Master the Basics of Python in Just One Hour!
Master the Basics of Python in Just One Hour!, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.27, with 15 lectures, based on 154 reviews, and has 5139 subscribers.
You will learn about Gain a basic understanding of Python programming language and its syntax Learn how to create and manipulate variables in Python Understand control flow statements, loops, and conditional statements Explore the different data types in Python and how to use them effectively Learn how to write and execute simple Python programs on your own Get familiar with basic file handling and input/output operations in Python Learn how to write functions and reuse your code for efficiency Discover the practical applications of Python in different industries and fields. This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who want to learn how to program with Python quickly and effectively or Students who want to gain basic Python programming skills for academic or professional purposes or Professionals who want to enhance their skill set and learn a new programming language to help them in their career or Anyone who wants to automate repetitive tasks, analyze data, or build simple applications using Python or Entrepreneurs or business owners who want to learn a new skill that can help them improve their products or services or Anyone interested in pursuing a career in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, or web development or People who want to learn a versatile and powerful programming language that can be applied to different fields and industries. It is particularly useful for Beginners who want to learn how to program with Python quickly and effectively or Students who want to gain basic Python programming skills for academic or professional purposes or Professionals who want to enhance their skill set and learn a new programming language to help them in their career or Anyone who wants to automate repetitive tasks, analyze data, or build simple applications using Python or Entrepreneurs or business owners who want to learn a new skill that can help them improve their products or services or Anyone interested in pursuing a career in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, or web development or People who want to learn a versatile and powerful programming language that can be applied to different fields and industries.
Enroll now: Master the Basics of Python in Just One Hour!
Title: Master the Basics of Python in Just One Hour!
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.27
Number of Lectures: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 15
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 15
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Gain a basic understanding of Python programming language and its syntax
- Learn how to create and manipulate variables in Python
- Understand control flow statements, loops, and conditional statements
- Explore the different data types in Python and how to use them effectively
- Learn how to write and execute simple Python programs on your own
- Get familiar with basic file handling and input/output operations in Python
- Learn how to write functions and reuse your code for efficiency
- Discover the practical applications of Python in different industries and fields.
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who want to learn how to program with Python quickly and effectively
- Students who want to gain basic Python programming skills for academic or professional purposes
- Professionals who want to enhance their skill set and learn a new programming language to help them in their career
- Anyone who wants to automate repetitive tasks, analyze data, or build simple applications using Python
- Entrepreneurs or business owners who want to learn a new skill that can help them improve their products or services
- Anyone interested in pursuing a career in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, or web development
- People who want to learn a versatile and powerful programming language that can be applied to different fields and industries.
Target Audiences
- Beginners who want to learn how to program with Python quickly and effectively
- Students who want to gain basic Python programming skills for academic or professional purposes
- Professionals who want to enhance their skill set and learn a new programming language to help them in their career
- Anyone who wants to automate repetitive tasks, analyze data, or build simple applications using Python
- Entrepreneurs or business owners who want to learn a new skill that can help them improve their products or services
- Anyone interested in pursuing a career in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, or web development
- People who want to learn a versatile and powerful programming language that can be applied to different fields and industries.
Are you looking to add valuable skills to your resume and stay ahead in today’s ever-evolving job market? Are you interested in learning the fundamentals of programming but feel intimidated by complex computer science topics?
Our beginner’s Python course is the perfect solution to help you achieve your goals. With our easy-to-follow and practical approach, you’ll learn the basics of Python programming language in no time, even if you have no prior experience in programming.
In this course, you’ll gain hands-on experience in setting up your Python environment, writing and debugging simple programs, using control flow logic, and creating structured, interactive programs that deliver real value. These skills are not only essential for success in the tech industry but also applicable in fields such as data analysis, finance, and scientific research.
Whether you’re a student, recent graduate, or someone looking to freshen up on their skills, our course is designed to help you unlock your potential and take the next step in your career. By completing this course, you’ll be able to confidently list Python programming as a skill on your resume, setting yourself apart from other candidates.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to acquire a valuable and in-demand skill. Enroll now and take the first step toward achieving your goals with Python programming.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Setting up your programming environment.
Lecture 1: Welcome to Python Fundamentals
Lecture 2: Setting up Python Windows
Lecture 3: Setting up Python Linux
Chapter 2: Welcome To Python.
Lecture 1: Print, Comment, Variables
Lecture 2: String Concatenation
Lecture 3: Accepting User Inputs
Lecture 4: Python Operators.
Lecture 5: Lists
Lecture 6: Dictionaries
Lecture 7: Using Functions.
Lecture 8: If, Elif, Else
Lecture 9: For Loops.
Lecture 10: While Loops.
Lecture 11: AND, IN, OR, NOT Comparisons.
Chapter 3: Thank You
Lecture 1: Course Completion
Alexander Commodore
Founder of Cyber Wired Training
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 19 votes
- 4 stars: 66 votes
- 5 stars: 68 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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