Master SQL interviews (Top Interview questions & answers)
Master SQL interviews (Top Interview questions & answers), available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 86 lectures, based on 43 reviews, and has 548 subscribers.
You will learn about Will be able to revise all important SQL concepts like RDBMS, Joins, Indexes, various constraints etc. Will learn top SQL interview questions and their answers. Will learn SQL programming questions and answers like top nth salary from table and ranks Multiple approaches to tackle the same interview question This course is ideal for individuals who are This course has been designed for Data scientists, programmers and testers looking to master SQL interviews It is particularly useful for This course has been designed for Data scientists, programmers and testers looking to master SQL interviews.
Enroll now: Master SQL interviews (Top Interview questions & answers)
Title: Master SQL interviews (Top Interview questions & answers)
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 86
Number of Published Lectures: 86
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 86
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Will be able to revise all important SQL concepts like RDBMS, Joins, Indexes, various constraints etc.
- Will learn top SQL interview questions and their answers.
- Will learn SQL programming questions and answers like top nth salary from table and ranks
- Multiple approaches to tackle the same interview question
Who Should Attend
- This course has been designed for Data scientists, programmers and testers looking to master SQL interviews
Target Audiences
- This course has been designed for Data scientists, programmers and testers looking to master SQL interviews
This course has been intended for programmers and testers who want to master SQL interview questions and answers.
Most of the modern applications create data in a backend database and hence knowing SQL is an essential skill for everyone. The course covers a number of questions and answers in the following areas
1) Databases
2) Various types of Database Management system
3) Different types of SQL statements – DDL, DML and DCL statements
4) SQL introduction
5) Creating tables
6) SQL Data types
7) SELECT INTO operations
8) Conditional SELECT operations
9) DELETE ALL and Conditional DELETE operations
10) DELETE and TRUNCATE operation comparison
11) DROP table operations
12) Data Integrity and constraints
13) Column level and Table level primary Keys
14) Creating Unique keys
15) Various types of check constraints
16) Nullable columns
17) Aggregate functions
18) SQL statements to address different goals
19) Displaying schema of tables
20) What are JOINS?
21) Different types of JOINS – Inner Join, Left Outer, Right Outer and Full Outer Joins
22) What is SELF and Cross Joins?
23) Displaying System Date and time
24) Displaying server and database names
25) Various string operations – Substring, CHARINDEX, Concatenation etc
26) Creating an empty table from an existing table
27) LEFT, RIGHT operations
28) What are indexes?
29) Describe Clustered indexes
30) Non-clustered indexes and difference from Clustered indexes
31) Describe Unique Indexes
and many more …
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Most important SQL Interview questions and answers
Lecture 1: Question 1: What is a Database?
Lecture 2: Question 2: What is the difference between a database and DBMS?
Lecture 3: Question 3: What is the difference between DBMS and Relational DBMS?
Lecture 4: Question 4. What are DDL, DML and DCL statements?
Lecture 5: Question 5: What is SQL?
Lecture 6: Question 6: How do you create a table?
Lecture 7: Question 7: What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2 datatype in sql
Lecture 8: Question 8: How do you create a table from another table?
Lecture 9: Question 9: How do you insert values into a table?
Lecture 10: Question 10: Can you insert data into the same table by taking data from it?
Lecture 11: Question 11: What will happen if you insert a bigger value into a varchar column
Lecture 12: Question 12: How do you select data from a table?
Lecture 13: Question 13: How do you select data from a table using WHERE clause?
Lecture 14: Question 14: How do you delete all data from a table?
Lecture 15: Question 15: How do you delete data from a table based on a condition?
Lecture 16: Question 16: What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE statements?
Lecture 17: Question 17: How do you drop a table?
Lecture 18: Question 18: What is the difference between Delete and Drop?
Lecture 19: Question 19: What are constraints and what is their importance?
Lecture 20: Question 20: What is a Primary Key?
Lecture 21: Question 21: How do you create a Primary key while creating a table?
Lecture 22: Question 22: How do you create a table level Primary Key?
Lecture 23: Question 23: How do you create a Unique Key while creating a table?
Lecture 24: Question 24: How do you create a table level Unique Key?
Lecture 25: Question 25: What is the difference between a Primary Key and Unique Key?
Lecture 26: Question 26: How do you create a Check constraint while creating a table?
Lecture 27: Question 27: How do you create a table level check constraint?
Lecture 28: Question 28: Create a check constraint to restrict values to a range
Lecture 29: Question 29: Create a check constraint to have name starting with A
Lecture 30: Question 30: How do you create a foreign key on a table?
Lecture 31: Question 31: How do you create a table level foreign key?
Lecture 32: Question 32: What is meant by a nullable column?
Lecture 33: Question 33: What are aggregate functions?
Lecture 34: Question 34: Write a SQL statement to count the total number of rows of a table
Lecture 35: Question 35: Write a SQL statement to count number of rows matching a condition
Lecture 36: Question 36: Write a SQL statement where column matches with a string value(LIKE
Lecture 37: Question 37: How do you calculate the average,minimum and maximum salary from em
Lecture 38: Question 38: How do you calculate total salary for employees grouped by employee
Lecture 39: Question 39: How do you select data in a table in sorted order(Asc & and desc)
Lecture 40: Question 40: How do you specify a condition with a GROUP BY clause?
Lecture 41: Question 41: Can you have both HAVING and WHERE clauses together?
Lecture 42: Question 42: Write a query to display schema of a table
Lecture 43: Question 43: Alter a table to add a new column to a table
Lecture 44: Question 44: How do you change the data type of a column of a table
Lecture 45: Question 45: How do you drop a column from a table?
Lecture 46: Question 46: What is a Join?
Lecture 47: Question 47: Explain different types of joins
Lecture 48: Question 48: What is the difference between an outer join and inner join?
Lecture 49: Question 49: What is the difference between Left Inner Join and Left Outer join?
Lecture 50: Question 50: What is Cross Join? Where is it useful?
Lecture 51: Question 51: What is Full Join?
Lecture 52: Question 52: What is Self Join?
Lecture 53: Question 53: Write a sql statement to display current date and time
Lecture 54: Question 54: Write a sql statement to display the server and database name
Lecture 55: Question 55: Write a sql statement to display the user name
Lecture 56: Question 56: Write a sql statement to display the number of tables present in db
Lecture 57: Question 57: Write sql to display the second highest salary from employee table
Lecture 58: Question 58: Write a SQL query to return a substring from a string
Lecture 59: Question 59: Write a SQL query to return the no of characters of a given string
Lecture 60: Question 60: Write SQL to return the numeric position of a character in a string
Lecture 61: Question 61: Write a SQL statement to display distinct salaries from a table
Lecture 62: Question 62: How do you concatenate two strings in sql?
Lecture 63: Question 63: Create a empty table with the same structure as another table
Lecture 64: Question 64: SQL to return first 3 characters(right and middle also) of a string
Lecture 65: Question 65: What are indexes? Why they are used?
Lecture 66: Question 66: What are clustered indexes?
Lecture 67: Question 67: What are non-clustered index?
Lecture 68: Question 68: What is a Unique index? Write a SQL to create one
Lecture 69: Question 69: What is a view? Write a sql statement to create a view
Lecture 70: Question 70: Write a sql statement to display the number of views present
Lecture 71: Question 71: What is a subquery? Why is it used?
Lecture 72: Question 72: Write a query to remove spaces present in a string from sides
Lecture 73: Question 73: What is the difference between Union and Union all?
Lecture 74: Question 74: What is EXCEPT or MINUS operator?
Lecture 75: Question 75: What is Intersect operator?
Lecture 76: Question 76: What are temp tables in SQL Server?
Lecture 77: Question 77: What are global temp tables in SQL?
Lecture 78: Question 78: How to get nth maximum salary from a table?
Lecture 79: Question 79: Nth maximum salary when there are duplicate salaries
Lecture 80: Question 80: What is COALESCE function in SQL?
Lecture 81: Question 81: What is OLTP?
Lecture 82: Question 82: What is the difference between OLTP and OLAP systems?
Lecture 83: Question 83: What are the different types of relationship existing in RDBMS?
Lecture 84: Question 84: How to create a temp table in SQL Server?
Lecture 85: Question 85: How to write a CASE statement in SQL?
Lecture 86: Question 86: How do we delete duplicate rows?
Biswajit Nanda
QA Automation Manager, Database Developer, Singer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 29 votes
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