Mastering SQL (Using MySQL, Java, and Go)
Mastering SQL (Using MySQL, Java, and Go), available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 189 lectures, based on 125 reviews, and has 1794 subscribers.
You will learn about Write complex queries to address organizations business queries Perform data analysis using SQL Design and implement your own database (mainly using MySQL and partially using PostgreSQL) Create tables, views, triggers, stored programs, and cursors Design and implement four sample databases Connect MySQL / PostgreSQL to Java and Go (Google Golang) This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers, systems analysts, business analysts, or anyone willing to comfortably write SQL queries to analyze data and to address business needs or Anyone willing to create databases, tables, views, triggers, and stored programs or Anyone who wants to learn how use SQL (mainly MySQL and partially PostgreSQL) in Java and Go (Google Golang) It is particularly useful for Developers, systems analysts, business analysts, or anyone willing to comfortably write SQL queries to analyze data and to address business needs or Anyone willing to create databases, tables, views, triggers, and stored programs or Anyone who wants to learn how use SQL (mainly MySQL and partially PostgreSQL) in Java and Go (Google Golang).
Enroll now: Mastering SQL (Using MySQL, Java, and Go)
Title: Mastering SQL (Using MySQL, Java, and Go)
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 189
Number of Published Lectures: 188
Number of Curriculum Items: 189
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 188
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Write complex queries to address organizations business queries
- Perform data analysis using SQL
- Design and implement your own database (mainly using MySQL and partially using PostgreSQL)
- Create tables, views, triggers, stored programs, and cursors
- Design and implement four sample databases
- Connect MySQL / PostgreSQL to Java and Go (Google Golang)
Who Should Attend
- Developers, systems analysts, business analysts, or anyone willing to comfortably write SQL queries to analyze data and to address business needs
- Anyone willing to create databases, tables, views, triggers, and stored programs
- Anyone who wants to learn how use SQL (mainly MySQL and partially PostgreSQL) in Java and Go (Google Golang)
Target Audiences
- Developers, systems analysts, business analysts, or anyone willing to comfortably write SQL queries to analyze data and to address business needs
- Anyone willing to create databases, tables, views, triggers, and stored programs
- Anyone who wants to learn how use SQL (mainly MySQL and partially PostgreSQL) in Java and Go (Google Golang)
Learning SQL (Structured Query Language), as the most commonly used database language, can be one of the greatest career decisions you make.
SQL is one of the most sought-after skills by hiring employers.
SQL that is the primary language responsible for managing data within a relational database management system (RDBMS) can be easily connected to any programming language.
SQL is a natural language for data analysis that is the center of every decision making process.
SQL is a productive language for writing queries and for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on data.
SQL can be used by data scientists, data analysts, front- and back-end developers, business and systems analysts and in short anyone who’s willing to analyze data.
In this practical course, you will:
Learn CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations
Create complex queries across multiple tables
Analyze data and create reports accordingly
Write complex joins (inner, outer, full)
Write summary queries using aggregate functions
Write sub-queries
Utilize String/Numeric/Datetime functions
Analyze data, group the related data into separate entities (tables), establish relationships (1-1, 1-m, m-m) between tables, and apply referential integrity on tables
Write views, triggers, stored procedures, cursors, and stored functions
Four Comprehensive Assignments: Create four sample databases from scratch, as well as to write advanced queries for each assignment
Assignments: Learn how views, triggers, stored procedures, cursors, and stored functions can interact
Connect MySQL and PostgreSQL to Java
Connect MySQL and PostgreSQL to Go (Google Golang)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Installation
Lecture 1: Welcome to The Mastering SQL (Using MySQL, Java, and Go)
Lecture 2: Sample Course Lectures (Only For Prospective Students)
Lecture 3: A Brief History of SQL and MySQL
Lecture 4: Database Concepts – Part 1 (Data and Tables)
Lecture 5: Database Concepts – Part 2 (Columns, Rows, Tables, and Databases)
Lecture 6: Database Concepts – Part 3 (DBMS, RDBMS, CRUD, and an Example) – Exercise
Lecture 7: MySQL Installation on Windows
Chapter 2: Your First Database
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: First Data Types (INT and VARCHAR)
Lecture 3: Creating & Managing Your First Database
Lecture 4: Creating & Managing Your First Tables
Lecture 5: Inserting Data into Tables
Lecture 6: Querying Data using the SELECT Statement
Lecture 7: Exercise – Working with Databases and Tables
Chapter 3: Retrieving Data – Part 1 (Basics)
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: NULL Values, Testing for NULL Values, Columns Alias, and Equality Operators
Lecture 3: Primary Key, WHERE Clause, and AUTO_INCREMENT
Lecture 4: The DEFAULT Keyword, Logical Operators, and Exercises
Lecture 5: Creating Primary Keys (2nd approach), Simple & Composite Primary Keys – Exercise
Lecture 6: Data Types (DECIMAL, DATE, and ENUM) – Mathematical Operators
Lecture 7: Exercise [DECIMAL, DATE, and ENUM, Mathematical Operators, CONCAT() and LEFT() ]
Lecture 8: Managing Duplicate Rows – DISTINCT and ALL Keywords – Comparison Operators
Lecture 9: Writing Subqueries Using the IN Keyword – The BETWEEN Keyword
Lecture 10: The ORDER BY Clause, and the LIMIT Keyword – Exercise
Lecture 11: Pattern Matching using the LIKE Operator
Lecture 12: Complex Pattern Matching using the REGEXP Operator
Chapter 4: Retrieving Data – Part 2 (Joins)
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Table Joins, Concepts (Inner and Outer Joins)
Lecture 3: Table Joins, Examples
Lecture 4: Inner Joins, Exercise 1,2
Lecture 5: Implicit Inner Joins
Lecture 6: Left Outer Joins, Exercise 4,5
Lecture 7: Right Outer Joins, Exercise 6,7
Lecture 8: Implicit and Explicit Self Joins – Equijoins – The USING Keyword – Exercise
Lecture 9: Cross Joins, UNION, and Full Outer Joins – Exercise 1,2
Lecture 10: Joining Multiple Tables – Exercise 1-3
Chapter 5: Tables & Databases – Part 1 (CRUD Operations)
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating and Dropping Databases and Tables – CRUD Operations – Exercise 1
Lecture 3: Creating Tables using the 'SELECT AS' and 'LIKE' keywords – Exercise 1,2
Lecture 4: Modifying Structure of Tables using the 'Alter Table' Command – Exercise
Lecture 5: Updating Data using the UPDATE statement – Exercise 1,2
Lecture 6: Removing Data using the DELETE statement – Exercise
Chapter 6: Retrieving Data – Part 3 (More Advanced Queries)
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Summary Queries / Aggregate Functions, Part 1 – AVG, MIN, MAX, SUM, COUNT
Lecture 3: Summary Queries / Aggregate Functions, Part 2 – Exercise 1,2
Lecture 4: Summary Queries / Aggregate Functions, Part 3 – Exercise 3,4
Lecture 5: The Group By Clause, Part 1 – Exercise 1-3
Lecture 6: Running MySQL Scripts
Lecture 7: The Group By Clause, Part 2 – Exercise 1,2
Lecture 8: The Group By Clause, Part 3-1 – Exercise 1,2
Lecture 9: The Group By Clause, Part 3-2 – The HAVING Clause – Exercise 3-5
Lecture 10: The Group By Clause, Part 3-3 – Exercise 6
Lecture 11: The Group By Clause, Part 3-4 – Exercise 7,8
Lecture 12: Replacing Inner Joins with Implicit Joins – Exercise 1-5
Lecture 13: Using Subqueries in Different Parts of Queries – Exercise 1-4
Lecture 14: Subqueries – ALL, ANY, and SOME Operators
Chapter 7: Data Types
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Data Types – CHAR, and VARCHAR
Lecture 3: Data Types – Texts, Binary Large Objects, ENUM, and SET
Lecture 5: Implicit and Explicit Data Conversion – CAST(), CONVERT(), FORMAT(), CHAR()
Chapter 8: String & Numeric Functions
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: String Functions – Part 1 (Lower, Upper, Lcase, Ucase)
Lecture 3: String Functions – Part 2 (Concat, Concat_WS, LTrim, RTrim, Trim)
Lecture 4: String Functions – Part 3 (Length, Char_Length, Lpad, Rpad)
Lecture 5: String Functions – Part 4 (Left, Right, Reverse, Repeat, Space)
Lecture 6: String Functions – Part 5 (Replace, Locate, Insert)
Lecture 7: String Functions – Part 6 (Strcmp, Substring)
Lecture 8: String Functions – Exercise 1,2
Lecture 9: Numeric Functions – Part 1 (Mod, Sign, Abs, Ceiling, Floor)
Lecture 10: Numeric Functions – Part 2 (Power, Sqrt, Truncate, Rand) – Exercise
Chapter 9: Date-Time & Miscellaneous Functions
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Datetime Functions – Part 1 (Now, Sysdate, Curdate, Curtime, UTC_Date, …)
Lecture 3: Datetime Functions – Part 2 (Year, Quarter, Month, MonthName, Week)
Lecture 4: Datetime Functions – Part 3 (Day, Hour, Minute, Second, DayOfWeek, …)
Lecture 5: Datetime Functions – Part 4 (Extract)
Lecture 6: Datetime Functions – Part 5 (Date_Format, Time_Format, Get_Format)
Lecture 7: Datetime Functions – Part 6 (Format Specifiers)
Lecture 8: Datetime Functions – Part 7 (Date_add, Date_Sub, DateDiff, TimeDiff, …)
Lecture 9: Datetime Functions – Part 8 – Searching for date/time values – Exercise 1,2
Lecture 10: The Case() Function – Exercise
Lecture 11: The IF() Function
Lecture 12: The IfNull() and Coalesce() Functions
Chapter 10: Tables & Databases – Part 2 (Relationships & Constraints)
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: One-to-One Relationships / Primary and Foreign Keys
Lecture 3: One-to-Many Relationships
Lecture 4: Many-to-Many Relationships
Lecture 5: One-to-One Relationships – Practice
Lecture 6: One-to-Many Relationships – Practice
Lecture 7: Many-to-Many Relationships – Practice (Including an ERD)
Kam Hojati
IT Consultant
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 39 votes
- 5 stars: 80 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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