MERN Stack E-commerce Project: Part 1: Backend Only
MERN Stack E-commerce Project: Part 1: Backend Only, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.66, with 97 lectures, based on 136 reviews, and has 7732 subscribers.
You will learn about Payment integration using Stripe API Documentation & Deployment Payment webHook handling Pagination and filtering techniques Order statistics and analysis Admin process for managing orders Implementing categories and product management Order management system Implementing user authentication and authorization This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers who want to learn about building APIs or Students who are new to web development and want to learn about building APIs or Developers who want to learn about integrating Stripe for payment processing or Engineers who are interested in learning about building e-commerce systems or Individuals who want to learn about building and deploying a full-featured API or Anyone who wants to learn more about building and working with APIs. It is particularly useful for Developers who want to learn about building APIs or Students who are new to web development and want to learn about building APIs or Developers who want to learn about integrating Stripe for payment processing or Engineers who are interested in learning about building e-commerce systems or Individuals who want to learn about building and deploying a full-featured API or Anyone who wants to learn more about building and working with APIs.
Enroll now: MERN Stack E-commerce Project: Part 1: Backend Only
Title: MERN Stack E-commerce Project: Part 1: Backend Only
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.66
Number of Lectures: 97
Number of Published Lectures: 96
Number of Curriculum Items: 97
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 96
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Payment integration using Stripe
- API Documentation & Deployment
- Payment webHook handling
- Pagination and filtering techniques
- Order statistics and analysis
- Admin process for managing orders
- Implementing categories and product management
- Order management system
- Implementing user authentication and authorization
Who Should Attend
- Developers who want to learn about building APIs
- Students who are new to web development and want to learn about building APIs
- Developers who want to learn about integrating Stripe for payment processing
- Engineers who are interested in learning about building e-commerce systems
- Individuals who want to learn about building and deploying a full-featured API
- Anyone who wants to learn more about building and working with APIs.
Target Audiences
- Developers who want to learn about building APIs
- Students who are new to web development and want to learn about building APIs
- Developers who want to learn about integrating Stripe for payment processing
- Engineers who are interested in learning about building e-commerce systems
- Individuals who want to learn about building and deploying a full-featured API
- Anyone who wants to learn more about building and working with APIs.
This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of building and deploying a full-featured API. Throughout the course, students will learn about integrating Stripe for payment processing, pagination and filtering techniques, order statistics and analysis, admin process for managing orders, implementing categories and product management, order management system, building and connecting to the database, implementing user authentication and authorization.
The course begins with an introduction to NodeJS and the basics of building an API. Students will learn how to set up a development environment, create and test API endpoints, and connect to a database. As the course progresses, students will learn about integrating Stripe for payment processing, handling webhooks, pagination and filtering techniques and order statistics and analysis.
Students will also learn about the admin process for managing orders, implementing categories and product management, and order management system. Throughout the course, students will work on real-world projects, giving them hands-on experience and a solid foundation for building and maintaining APIs.
The course also covers best practices for building APIs, including security, performance, and scalability. By the end of the course, students will have a strong understanding of building, testing and deploying APIs, and the skills to take on their next project.
This course is suitable for developers who want to learn about building and deploying APIs, students who are new to web development and want to learn about building and deploying APIs, developers who want to learn about integrating Stripe for payment processing, engineers who are interested in learning about building e-commerce systems, and individuals who want to learn about building and deploying a full-featured API.
Our experienced instructors will be available to provide guidance and support throughout the course. We encourage active participation in class discussions, asking questions and sharing knowledge with fellow students. This course is designed to provide a solid foundation for building APIs and is suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about back-end web development.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Customers Functionalities DEMO
Lecture 2: Admins Functionalities DEMO
Lecture 3: Project Live Preview
Chapter 2: MUST READ – IMPORTANT !!!
Lecture 1: How To Take This Course
Lecture 2: Complete Project Source Code
Chapter 3: START HERE
Lecture 1: Project Features
Lecture 2: Course Paths
Lecture 3: How To Get Help When You Stuck
Lecture 4: Am sorry for my voice
Lecture 5: Folder Structure
Lecture 6: Requirement For This Course
Lecture 7: Advanced Server Setup
Lecture 8: Project Data Modeling Logic
Lecture 1: User Data Model
Lecture 2: Connect To MongoDB Database
Lecture 3: MongoDB Connection String and Environment Variables
Lecture 4: MongoDB in VSCODE
Lecture 5: User Registration Controller Setup
Lecture 6: User Registration Controller
Lecture 7: Hash User Password
Lecture 8: User Login Controller
Lecture 9: Error Handling
Lecture 10: Not Found Route Handler
Lecture 11: How Authentication Works
Lecture 12: Mongoose Warning Fixed
Lecture 1: Generate Token For Login User
Lecture 2: Dummy Profile Controller
Lecture 3: Get Token from Header
Lecture 4: Verify Generated Token
Lecture 5: IsLogin Middleware
Lecture 1: Product Data Model
Lecture 2: Create Product Controller
Lecture 3: Fetching All Products
Lecture 4: Environments In Postman
Lecture 5: Filter Products By Name
Lecture 6: Filter Products By Colors , Brands And Sizes
Lecture 7: Filter Products By Price Range
Lecture 8: Product Pagination
Lecture 9: Pagination Results
Lecture 10: Fetching Single Product
Lecture 11: Update Product
Lecture 12: Delete Product
Lecture 1: Create Categories
Lecture 2: Single, Update, Delete Categories Controller
Lecture 3: Associate Product To Category
Lecture 4: Products Brands CRUD Controller
Lecture 5: Associate Products To Brand Category
Lecture 6: Products Colors CRUD Categories Controller
Lecture 7: Color Model Modified
Lecture 1: Reviews Model
Lecture 2: Create Review Controller
Lecture 3: Avoid Duplication Of Reviews
Lecture 4: Calculate Average Rating
Lecture 1: Order Placement Process
Lecture 2: Order Model
Lecture 3: Dummy Order Controller
Lecture 4: Order Placement Steps
Lecture 5: Order Placement Part 1
Lecture 6: Order Placement Part 2
Lecture 7: Update User Shipping Address
Lecture 1: Stripe Overview And Installation
Lecture 2: Stripe Payment Controller
Lecture 3: Place Order With Payment
Lecture 4: Convert Order Data for Stripe Payment
Lecture 1: WebHook Explained
Lecture 2: Stripe WebHook Integration
Lecture 3: WebHook Error Fixed
Lecture 4: Update Order With Stripe WebHook
Lecture 5: Update Order with Stripe WebHook Error Fixed
Lecture 6: Fetch All Orders
Lecture 7: Fetch Single Order
Lecture 8: Admin Processing Order
Lecture 9: Populate User Orders
Lecture 10: Testing Placement Of Order
Lecture 1: How Coupon Works With It's Model
Lecture 2: Create Coupon Code
Lecture 3: Coupons Validations
Lecture 4: Fetch All Coupons With Days Left
Lecture 5: Applying Coupon To Order
Lecture 6: Single, Delete, Update Coupon Controller
Lecture 1: Cloudinary Keys and Multer Installation
Lecture 2: Upload Images to Cloudinary
Lecture 3: Create Product With Images
Lecture 4: Create Category With Image
Lecture 1: Calculate Total Sum Of Orders
Lecture 2: Average, Minimum and Maximum Order
Masynctech Coding School
Build Apps, Build Futures -
Pretty Akyeremu
Coding Avenue -
Aditya Mandal
MERN stack
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 25 votes
- 5 stars: 104 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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