.NET: Master Serverless Architecture using .NET: 2-in-1
.NET: Master Serverless Architecture using .NET: 2-in-1, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4, with 35 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 8 reviews, and has 117 subscribers.
You will learn about Build serverless applications end-to-end using Microsoft Azure and .NET example Build serverless architectures using cloud-based APIs, cloud data storage, and security Build a Serverless Architecture with an Internet of Things (IoT) example application Explore other types of cloud-based APIs such as Search Service and Application Insights for customer Interaction and tracking performance Front-end your APIs and Business logic with API Management Understand the advantages of serverless architecture How to get started with the tools and SDKs required to work with Azure and AWS Learn by example how to check performance and debug your application This course is ideal for individuals who are .NET developers who would like to learn about serverless architectures. or Software developers/engineers who, already familiar with building simple serverless applications with .NET for Azure and would like to explore in depth how to work with newer advancements and technologies. It is particularly useful for .NET developers who would like to learn about serverless architectures. or Software developers/engineers who, already familiar with building simple serverless applications with .NET for Azure and would like to explore in depth how to work with newer advancements and technologies.
Enroll now: .NET: Master Serverless Architecture using .NET: 2-in-1
Title: .NET: Master Serverless Architecture using .NET: 2-in-1
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 35
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 35
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 37
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 37
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build serverless applications end-to-end using Microsoft Azure and .NET example
- Build serverless architectures using cloud-based APIs, cloud data storage, and security
- Build a Serverless Architecture with an Internet of Things (IoT) example application
- Explore other types of cloud-based APIs such as Search Service and Application Insights for customer Interaction and tracking performance
- Front-end your APIs and Business logic with API Management
- Understand the advantages of serverless architecture
- How to get started with the tools and SDKs required to work with Azure and AWS
- Learn by example how to check performance and debug your application
Who Should Attend
- .NET developers who would like to learn about serverless architectures.
- Software developers/engineers who, already familiar with building simple serverless applications with .NET for Azure and would like to explore in depth how to work with newer advancements and technologies.
Target Audiences
- .NET developers who would like to learn about serverless architectures.
- Software developers/engineers who, already familiar with building simple serverless applications with .NET for Azure and would like to explore in depth how to work with newer advancements and technologies.
Serverless architecture allows you to build and run applications and services without having to manage the infrastructure. Many companies have started adopting serverless architecture for their applications to save money and improve scalability.
The goal of the course is to you get acquainted with the Function-as-a-Service offering from Microsoft Azure and Azure Functions. After understanding Serverless Architectures, the course will dwell into triggers and how to use them in code to react to events that occur in several Azure Services.
This comprehensive 2-in-1 course is a step-by-step tutorial to mastering serverless architecture techniques with testing, securing, automating deployment, and more! Design and set up data flows between cloud services and custom business logic. Build scalable, reliable, and cost-efficient applications with serverless architectures. Migrate your existing .NET applications to a serverless architecture.
Contents and Overview
This training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.
The first course, Going Serverless with .NET, covers Testing, securing, automating deployment, and more! Design serverless architectures for your applications with Microsoft Azure as the cloud service provider and using the .NET Core runtime. Understand serverlessarchitecture, its advantages and disadvantages. Set up the Azure environment and test a simple serverless function using AWS platform. From here you will learn to build a real multi-tier, a serverless application with C# as the scripting language. You will also learn to build, test and deploy the Middle tier application along with Data and Presentation tiers. Finally, you will look at testing, securing and authenticating your serverless application. By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the knowledge to build scalable and cost-efficient .NET applications with serverless architectures.
The second course, Serverless Architecture using .NET: Advanced Techniques, covers mastering serverless architecture techniques. Learn about IoT Solution Architecture and get into the meat of Azure IoT Hub including deploying IoT Hub, simulating devices, sending and receiving messages and building ServerlessIoT Solutions using Azure Functions and IoT Hub. Finally, the course will cover advanced Azure services like API Gateways, Azure App Insights, Azure Search and Azure Billing. By the end of this course, you will be well familiar with the advanced techniques in Serverless Architecture.
By the end of the course, you’ll master serverless architecture techniques with testing, securing, automating deployment, and more!
About the Author
- Dan Baileyhas over 15 years’ commercial experience developing and supporting successful software, working mainly for multinational companies and holding increasingly senior positions. He also taken an active interest in the open source community and contribute to technical forums. Over the years he has enjoyed working with people of many nationalities and backgrounds and have worked with a large range of technologies, and used several programming languages, including .NET and Java. He’s implemented and taken lead roles for large-scale industrial solutions. His experience started with trusted languages such as C and C++, all the way through to the latest .NET and Java frameworks. He’s an expert in many communication protocols including REST/HTTP, TCP/IP, web services, and in particular associated design patterns, which are ever more important for connecting systems together. Modern factories are smart and connected in the age of the Internet of Things. He’s has been at the cutting edge of software development across this domain, for well-known global companies who manufacture mobile phones, and automotive electronics, for example. Software quality and performance are paramount at all times. Over recent years he’s been the inventor and lead architect for new event-driven communication standard used in Internet of Things industrial products. Dan holds a first-class honors Master’s degree in engineering, and is a chartered engineer with the IEE, UK in addition to several other certifications. He’s published several white papers on different software subjects. Outside software-related work, Dan spends his time with his family, and enjoy cycling and part time football coaching.
- Manojis currently working with Microsoft Australia as a Cloud Solutions Architect. In his current role, he enables Cloud and Enterprise Customers to design, position, sell and deploy and troubleshoot Microsoft Azure Cloud Solutions. Prior to Microsoft, Manoj worked with AWS as an Ecosystem Solutions Architect, as an AWS Senior Technical Trainer and as Technical Instructor with DDLS, Sydney specializing on Microsoft Infrastructure Solutions. In his earlier role as a Partner Technical Consultant, he has delivered many technical webcasts/talks/Practice Accelerator Workshops. System Center Suite, Forefront UAG, PowerShell and Virtualization to educate, evangelize and create awareness on new Microsoft technologies and drive adoption. In his earlier roles, Manoj worked as a Trainer and as a Tier 3 Windows Support Engineer managing the Windows Component of a major US Retail Chain Client IT Infrastructure. He absolutely LOVES technical training and is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) since January 2008 along with other Microsoft and Citrix Certifications. He has recorded screencasts for Microsoft TechNet EDGE and is passionate about blogging on Microsoft Technologies especially PowerShell. In his spare time, he loves spending time with loved ones, watching movies, listening to soft music and enjoys long bike rides. You can follow him on twitter.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Going Serverless with .NET
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Creating Cloud Service Accounts
Lecture 3: Development Environment
Lecture 4: Serverless Function with Azure
Lecture 5: Serverless Function with AWS
Lecture 6: Understanding Serverless
Lecture 7: Application Design
Lecture 8: Building the Middle Tier
Lecture 9: Testing and Deploying the Middle Tier
Lecture 10: Building the Data Tier
Lecture 11: Testing and Deploying the Data Tier
Lecture 12: Building the Presentation Tier
Lecture 13: Deploying the Presentation Tier
Lecture 14: Configuring Authentication
Lecture 15: Second Development Iteration User Interface Tier
Lecture 16: Adding Serverless Function
Lecture 17: Logging and Debugging
Chapter 2: Serverless Architecture using .NET: Advanced Techniques
Lecture 1: The Course Overview
Lecture 2: Concept of Serverless Functions
Lecture 3: Deploying and Testing a Function in Azure
Lecture 4: Using Queue Trigger with a Function
Lecture 5: Using Time Trigger with a Function
Lecture 6: Using Blob Trigger with a Function
Lecture 7: IoT Solution Architecture
Lecture 8: Create an Azure IoT Hub
Lecture 9: Create a Device Identity Using .Net SDK
Lecture 10: Create a Device App using the .NET SDK
Lecture 11: Receive Device-To-Cloud Messages
Lecture 12: Running the Apps
Lecture 13: Azure Functions with IoT Hub
Lecture 14: Azure API Management
Lecture 15: Azure Application Insights
Lecture 16: Azure Search Service
Lecture 17: Azure Billing Service
Lecture 18: Course Summary
Packt Publishing
Tech Knowledge in Motion
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
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