Mastering AWS: Featuring SQS
Mastering AWS: Featuring SQS, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 38 lectures, based on 49 reviews, and has 294 subscribers.
You will learn about You will be able to discuss the sqs pricing structure You will become confortable using sqs on the Console, Command Line Interface, or nodejs Software Development Kits You will understand how to use the amazon sqs api Lead amazon sqs tutorials at your workplace Explain the difference between sqs and sns Understand key terms like message retention period, visibility timeout, etc. Create programs using aws sqs and nodejs Create an sns topics and subscribe sqs queues to the sns topic This course is ideal for individuals who are You should take this course if you want hands on simple queue service experience or Would like to become familiar with sqs pricing or Would like to become familiar with amazon sqs api or Would like a hands on amazon sqs tutorial or Would like to understand the difference between aws sqs and sns or If you’d like to configure the sqs retention period or Hands on tutorial of aws sqs cli (Command Line Interface) or Hands on knowledge of amazon sqs nodejs Software Development Kit It is particularly useful for You should take this course if you want hands on simple queue service experience or Would like to become familiar with sqs pricing or Would like to become familiar with amazon sqs api or Would like a hands on amazon sqs tutorial or Would like to understand the difference between aws sqs and sns or If you’d like to configure the sqs retention period or Hands on tutorial of aws sqs cli (Command Line Interface) or Hands on knowledge of amazon sqs nodejs Software Development Kit.
Enroll now: Mastering AWS: Featuring SQS
Title: Mastering AWS: Featuring SQS
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Curriculum Items: 38
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 38
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will be able to discuss the sqs pricing structure
- You will become confortable using sqs on the Console, Command Line Interface, or nodejs Software Development Kits
- You will understand how to use the amazon sqs api
- Lead amazon sqs tutorials at your workplace
- Explain the difference between sqs and sns
- Understand key terms like message retention period, visibility timeout, etc.
- Create programs using aws sqs and nodejs
- Create an sns topics and subscribe sqs queues to the sns topic
Who Should Attend
- You should take this course if you want hands on simple queue service experience
- Would like to become familiar with sqs pricing
- Would like to become familiar with amazon sqs api
- Would like a hands on amazon sqs tutorial
- Would like to understand the difference between aws sqs and sns
- If you’d like to configure the sqs retention period
- Hands on tutorial of aws sqs cli (Command Line Interface)
- Hands on knowledge of amazon sqs nodejs Software Development Kit
Target Audiences
- You should take this course if you want hands on simple queue service experience
- Would like to become familiar with sqs pricing
- Would like to become familiar with amazon sqs api
- Would like a hands on amazon sqs tutorial
- Would like to understand the difference between aws sqs and sns
- If you’d like to configure the sqs retention period
- Hands on tutorial of aws sqs cli (Command Line Interface)
- Hands on knowledge of amazon sqs nodejs Software Development Kit
Did you know that Amazon Web Services first service is the Simple Queue Service (SQS)? Did you know that SQS can be scaled to meet the needs of a company of any size, including Amazon and travel sites?
This course, Mastering AWS Featuring SQS, will provide everything you need to apply SQS to your everyday life. This course begins at the very beginning, creating an aws account and creating a User. Next, we define both SQS and AWS. We then take a deep dive into SQS. This course discusses sqs pricing, sqs vs sns, sqs api, and much more. We then apply the fundamentals we’ve learned to programming with SQS.
We will program in the AWS management console, in the aws command line (aws cli), and using the aws node.js sdk. Each programming section provides three detailed sqs tutorials.
Using the AWS management console, we will create basic queues, queues with attributes, and queues with different configurations. Once these queues are created, we will send messages and observe the results. In addition, we will use SNS and SQS together to send messages to multiple queues.
After we’ve created and modified queues in the management console, we will step out game up by manipulating sqs on the command line. Using Cloud9 we will create an EC2 environment and create, modify and delete queues in the aws cli.
Next we create sqs queues using the aws node.js SDK. In conjunction with Cloud9, we will use an EC2 instance to create tags for our queues, list queues, create queues, and delete queues.
As a bonus, we will use the following AWS services to assist our learning of SQS: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Simple Queue Service (SNS), AWS Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), and AWS cloud9.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Discuss SQS pricing
- Discuss SQS key terms: visibility timeout, FIFO
- Create an EC2 instance using Cloud9
- Send messages t multiple recipients using SNS and SQS
- Create SQS queues
- Create SQS FIFO queues
- Adjust SQS queue attributes
- Send messages via the SQS queue
- Delete SQS queues
- Delete SQS messages
You should consider this course if you are:
- Interested in Amazon Web Services most used Service,
- Want to take a deep dive into SQS
- Want to learn how to program on the CLI, management console, or use the node.js SDK
- Want to learn how to use Cloud9
- Want to create an AWS account
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create an AWS Account
Lecture 3: Create User
Lecture 4: SQS Console Overview
Lecture 5: Instructor Introduction
Lecture 6: Into to AWS
Lecture 7: Introduction to SQS
Lecture 8: Cloud9
Lecture 9: Referencces
Chapter 2: SQS
Lecture 1: SQS Introdction
Lecture 2: SQS Overview
Lecture 3: SQS Key Terms
Lecture 4: SQS Security
Lecture 5: SQS Cost
Lecture 6: SQS Limits and Restrictions
Lecture 7: SQS Best Practices
Lecture 8: Conclusion
Lecture 9: References
Chapter 3: SQS in the console
Lecture 1: Console Introduction
Lecture 2: SQS Standard
Lecture 3: SQS Standard and FIFO
Lecture 4: SQS with SNS
Lecture 5: conclusion
Lecture 6: References
Chapter 4: Command Line
Lecture 1: Introduction CLI
Lecture 2: AWS SQS cli create create queue
Lecture 3: AWS SQS cli send messages
Lecture 4: AWS SQS cli delete message
Lecture 5: conclusion
Lecture 6: References
Chapter 5: SQS SDK
Lecture 1: SDK introduction
Lecture 2: AWS sdk node.js I
Lecture 3: AWS sdk node.js II
Lecture 4: SQS SDK node.js III
Lecture 5: Conclusion
Lecture 6: References
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Course Conclusion
Lecture 2: Bonus Content
Alston Godbolt
Full Stack Web Developer and AWS certified
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 18 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
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