Mastering MLOps: Complete course for ML Operations
Mastering MLOps: Complete course for ML Operations, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.08, with 112 lectures, based on 151 reviews, and has 1090 subscribers.
You will learn about MLOps fundamentals MLOps toolbox Model versioning with MLFlow Data versioning with DVC Auto-ML and Low-code MLOps Model Explainability, Auditability, and Interpretable machine learning Containerized Machine Learning WorkFlow With Docker Deploying ML in Production through APIS Deploying ML in Production through web applications MLOps in Azure Cloud This course is ideal for individuals who are Machine Learning engineers and Data Scientists interested in MLOps or Machine Learning professionals who want to deploy models to production or Anyone interested in developing APIs in FastAPI or Flask or Anyone who wants to learn Docker, Azure, DVC o MLFlow It is particularly useful for Machine Learning engineers and Data Scientists interested in MLOps or Machine Learning professionals who want to deploy models to production or Anyone interested in developing APIs in FastAPI or Flask or Anyone who wants to learn Docker, Azure, DVC o MLFlow.
Enroll now: Mastering MLOps: Complete course for ML Operations
Title: Mastering MLOps: Complete course for ML Operations
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.08
Number of Lectures: 112
Number of Published Lectures: 112
Number of Curriculum Items: 112
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 112
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- MLOps fundamentals
- MLOps toolbox
- Model versioning with MLFlow
- Data versioning with DVC
- Auto-ML and Low-code MLOps
- Model Explainability, Auditability, and Interpretable machine learning
- Containerized Machine Learning WorkFlow With Docker
- Deploying ML in Production through APIS
- Deploying ML in Production through web applications
- MLOps in Azure Cloud
Who Should Attend
- Machine Learning engineers and Data Scientists interested in MLOps
- Machine Learning professionals who want to deploy models to production
- Anyone interested in developing APIs in FastAPI or Flask
- Anyone who wants to learn Docker, Azure, DVC o MLFlow
Target Audiences
- Machine Learning engineers and Data Scientists interested in MLOps
- Machine Learning professionals who want to deploy models to production
- Anyone interested in developing APIs in FastAPI or Flask
- Anyone who wants to learn Docker, Azure, DVC o MLFlow
Are you interested in leveraging the power of Machine Learning (ML) to automate and optimize your business operations, but struggling with the complexity and challenges of deploying and managing ML models at scale? Look no further than this comprehensive MLOps course on Udemy.
In this course, you’ll learn how to apply DevOps and DataOps principles to the entire ML lifecycle, from designing and developing ML models to deploying and monitoring them in production. You’ll gain hands-on experiencewith a wide range of MLOps tools and techniques, including Docker, Deepchecks, MLFlow, DVC, and DagsHub, and learn how to build scalable and reproducible ML pipelines.
The course is divided into diferent sections, covering all aspects of the MLOps lifecycle in detail.
What does the course include?
MLOps fundamentals.We will learn about the Basic Concepts and Fundamentals of MLOps. We will look at traditional ML model management challenges and how MLOps addresses those problems to offer solutions.
MLOps toolbox. We will learn how to apply MLOps tools to implement an end-to-end project.
Model versioning with MLFlow.We will learn to version and register machine learning models with MLFlow. MLflow is an open source platform for managing the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, deployment, and a central model registry.
Data versioning with DVC. Data Version Control (DVC) lets you capture the versions of your data and models in Git commits, while storing them on-premises or in cloud storage. It also provides a mechanism to switch between these different data contents.
Create a shared ML repositorywith DagsHub, DVC, Git and MLFlow. Use DagsHub, DVC, Git and MLFlow to version and registry your ML models.
Auto-ML and Low-code MLOps. We will learn to automate the development of machine learning models with Auto-Ml and Low-code libraries such as Pycaret. Pycaret automates much of the MLOps cycle, including model versioning, training, evaluation, and deployment.
Explainability, Auditability, and Interpretable machine learning. Learn about model interpretability, explainability, auditability, and data drift with SHAP and Evidently.
Containerized Machine Learning WorkFlow With Docker.Docker is one of the most used tools to package the code and dependencies of our application and distribute it efficiently. We will learn how to use Docker to package our Machine Learning applications.
Deploying ML in Production through APIS. We will learn about deploying models to production through API development with FastAPI and Flask. We will also learn to deploy those APIs in the Azure Cloud using Azure containers.
Deploying ML in Production through web applications. We will learn to develop web applications with embedded machine learning models using Gradio. We will also learn how to develop an ML application with Flask and HTML, distribute it via a Docker container, and deploy it to production in Azure.
BentoMLfor automated development of ML services. You will learn about BentoML, including introduction to BentoML, generating an ML service with BentoML, putting the service into production with BentoML and Docker, integrating BentoML and MLflow, and comparison of tools for developing ML services.
MLOps in Azure Cloud. Finally, we will learn about the development and deployment of models in the Cloud, specifically in Azure. We will learn how to train models on Azure, put them into production, and then consume those models.
Deploying ML services in Heroku. Including fundamentals of Heroku and a practical lab on deploying an ML service in Heroku.
Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) with GitHub Actions and CML. You will learn about GitHub Actions and CML, including introduction to GitHub Actions, practical lab of GitHub Actions, Continuous Machine Learning (CML), and practical lab of applying GitHub Actions and CML to MLOps.
Model Monitoring with Evidently AI.You will learn about model and service monitoring using Evidently AI and how to use it to monitor a model in production, identify data drift, and evaluate the model quality.
Model Monitoring with Deepchecks. You will learn about the components of Deepchecks, including checks, conditions, and suites, and get hands-on experience using Data Integrity Suite, Train Test Validation Suite, Model Evaluation Suite, and Custom Performance Suite.
Complete MLOps Project. You will work on a complete MLOps project from start to finish. This includes developing an ML model, validating code and pre-processing, versioning the project with MLFlow and DVC, sharing the repository with DagsHub and MLFlow, developing an API with BentoML, creating an app with Streamlit, and implementing a CI/CD workflow using GitHub Actions for data validation, application testing, and automated deployment to Heroku.
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• MLOps Training Guide (PDF e-book)
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• Laboratories applied to use cases
• Practical exercises and quizzes
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• 1 to 1 expert support
• Course question and answer forum
• 30 days money back guarantee
Whether you’re a data scientist, machine learning engineer, or DevOps professional, this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to implement MLOps in your organization and take your ML projects to the next level. Sign up now and start your journey to becoming an MLOps expert!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to this course
Lecture 1: Introduction to this course
Lecture 2: How to get the most out of the course
Lecture 3: Course material
Chapter 2: Challenges and evolution of Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
Lecture 2: Benefits of Machine Learning
Lecture 3: MLOps Fundamentals
Lecture 4: DevOps and DataOps Fundamentals
Chapter 3: MLOps Fundaments
Lecture 1: Problems that MLOps solves
Lecture 2: MLOps Components
Lecture 3: MLOps Toolbox
Lecture 4: MLOps stages
Chapter 4: Installation of tools and libraries
Lecture 1: How to install libraries and prepare the environment
Lecture 2: Jupyter Notebook Basics
Lecture 3: Installing Docker and Ubuntu
Chapter 5: MLOps Phase 1: Solution Design
Lecture 1: Volere design and implementation
Chapter 6: MLOps Phase 2: Automating the ML Model Cycle
Lecture 1: AutoML Basics
Lecture 2: Building a model from start to finish with Pycaret
Lecture 3: EDA and Advanced Preprocessing with Pycaret
Lecture 4: Development of advanced models (XGBoost, CatBoost, LightGBM) with Pycaret)
Lecture 5: Production deployment with Pycaret
Chapter 7: MLOps phase 2: Model versioning and registration with MLFlow
Lecture 1: Model registry and versioning with MLFlow
Lecture 2: Registering a Scikit-Learn model with MLFlow
Lecture 3: Registering a Pycaret model with MLFlow
Lecture 4: Pycaret and Dagshub integration
Lecture 5: Hands on laboratory of registering a model and dataset with Pycaret and DagsHub
Chapter 8: Versioning dataset with DVC
Lecture 1: Introduction to DVC
Lecture 2: DVC commands and process
Lecture 3: Hands-on lab with DVC
Lecture 4: DVC Pipelines
Chapter 9: Code repository with DagsHub, DVC, Git and MLFlow
Lecture 1: Introduction to DagsHub for the code repository
Lecture 2: EDA and data preprocessing
Lecture 3: Training and evaluation of the prototype of the ML model
Lecture 4: DagsHub account creation
Lecture 5: Creating the Python environment and dataset
Lecture 6: Deployment of the model in DagsHub
Lecture 7: Training and versioning the ML model
Lecture 8: Improving the model for a production environment
Lecture 9: Using DVC to version data and models
Lecture 10: Sending code, data and models to DagsHub
Lecture 11: Experimentation and registration of experiments in DagsHub
Lecture 12: Using DagsHub to analyze and compare experiments and models
Chapter 10: Automated registration and versioning with Pycaret and DagsHub
Lecture 1: Hands-on Exercise.Development of a model with Pycaret and registration in MLFlow
Lecture 2: Solution. Development of a model with Pycaret and registration in MLFlow
Lecture 3: Hands-on exercise. Generating a repository with DagsHub
Lecture 4: Solution. Generating a repository with DagsHub
Lecture 5: Hands-on exercise. Data versioning with DVC
Lecture 6: Solution. Data versioning with DVC
Lecture 7: Hands-on exercise. Registering the model on a shared MLFlow server
Lecture 8: Solution. Registering the model on a shared MLFlow server
Chapter 11: Model interpretability
Lecture 1: Basics of interpretability with SHAP
Lecture 2: Interpreting Scikit Learn models with SHAP
Lecture 3: Interpreting models with SHAP in Pycaret
Chapter 12: Putting models into production
Lecture 1: Deploying Models in Production
Chapter 13: MLOps phase 3: Model serving through APIs
Lecture 1: Fundamentals of APIs and FastAPI
Lecture 2: Functions, methods and parameters in FastAPI
Lecture 3: POST Method, Swagger and Pydantic in FastAPI
Lecture 4: API development for Scikit-learn model with FastAPI
Lecture 5: Automated API development with Pycaret
Chapter 14: MLOps Phase 3: Model serving with Web Applications
Lecture 1: Serve the model through a Web Application
Lecture 2: Basic Gradio commands
Lecture 3: Development of a Gradio web application for Machine Learning
Lecture 4: Automated web application development with Pycaret
Lecture 5: Web application development with Streamlit
Lecture 6: Laboratory: Web application development with Streamlit and Altair
Lecture 7: Laboratory: Streamlit and Pycaret to develop a web service for ML model
Chapter 15: Flask for application development
Lecture 1: Flask Fundamentals
Lecture 2: Building a project from start to finish with Flask
Lecture 3: Back-end development with Flask and front-end development with HTML and CSS
Chapter 16: Docker and containers in Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Containers to isolate our applications
Lecture 2: Docker and Kubernetes Basics
Lecture 3: Generating a container for an ML API with Docker
Lecture 4: Docker to generate a container of a web application from Flask, HTML
Chapter 17: BentoML for automated development of ML services
Lecture 1: Introduction to BentoML for generating ML services
Lecture 2: Generating an ML service with BentoML
Lecture 3: Putting the service into production with BentoML and Docker
Lecture 4: BentoML and MLflow integration and custom models
Lecture 5: GPU, preprocessing, data validation and multiple models in BentoML
Lecture 6: Different tools for developing ML services
Lecture 7: Exercise: Using BentoML to develop a ML service
Lecture 8: Exercise Solution: Using BentoML to develop a ML service
Chapter 18: Deploy to Azure Cloud with Azure Container and Azure SDKs
Lecture 1: Introduction to Machine Learning in Cloud
Lecture 2: Putting the ML application into production in Azure Container with Docker
Data Bootcamp
data scientist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 51 votes
- 5 stars: 62 votes
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