Mobile App Development for Beginners
Mobile App Development for Beginners, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.25, with 53 lectures, based on 40 reviews, and has 2232 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn how to decide what tools and languages to use to develop apps Understand the basics of mobile app development Know what concepts like push notifications, modals, and deep links mean Compare and contrast software architectures like MVC, MVP, and MVVM Build an Android app hands-on using Kotlin and Android Studio Develop an iOS app hands-on using Swift and XCode Create a Flutter app hands-on using Dart and Visual Studio Code Learn how to run an app on an emulator, simulator, and device This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone that has an idea for a mobile app and doesn't know how to start building it or Anyone that wants to learn the basics of mobile app development or Anyone that wants to work as a mobile app developer It is particularly useful for Anyone that has an idea for a mobile app and doesn't know how to start building it or Anyone that wants to learn the basics of mobile app development or Anyone that wants to work as a mobile app developer.
Enroll now: Mobile App Development for Beginners
Title: Mobile App Development for Beginners
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 53
Number of Published Lectures: 53
Number of Curriculum Items: 53
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 53
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn how to decide what tools and languages to use to develop apps
- Understand the basics of mobile app development
- Know what concepts like push notifications, modals, and deep links mean
- Compare and contrast software architectures like MVC, MVP, and MVVM
- Build an Android app hands-on using Kotlin and Android Studio
- Develop an iOS app hands-on using Swift and XCode
- Create a Flutter app hands-on using Dart and Visual Studio Code
- Learn how to run an app on an emulator, simulator, and device
Who Should Attend
- Anyone that has an idea for a mobile app and doesn't know how to start building it
- Anyone that wants to learn the basics of mobile app development
- Anyone that wants to work as a mobile app developer
Target Audiences
- Anyone that has an idea for a mobile app and doesn't know how to start building it
- Anyone that wants to learn the basics of mobile app development
- Anyone that wants to work as a mobile app developer
In this course you will learn the basics of mobile app development and get hands-on experience creating an Android, iOS, and Flutter app.
Have you ever wondered how mobile apps are created or had an idea for an app you wanted to create? With so many tools and programming languages available to create apps, it can be confusing and even overwhelming for a beginner to decide where to start. We’ll be taking a look at the main tools and get a high level understanding of the pros and cons of each. Based on your goals for the mobile application that you want to build, you’ll be able to decide what tech stack will be the best fit.
First we will dive into the various concepts you’ll hear in the industry, like push notifications, modals, deep links, and share sheets. If you are looking to create a mobile app, there are certain features that users will expect to see based on the landscape of modern mobile apps they are used to interacting with on a daily basis. Under-the-hood, the code for any well-built mobile app follows a software architecture pattern like MVC, MVP, or MVVM. This course will cover the major architectures utilized in mobile app development in an easy to understand way.
We’ll build three mobile app projects hands-on in this course: an Android app using Kotlin, an iOS app using Swift, and a cross-platform Flutter app using Dart. These industry standard technologies are used by millions of professional developers daily to create the most popular apps you are used to using from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Software development is not just a theoretical topic, but a topic you need hands-on, practical coding experience to get good at. Each section will go over how to create a project in that tech stack, laying out the user interface elements, coding the logic, and running the app on an emulator, simulator, or physical device. By the end of this course you will be well-versed in the basics of mobile app development and have the tools and skills you need to take an idea for an app and turn it into a real product.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What should you use to build mobile apps?
Chapter 2: Mobile App Development Concepts
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: User Interface (UI)
Lecture 3: User Experience (UX)
Lecture 4: System Bar, Navigation Bar, and Action Bar
Lecture 5: Modals
Lecture 6: Toasts
Lecture 7: Push Notifications
Lecture 8: App Icons
Lecture 9: App Icon Badges
Lecture 10: Deep Links
Lecture 11: First Time User Experience (FTUE)
Lecture 12: Analytics Events
Lecture 13: Hamburger Menus
Lecture 14: Share Sheets
Lecture 15: Web Views
Lecture 16: Section Summary
Chapter 3: Mobile App Architecture Patterns
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Lecture 3: Model-View-Presenter (MVP)
Lecture 4: Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
Lecture 5: Model-View-Intent (MVI)
Lecture 6: View-Interactor-Presenter-Entity-Router (VIPER)
Lecture 7: Section Summary
Chapter 4: Developing an Android app using Kotlin
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Android Development Concepts
Lecture 3: Download & Install Android Studio for Mac
Lecture 4: Download & Install Android Studio for Windows
Lecture 5: Creating a Project
Lecture 6: Laying out the UI
Lecture 7: Coding the logic
Lecture 8: Running the app
Lecture 9: Section Summary
Chapter 5: Developing an iOS app using Swift (Mac only)
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: iOS Development Concepts
Lecture 3: Download & Install XCode for Mac
Lecture 4: Creating a Project
Lecture 5: Laying out the UI
Lecture 6: Coding the logic
Lecture 7: Running the app
Lecture 8: Section Summary
Chapter 6: Developing a cross-platform app using Flutter & Dart
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Flutter Development Concepts
Lecture 3: Download & Install Visual Studio Code for Mac
Lecture 4: Download & Install Visual Studio Code for Windows
Lecture 5: Creating a Project
Lecture 6: Laying out the UI
Lecture 7: Coding the logic
Lecture 8: Running the app
Lecture 9: Section Summary
Chapter 7: Course Summary & Wrap-Up
Lecture 1: Course Summary & Wrap-Up
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Robert Gioia
Senior Solutions Architect | Android | iOS | Game Dev | C#
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 17 votes
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