Mastering Flask
Mastering Flask, available at $29.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 37 lectures, based on 17 reviews, and has 113 subscribers.
You will learn about Build a real-world application that adheres to best practices using Flask Use Virtualenv to incorporate dependency isolation Work with SQLAlchemy while learning database concepts See how to customize Jinja templates to work with dynamic pages Create secure forms using WTForms Modularize your code with Blueprints Work with Flask Login and Flask Principal to secure our app Add a REST API to our app to allow programmers to easily build off the platform the app is building Create an administrator interface using Flask Admin Speed up the working of the app with Flask Debug Toolbar, Flask Cache, and Flask Assets Implement asynchronous programming using Celery Make the app robust by performing various tests on it Deploy the app to platforms such as AWS, Heroku, and simple VPS with Nginx and Gunicorn This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for Python web developers who have developed web applications with Flask and are well-versed in its core functionality. It is particularly useful for This course is for Python web developers who have developed web applications with Flask and are well-versed in its core functionality.
Enroll now: Mastering Flask
Title: Mastering Flask
Price: $29.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 37
Number of Published Lectures: 37
Number of Curriculum Items: 37
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 37
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build a real-world application that adheres to best practices using Flask
- Use Virtualenv to incorporate dependency isolation
- Work with SQLAlchemy while learning database concepts
- See how to customize Jinja templates to work with dynamic pages
- Create secure forms using WTForms
- Modularize your code with Blueprints
- Work with Flask Login and Flask Principal to secure our app
- Add a REST API to our app to allow programmers to easily build off the platform the app is building
- Create an administrator interface using Flask Admin
- Speed up the working of the app with Flask Debug Toolbar, Flask Cache, and Flask Assets
- Implement asynchronous programming using Celery
- Make the app robust by performing various tests on it
- Deploy the app to platforms such as AWS, Heroku, and simple VPS with Nginx and Gunicorn
Who Should Attend
- This course is for Python web developers who have developed web applications with Flask and are well-versed in its core functionality.
Target Audiences
- This course is for Python web developers who have developed web applications with Flask and are well-versed in its core functionality.
Flask is a small and powerful web development framework for Python.
It is called a micro-framework as it aims to keep the core simple but
extensible. Even though it’s called a micro-framework, it is no way
lacking in functionality, and allows you to develop applications very
quickly, primarily through the development of a small codebase.
This course will take you deep into the world of using Flask and its
ecosystem of extensions to create web applications. We’ll walk through
creating a simple IMDB clone from scratch. We’ll start by creating the
boilerplate code and use Virtualenv to create an isolated development
environment. You’ll then learn to work with the database using
SQLAlchemy. After that, we’ll display our data to the end user using
We’ll restructure and modularize our code using Blueprints. Our site
will be secured using the extensions Flask-Login and Flask-Principal.
After that, we’ll create a RESTful API of our app. We’ll then give admin
functionality and extend our app using various flask extensions. We’ll
incorporate Celery to make our tasks asynchronous. We’ll walk you
through performing unit test of our app, and then test our SQLAlchemy
models. We’ll also test the URLs and finally, we’ll test how much of our
code isn’t being tested. All these tests will make our app secure.
Finally, we’ll deploy our Flask app to various options that are
This course will give you an in-depth understanding of how to use
Flask and its strong extensibility for more complex web applications.
About The Author
Alexander Putilin is a professional programmer and has several years of experience in languages such as Python and C++. He has worked for a lot of years in Yandex, a Russian multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. He worked in the Search Engine department on various parts of Yandex’s search engine.
Jack Stouffer is a programmer who has several years of experience in designing web applications. He switched to Flask three years ago for all his projects. He currently works for Apollo America in Auburn Hills, Michigan, and writes internal business tools and software using Python, Flask, and JavaScript. Jack is a believer and supporter of open source technology.
When he released his Flask examples with the recommended best practices on GitHub, it became one of the most popular Flask repositories on the site. Jack has also worked as a reviewer for Flask Framework Cookbook, Packt Publishing.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: An Advanced Introduction to Flask
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: A High-level Reintroduction into Flask
Lecture 3: Dependency Isolation with virtualenv
Chapter 2: Accessing the Database
Lecture 1: Connecting to the Database
Lecture 2: Creating Models
Lecture 3: Accessing Data
Lecture 4: Creating and Querying One-to-Many Relationships
Lecture 5: Creating and Querying Many-to-Many Relationships
Lecture 6: Advanced Queries
Chapter 3: Advanced View Usage
Lecture 1: Loops and Control Structures
Lecture 2: Creating and Validating Forms with WTForms
Chapter 4: Restructuring an App with Blueprints
Lecture 1: Creating Flask Blueprints
Lecture 2: Restructuring Our Files
Chapter 5: Securing the App
Lecture 1: Installing and Configuring Flask-Login
Lecture 2: Handling Passwords with Flask Login
Lecture 3: Creating Login and Registration Pages
Lecture 4: Adding User Permissions
Chapter 6: Creating a REST API
Lecture 1: What Is REST?
Lecture 2: Using Flask-RESTful
Chapter 7: Creating an Admin Interface
Lecture 1: Setting Up
Lecture 2: Interfacing with Models
Lecture 3: File Storage and Retrieval
Chapter 8: Extending Our App
Lecture 1: Flask Debug Toolbar
Lecture 2: Flask Cache
Lecture 3: Flask Assets
Chapter 9: Asynchronous Programming with Celery
Lecture 1: Installing and Understanding Celery
Lecture 2: Writing Tasks in Celery
Lecture 3: Periodic Tasks in Celery
Chapter 10: Testing Our App
Lecture 1: What Is Unit Testing?
Lecture 2: Testing Our Models
Lecture 3: Testing URLs
Lecture 4: Testing Code Coverage
Chapter 11: Deploying Our App
Lecture 1: Preparing Dependencies for Deploying
Lecture 2: Using a Simple VPS
Lecture 3: Using Amazon Web Services
Lecture 4: Using Heroku
Lecture 5: Where Do I Go from Here?
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
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