Mastering Python 3 Programming
Mastering Python 3 Programming, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 3.44, with 101 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 9 reviews, and has 88 subscribers.
You will learn about Get hands-on experience developing various kinds of Python applications on different platforms, architectures, and tools Build four real-world applications: a stock portfolio, a mortgage refinance analysis tool, an email automation system, and a database-driven web app Create Graphical User Interfaces for desktop and mobile applications Know how to create HTTP-based microservices to build efficient and flexible server architectures Learn lambda expressions, generators, and iterators to speed up your code Gain a solid understanding of multiprocessing and multithreading in Python for parallelism Optimize performance and efficiency by leveraging NumPy, SciPy, and Cython for numerical computations Load large data using Dask in a distributed setting Learn reactive programming in Python This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for Python Programmers who want to extend their skillset to scale their code and improve their code performance. It is particularly useful for This course is for Python Programmers who want to extend their skillset to scale their code and improve their code performance.
Enroll now: Mastering Python 3 Programming
Title: Mastering Python 3 Programming
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 3.44
Number of Lectures: 101
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 101
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 104
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 104
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Get hands-on experience developing various kinds of Python applications on different platforms, architectures, and tools
- Build four real-world applications: a stock portfolio, a mortgage refinance analysis tool, an email automation system, and a database-driven web app
- Create Graphical User Interfaces for desktop and mobile applications
- Know how to create HTTP-based microservices to build efficient and flexible server architectures
- Learn lambda expressions, generators, and iterators to speed up your code
- Gain a solid understanding of multiprocessing and multithreading in Python for parallelism
- Optimize performance and efficiency by leveraging NumPy, SciPy, and Cython for numerical computations
- Load large data using Dask in a distributed setting
- Learn reactive programming in Python
Who Should Attend
- This course is for Python Programmers who want to extend their skillset to scale their code and improve their code performance.
Target Audiences
- This course is for Python Programmers who want to extend their skillset to scale their code and improve their code performance.
Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, makes it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas and on most platforms. If you’re a developer who wishes to build a strong programming foundation with this simple yet powerful programming language Python, then this learning path is for you.
This practical course is designed to teach you the programming aspects of Python 3.x and use them to build powerful applications. You will begin with exploring the new features of this version and build multiple projects to get hold of the topic. You will learn about event-driven, reactive programming, error handling, asynchronous programming, decorators and non-type annotations, descriptors and distributed computing in Python. You will also build high-performance, concurrent applications in Python and also work with some of the powerful libraries such as NumPy and SciPy. Next, you will perform large-scale computations using Dask and implement distributed applications in Python. Finally, you will learn reactive programming with Python to construct robust and responsive applications.
By the end of this course you will be well-versed with the programming concepts in Python 3.x to build Python applications in a better and efficient manner.
Meet Your Expert(s):
We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:
Matthew Macarty has taught graduate and undergraduate business school students for over 15 years and currently teaches at Bentley University. He has taught courses in statistics, quantitative methods, information systems and database design.
Daniel Arbuckle holds a Doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, where he specialized in robotics and was a member of the nanotechnology lab. He now has more than ten years behind him as a consultant, during which time he’s been using Python to help an assortment of businesses, from clothing manufacturers to crowdsourcing platforms. Python has been his primary development language since he was in High School. He’s also an award-winning teacher of programming and computer science.
Mohammed Kashif works as a Data Scientist at Nineleaps, India, dealing mostly with graph data analysis. Prior to this, he was working as a Python developer at Qualcomm. He completed his Master’s degree in computer science from IIIT Delhi, with specialization in data engineering. His areas of interest include recommender systems, NLP, and graph analytics. In his spare time, he likes to solve questions on StackOverflow and help debug other people out of their misery. He is also an experienced teaching assistant with a demonstrated history of working in the higher-education industry.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Real World Projects in Python 3.x
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Setting up the Python Environment
Lecture 3: Getting Started with the pandas_datareader
Lecture 4: Expanding to a List of Symbols
Lecture 5: Adding an Option Menu
Lecture 6: Implementing A Menu
Lecture 7: Defining Functions
Lecture 8: Defining More Functions
Lecture 9: Wrapping Up
Lecture 10: Working with Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Lecture 11: Assigning Events
Lecture 12: Setting Up the Refinance App
Lecture 13: Adding User Input
Lecture 14: Calculating Payments
Lecture 15: Adding Comparison Controls
Lecture 16: Evaluation Function
Lecture 17: Using Python to Send Email
Lecture 18: Working with External Files
Lecture 19: Working with Excel Spreadsheets
Lecture 20: Setting up the Email App
Lecture 21: Reading and Deleting Contacts
Lecture 22: Adding Contacts
Lecture 23: Completing the Email Functionality
Lecture 24: Setting Up the Environment
Lecture 25: Adding an App to the website
Lecture 26: Defining the Model
Lecture 27: Administrating the model
Lecture 28: Creating the Homepage
Lecture 29: Creating the Quotes Page
Chapter 2: Mastering Python 3.x
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Installing Python
Lecture 3: Using the Command Line Tools
Lecture 4: Introducing Kivy and Kv
Lecture 5: Responding to User Actions
Lecture 6: Properties and Basic Reactive Programming
Lecture 7: ReactiveX for More Advanced Reactive Programming
Lecture 8: Writing Our Oware Client
Lecture 9: Introducing Async IO and Coroutines
Lecture 10: Creating an HTTP Microservice with asyncio and aiohttp
Lecture 11: Using ReactiveX Together with asyncio
Lecture 12: Writing Our Oware Server
Lecture 13: Using Type Annotations to Make Our Code More Bug-Resistant
Lecture 14: Using Tests to Find Bugs, and Keep Them from Coming Back
Lecture 15: Test-Driven Development
Lecture 16: Hardening Our Oware Code
Lecture 17: Using Concurrent.futures to Launch and Manage Worker Processes
Lecture 18: Using Multiprocessing to Handle Lower Level Multi-process Concurrency
Lecture 19: Using Subprocess to Handle Very Low Level Multi-process Concurrency
Lecture 20: Optimizing Inter-Process Communication with __getstate__ and __setstate__
Lecture 21: Decorators on Functions and Classes
Lecture 22: Non-Type Annotations as Metadata on Functions and Parameters
Lecture 23: Descriptors to Control Attribute Access
Lecture 24: Context Managers for Active Scopes and RAII
Lecture 25: Distributing Applications in ZipApp Format
Lecture 26: Distributing Libraries in Wheel Format
Lecture 27: Distributing Programs Using PyInstaller
Lecture 28: Compiling Python Using Cython
Chapter 3: High-Performance Computing with Python 3.x
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Exploring Python Datatypes
Lecture 3: Using Lambda Expressions
Lecture 4: Comprehensions for Speedups
Lecture 5: Generators and Iterators
Lecture 6: Using Decorators for Time Analysis
Lecture 7: Introduction to the Threading Module
Lecture 8: Using Threads with Locks
Lecture 9: Global Interpreter Lock
Lecture 10: Multiprocessing in Python
Lecture 11: Using a Pool of Workers
Lecture 12: Introduction to NumPy
Lecture 13: Exploring NumPy Arrays
Lecture 14: Indexing in NumPy Arrays
Lecture 15: Operations and Broadcasting on NumPy Arrays
Lecture 16: Performance Comparison of NumPy Arrays
Lecture 17: Combining SciPy with NumPy
Lecture 18: Introduction to Cython
Lecture 19: Implement a Program Using Cython
Lecture 20: Time Analysis of a Cython Program
Lecture 21: Cython Data Types
Lecture 22: Using Cython Functions
Lecture 23: Combining NumPy and Cython
Lecture 24: Introduction to Numba
Lecture 25: Setting Up Numba
Lecture 26: Creating Your First Program with Numba
Lecture 27: Digging Deeper into Numba
Lecture 28: Threading Using Numba
Lecture 29: Performance Comparison with Numba
Lecture 30: Introduction to Synchronous Programming
Lecture 31: Understanding Asynchronous Programming
Lecture 32: Asynchronous Programming in Python
Lecture 33: Distributed Systems Architecture
Lecture 34: Introduction to Dask
Lecture 35: Setting Up Dask
Lecture 36: Blocked Algorithms and Dask Arrays
Lecture 37: Writing Your First Program Using Dask
Lecture 38: Using @delayed to Parallelize Code
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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