MySQL for Beginners
MySQL for Beginners, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 58 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 1566 reviews, and has 22456 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a Well Structured Database Handle a Database with good efficiency Create a Database that can handle itself on most conditions Create MySQL Queries that are efficient and clear Understand the errors as they occur and rectify them Administrate the Database with Ease Create SQL Queries for Database Driven Applications Spot abnormality in Database Table Database Structure as needed for good design Indexing Tables for Better Performance Good practices to be followed This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for people who are new Databases or SQL or All who are willing to learn MySQL or Web Developers or Programmers or Application Developers or If there is anywhere a word called MySQL in things you want to learn then is the right course for you It is particularly useful for This course is for people who are new Databases or SQL or All who are willing to learn MySQL or Web Developers or Programmers or Application Developers or If there is anywhere a word called MySQL in things you want to learn then is the right course for you.
Enroll now: MySQL for Beginners
Title: MySQL for Beginners
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 58
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 60
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a Well Structured Database
- Handle a Database with good efficiency
- Create a Database that can handle itself on most conditions
- Create MySQL Queries that are efficient and clear
- Understand the errors as they occur and rectify them
- Administrate the Database with Ease
- Create SQL Queries for Database Driven Applications
- Spot abnormality in Database Table
- Database Structure as needed for good design
- Indexing Tables for Better Performance
- Good practices to be followed
Who Should Attend
- This course is for people who are new Databases or SQL
- All who are willing to learn MySQL
- Web Developers
- Programmers
- Application Developers
- If there is anywhere a word called MySQL in things you want to learn then is the right course for you
Target Audiences
- This course is for people who are new Databases or SQL
- All who are willing to learn MySQL
- Web Developers
- Programmers
- Application Developers
- If there is anywhere a word called MySQL in things you want to learn then is the right course for you
MySQL Database Being the Second most widely used Relational Database makes it one of the database to learn if you are looking forward to develop a database driven application.
Are you a Web Developer? An Application Developer? or A Programmer? Then MySQL Database should be one of the Mandatory Database in your “To Learn” list. If you don’t know MySQL yet or if you are new to any database then this is your go to course to learn SQL and also MySQL Database.
If you are learning or want to learn PHP, PYTHON, PEARL or RUBY then you should learn MySQL as well as this is the Database that is used by most of the developer who prefer the previously mentioned programming languages. If you are Web Developer and you don’t know MySQL yet then most won’t recommend you to call yourself as a Web Developer yet.
MySQL is one of the most used and go to database for pretty much all the web developer who pick PHP, PEARL or Python without a second thought.
What does this Course cover?
- Installation of MySQL Server in your Local System
- Setting up and Configuring MySQL Database Server
- Creating a Database with data
- Maintaining the Database
- Designing a better database
- Covers all the basic you should know to create a complex database driven application with MySQL
Materials Included with this Course:
- Course has around 50 Videos and will grow with time
- Materials will be updated regularly
- Sectional wrap up with a document containing all the Query Syntax
- Instructor Help when needed by student (Discussion Board)
Why should you take this course?
- If you don’t have any idea about SQL, MySQL or Database this course is for you as it starts from scratch
- You want to create a database(MySQL) driven application? All you need to create the database and write queries for the same will be covered
- Maintaining you database with Ease even if you have no experience with MySQL
- Some concepts are taught in such a way you will learn them as you practice them and implement in your own way for better involvement and learning.
The course follows a typical flow of topic which is considered best for learning the MySQL Database. The learning curve of SQL is also a part of this course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Course
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Introduction to MySQL
Lecture 3: Few Instructions to Students
Chapter 2: Getting the Development Environment Ready
Lecture 1: Installation of MySQL Database Server in WIndows
Lecture 2: Installation of MySQL Database Server in Ubuntu [Linux]
Lecture 3: Installation MySQL Database Server in MAC OSX
Lecture 4: Introduction to MySQL Console in WIndows
Lecture 5: Introduction to MySQL Console in Ubuntu [Linux]
Lecture 6: Introduction to MySQL Console in MAC OSX
Lecture 7: Sectional Wrap-up
Lecture 8: Wrap-up Document
Chapter 3: Beginning with MySQL Basics
Lecture 1: Creating a Database – CREATE DATABASE
Lecture 2: Creating a Table – CREATE TABLE
Lecture 3: Inserting Values into Table – INSERT INTO
Lecture 4: Retrieving Values from Table – SELECT
Lecture 5: Selecting Distinct Values from Column – DISTINCT
Lecture 6: Selecting a Specific Data using WHERE Clause
Lecture 7: Selecting with Multiple Identifiers Using AND
Lecture 8: Selecting with One of Many Identifiers Using OR
Lecture 9: Sorting the Data Using ORDER BY
Lecture 10: Limiting the Data Retrieved Using LIMIT
Lecture 11: Updating or Modifying Data in a Table Using UPDATE
Lecture 12: Deleting a Data from a Table Using DELETE
Lecture 13: Deleting a Table – DROP TABLE
Lecture 14: Deleting all values in Table – TRUNCATE TABLE
Lecture 16: Altering Table Structure – ALTER TABLE
Lecture 17: Sectional Wrap-up
Lecture 18: Wrap-up Document
Chapter 4: Time to Jump in for More
Lecture 1: Selecting Data with a Range – BETWEEN
Lecture 2: Creating Alias Name for a Column – AS
Lecture 3: Selecting Data which has one of Multitple Values – IN
Lecture 4: Using LIKE and WILDCARDS
Lecture 5: Copy Table with INSERT INTO SELECT
Lecture 6: Copy a Table Struture – CREATE TABLE LIKE
Lecture 7: Copy Table with Certain Columns – INSERT INTO SELECT
Lecture 8: Combine the Tables – UNION
Lecture 9: Sectional Wrap-up
Lecture 10: Wrap-up Document
Chapter 5: Few things that Keeps the Database in Shape
Lecture 1: Keeping Database in Shape
Lecture 2: PRIMARY KEY
Lecture 3: UNIQUE KEY
Lecture 4: FOREIGN KEY
Lecture 5: NOT NULL
Lecture 7: DEFAULT
Lecture 8: Sectional Wrap-up
Lecture 9: Wrap-up Document
Chapter 6: Using Joins to Combine Tables
Lecture 1: INNER JOIN
Lecture 2: LEFT JOIN
Lecture 3: RIGHT JOIN
Lecture 4: FULL JOIN
Lecture 5: Sectional Wrap-up
Lecture 6: Wrap-up Document
Chapter 7: Concluding the MySQL with More to Come
Lecture 1: Don't Stop Now
Lecture 2: A Set of Requests
Lecture 3: Lets Connect to Each Other
Lecture 4: Thank you Students
Vasandkumar Kunasekaran
Certified Software & Cloud Developer.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 35 votes
- 2 stars: 52 votes
- 3 stars: 216 votes
- 4 stars: 537 votes
- 5 stars: 726 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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