Microsoft SQL for beginners : ( MS-SQL Server,T-SQL, SSMS )
Microsoft SQL for beginners : ( MS-SQL Server,T-SQL, SSMS ), available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.13, with 54 lectures, based on 486 reviews, and has 21478 subscribers.
You will learn about Create database and Tables Write SELECT Statements Write UPDATE Statements Write DELETE Statements Write SQL Table Join Statements Group data using GROUP BY Clause Filter data various operators Sort data with ORDER BY Clause Exclude duplicate records using DISTINCT Create Stored Procedures Backup and Restore Database Joining data from multiple tables Truncating Tables Aggregating data with Aggregate functions This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners to Microsoft SQL or Beginners to SQL It is particularly useful for Beginners to Microsoft SQL or Beginners to SQL.
Enroll now: Microsoft SQL for beginners : ( MS-SQL Server,T-SQL, SSMS )
Title: Microsoft SQL for beginners : ( MS-SQL Server,T-SQL, SSMS )
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.13
Number of Lectures: 54
Number of Published Lectures: 54
Number of Curriculum Items: 54
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create database and Tables
- Write SELECT Statements
- Write UPDATE Statements
- Write DELETE Statements
- Write SQL Table Join Statements
- Group data using GROUP BY Clause
- Filter data various operators
- Sort data with ORDER BY Clause
- Exclude duplicate records using DISTINCT
- Create Stored Procedures
- Backup and Restore Database
- Joining data from multiple tables
- Truncating Tables
- Aggregating data with Aggregate functions
Who Should Attend
- Beginners to Microsoft SQL
- Beginners to SQL
Target Audiences
- Beginners to Microsoft SQL
- Beginners to SQL
The volume of data available is huge and increasing daily. Structured Query Language -SQL (pronounced as sequel) is the standard language used to communicate and interact with data stored in relational management database systems like Microsoft SQL Server Oracle, PostgreSQL,MySQL etc.
Different database management systems have their own proprietary version of the SQL language but they all conform to using some commands in SQL the same way. Microsoft SQL Server’s version of SQL is known as Transact-SQL (T-SQL). In this course you will learn the basics of the SQL language and Transact-SQL since both use certain commands in the same way.
T-SQL is also popularly referenced to as T-Sequel .In this course you will learn all the basics of T-SQL. We will discuss the T-SQL features step by step. We will be using SQL Server Express 2014 (which is a free download). As a sample, we will use AdventureWorks 2014 as our database. Along the way, we will be creating our own t-SQL queries to get data into a database and also out of a database. But AdventureWorks 2014 will be our main focus. As far as T-SQL, we will start with the simple select statements and add new features as we go. I will introduce you to the data types available so you can make the appropriate selection when creating a column. Then, we will talk about joins, functions, tables, procedures, triggers, indexes, and much more. By the time you are done with this course, you will be very comfortable using T-SQL.
This course will provide you with the basic knowledge and skills to create queries using Transact-SQL. It will teach you how to select, filter and sort data from multiple tables and how to use views and stored procedures. You will also be familiar with SQL Server Management Studio 2014 also known in the tech industry as SSMS. This is the tool you will use to write and see the output of your T-SQL queries.
What You will learn includes:
Installing SQL Server
Install SSMS
Basic Database Concepts
Creating Database
Creating Table
Creating Views
Creating stored procedures
Reading data from a database
Updating database records
Backing up database
Deleting Records
Truncating Table
Dropping Table
Dropping Database
Restore Database
Query Multiple Database Tables
Change query output column names using case expressions
Perform Various table joins
Filter records and remove duplicates
Write basic T-SQL Statements
Understand T-SQL TOP Command
Understand Normalisation
Know how to use SSMS
Create Views
Create Stored Procedures
Understand NULL Values
Data Types
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Microsoft SQL Database Server Setup
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is SQL
Lecture 3: What is T-SQL
Lecture 4: What is SQL Server
Lecture 5: Minimum SQL Server Installation Requirements
Lecture 6: SQL Server Editions
Lecture 7: SQL Server Download
Lecture 8: SQL Server Installation
Lecture 9: Installing SSMS
Lecture 10: Connecting to SQL Server with SSMS
Lecture 11: Install Sample Database
Lecture 12: Basic Database Concepts
Chapter 2: Microsoft SQL (T-SQL) Commands
Lecture 1: TOP Command
Lecture 2: GO Command
Lecture 3: USE Command
Chapter 3: Microsoft SQL CRUD Operations
Lecture 1: What is CRUD
Lecture 2: Creating a new database
Lecture 3: Creating a new table
Lecture 4: Inserting Records
Lecture 5: Reading Data from table
Lecture 6: Views
Lecture 7: Updating Records
Lecture 8: Backing up database
Lecture 9: deleting records
Lecture 10: Truncating a Table
Lecture 11: Stored Procedures
Lecture 12: Dropping a Table
Lecture 13: Dropping a database
Lecture 14: Restoring a database
Chapter 4: Filtering Data
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Filtering data with equality filters
Lecture 3: Filtering data with basic comparison filters
Lecture 4: Filtering data with logical comparison filters
Lecture 5: Filtering data with string comparison filters
Chapter 5: Sorting Data
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: ORDER BY Clause
Lecture 3: Sorting by Ascending
Lecture 4: Sorting by descending
Lecture 5: Sorting by multiple columns
Chapter 6: Extracting data from Multiple Tables using Joins
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Why is Table Join Necessary
Lecture 3: INNER JOIN
Chapter 7: Aggregate Functions
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: COUNT
Lecture 3: AVG
Lecture 4: MAX
Lecture 5: MIN
Lecture 6: SUM
Lecture 7: Using Multiple Aggregate Functions
Lecture 8: Grouping Data with GROUP BY Clause
Lecture 9: Thank You
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Making Learning Simple
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 12 votes
- 3 stars: 62 votes
- 4 stars: 172 votes
- 5 stars: 231 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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