Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Service (Gen1 & Gen2)
Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Service (Gen1 & Gen2), available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.8, with 63 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 626 reviews, and has 8234 subscribers.
You will learn about Microsoft Azure Data Lake Different tools and scenarios to ingest data in to Data Lake Data Lifecycle and Architecture around Data Lake Use Azure Databricks and HDInsight to process data in ADLS Five layers of security to protect Data Lake Monitor the performance of your Data lake Data Lake optimization Strategy This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in Azure’s big data analytics services or Microsoft Azure Data Engineers or Database and BI developers or Database Administrators or Data Analyst or similar profiles It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in Azure’s big data analytics services or Microsoft Azure Data Engineers or Database and BI developers or Database Administrators or Data Analyst or similar profiles.
Enroll now: Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Service (Gen1 & Gen2)
Title: Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Service (Gen1 & Gen2)
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.8
Number of Lectures: 63
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 63
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 65
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 65
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Microsoft Azure Data Lake
- Different tools and scenarios to ingest data in to Data Lake
- Data Lifecycle and Architecture around Data Lake
- Use Azure Databricks and HDInsight to process data in ADLS
- Five layers of security to protect Data Lake
- Monitor the performance of your Data lake
- Data Lake optimization Strategy
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in Azure’s big data analytics services
- Microsoft Azure Data Engineers
- Database and BI developers
- Database Administrators
- Data Analyst or similar profiles
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in Azure’s big data analytics services
- Microsoft Azure Data Engineers
- Database and BI developers
- Database Administrators
- Data Analyst or similar profiles
Course Introduction
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS) is a cloud-based repository for both structured and unstructured data. For example, you could use it to store everything from documents to images to social media streams.
The most effective way to do big data processing on Azure is to store your data in ADLS and then process it using Spark (which is essentially a faster version of Hadoop) on Azure Databricks.
In this course, you will follow hands-on examples to import data into ADLS and then securely access it and analyze it using Azure Databricks and Azure HDInsight.
You will also learn how to monitor and optimize your Data Lake Storage.
Expected Outcomes
After this course:
You will have a very good understanding of Data lake features and properties
You will learn about different tools and scenarios to ingest data into Data Lake.
You will learn about Data Lifecycle and Architecture around Data Lake
You will be doing end to end demos to ingest, process, and export data using Databricks and HDInsight.
You will learn about 5 layers of Data Security and how to configure them using the Azure portal.
You will also learn about different tools Azure provides to monitor Data Lake Storage service.
And finally, you will learn optimization techniques for Data Lake Storage.
Intended Audience
Anyone interested in learning Azure Data Lake Storage Service
Beginners and intermediate level
I have a few crash courses (Free) for absolute beginners, you can find links on my website.
There is no prerequisite for this course
Basic understanding of Data warehouse and Database, in general, will help you understand quickly.
If you are not comfortable in English, please do not take a course, captions are not good enough to understand the course.
What’s inside
Video lectures, PPTs, Demo Resources, Quiz, Assignment, other important links
Full lifetime access with all future updates
Certificate of course completion
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Some students Feedback
One of the most amazing courses i have ever taken on Udemy. Please don’t hesitate to take this course. The instructor is really professional and has a great experience about the subject of the course. – Khadija Badary
Very nicely explained most of the concepts. a must have course for beginners – Manoranjan Swain
I appreciate this course explaining everything in great detail for a beginner. This will assist me in overcoming challenges at my work – Benjamin Curtis
Good course for Beginners. Labs are really helpful to grasp the concept. Thank you – Sapna
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Before you start…
Lecture 3: Demo Resources and PPT
Chapter 2: Introduction to Azure Cloud Computing
Lecture 1: Create Azure free subscription
Lecture 2: Azure Portal Overview
Lecture 3: Azure Services Overview
Lecture 4: Resource Management group and Subscription
Lecture 5: Resource Groups
Lecture 6: Tagging
Lecture 7: Delete resources and set budget
Chapter 3: Introduction to Azure Data Lake
Lecture 1: Problem Statement
Lecture 2: What is Data Lake
Lecture 3: Data Lake vs Hadoop
Lecture 4: How Data Lake Gen 2 evolved
Lecture 5: Azure Data Lake vs Azure Blob storage
Lecture 6: Provision Azure Data Lake Gen2 Account
Lecture 7: Azure Data Lake Gen 2 account overview
Lecture 8: Hierarchical namespace
Lecture 9: Other Data Lake Gen 2 features
Chapter 4: Data Ingestion
Lecture 1: Tools to Ingest Data in Data Lake
Lecture 2: Demo – Ingest using Portal and SE
Lecture 3: Demo – Ingest Data using azcopy
Lecture 4: Demo: Azure Blob storage to Data Lake Gen2 using Data Factory
Lecture 5: Demo: SQL Server to Data Lake Gen2 using Data Factory
Lecture 6: Demo: Amazon S3 to Data Lake Gen2 using Data Factory
Chapter 5: Data flow around Data Lake
Lecture 1: Data flow around Data Lake
Lecture 2: Data Lake and Transient clusters
Chapter 6: Azure Data Lake Processing through Databricks
Lecture 1: Imp NOTE before you start Demo
Lecture 2: Demo overview
Lecture 3: Demo: Provision Databricks, Clusters and workbook
Lecture 4: Demo: Mount Data Lake to Databricks DBFS
Lecture 5: Demo: Explore, Analyze, Clean, Transform and Load Data
Chapter 7: Azure Data Lake Processing through HDInsight
Lecture 1: Demo overview
Lecture 2: Create Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 (source) and SQL Server (destination)
Lecture 3: What is Managed Identity
Lecture 4: Add Managed Identity to Gen2 and Database accounts
Lecture 5: Create HDInsight Interactive Query Cluster
Lecture 6: Ambari overview and UI
Lecture 7: Ingest dataset in to DataLake storage
Lecture 8: Data Extraction with Hive
Lecture 9: Data transformation with Hive
Lecture 10: Data Export using Sqoop
Lecture 11: Summary
Chapter 8: Security Layers in Data Lake
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Storage Access Keys
Lecture 3: SAS – Shared Access Signature
Lecture 4: Azure Active Directory
Lecture 5: Access Control List (ACL)
Lecture 6: Firewalls and Virtual Networks
Lecture 7: Encryption in Transit
Lecture 8: Encryption at Rest
Lecture 9: Advanced threat protection
Chapter 9: Data Lake Monitoring and Optimization
Lecture 1: Activity Log
Lecture 2: Demo Activity Logs
Lecture 3: Metrics
Lecture 4: Demo: Metrics
Lecture 5: Demo: Insights
Lecture 6: Demo: Alerts
Lecture 7: Diagnostic settings
Lecture 8: Demo: Diagnostic settings
Lecture 9: Optimization
Chapter 10: Practice Tests
Lecture 1: Delete Resources
Chapter 11: Wrapping up
Lecture 1: Bonus Section
Eshant Garg | | LearnCloud.Info | 100,000+ Enrollments
Instructor | LearnCloud.Info | Azure
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 52 votes
- 4 stars: 216 votes
- 5 stars: 351 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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