MySQL Interview Questions Preparation Course
MySQL Interview Questions Preparation Course, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 34 lectures, based on 19 reviews, and has 289 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand MySQL Learn important concepts of MySQL Answer interview questions on MySQL Demand higher salary or promotion based on the knowledge gained!! This course is ideal for individuals who are Absolute beginner in MySQL or Anyone who wants to appear in MySQL interview or Software Engineer, Sr. Software Engineer, Member Technical Staff, Expert or Software Architect, Development Manager, Director or Anyone who wants to learn MySQL It is particularly useful for Absolute beginner in MySQL or Anyone who wants to appear in MySQL interview or Software Engineer, Sr. Software Engineer, Member Technical Staff, Expert or Software Architect, Development Manager, Director or Anyone who wants to learn MySQL.
Enroll now: MySQL Interview Questions Preparation Course
Title: MySQL Interview Questions Preparation Course
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 34
Number of Published Lectures: 34
Number of Curriculum Items: 34
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 34
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand MySQL
- Learn important concepts of MySQL
- Answer interview questions on MySQL
- Demand higher salary or promotion based on the knowledge gained!!
Who Should Attend
- Absolute beginner in MySQL
- Anyone who wants to appear in MySQL interview
- Software Engineer, Sr. Software Engineer, Member Technical Staff, Expert
- Software Architect, Development Manager, Director
- Anyone who wants to learn MySQL
Target Audiences
- Absolute beginner in MySQL
- Anyone who wants to appear in MySQL interview
- Software Engineer, Sr. Software Engineer, Member Technical Staff, Expert
- Software Architect, Development Manager, Director
- Anyone who wants to learn MySQL
MySQL is one of the most popular and useful technology in Data Science and Software Development world. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use MySQL. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Software Development and Data Science field. Data Engineer and Software Engineers with MySQL knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without MySQL knowledge.
In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on MySQL in Software Development. I will explain you the important concepts of MySQL.
You will also learn the benefits and use cases of MySQL in this course.
What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?
Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.
It is good to learn MySQL for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on MySQL, you can not convert your MySQL knowledge into higher salary.
What are the topics covered in this course?
We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on MySQL, MySQL queries, MySQL deep concepts and MySQL tricky questions etc.
How will this course help me?
By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for MySQL interview questions. We have already compiled the list of most popular and latest MySQL Interview questions.
Are there answers in this course?
Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.
What is the best way of viewing this course?
You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in MySQL field.
What is the level of questions in this course?
This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.
What happens if MySQL concepts change in future?
From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on MySQL.
What are the sample questions covered in this course?
Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:
- How will you calculate the number of days between two dates in MySQL?
- What are the different types of Triggers in MySQL?
- What are the differences between Heap table and temporary table in MySQL?
- What is a Heap table in MySQL?
- What is the difference between BLOB and TEXT data type in MySQL?
- What will happen when AUTO_INVREMENT on an INTEGER column reaches MAX_VALUE in MySQL?
- What are the advantages of MySQL as compared with Oracle DB?
- What are the disadvantages of MySQL?
- What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR datatype in MySQL?
- What is the use of ‘i_am_a_dummy flag’ in MySQL?
- How can we get current date and time in MySQL?
- What is the difference between timestamp in Unix and MySQL?
- How will you limit a MySQL query to display only top 10 rows?
- What is automatic initialization and updating for TIMESTAMP in a MySQL table?
- How can we get the list of all the indexes on a table?
- What is SAVEPOINT in MySQL?
- 17. What is the difference between ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT and RELEASE SAVEPOINT?
- How will you search for a String in MySQL column?
- How can we find the version of the MySQL server and the name of the current database by SELECT query?
- What is the use of IFNULL() operator in MySQL?
- How will you check if a table exists in MySQL?
- How will you see the structure of a table in MySQL?
- What are the objects that can be created by CREATE statement in MySQL?
- 24. How will you see the current user logged into MySQL connection?
- How can you copy the structure of a table into another table without copying the data?
- What is the difference between Batch and Interactive modes of MySQL?
- How can we get a random number between 1 and 100 in MySQL?
- What is the difference between Primary key and Candidate key?
- What is a Federated table in MySQL?
- How will you get the comma separated values for a column in a MySQL Group query?
- How can we get the results from a table in a random order in MySQL?
- How can we prevent duplicate records in a MySQL table?
- How will you eliminate duplicate values from a query result in MySQL?
- How will you get the size of data in a MySQL table?
- What is the option in Amazon Web Services for MySQL?
- How can we manage multiple MySQL servers?
- How will you migrate your SQL Server database to MySQL?
- What is the difference between MySQL and Oracle?
- What is the order of privileges in MySQL?
- Is it ok to mention a table name in lower case while creation and in uppercase while retrieving data from MySQL DB?
- Why this query does not work in MySQL?
- What is mysqldump?
- What is the limitation of mysqldump?
- Can we run Javascript or Python code in MySQL?
- What are user-defined variables in MySQL?
- How will you optimize a SELECT query in MySQL?
- What are the different optimization techniques in MySQL?
- How can we optimize INSERT query in MySQL?
- How will you make MySQL system secure against attackers?
- How can you protect your MySQL server against Denial of Service attacks?
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Why should you learn MySQL Interview Questions?
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Disclaimer
Lecture 3: What are the differences between Heap table and temporary table in MySQL?
Lecture 4: What are the different types of Triggers in MySQL?
Lecture 5: What is a Heap table in MySQL?
Lecture 6: What is the difference between BLOB and TEXT data type in MySQL?
Lecture 7: What are the advantages of MySQL as compared with Oracle DB?
Lecture 8: What are the disadvantages of MySQL?
Lecture 9: What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR datatype in MySQL?
Lecture 10: What is the use of 'i_am_a_dummy flag' in MySQL?
Lecture 11: How can we get current date and time in MySQL?
Lecture 12: How will you limit a MySQL query to display only top 10 rows?
Lecture 13: How can we get the list of all the indexes on a table?
Lecture 14: What is the difference between ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT and RELEASE SAVEPOINT?
Lecture 15: Find the version of the MySQL server and name of current database.
Lecture 16: How will you check if a table exists in MySQL?
Lecture 17: What are the objects that can be created by CREATE statement in MySQL?
Lecture 18: How to copy the structure of a table into another table without copying data?
Lecture 19: How can we get a random number between 1 and 100 in MySQL?
Lecture 20: What is a Federated table in MySQL?
Lecture 21: How can we get the results from a table in a random order in MySQL?
Lecture 22: How will you eliminate duplicate values from a query result in MySQL?
Lecture 23: What is the option in Amazon Web Services for MySQL?
Lecture 24: How will you migrate your SQL Server database to MySQL?
Lecture 25: What is the order of privileges in MySQL?
Lecture 26: Why this query does not work in MySQL?
Lecture 27: What is the limitation of mysqldump?
Lecture 28: What are user-defined variables in MySQL?
Lecture 29: How will you optimize a SELECT query in MySQL?
Lecture 30: What are the different optimization techniques in MySQL?
Lecture 31: How can we optimize INSERT query in MySQL?
Lecture 32: How will you make MySQL system secure against attackers?
Lecture 33: How can you protect your MySQL server against Denial of Service attacks?
Lecture 34: Bonus Lecture: What next?
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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