MySQL – Statistics for Data Science & Business Analytics
MySQL – Statistics for Data Science & Business Analytics, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 275 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 551 reviews, and has 7177 subscribers.
You will learn about SQL – MySQL for Data science. Write complex SQL queries across multiple tables. Relational databases versus non relational databases. Learn how to code in SQL Sampling distribution with practical simulation apps and answering of important technical questions. Confidence level and Confidence interval. Distinguish and work with different types of distributions . Inferential and Descriptive statistics with collection of important quizzes and examples . One sample mean t test . Two sample means t test . How to calculate P value using manual and direct method ? What is after data analysis ? Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis . Understand What is P value ? Data types and Why we need to study data types ? What is Type one error ? Relationship between Type one error and Alpha ( non confident probability ) Is Normal distribution and t distributions are cousins ? Projects like Estimation of goals in premier league ( using confidence interval ) , and more .. and more to learn it What is "double edged sword of statistics" ? Practical significance versus statistical significance , and more and more to learn it This course is ideal for individuals who are People interested to learn programming and SQL for data science or Beginners in programming or Beginners in data science or Beginners in MySQL databases for data science or Anyone needs to learn statistics from beginner to advanced level . or Statistics for data science or Statistics for data analysis or Marketing analyst or AP statistics or beginner in business intelligence It is particularly useful for People interested to learn programming and SQL for data science or Beginners in programming or Beginners in data science or Beginners in MySQL databases for data science or Anyone needs to learn statistics from beginner to advanced level . or Statistics for data science or Statistics for data analysis or Marketing analyst or AP statistics or beginner in business intelligence.
Enroll now: MySQL – Statistics for Data Science & Business Analytics
Title: MySQL – Statistics for Data Science & Business Analytics
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 275
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 275
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 283
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 283
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- SQL – MySQL for Data science.
- Write complex SQL queries across multiple tables.
- Relational databases versus non relational databases.
- Learn how to code in SQL
- Sampling distribution with practical simulation apps and answering of important technical questions.
- Confidence level and Confidence interval.
- Distinguish and work with different types of distributions .
- Inferential and Descriptive statistics with collection of important quizzes and examples .
- One sample mean t test .
- Two sample means t test .
- How to calculate P value using manual and direct method ?
- What is after data analysis ?
- Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis .
- Understand What is P value ?
- Data types and Why we need to study data types ?
- What is Type one error ?
- Relationship between Type one error and Alpha ( non confident probability )
- Is Normal distribution and t distributions are cousins ?
- Projects like Estimation of goals in premier league ( using confidence interval ) , and more .. and more to learn it
- What is "double edged sword of statistics" ?
- Practical significance versus statistical significance , and more and more to learn it
Who Should Attend
- People interested to learn programming and SQL for data science
- Beginners in programming
- Beginners in data science
- Beginners in MySQL databases for data science
- Anyone needs to learn statistics from beginner to advanced level .
- Statistics for data science
- Statistics for data analysis
- Marketing analyst
- AP statistics
- beginner in business intelligence
Target Audiences
- People interested to learn programming and SQL for data science
- Beginners in programming
- Beginners in data science
- Beginners in MySQL databases for data science
- Anyone needs to learn statistics from beginner to advanced level .
- Statistics for data science
- Statistics for data analysis
- Marketing analyst
- AP statistics
- beginner in business intelligence
300+ Lectures/Articles lectures include real life practical projectsand examples for people need to learn SQL – MySQL for data science and statistics
Enjoy practice 25 Apps/Projects in SQL – MySQL for dataanalytics and learn Statistics for data science .
This is the Complete 2021 Bootcamp , Two courses in ONE COURSE .
Do you like jobs in MySQL for data science ?
Do you like jobs in Machine learning ?
Do you like jobs in Marketing analyst ?
Do you like jobs in Programming for data science ?
Do you like jobs in Business analysis and business intelligence ?
If the answer is yes , then all of the above needs MySQL and Statistics for data science .
Who prepared this course material ?
This course material is prepared from highly experienced engineers worked in a leader companies like Microsoft , Facebook and google .
After hard working from five months ago we created 300+ Lectures/Articles to cover everything related to SQL – MySQL & statistics for data science .
In no time with simple and easy way you will learn and love SQL for data science and statistics .
We stress in this course to make it very spontaneous to make all students love SQL and statistics for data science.
Who’s teaching you in this course ?
I’m senior developer and chief data science engineer . i worked for many projects related to expert systems and artificial intelligence .
Also i worked as Tutor and consultant trainer with a leader international companies located in USA and UK .
I spent over five months of hard working to create 300+ Lectures/Articles in super high quality to make all students enjoy and love SQL for data science and statistics.
I’m sharing a lot of practical experiencefrom my own work with you in this course .
Why learn MySQL or SQL ?
MySQL is a popular database platform for businesses because it is extremely easy to use. It is commonly used in combination with web development and data science . You hear “it’s easy to work with” a lot in relation to computer languages, but MySQL truly is simple.
For instance, someone with little to no knowledge of MySQL can easily establish a database .
Of course, a lot of hosting providers make this process even simpler by handling all the necessary tasks for new website administrators, but it doesn’t detract from the point that MySQL is relatively easy to use.
I could not imagine data science without databases .
What is my final goal after my students enroll in this course ?
My final goal is to make all students and engineers love SQL for data science and statistics .
My big challenge in this course is to make it professional course at the same time it should be very easy and simple for all People .
Therefore you will notice that i used a lot of graphics and imaginary ideas to make you LOVE SQL for data science and statistics
So, what are you waiting for? Click the “Take this course” button, and let’s begin this journey together!
What is course contents ?
Starting introduction to data science and data analysis .
Understand programming basics for data science
learn SQL – MySQL basics .
Write all the SQL joins
Create Foreign key and primary key in MySQL databases .
Learn how to start and stop MySQL server .
Analyze data using Aggregate Functions .
Read and import external CSV files into MySQL database .
Export MySQL database table contents into CSV file .
Awesome Projects and examples like :-
How Mr. Genie helped us to find all fishes in the sea ?
Mr. Genie power versus statistics power
The double edged sword of statistics
Help fisherman to catch Tuna using sampling distribution
Ice Cola example with student’s t distribution .
Estimation of goals in premier league ( using confidence interval ) .
One sample mean t test .
Two sample mean t test .
Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis .
What is P value ?
How to calculate P value using manual and direct method ?
Two mini stories for TWO PROJECTS related to hypothesis testing
Project one is how Sarah used “one sample mean t test” for Ice Cola factory to prove that her brother Ibrahim is innocent ?
Project two how Sarah used “two sample mean t test” for Ice Cola factory to help her brother Ibrahim to increase Ice Cola sales in winter ?
… more and more
…. and more and more course contents
#SQL #MySQL #MySQL-for-data-science #SQL-for-Data-science
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course orientation
Lecture 1: Download Course Syllabus and contents
Lecture 2: What will you get from this course ?
Lecture 3: Bookmark and Accessing course slides , codes , apps and projects
Lecture 4: How to learn and get most of the course
Lecture 5: Download Cornell notes and learn how to use it .
Lecture 6: Which part of the course matched to me ?
Chapter 2: An Introduction to SQL – MySQL – Data Science
Lecture 1: Available Jobs for data analysis or data science .
Lecture 2: Comparison between SQL , Python , and R language
Lecture 3: Understand Why MySQL for Data analysis ?
Lecture 4: Learning programming for data analysis is something easy or complex to learn it
Lecture 5: High-level overview about course projects
Lecture 6: SQL language is the romance language of data.
Lecture 7: Relational databases versus Non relational database
Lecture 8: Understand What is DBMS ?
Lecture 9: What is after data analysis?
Lecture 10: MySQL advantages and disadvantages
Lecture 11: MySQL installation on windows Machine
Lecture 12: install MySQL on MacOSx machine
Chapter 3: Your first MySQL Activity
Lecture 1: Learn how to Start, stop MySQL server using Command Prompt
Lecture 2: Learn how to Import external database to MySQL server
Chapter 4: App 2 ( Pele versus Maradona ) Who was better?
Lecture 1: Learn how to Create database and tables , columns and inserting data
Lecture 2: Use MySQL query to know which scored goals per game over 50%
Chapter 5: App 3 ( MySQL data types )
Lecture 1: Understand data types and the difference between Float and Decimal
Chapter 6: App 4 ( Select Statement in MySQL )
Lecture 1: Understand how select statement works and the order to retrieve data
Chapter 7: App 5 ( MySQL alter table )
Lecture 1: Understand how to add , delete , rename and modify MySQL tables
Chapter 8: App 6 ( primary and foreign key )
Lecture 1: The idea behind foreign and primary key in MySQL database
Lecture 2: Learn how to create relational tables using primary and foreign key
Chapter 9: App 7 ( MySQL where clause )
Lecture 1: Understand MySQL where clause
Chapter 10: App 8 ( ORDER BY clause )
Lecture 1: Sorting table columns Ascending Order or Descending order
Chapter 11: App 9 (MySQL Logical operators "AND" ,"OR" )
Lecture 1: Understand logical operators in MySQL like AND , OR , EQUAL , "NOT EQUAL"
Chapter 12: App 10 ( IN operator )
Lecture 1: Learn how to use range of values using "MySQL IN operator"
Chapter 13: App 11
Lecture 1: Understand "Date" variable and CAST from number to date .
Chapter 14: App 12 ( BETWEEN operator )
Lecture 1: Find payments whose amount is between two values using "BETWEEN" operator
Chapter 15: App 13 ( Limit clause )
Lecture 1: Using LIMIT clause syntax with two arguments
Chapter 16: App 14 ( Joins )
Lecture 1: Use “JOIN” clause to find ONLY common fruits types
Chapter 17: App 15 ( joins )
Lecture 1: Continue use “JOIN” clause to find common fruits types
Chapter 18: MySQL aggregate functions
Lecture 1: Understand What is the benefit of Aggregate Functions in data analysis ?
Chapter 19: Project 1
Lecture 1: What you need before you start this project ?
Lecture 2: MySQL Business Case of DVD rental store
Chapter 20: Project 2
Lecture 1: Part1 : Investigate MySQL DB to help students in debt crisis
Lecture 2: Part 2 : Investigate MySQL DB to help students in debt crisis
Chapter 21: Project 3
Lecture 1: Which State in USA Has The Worst Drivers ?
Chapter 22: Bonus 1 : Introduction to NOSQL ( MongoDB )
Lecture 1: Understand Why Mongo DB in data analytics ?
Lecture 2: Understand What is the best language used for MongoDB ?
Lecture 3: Advantages and disadvantages of MongoDB
Lecture 4: Install Mongodb server on windows machine
Lecture 5: Install MongoDB on MacOSX
Lecture 6: Learn Write your first MongoDB query using JavaScript
Chapter 23: Project 4: data analysis project without programming
Lecture 1: Which state in USA Has The Worst Drivers ?
Chapter 24: Project 5: data analysis project without programming
Lecture 1: Statistical Analysis of the Work of Bob Ross
Chapter 25: Refresher : Data analysis introduction
Lecture 1: Refresher part
Lecture 2: Refresher: Is programming for data science easy or hard ?
Lecture 3: Refresher: Collection about important questions related to data science
Lecture 4: Refresher: Be patient for interview questions
Lecture 5: Refresher: People are panic from robot jobs
Chapter 26: Refresher : Data Analytics – Careers and robot jobs
Lecture 1: Refresher part
Lecture 2: Refresher: High demand for hiring data analysis engineer
Chapter 27: Refresher : Statistics for data analysis -Example about programming and big data
Lecture 1: Refresher part
Lecture 2: Refresher: Run your first SQL command without any previous experience
Lecture 3: Refresher: Note the difference between SQL and English language
Lecture 4: Refresher: What is big data ?
Lecture 5: Refresher: Professional answer about what is big data ?
Lecture 6: Refresher: What is OVERLOADS in a big data ?
Lecture 7: Understand 3'Vs ( Volume , variety , velocity ) in Big data
Chapter 28: Refresher : What is after data analysis ?
Lecture 1: Refresher: What is after data analysis ?
Mahmoud Ali
System analyst , Consultant , AI engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 33 votes
- 2 stars: 18 votes
- 3 stars: 37 votes
- 4 stars: 63 votes
- 5 stars: 400 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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