MySQL creating and managing relational databases
MySQL creating and managing relational databases, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 76 lectures, based on 117 reviews, and has 12741 subscribers.
You will learn about MySQL SQL databases relational databases CRUD creating databases in MySQL managing databases loading data from files saving data to files joining tables managing tables with multilevel relations This course is ideal for individuals who are beginner database administrators or beginner database developers or students or people who need to organize their data systems or researchers or everyone interested It is particularly useful for beginner database administrators or beginner database developers or students or people who need to organize their data systems or researchers or everyone interested.
Enroll now: MySQL creating and managing relational databases
Title: MySQL creating and managing relational databases
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 76
Number of Published Lectures: 76
Number of Curriculum Items: 76
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 76
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- databases
- relational databases
- creating databases in MySQL
- managing databases
- loading data from files
- saving data to files
- joining tables
- managing tables with multilevel relations
Who Should Attend
- beginner database administrators
- beginner database developers
- students
- people who need to organize their data systems
- researchers
- everyone interested
Target Audiences
- beginner database administrators
- beginner database developers
- students
- people who need to organize their data systems
- researchers
- everyone interested
The course is designed for people who have not had contact with the SQL language yet, but want to learn how to work with relational databases. In the course, we discuss all the necessary issues, work with examples and exercises, starting from the basics: what is SQL and how to install and run a local MySQL server on your home computer, how to use SQL itself from both the console and MySQL Workbench. Then we discuss the topic of CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete where we discuss all these activities in detail. The next stage will be text and aggregate functions where you will learn to modify the results of database queries. Next, an important step will be learning how to create queries with a logic layer and calling the appropriate conditions that will make the query result dependent on their fulfillment. Finally, we discuss the topic of relations – their types, how to create and invoke, handle them or activate events with triggers. At the end of the course, we will work on the data set in several tables connected by relations. In each section you will also find additional exercises that will allow you to check your knowledge and skills as well as notes summarizing the issues discussed.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: 1. Preparation of the environment
Lecture 1: One monitor tip
Lecture 2: Resources
Lecture 3: Meet your instructor
Lecture 4: Use this setting when needed
Lecture 5: 1.1. SQL Language
Lecture 6: Installation note
Lecture 7: 1.2. MySQL Workbench Installation
Lecture 8: 1.3. MySQL Console and Workbench navigation, creating and deleting databases
Lecture 9: 1.3. Excesises #1 – #4 *
Chapter 2: 2. CRUD – Basics
Lecture 1: 2.1. Types of data
Lecture 2: 2.2. Defining tables and inserting values
Lecture 3: 2.2. Exercises #5, #6 *
Lecture 4: 2.3. Advanced variables
Lecture 5: 2.3. Exercise #7 *
Lecture 6: 2.4. Data display (part.1 – selected range)
Lecture 7: 2.5. Data display (part.2 – limiting and selecting)
Lecture 8: 2.5. Exercises #8 – #11 *
Lecture 9: 2.6. Aliases
Lecture 10: 2.6. Exercise #12 *
Lecture 11: 2.7. Code to copy
Lecture 12: 2.7. Updating data and removing it
Lecture 13: 2.7. Exercise #13 *
Lecture 14: 2.8. Windows support for UTF-8
Lecture 15: 2.8. Loading data from files
Lecture 16: 2.8. Exercise #14 **
Lecture 17: 2.8. Small note for further materials
Lecture 18: 2.9. Accessing any location on the computer
Lecture 19: 2.9. Saving data to files
Lecture 20: 2.9. Exercise #15 **
Chapter 3: 3. Text functions
Lecture 1: 3. Text functions
Lecture 2: 3.1. Combining text
Lecture 3: 3.2. Selecting parts of the text
Lecture 4: 3.2. Exercise #16 **
Lecture 5: 3.3. Replacing text
Lecture 6: 3.3. Exercise #17 *
Lecture 7: 3.4. Inverting, number and size of characters, unique values, breaking the text
Lecture 8: 3.4. Exercise #18 *
Lecture 9: 3.5. Ordering
Lecture 10: 3.5. Exercise #19 *
Lecture 11: 3.6. Search for text
Lecture 12: 3.6. Exercises #20 – #22 **
Chapter 4: 4. Aggregative functions
Lecture 1: 4. Aggregative functions
Lecture 2: 4.1. Counting
Lecture 3: 4.1. Exercises #23, #24 *
Lecture 4: 4.2. Grouping
Lecture 5: 4.2. Exercise #25 *
Lecture 6: 4.3. Descriptive statistics
Lecture 7: 4.3. Exercises #26 – #28 **+
Chapter 5: 5. Dates
Lecture 1: 5.1. Storing and using dates
Lecture 2: 5.2. Operations on dates
Chapter 6: 6. Logic
Lecture 1: 6. Logic
Lecture 2: 6.1. Logical operators
Lecture 3: 6.1. Exercises #29 – #35 **+
Lecture 4: 6.1. Exercise #36 ****
Lecture 5: 6.2. Transformations and choices lists
Lecture 6: 6.2. Exercise #37 **
Lecture 7: 6.3. Conditions
Lecture 8: 6.3. Exercise #38 ***
Chapter 7: 7. Relations
Lecture 1: 7. Relations
Lecture 2: 7.1. Relational tables
Lecture 3: 7.2. Reference to other tables
Lecture 4: 7.3. Multiple tables queries
Lecture 5: 7.3. Exercise #39 ***
Lecture 6: 7.4. Code to copy
Lecture 7: 7.4. Types of joins – theory (Join part.1)
Lecture 8: 7.4. Exercise #40 *
Lecture 9: 7.5. Deleting entries from tables with references
Lecture 10: 7.6. Joining two tables (Join part.2)
Lecture 11: 7.6. Exercises #41 – #44 **
Lecture 12: 7.7. Joining more than two tables (Join part.3)
Lecture 13: 7.7. Exercise #45 *****
Lecture 14: 7.7. Exercises #46 – #51 ****
Lecture 15: 7.8. Triggers
Lecture 16: Thank you
Lecture 17: The end note
Lecture 18: Learn more
Krzysztof Raczynski
Research Professor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 19 votes
- 5 stars: 91 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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