas, GasPrice, GasLimit and Opcodes
Lecture 12: Ethereum Block Explorer
Lecture 13: Ethereum Transactions, Blocks
Lecture 14: Ethereum Transaction’s Fields
Lecture 15: Ethereum 2.0 (ETH2). PoW vs. PoS
Lecture 16: Eth2 Sharding
Lecture 17: Links to Original Bitcoin & Ethereum White Papers
Chapter 2: Challenges – The Ethereum Blockchain Platform
Lecture 1: Challenges – The Ethereum Blockchain Platform
Chapter 3: Master The Solidity Programming Language
Lecture 1: Remix IDE
Lecture 2: Compilation In Depth: ABI and Bytecode
Lecture 3: Contract Deployment on JS VM
Lecture 4: Contract Deployment on Rinkeby Using Remix and MetaMask
Lecture 5: The Structure of a Smart Contract
Lecture 6: Solidity Basic Syntax Rules
Lecture 7: State and Local Variables
Lecture 8: Functions, Setters, and Getters
Lecture 9: The Constructor
Lecture 10: Coding – Variables and Functions
Lecture 11: Variable Types: Booleans and Integers
Lecture 12: SafeMath, Overflows and Underflows
Lecture 13: Fixed-Size Arrays
Lecture 14: Coding – Fixed-Size Arrays
Lecture 15: Dynamically-Sized Arrays
Lecture 16: Coding – Dynamic Arrays
Lecture 17: Bytes and String Types
Lecture 18: Structs and Enums
Lecture 19: Coding – Structs and Enums
Lecture 20: Mappings
Lecture 21: Coding – Mappings
Lecture 22: Storage vs. Memory (Solidity Gotchas)
Lecture 23: Built-In Global Variables – Part 1
Lecture 24: Built-In Global Variables – Part 2
Lecture 25: Coding – Global Variables
Lecture 26: Contract’s Address and Balance: Payable, Receive and Fallback Functions
Lecture 27: Coding – Receiving Ether
Lecture 28: Accessing the Contract’s Balance
Lecture 29: Protecting the Contract’s Balance
Lecture 30: Coding – The Contract's Balance
Lecture 31: Variables and Functions Visibility: Private, Public, Internal, External -Part1
Lecture 32: Variables and Functions Visibility: Private, Public, Internal, External -Part2
Lecture 33: Coding – Visibility Specifiers
Chapter 4: Challenges – Solidity Programming
Lecture 1: Challenges – Solidity Programming
Chapter 5: Project #1 – The Lottery Smart Contract
Lecture 1: Smart Contract Planning and Design
Lecture 2: Defining the State Variables and the Constructor
Lecture 3: Entering the Lottery
Lecture 4: Validation. The Require Statement
Lecture 5: How to Select the Winner?
Lecture 6: Random Numbers in Solidity
Lecture 7: Selecting the Winner and Sending Contract Balance
Lecture 8: Resetting the Lottery
Lecture 9: Contract Review
Lecture 10: Deploying the Contract to Rinkeby Test Network
Lecture 11: Lottery Smart Contract Source Code
Chapter 6: Challenges – The Lottery Smart Contract
Lecture 1: Challenges – The Lottery Contract
Chapter 7: Project #2 – The Auction Smart Contract
Lecture 1: Smart Contract Planning and Design
Lecture 2: Defining the State Variables and the Constructor
Lecture 3: Function Modifiers
Lecture 4: Placing a Bid
Lecture 5: Testing the placeBid() Function
Lecture 6: Canceling the Auction
Lecture 7: Important Security Consideration. Withdrawal Pattern
Lecture 8: Finalizing the Auction
Lecture 9: Testing the Contract. Final Words
Lecture 10: Solving a Big Security Vulnerability
Lecture 11: Scalability. Deployment Thousands of Auction Contracts
Lecture 12: Contract that Deploys Another Contract
Lecture 13: Auction Contract Creator
Lecture 14: Auction Smart Contract Source Code
Chapter 8: Project #3 – The CrowdFunding Smart Contract
Lecture 1: Solving a Real-World Problem
Lecture 2: Planning and Design
Lecture 3: Defining the State Variables and the Constructor
Lecture 4: Contributing to the CrowdFunding Campaign
Lecture 5: Getting a Refund
Lecture 6: Creating a Spending Request
Andrei Dumitrescu
Software Engineer and Lead Instructor -
Crystal Mind Academy
Teaching Cutting-Edge Technologies
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 23 votes
- 2 stars: 40 votes
- 3 stars: 295 votes
- 4 stars: 1053 votes
- 5 stars: 1708 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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