Master JavaScript – The Most Complete JavaScript Course 2022
Master JavaScript – The Most Complete JavaScript Course 2022, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4, with 181 lectures, based on 83 reviews, and has 3149 subscribers.
You will learn about Master JavaScript This course is ideal for individuals who are From Zero to Hero, Go From Beginner to an Advanced JavaScript developer or 3 Amazing real-world apps you can code, starting from with both ES5 and going all to ES11+ (Real World Apps) or JavaScript Fundamentals: Variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc or Asynchronous JavaScript: The event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX and APIs, JSON, HTTPS or Modern Features like the 'this' keyword, function constructors, prototypal inheritance, first-class functions, closures or Promise all, Promise settledAll, Promise Race, Promise Reject, Promise Resolve or Modern JavaScript for 2020: NPM, Webpack, Babel and ES6 modules, Architecture or Understand How JavaScript Really Works Behind the Scenes or What is new in ES6 or What is new in ES7 or What is new in ES8 or What is new in ES9 or What is new in ES10 or What is new in ES11 or ES6: arrow functions, classes, default and rest parameters, etc. or Coding Challanges or To Do List App or LocalStorage or Movie API Project or Amazing opportunity to learn how CSS, SASS and HTML work behind the scenes or DOM Manipulation or Fetching Data From Remote API async/await or Q&A or Module Patterns or Export and Import or BigInt It is particularly useful for From Zero to Hero, Go From Beginner to an Advanced JavaScript developer or 3 Amazing real-world apps you can code, starting from with both ES5 and going all to ES11+ (Real World Apps) or JavaScript Fundamentals: Variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc or Asynchronous JavaScript: The event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX and APIs, JSON, HTTPS or Modern Features like the 'this' keyword, function constructors, prototypal inheritance, first-class functions, closures or Promise all, Promise settledAll, Promise Race, Promise Reject, Promise Resolve or Modern JavaScript for 2020: NPM, Webpack, Babel and ES6 modules, Architecture or Understand How JavaScript Really Works Behind the Scenes or What is new in ES6 or What is new in ES7 or What is new in ES8 or What is new in ES9 or What is new in ES10 or What is new in ES11 or ES6: arrow functions, classes, default and rest parameters, etc. or Coding Challanges or To Do List App or LocalStorage or Movie API Project or Amazing opportunity to learn how CSS, SASS and HTML work behind the scenes or DOM Manipulation or Fetching Data From Remote API async/await or Q&A or Module Patterns or Export and Import or BigInt.
Enroll now: Master JavaScript – The Most Complete JavaScript Course 2022
Title: Master JavaScript – The Most Complete JavaScript Course 2022
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 181
Number of Published Lectures: 181
Number of Curriculum Items: 181
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 181
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master JavaScript
Who Should Attend
- From Zero to Hero, Go From Beginner to an Advanced JavaScript developer
- 3 Amazing real-world apps you can code, starting from with both ES5 and going all to ES11+ (Real World Apps)
- JavaScript Fundamentals: Variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc
- Asynchronous JavaScript: The event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX and APIs, JSON, HTTPS
- Modern Features like the 'this' keyword, function constructors, prototypal inheritance, first-class functions, closures
- Promise all, Promise settledAll, Promise Race, Promise Reject, Promise Resolve
- Modern JavaScript for 2020: NPM, Webpack, Babel and ES6 modules, Architecture
- Understand How JavaScript Really Works Behind the Scenes
- What is new in ES6
- What is new in ES7
- What is new in ES8
- What is new in ES9
- What is new in ES10
- What is new in ES11
- ES6: arrow functions, classes, default and rest parameters, etc.
- Coding Challanges
- To Do List App
- LocalStorage
- Movie API Project
- Amazing opportunity to learn how CSS, SASS and HTML work behind the scenes
- DOM Manipulation
- Fetching Data From Remote API async/await
- Q&A
- Module Patterns
- Export and Import
- BigInt
Target Audiences
- From Zero to Hero, Go From Beginner to an Advanced JavaScript developer
- 3 Amazing real-world apps you can code, starting from with both ES5 and going all to ES11+ (Real World Apps)
- JavaScript Fundamentals: Variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc
- Asynchronous JavaScript: The event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX and APIs, JSON, HTTPS
- Modern Features like the 'this' keyword, function constructors, prototypal inheritance, first-class functions, closures
- Promise all, Promise settledAll, Promise Race, Promise Reject, Promise Resolve
- Modern JavaScript for 2020: NPM, Webpack, Babel and ES6 modules, Architecture
- Understand How JavaScript Really Works Behind the Scenes
- What is new in ES6
- What is new in ES7
- What is new in ES8
- What is new in ES9
- What is new in ES10
- What is new in ES11
- ES6: arrow functions, classes, default and rest parameters, etc.
- Coding Challanges
- To Do List App
- LocalStorage
- Movie API Project
- Amazing opportunity to learn how CSS, SASS and HTML work behind the scenes
- DOM Manipulation
- Fetching Data From Remote API async/await
- Q&A
- Module Patterns
- Export and Import
- BigInt
Course Requirements
In order to follow me in this course, no coding experience is necessary, I will take you from the very beginning and will turn you into an expert.
During this course, I’m using Windows but any OS will work — Windows, macOS, or Linux. Together we will set up the text editor we need to for the course.
It is always recommended to have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, that will be helpful but not a must! The course also includes a section of CSS, SASS, HTML intro so you can navigate easily.
*** The #1 Complete JavaScript course on Udemy! ***
JavaScript is the leading #1 programming language and the question is do you want to master it?
If you are tired of wasting your time and money on watching random YouTube videos or taking JavaScript courses that are not complete, simple, or complex?
Are you struggling to deeply understand ow JavaScript really works behind the scenes and how to apply your knowledge to real projects?
If the answer to my previous questions is YES… Then this is the course that will change all of that. This is what you have been looking for so long!
What this course will cover?
This is not just a JavaScript course, this course will offer you much more, modern CSS, HTML, and JavaScript practices. All of the current versions of JavaScript are included.
I will take you from being a complete JavaScript beginner to be a professional advanced developer. This course will help you learn how JavaScript works and how to code, solve problems, and debug. Along the course, you will learn how to structure and organize code using common JavaScript patterns, module patterns, and modern Architecture.
So, what are you waiting for come and join me on this awesome journey where I explain everything on the way with great detail and a large number of exercises!
This course will help you to understand how, and why JavaScript code is working. Where to apply your knowledge and how to be a perfect debugger, to train your eye for mistakes and fix them.
Now I want to be clear this course will contain a lot of coding challenges, projects, and theory lectures. So, you need all of these in order to build real-world projects.
This course is different because it’s not just about writing code, it’s also about how and why code works the way it does. Because it’s the perfect mix between theory and practice. Because it focuses not only on small coding examples but also on real-world projects and use cases.
This will empower you to be a capable JavaScript Developer so you can write, understand, and debug JavaScript code using all the latest techniques that we will cover.
What will be covered in this course
In short all of the versions staring from ES5, ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, ES10, ES11, and any ESNEXT version,
JavaScript fundamentals like:
data types
Boolean logic
if/else statements
ternary operators
and my hands are tired of typing but much more.
In order to understand JavaScript and how it truly works behind the scenes, you will learn in-depth about
Execution contexts
the ‘this’ keyword,
and more….
JavaScript and Website Interaction-one of my favorite parts:
DOM manipulation
Select and change Webpage Elements,
DOM Events.
We will cover much more complex features like
Function constructors
Prototypal inheritance
First-class functions
The bind and apply methods, and more…..
•At this stage we are having chance to code up 3 beautiful real-world apps where you can apply your knowledge and learn the new concepts
(Note provided the starter HTML and CSS code for these projects).
• Design is a very important and elegant thing so you will learn how to use
modules and functions so you can separate your code and that will allow you to create data privacy and encapsulation, and why that is something very important.
•What’s new in ES6 / ES2015 the biggest update for JS.
•You will learn about Asynchronous JavaScript: the event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX calls and APIs, promise all, Promise Race, Promise Reject, Promise settled.
• Modern JavaScript 2020 where you will learn how to set up a modern development workflow using Node.js NPM, Webpack, Babel, and ES6 modules.
So, is this course the right one for you?
Student #1:I want to gain a deep understanding of how JavaScript works and I would love to learn as much as I can: I want to learn JavaScript.
Student #2: I have taken another JavaScript course but they are confusing and hard so:
1) still don’t really understand JavaScript
2) still don’t feel confident to code real-world apps. Then there is no brainer take this course it will be a perfect match for you!
Student #3: I’m interested in using popular libraries/frameworks like React, Angular, or Node.js but I can’t understand how they work.
1) Well, JavaScript is the one that needs to be taken before using popular libraries. This course will give you the knowledge to learn them all.
Student #4: You want to get started with web development: Them Master JavaScript is a great course where you can learn JavaScript language and learn how to code.
Still not sure?
Access to HD quality videos for life.
No monthly subscription.
Learn at your own pace, whenever you want, how much you can.
English Language captions provided by Udemy.
All resources are available like the starter and final code for each section. Lectures are also included
Q&A when you have questions or get stuck.
Multiple coding challenges to apply and practice your skills (solutions included).
Now if this sounds like a good option for you then please lets both you and I start this adventure today by clicking the “Take this course” button, and join me in the only JavaScript course that you will need!
Who this course is for:
This course is for someone that wants to gain
deep understanding of the most popular programming language in the world: JavaScript.
If you are a student and want to learn a web development language that sits in the first 4 always
If you’re interested in using popular libraries/frameworks like React, Angular, or Node then you need this course.
In general: JavaScript is a great language to learn how to code and that makes this course irresistible.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: JavaScript – Genesis New Course
Lecture 1: 0- How to get maximum from this course
Lecture 2: 1. Javascript Intro
Lecture 3: 2. Javascript Origins
Lecture 4: 3. Javascript Types
Lecture 5: 4. Javascript Comparsion Operators
Lecture 6: 5. Javascript Variables
Lecture 7: 6. Javascript Conditions And Logical Operators
Lecture 8: 7. Javascript Functions
Lecture 9: 8. Javascript Arrays
Lecture 10: 9. Javascript Objects
Lecture 11: 10. Solution For Exercise 7
Lecture 12: 11. Javascript Terminology
Lecture 13: 12. Javascript Loops, For, Foreach, While, Do While
Lecture 14: 13. Exercise 9 Solutions
Lecture 15: 14. Javascript Scope
Chapter 2: JavaScript DOM – Metamorphosis NEW Course
Lecture 1: 1. Dom & Javascript Engine
Lecture 2: 2. Dom Selectors
Lecture 3: 3. Dom – Selectors 2
Lecture 4: 4. Dom – Creating New Html Element
Lecture 5: 5. Dom – Events
Lecture 6: 6. Dom – Events 2
Lecture 7: 7. Dom – Mouse Events
Lecture 8: 8. Dom- Keyboard Events
Lecture 9: 9. Event Bubbling And Delegation
Chapter 3: Advanced JavaScript – Supernova New Course
Lecture 1: 1. Introduction
Lecture 2: 2. Advanced Es6 Features Let & Const, Destructoring, Template Literals, Arrow Fn
Lecture 3: 3. Lexical Environment, Closures, Compose Fn, Currying
Lecture 4: 4. Advanced Array Methods
Lecture 5: 5. Obejcts Reference Type, Context, This Keyword, Classes, Inheritance, Const
Lecture 6: 6.Pass By Value And Pass By Refrence, Promitive & Non-Primitive, Spread Operator
Lecture 7: 7. Type Coercion
Chapter 4: JavaScript – Stellar New Course
Lecture 1: 1. Json
Lecture 2: 2. Ajax- Without Page Refresh Using Fetch
Lecture 3: 3. Callback, Anonymous Fn, Callback Hell, Asynchronous Fn
Lecture 4: 4. Promises
Lecture 5: 5. Es7 Features
Lecture 6: 7. Es8 Features Like Padstart, Padend, Object Values And Object Entries
Lecture 7: 8.Async Await
Lecture 8: 9. Es9 – Spread Operator
Lecture 9: 10. Es9 Finally, For Await Of
Lecture 10: 11. Es10 Features Including Trimstart && Trimend
Lecture 11: 12. Modules, Export And Import
Lecture 12: 13.Es11 – 2020 Javascript Features
Lecture 13: 14. Es11 Features 2
Chapter 5: JavaScript Fundamentals
Lecture 1: 0. Important Lecture – How To Get Maximum Of This Course
Lecture 2: 1. Javascript Fundamentals, Environment Setup, Our First Index File Created
Lecture 3: 2. Difference Between Inline And External Js Files
Lecture 4: 3. Primitive JavaScript Data Types And Alert Box
Lecture 5: 4. Variables Naming Convention Rules
Lecture 6: 5.Variable Mutation And Javascript Coercion, Plus Defining Multiple Variables
Lecture 7: 6.Logical Operators, Math Operators, Types Of, Prompting Users For Information
Lecture 8: 7.Operator Precedence
Lecture 9: 8.Coding Assignment, Weight Converter
Lecture 10: 9. JavaScript If Else Statements
Chapter 6: JavaScript HTML DOM Manipulation
Lecture 1: 1.JavaScript Dom and Dom Manipulation
Lecture 2: 2. Document Object and Its Properties
Lecture 3: 3.Single Query Selectors getElementById and qyerySelector
Lecture 4: 4. DOM Selectors for Multiple Elements
Lecture 5: 5. DOM, Parents, Siblings, Previous,
Lecture 6: 6. EventListeners onClick & Mouse over
Lecture 7: 7.Mouse Events
Lecture 8: 8.Local Storage And Session Storage
Lecture 9: 9.Create Element's, Constants and Variables
Lecture 10: 10. Mini Project Our To Do List
Lecture 11: 11. JavaScript Working on Our To Do List App, Display the list elements
Lecture 12: 12. Displaying Items From Localstorage and Delete Items on Clear
Lecture 13: 13. To Do List App Finished
Lecture 14: 14. Event Bubbling and Event Delegation
Chapter 7: Dice Game Run To 20
Lecture 1: 0. Run To 20, Dice Game With JavaScript
Lecture 2: 1. Project Walkthrough, and Setting your Js file
Lecture 3: 2. QuerySelector, getElementById, ClassList To Add classes to our dice game
Lecture 4: 3.Roll the Dice with Random number and displaying it on GUI
Lecture 5: 4. Toggle Between Player Status, Calculate Their Dice Number For Each Player and
Lecture 6: 5. Build the Blocks in Payer Score Board Using Function and Loops
Lecture 7: 6. Reset, Announcing Winner, And Smart Way to Stop The Game From Running
Chapter 8: Advanced JavaScript Objects and Functions
Lecture 1: 1.JavaScript Object Inheritance And The Property Chain
Lecture 2: 2. Objects, Inheritance And Prototype Chaining
Lecture 3: 3. Console Log, Inspecting Arrays, Properties And Prototypes
Lecture 4: 4. Object Create In JavaScript
Lecture 5: 5. Primitives Vs Objects
Lecture 6: 6. This Keyword , Constructor And Global This Keyword
Lecture 7: 7. JavaScript Built In Constructors
Lecture 8: 8. Important, Example Of First Class Functions
Lecture 9: 9. Javascript Returning Functions
Lecture 10: 10. IIFE- Immediately Invoked Function Expression
Lecture 11: 11. Closures, Closure Function Behind Scenes
Lecture 12: 13.Call, Apply And Bind Methods
Chapter 9: Burny – Calorie App
Lecture 1: 1. Project Walkthrough And What We Are Building-1
Lecture 2: 2. HTML Markup, CSS, JS, Sass, Font-Awesome Explained
Lecture 3: 3. Architecture, Modules, Data Encapsulation, To Do List First Section
Lecture 4: 4. Setting The Architecture And Three Modules For Our App
Rick Sekuloski
Web Developer and Programmer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 31 votes
- 5 stars: 38 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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