Master SQL – Simple to advanced 200+ queries
Master SQL – Simple to advanced 200+ queries, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 66 lectures, based on 2 reviews, and has 65 subscribers.
You will learn about Solve 200+ SQL hands-on practical query exercises Work with real-world, practical datasets and problems Step-by-step walkthrough to perform simple to complex SQL queries Learn simple to complex queries Subqueries Common Table Expressions (CTEs) Advanced Window Functions This course is ideal for individuals who are Complete beginners to database world or Anyone wanting to learn SQL or PostgreSQL or Application engineers seeking to expand their backend skillset or Anyone who wants to apply SQL knowledge on practical datasets or Anyone wants to learn from basic to advanced functionality of PostgreSQL It is particularly useful for Complete beginners to database world or Anyone wanting to learn SQL or PostgreSQL or Application engineers seeking to expand their backend skillset or Anyone who wants to apply SQL knowledge on practical datasets or Anyone wants to learn from basic to advanced functionality of PostgreSQL.
Enroll now: Master SQL – Simple to advanced 200+ queries
Title: Master SQL – Simple to advanced 200+ queries
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 66
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Curriculum Items: 66
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 66
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Solve 200+ SQL hands-on practical query exercises
- Work with real-world, practical datasets and problems
- Step-by-step walkthrough to perform simple to complex SQL queries
- Learn simple to complex queries
- Subqueries
- Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
- Advanced Window Functions
Who Should Attend
- Complete beginners to database world
- Anyone wanting to learn SQL or PostgreSQL
- Application engineers seeking to expand their backend skillset
- Anyone who wants to apply SQL knowledge on practical datasets
- Anyone wants to learn from basic to advanced functionality of PostgreSQL
Target Audiences
- Complete beginners to database world
- Anyone wanting to learn SQL or PostgreSQL
- Application engineers seeking to expand their backend skillset
- Anyone who wants to apply SQL knowledge on practical datasets
- Anyone wants to learn from basic to advanced functionality of PostgreSQL
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey through the dynamic world of PostgreSQL?
Look no further! Our comprehensive PostgreSQL course has been meticulously designed to transform you from a novice into a PostgreSQL wizard, armed with the skills to conquer real-world data challenges!
By the end of this course, you will run 200+ SQL queries to:
Apply Powerful SQL Commands: Gain the expertise to effectively store, update, and retrieve information using PostgreSQL’s powerful SQL commands.
Master Complex Joins: Navigate the intricate web of data by seamlessly joining multiple tables with various techniques.
Harness the Magic of Subqueries: Move from the basics to advanced subqueries with ease, enabling you to extract precise information from complex datasets.
Unlock the Secrets of Aggregate Functions: Learn how to aggregate data using functions that turn raw data into meaningful insights.
Time Travel with Date/Time: Handle date and time data types, intervals, and timezones like a pro.
Data Grouping: Organize your data with GROUP BY and apply conditional filters using HAVING, allowing for more structured analysis.
Combining Queries: Combine query results using UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT, creating a powerful toolbox for data manipulation.
Windows Functions: Delve into the world of window functions, from the basics to advanced techniques for advanced data analysis.
Real-world Practice: Work on practical datasets, including Employee Management System, International Debt Data Analysis, Stock Market Analysis, World Trades databases, and much more to preparing you for real-world scenarios.
Ready to Take the Leap? Join Us Today!
Don’t miss this opportunity to master PostgreSQL, one of the most popular and powerful relational database systems in the world. Sign up now, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a PostgreSQL pro! Your next big project is waiting – seize it with PostgreSQL expertise!
Your journey begins with a single click. Enroll now and revolutionize your data handling skills with PostgreSQL!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Install PostgreSQL 13
Lecture 3: Install pgAdmin 4 v5.5
Lecture 4: Run PostgreSQL on the cloud
Chapter 2: *** Employees Management System ***
Lecture 1: Understand the database model
Lecture 2: Create tables and populate data
Lecture 3: Get filtered data via WHERE clause
Lecture 4: Referencing an alias and concatenate columns
Lecture 5: Using conditional logic with CASE expression
Lecture 6: Using ORDER BY, LIMIT and RANDOM
Lecture 7: Find NULL values and transform into real values
Lecture 8: Searching for patterns
Lecture 9: Sorting on data dependent key
Lecture 10: Staking tables together
Chapter 3: Hierarchical Queries
Lecture 1: Expressing a Parent-Child Relationship
Lecture 2: Expressing a Child-Parent-Grandparent Relationship
Lecture 3: Creating a hierarchical view of a table
Lecture 4: Finding all child rows for a given parent row
Lecture 5: Which rows are leaf, branch, or root nodes
Chapter 4: Working with numbers
Lecture 1: Computing an average, min/max values
Lecture 2: Sum, and count
Lecture 3: Generating a running total
Lecture 4: Calculating 3-point moving averages
Lecture 5: Calculate a mode
Lecture 6: Calculate a median, averages without highs and lows
Chapter 5: Date Arithmetic
Lecture 1: Add, subtract dates, and numbers of days
Lecture 2: Compute running date difference
Lecture 3: Comparing records using dates
Chapter 6: Advances Searching
Lecture 1: Find differences between rows within same group or partition
Lecture 2: Pagination
Lecture 3: Skipping n rows
Lecture 4: Selecting the Top n Records
Chapter 7: Window Functions
Lecture 1: Turn aggregate function to window function
Lecture 2: PARTITION BY clause
Lecture 3: Handling NULLs
Lecture 4: The ORDER BY clause matters
Chapter 8: Metadata Queries
Lecture 1: Listing tables, columns and indexes
Lecture 2: Listing constraints on a table
Lecture 3: Using SQL to Generate SQL
Chapter 9: International Debt Analysis
Lecture 1: Preparing the data
Lecture 2: Analyzing International debt – Part 1
Lecture 3: Analyzing International debt – Part 2
Chapter 10: Stocks Markets Analysis
Lecture 1: Introduction to Stock Markets Data
Lecture 2: CODE: Table Creation – Sectors, Symbols, Prices
Lecture 3: Import sample datasets
Lecture 4: CODE: Import sample datasets
Lecture 5: Important – SQL Query is in CODE: Articles
Lecture 6: List data, sectors in ascending and descending orders
Lecture 7: CODE: List data, sectors in ascending and descending orders
Lecture 8: Using COUNT, WHERE, IN and NOT IN with sectors
Lecture 9: CODE: Using COUNT, WHERE, IN and NOT IN with sectors
Lecture 10: CODE: Find total stocks per each sectors
Chapter 11: Club House Analysis
Lecture 1: Introduction to database model
Lecture 2: Load sample datasets
Lecture 3: Using conditions, stain search and classify results
Lecture 4: Get unique data, aggregate with max/min functions
Lecture 5: Joining tables and apply filter conditions
Lecture 6: inner join on multiple columns, multiple inner joins
Lecture 7: Using case statement, inner joins, and filters
Lecture 8: aggregate on multiple columns, date extractions
Lecture 9: Using count, having with filters
Lecture 10: Using sum, order by aggregate functions
Lecture 11: Using rollup aggregation
Chapter 12: Congratulations and Thank You!
Lecture 1: Your feedback is very valuable!
Lecture 2: Updates to the course
Lecture 3: Bonus Lectures
Adnan Waheed
Founder KlickAnalytics and ex-Bloomberg employee
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 0 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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