Mega Python – Pandas, Numpy, ML, APIs, GraphQL, AWS, PySpark
Mega Python – Pandas, Numpy, ML, APIs, GraphQL, AWS, PySpark, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 410 lectures, based on 42 reviews, and has 691 subscribers.
You will learn about One Mega course 50+ hours with 30+ practical topics Pandas, Numpy, Machine Learning, AWS Services, GraphQL, APIs Developments Create and analyze projects via Python Pandas, Numpy libraries and more Learn about building APIs, working with Databases like MongoDB, Cassandra How to use Amazon S3, SQS and other services as a DevOps Work with PySpark and DataFrames Analyze practical projects like Global Earthquakes, Monkey Pox Virus and more.. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who want to explore the world of Python or Anyone who want to transition from Excel into Python or Anyone who want to learn how to do time series analysis on any global financial market instruments. i.e. Stocks, Indexes, Crypto and more or Anyone who wants to have a single mega-course on Python which covers various practical topics It is particularly useful for Anyone who want to explore the world of Python or Anyone who want to transition from Excel into Python or Anyone who want to learn how to do time series analysis on any global financial market instruments. i.e. Stocks, Indexes, Crypto and more or Anyone who wants to have a single mega-course on Python which covers various practical topics.
Enroll now: Mega Python – Pandas, Numpy, ML, APIs, GraphQL, AWS, PySpark
Title: Mega Python – Pandas, Numpy, ML, APIs, GraphQL, AWS, PySpark
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 410
Number of Published Lectures: 387
Number of Curriculum Items: 410
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 387
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- One Mega course 50+ hours with 30+ practical topics
- Pandas, Numpy, Machine Learning, AWS Services, GraphQL, APIs Developments
- Create and analyze projects via Python Pandas, Numpy libraries and more
- Learn about building APIs, working with Databases like MongoDB, Cassandra
- How to use Amazon S3, SQS and other services as a DevOps
- Work with PySpark and DataFrames
- Analyze practical projects like Global Earthquakes, Monkey Pox Virus and more..
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who want to explore the world of Python
- Anyone who want to transition from Excel into Python
- Anyone who want to learn how to do time series analysis on any global financial market instruments. i.e. Stocks, Indexes, Crypto and more
- Anyone who wants to have a single mega-course on Python which covers various practical topics
Target Audiences
- Anyone who want to explore the world of Python
- Anyone who want to transition from Excel into Python
- Anyone who want to learn how to do time series analysis on any global financial market instruments. i.e. Stocks, Indexes, Crypto and more
- Anyone who wants to have a single mega-course on Python which covers various practical topics
Welcome to Mega Python!
This course will guide you through everything you need to know to use Python for practical use and more! I’ve worked for Bloomberg for 17+ years and will present the knowledge to help you in this course.
This course is a ‘Mega Course’, packed with so many practical topics to help you success practically! We’ll cover the following topics:
Python Fundamentals
NumPy for High Speed Numerical Processing
Pandas for Efficient Data Analysis
Matplotlib for Data Visualization
Pandas Time Series Analysis Techniques
Importing financial markets data
Create interactive financial charts with plotly
Time series analysis with indexing, filling and resampling
Create interactive data apps with streamlit
Data visualization with Dash
Why you should listen to me…
In my career, I have built an extensive level of expertise and experience in both areas: Finance and Coding
17 years experience in Bloomberg for the Finance and Investment Industry…
Build various financial markets analytics companies like
ClickAPIs and more
Python & Pandas:
My existing companies extensively used python based models and algorithms
Code, models, and workflows are Real World Project-proven
Best Seller author on Udemy
e.g. PostgreSQL Bootcamp: Go from Beginner to Advanced, 60+ Hours course
Master Redis – From Beginner to Advanced, 20+ hours
Python for Finance
What are you waiting for? Guaranteed Satisfaction: Otherwise, get your money back with 30-day money back guaranteed by Udemy.
Looking Forward to seeing you in the Course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Install python
Lecture 2: Python3 and python
Lecture 3: The python interpreter
Lecture 4: Writing our first python code
Lecture 5: Python IDLE program
Lecture 6: Installing Anaconda
Lecture 7: Create your first python notebook
Lecture 8: Jupyter Notebook – The Dashboard
Lecture 9: Jupyter Notebook – Coding commands
Lecture 10: Setting up IDE – Visual Studio Code
Chapter 2: *** COURSE – NEW UPDATES ***
Lecture 1: New Updates
Chapter 3: Python Strings and Numbers
Lecture 1: Variables and Strings
Lecture 2: Working with Comments
Lecture 3: How to load sample jupyter notebook
Lecture 4: Working with Strings and Numbers
Lecture 5: String functions
Lecture 6: String formatting
Lecture 7: Manipulating String
Lecture 8: Intro to Numbers
Lecture 9: Fun with Numbers
Lecture 10: Numbers – modulus and floor division
Lecture 11: Built-in functions for numbers
Lecture 12: More math functions with math module
Lecture 13: Formatting Numbers
Lecture 14: The double equality sign
Lecture 15: Getting User Input
Lecture 16: Python Operators
Lecture 17: Logical Operators
Lecture 18: Comparison Operators
Lecture 19: Boolean Operators
Chapter 4: Python List
Lecture 1: Python List
Lecture 2: Adding and removing elements in a list
Lecture 3: Popping items from a list
Lecture 4: Removing an item by value
Lecture 5: Sorting a list permanently or temporarily
Lecture 6: Reverse a list
Lecture 7: Avoiding Index errors
Lecture 8: The list() constructor
Lecture 9: Looping an entire list
Lecture 10: Indentation
Lecture 11: Numerical List
Lecture 12: min, max and sum functions
Lecture 13: Negative Indexing
Lecture 14: Multi-diementional list
Lecture 15: Range function
Lecture 16: Looping multi-dimentional list
Lecture 17: Slicing of a list
Lecture 18: Slicing a List Part 2
Lecture 19: Iterate over multiple list
Lecture 20: Check if an item exist or not
Lecture 21: Count total occurrence of an item
Lecture 22: Membership operators
Lecture 23: Find most common item
Lecture 24: Nested List
Lecture 25: List Comprehensions
Lecture 26: List Comprehensions with if clause
Lecture 27: Nested List Comprehensions
Lecture 28: Flatten a list of lists
Lecture 29: Remove duplicates from the list
Lecture 30: Combine lists
Chapter 5: Python Tuple
Lecture 1: Introduction to Tuple
Lecture 2: tuple constructor
Lecture 3: Access tuple items
Lecture 4: Nested Tuples
Lecture 5: Slicing a tuple
Lecture 6: Change Tuple item
Lecture 7: Writing over a tuple
Lecture 8: Concatenation and Repetition
Lecture 9: Iterate through a tuple
Lecture 10: Tuple Sorting
Lecture 11: Tuple Packing & Unpacking
Lecture 12: Tuple count() method
Lecture 13: Tuple index() method
Lecture 14: all() function with Tuples
Lecture 15: any() function with tuples
Lecture 16: sum() function with tuples
Lecture 17: enumerate() function with tuples
Chapter 6: Python Set
Lecture 1: Create, Set Constructor, Add and remove methods
Lecture 2: Find Length, clear all elements, and iterate all elements
Lecture 3: Check if an item exist or not
Lecture 4: pop method
Chapter 7: *** NUMPY ****
Lecture 1: Introduction to Numpy arrays
Lecture 2: array attributes – shape
Lecture 3: array attributes – ndim, size, dtype, nbytes
Lecture 4: Array Data types
Lecture 5: Create arrays from constant values
Lecture 6: Create arrays from space values
Lecture 7: Create arrays from set diagnals
Lecture 8: Create arrays from functions
Lecture 9: Indexing and slicing – Single dimension array
Lecture 10: Indexing and slicing – Multi-dimension array
Lecture 11: Creating views and copies
Lecture 12: Array Indexing
Adnan Waheed
Founder KlickAnalytics and ex-Bloomberg employee
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 29 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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