Microsoft Access SQL: SQL from Absolute Beginners To Expert
Microsoft Access SQL: SQL from Absolute Beginners To Expert, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.62, with 95 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 240 reviews, and has 1341 subscribers.
You will learn about Accelerate your career by mastering all the SQL statements in Microsoft Access Queries and Files Included Master different ways of SELECT statements How to select Unique Records? Filter the result using WHERE clause Master all the Operators that can be used with WHERE clause Different ways to SORT the Result How to LIMIT the result GROUP BY clause Execute all aggregate Functions Create table with all the constraints Advanced ways to join Table Merge columns from multiple columns Create Primary key and Foreign key Code INDEX to Table Add UNIQUE INDEX to Table INSERT Records to a Table How to modify Existing Records Complete Sub-Queries UNION and UNION ALL How to create virtual Table Different ways to Alter the structure of the TABLE DELETE Records from Table DROP a Table ….and much more These SQL queries can also be used with Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server(SQL Server), PostgreSQL and DB2 This course is ideal for individuals who are Absolute beginners who have never used SQL on Microsoft Access SQL or Students who has basic SQL knowledge or Professionals who has basic knowledge of SQL but wish to master SQL on Microsoft Access or Beginners who want to start learning SQL easily without downloading any any tools like Oracle, MySQL, etc or Students who wishes to learn SQL using Microsoft Access(MS Access) can enroll this course. This will also help in learning SQL for Oracle, MySql, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL or The SQL commands learned using MS Access will work similarly on other tools like Oracle, MySql, Ms Sql server, postgresql, sqlite, etc It is particularly useful for Absolute beginners who have never used SQL on Microsoft Access SQL or Students who has basic SQL knowledge or Professionals who has basic knowledge of SQL but wish to master SQL on Microsoft Access or Beginners who want to start learning SQL easily without downloading any any tools like Oracle, MySQL, etc or Students who wishes to learn SQL using Microsoft Access(MS Access) can enroll this course. This will also help in learning SQL for Oracle, MySql, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL or The SQL commands learned using MS Access will work similarly on other tools like Oracle, MySql, Ms Sql server, postgresql, sqlite, etc.
Enroll now: Microsoft Access SQL: SQL from Absolute Beginners To Expert
Title: Microsoft Access SQL: SQL from Absolute Beginners To Expert
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.62
Number of Lectures: 95
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 95
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 98
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 98
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Accelerate your career by mastering all the SQL statements in Microsoft Access
- Queries and Files Included
- Master different ways of SELECT statements
- How to select Unique Records?
- Filter the result using WHERE clause
- Master all the Operators that can be used with WHERE clause
- Different ways to SORT the Result
- How to LIMIT the result
- GROUP BY clause
- Execute all aggregate Functions
- Create table with all the constraints
- Advanced ways to join Table
- Merge columns from multiple columns
- Create Primary key and Foreign key
- Code INDEX to Table
- Add UNIQUE INDEX to Table
- INSERT Records to a Table
- How to modify Existing Records
- Complete Sub-Queries
- How to create virtual Table
- Different ways to Alter the structure of the TABLE
- DELETE Records from Table
- DROP a Table
- ….and much more
- These SQL queries can also be used with Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server(SQL Server), PostgreSQL and DB2
Who Should Attend
- Absolute beginners who have never used SQL on Microsoft Access SQL
- Students who has basic SQL knowledge
- Professionals who has basic knowledge of SQL but wish to master SQL on Microsoft Access
- Beginners who want to start learning SQL easily without downloading any any tools like Oracle, MySQL, etc
- Students who wishes to learn SQL using Microsoft Access(MS Access) can enroll this course. This will also help in learning SQL for Oracle, MySql, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL
- The SQL commands learned using MS Access will work similarly on other tools like Oracle, MySql, Ms Sql server, postgresql, sqlite, etc
Target Audiences
- Absolute beginners who have never used SQL on Microsoft Access SQL
- Students who has basic SQL knowledge
- Professionals who has basic knowledge of SQL but wish to master SQL on Microsoft Access
- Beginners who want to start learning SQL easily without downloading any any tools like Oracle, MySQL, etc
- Students who wishes to learn SQL using Microsoft Access(MS Access) can enroll this course. This will also help in learning SQL for Oracle, MySql, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL
- The SQL commands learned using MS Access will work similarly on other tools like Oracle, MySql, Ms Sql server, postgresql, sqlite, etc
‘This Course covers Microsoft Access SQL with real-time examples and Project which is a real-world application’ but you can apply these SQL queries in Oracle, MySql, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server,SQLite, and DB2′.
“Welcome to the Most In-Depth and Quality Course on Microsoft Access SQL (MS Access SQL) from an Expert”
The Course is full of quality content which you will not find anywhere on the Internet
Learn from an expert who has a passion for training
The Course covers Real Training with the aim to provide knowledge that is similar to corporate training.
Join this course which is the best “Microsoft Access SQL” course. I will show all the syntax of SQL with multiple examples along the way!!!
Want to master the SQL with no previous coding experience and are confused about joining which course on SQL to understand from the basics to an advanced level?
You have come to the right place. This is the most complete and in-depth Course on SQL in UDEMY. If you do not believe me, Please have a look at the Course content carefully and ask a few questions from yourself?
Is the Course taught by a real-time expert? I have more than 15 years of experience as an Instructor and more than 10 years of experience in SQL. I firmly believe that if an Instructor does not have a good experience, he/she will flood the course with poor content.
Is the Course content clear and Precise? I bet you will not get a better Course content than this. Please have a look at all the courses and choose wisely.
Will the Course be In-depth? The Course covers In-Depth knowledge of SQL). The amount of Knowledge which is covered in this course is great.
How is the quality of the Content? In MS Access SQL(Microsoft Access SQL), there is a lot of low-quality content that is spread throughout the internet. Be wise in choosing the course which has the best content which is presented in a good way to provide maximum output.
The course assumes no prior knowledge on MS Access SQL(Microsoft Access SQL) and teaches you from scratch to advanced level
Once you Enroll for this Course, you get lifetime access to this course and you will get all the future updates. you also get a Certification of Completion once you complete the Course.
It helps to learn T-SQLalso.
This will also help you to get Microsoft certification.
This Course is not for DBA(Database Administration) but certainly, helps you to become better.
If you plan to work with Microsoft SQL, it will be extremely helpful.
In short, using this course you can be an expert in any SQL database for beginners to Expert.
This course is useful for Database design as well. I have covered the Naming convention as well.
PHPuses MySQLmostly while Pythonuses PostgreSQLmost of the time. Startups and small organizations might use Microsoft Access SQL.
Microsoft Access is the cheapest database managementtool and you will gain mastery in SQL queries using MS Access 2019.
The SQL queries presented in this course can be used with any database with little changes here and there.
If you are a data scientist or willing to become a data scientist, then SQL is a must and this course helps in data analytics.
Do you want to start on SQL but have no experience with SQL?
If you have some prior knowledge on SQL or if you are a complete fresher, you are at the right place. The Course teaches you to complete SQL right from Scratch to Advanced level.
There’s no risk involved in taking this Course!
This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure that this is the best course on SQLand you can compare the content which is provided in this course against any SQL Course and I guarantee you that you will not get such good structured content anywhere. Still, if you are not completely satisfied with the course, please let us know and we will provide a refund without asking any question.
What if you are stuck?
I personally answer all the questions which are asked here. If you are stuck anywhere, ask a question or you can message me directly and I will answer all your doubts.
Are you getting updated content?
Yes, I keep updating the content always to make sure, I provide all the information to my students.
Once you enroll for this course-
1) Selecting Records from Table – SELECTstatement in SQL
2) Filtering the Records – Using WHEREclause in SQL
3) Sorting Records – Using ORDER BY clause
4) Limiting the result of the result – Using TOPkeyword
5) Grouping data – using GROUP BY clause
6) complete guide with examples of all the Functions – All aggregate functions covered
7) Creating simple and advanced Tables – with constraints and without constraints
9) Inserting records(loading) – with INSERTStatement
10) Updating the records of a Table – Using UPDATEstatement
11) Combining multiple tables – Using UNIONS
12) Joining multiple columns of different tables – Using JOINs
13) Modify table properties – ALTER statement
14) Deleting records from the table – DELETEstatement
15) Removing tables from the database permanently – DROPstatement
Note: This course helps to master SQL using Microsoft Access but it will also help to master SQL if you want to learn Oracle SQL, MySql, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, etc.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome and What you will learn?
Lecture 2: Prepare Sample Database
Chapter 2: How to select Records from a Table
Lecture 1: Simple SELECT Statement
Lecture 2: Selecting Unique Records
Lecture 3: Switch With SELECT
Lecture 4: All SQL Queries used in this Section
Chapter 3: Filter the Records of the Table
Lecture 1: Simple WHERE clause
Lecture 2: Comparison operators
Lecture 3: Arithmetic operators
Lecture 4: Logical operators
Lecture 5: Concatenation operators
Lecture 6: How to check for NULL values
Lecture 7: Check records within a fixed range
Lecture 8: Check records within a fixed set of values
Lecture 9: All SQL Queries used in this section
Chapter 4: LIKE/Wild Cards
Lecture 1: Match characters – Part 1
Lecture 2: Match characters – Part 2
Lecture 3: Match characters – Part 3
Lecture 4: Match characters – Part 4
Lecture 5: Match characters – Part 5
Lecture 6: All SQL Queries used in this section
Chapter 5: Sort and Limit the Result
Lecture 1: Sort based on Column names
Lecture 2: Sort based on column number
Lecture 3: Limit the Result
Lecture 4: All SQL Queries used in this Section
Chapter 6: Group Records and Aggregate Functions
Lecture 1: GROUP BY – Part 1
Lecture 2: GROUP BY – Part 2
Lecture 3: Let us understand about String Functions
Lecture 4: Change the case of a string and select from left or right
Lecture 5: Trim Records
Lecture 6: Compare Strings, Find lengths and Replace strings
Lecture 7: Let us understand about Numerical Functions
Lecture 8: Examples of Numerical Functions
Lecture 9: Date Function
Lecture 10: Function to add Dates
Lecture 11: Function to subtract Dates
Lecture 12: Extract part of Date
Lecture 13: Day Function
Lecture 14: Function related to hour, minute and second
Lecture 15: Now and Time Functions
Lecture 16: Month and Year Functions
Lecture 17: Datevalue Function
Lecture 18: Format Function
Lecture 19: isDate Function
Lecture 20: isNull Function
Lecture 21: isNumeric Function
Lecture 22: CurrentUser Function
Lecture 23: HAVING clause
Lecture 24: All SQL Queries used in this Section
Chapter 7: Data type and Naming Convention
Lecture 1: Data Types in MS Access
Lecture 2: Naming convention in MS Access
Chapter 8: Create Table
Lecture 1: Create Simple Table
Lecture 2: Create table with constraints
Lecture 3: NOT NULL constraint
Lecture 4: UNIQUE Constraint
Lecture 5: Primary Key
Lecture 6: Foreign Keys – Part 1
Lecture 7: Foreign Keys – Part 2
Lecture 8: Foreign Keys – Part 3
Lecture 9: UNIQUE INDEX – Part 1
Lecture 10: UNIQUE INDEX – Part 2
Lecture 11: INDEX
Lecture 12: All Queries used in this Section
Chapter 9: Insert Records and update records
Lecture 1: Inserting Records – Part 1
Lecture 2: Inserting Records – Part 2
Lecture 3: Inserting Records – Part 3
Lecture 4: Change an existing Record
Lecture 5: All SQL Queries used in this section
Chapter 10: Sub Queries
Lecture 1: Sub Queries – Part 1
Lecture 2: Sub Queries – Part 2
Lecture 3: All SQL Queries Used in this Section
Chapter 11: Joining or Combining columns of different Tables
Lecture 1: What is UNION and UNION ALL?
Lecture 2: Example of UNION
Lecture 3: Example of UNION ALL
Lecture 4: Implicit Joins
Lecture 5: Inner Joins
Lecture 6: Left outer join – part 1
Lecture 7: Left outer join – part 2
Lecture 8: Right outer join – part 1
Lecture 9: Right outer join – part 2
Lecture 10: Full outer join
Lecture 11: Cross Join
Lecture 12: All SQL Queries Used in this Section
Chapter 12: Virtual Tables
Lecture 1: Views
Lecture 2: Delete a view
Sandeep Kumar
Founder of a Training company. IT Consultant, Coach, Mentor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 21 votes
- 4 stars: 73 votes
- 5 stars: 142 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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