Master Snowflake 2024
Master Snowflake 2024, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.33, with 115 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 62 subscribers.
You will learn about Snowflake Core, SQL, API, Python, AI Apps Building AI Applications with Streamlit Course designed on Snowflake 2024 features and capabilities Database, schemas, tables, views, materialized views Load structures/unstructured data Load data from AWS , GOOGLE and AZURE cloud Data Streams, Snowpipe Snowflake Tasks Snowflake API for Python SQL – Beginner to Advanced Advanced Concepts such as Time Travel, Fail Safe, Caching, etc. Frequent Updates to the course Learn from Ex-Bloomberg 17+ years, Best Udemy Course Instructor WILL BE HELPFUL TO GO FOR CERTIFICATION This course is ideal for individuals who are To work on NEW Snowflake Cloud warehouse system and be stand out form the crowd or Data Architects, Data Engineers, Database Administrators who are looking to expand their knowledge or Architects who want to understand best practices followed while using snowflake database. It is particularly useful for To work on NEW Snowflake Cloud warehouse system and be stand out form the crowd or Data Architects, Data Engineers, Database Administrators who are looking to expand their knowledge or Architects who want to understand best practices followed while using snowflake database.
Enroll now: Master Snowflake 2024
Title: Master Snowflake 2024
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.33
Number of Lectures: 115
Number of Published Lectures: 115
Number of Curriculum Items: 115
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 115
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Snowflake Core, SQL, API, Python, AI Apps
- Building AI Applications with Streamlit
- Course designed on Snowflake 2024 features and capabilities
- Database, schemas, tables, views, materialized views
- Load structures/unstructured data
- Load data from AWS , GOOGLE and AZURE cloud
- Data Streams, Snowpipe
- Snowflake Tasks
- Snowflake API for Python
- SQL – Beginner to Advanced
- Advanced Concepts such as Time Travel, Fail Safe, Caching, etc.
- Frequent Updates to the course
- Learn from Ex-Bloomberg 17+ years, Best Udemy Course Instructor
Who Should Attend
- To work on NEW Snowflake Cloud warehouse system and be stand out form the crowd
- Data Architects, Data Engineers, Database Administrators who are looking to expand their knowledge
- Architects who want to understand best practices followed while using snowflake database.
Target Audiences
- To work on NEW Snowflake Cloud warehouse system and be stand out form the crowd
- Data Architects, Data Engineers, Database Administrators who are looking to expand their knowledge
- Architects who want to understand best practices followed while using snowflake database.
Learn step-by-step everything that is practical and important in SNOWFLAKE 2024!
Learn from the BEST SELLING AUTHOR on Udemy on the PostgreSQL Database, with a 17+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE working in BLOOMBERG!
What is in this course?
In this course, you will learn everything you need to master Snowflake!
✓ Work on lates 2024 Snowflake features and solutions. No old Snowflake course. Its 2024!
✓ Master all the fundamentals
✓Master all the advanced topics
✓Learn the best practices hands-on
✓Learn the best practices hands-on
Snowflake training on LATEST 2024 features and solutions
– Snowflake Core concepts, Architecture
– Snowflake Advanced Concepts:
– Snowsight UI
– Data Loading from AWS, Google, Azure
– Micro-Partitions
– Data Clustering
– Data Views
– Data Sampling techniques
– Tasks
– Streams
– Time Travel
– Fail Safe
– Zero-Copy Cloning
– Data Sharing
– Query History
– Resource Monitors
– Tasks
– Snowpipe
– Caching
– Micro-Partitioning
– Programing with Snowflake
– Snowflake APIs using Python
– Snowpark Data transformation
– Snowflake SQL – Beginner to Expert Level
– Snowflake AI
– Building AI Apps with Streamlit
Why should you take this course?
✓ Understand everything from scratch – step by step, very structured and practice-oriented
✓ Learn all the important features – know when and how to use them properly
✓ Practical hands-on explanations and very simple method – theory and hand-on practice
This is the one course that covers everything you need to Master Snowflake 2024.
Enroll now to get lifelong access and master Snowflake!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What is Snowflake?
Lecture 2: Snowflake architecture
Lecture 3: Database Storage and compute
Lecture 4: Services Layer
Lecture 5: Setup a free trial
Lecture 6: Login to snowflake account
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 3: Snowsight
Lecture 1: Snowsight – Snowflake web interface
Lecture 2: Getting Started with Worksheets
Lecture 3: Sort, filter, show stats of query results
Lecture 4: Visualizing data in worksheet
Lecture 5: Create your first warehouse
Lecture 6: Creating a warehouse via SQL
Lecture 7: Databases > Schemas > Tables
Chapter 4: Snowflake Hierarchy and Objects
Lecture 1: Snowflake Container System
Lecture 2: Database > Schema objects
Lecture 3: Creating Database > Schemas
Lecture 4: Create a table
Lecture 5: inserting data into table via INSERT
Lecture 6: Table with text data types
Lecture 7: Table with boolean values
Lecture 8: Table with timestamps
Lecture 9: Create table via SELECT
Lecture 10: Snowflake constraints handling
Chapter 5: **** DATA LOADING ****
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 6: Data Loading
Lecture 1: Bulk/Continuous loading methods
Lecture 2: Internal/External stages
Chapter 7: Loading data from AWS
Lecture 1: Setup a free trial
Lecture 2: Create a S3 bucket
Lecture 3: Upload data to S3 bucket
Chapter 8: Loading data from Azure
Lecture 1: Creating a free trial
Lecture 2: Create a storage account
Lecture 3: Create storage containers
Lecture 4: Setup an integration object
Lecture 5: Configure a role assignment
Lecture 6: Create stage objects
Lecture 7: Load CSV file
Lecture 8: Load JSON file
Lecture 9: Load JSON data into variant column
Chapter 9: Loading data from Google Cloud
Lecture 1: Create a free trial
Lecture 2: Create a storage object
Lecture 3: Create an integration object
Lecture 4: Create stages
Lecture 5: Query and load the data
Chapter 10: Working wiht JSON data
Lecture 1: JSON File data classification
Lecture 2: Insert data into table
Lecture 3: Query JSON data
Lecture 4: Query nested JSON data
Lecture 5: Apply functions to JSON objects
Lecture 6: Flatten JSON data
Lecture 7: JSON data to tabular format
Chapter 11: Micro-partitions
Lecture 1: Introduction to Micro-partition
Lecture 2: Snowflake micro-partition advantages
Lecture 3: The columnar storage system
Lecture 4: Partition Types and I/O operations
Lecture 5: How micro-partitions work?
Chapter 12: Data Clustering
Lecture 1: What is data clustering?
Lecture 2: Clustering Keys
Lecture 3: Create cluster keys, query performances
Lecture 4: Alter/Drop cluster keys
Chapter 13: Views
Lecture 1: Non-Materialized view
Lecture 2: Combining views together
Lecture 3: What is a Materialized View?
Lecture 4: When to create or not create a materialized view?
Lecture 5: Creating and analyzing materialized views performances
Lecture 6: Important metadata columns
Lecture 7: Are views dynamic?
Lecture 8: Are materialized views dynamic?
Lecture 9: Table Alter effect on materialized view
Lecture 10: Data updates on standard and materialized views
Lecture 11: Materialized views limitations
Lecture 12: Limitations of views
Lecture 13: How to create a recursive view?
Chapter 14: Data Sampling Techniques
Lecture 1: What is data sampling?
Lecture 2: Data sampling methods
Lecture 3: Using ROW and SYSTEM methods
Lecture 4: Using SEED to compare data records
Chapter 15: Snowflake Tasks
Lecture 1: Creating a task
Lecture 2: Alter, clone a task, review history
Lecture 3: Understand schedule parameter
Lecture 4: Using CRON
Lecture 5: Creating a serverless task
Lecture 6: Task tree
Lecture 7: calling a stored procedure
Lecture 8: Task with conditions
Adnan Waheed
Founder KlickAnalytics and ex-Bloomberg employee
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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